joliemahua · 3 years
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@konorebi18-blog @naka-mushoku @cardiac-spookshine-blog @leanejang @starglisteningeyes @eyyyohhh333-blog @meizozo @camiwan @ankosakura @raniranio @law0080 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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joliemahua · 3 years
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@konorebi18-blog @naka-mushoku @cardiac-spookshine-blog @leanejang @starglisteningeyes @eyyyohhh333-blog @meizozo @camiwan @ankosakura @raniranio @law0080 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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joliemahua · 5 years
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joliemahua · 5 years
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two bros chillin in the tub give feet apart ‘cause they’re responsible and following cdc directives to practice social distancing and help flatten the curve, even though they’re young and low-risk, because this is a crisis of public health not an individual threat
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joliemahua · 5 years
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Winter Vocaloids!
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joliemahua · 5 years
random vocaloid headcanons
miku has hydrophobia. when she was a child she almost drowned and ever since shes kept having nightmares about it.
meiko used to get into fights when she was younger and became one of the most feared street warriors back in the day. she still owns a pair of brass knuckles from that point in her life
kaito wears his scarf all the time, regardless of the weather or the outfit hes wearing with it. it was a gift from his deceased parents so its essentially a comfort object for him
luka, despite not being one to show emotion most of the time, is a terrible liar. her hand and eye motions give her away.
rin has a habit of being extremely blunt and real with people. sometimes she has no clue what to filter tho and apologizes profusely when she hurts peoples feelings.
len has a lot of pent up stress and frustration that he doesnt talk about. he mainly prefers to shove his emotions to the side so that they dont get in the way of more “practical” things.
gumi hate hate HATES sudden loud noises. they give her panic attacks and cause her great anxiety. it takes a while for her to recover from these.
gakupo used to live in a fucking MANSION with these rich snobby parents who never really paid attention to him or gave him any proper discipline. he ran away from home bc he wanted to be a great samurai like his ancestors, much to his parents’ disapproval (as samurai no longer exist)
lily has social anxiety. due to her gruff exterior, people tend to think that shes scary and avoid her. shes not trying to be intimidating, but others cant see that.
oliver fucking LOVES pokemon. like hes OBSESSED with it. his favorite pokemon is chatot bc it reminds him of james (his bird). despite this he absolutely sucks competitively and mostly just plays the games for fun.
yohio barely gets any sleep. he feels it is his responsibility to take care of the house since his dad is….distant and oliver is only 12. he can relate heavily to gumi bc of this.
yuma is pretty much stoned a large percentage of the time. he makes some of his best art when hes high, though, so he doesnt really give a fuck.
mizki is selective mute and prefers to speak in sign language. the only time she does speak is to sing, because BOI she loves singing with all her heart and has a beautiful voice.
piko unironically makes sonic and undertale ocs. its ok, though, because he enjoys it and it makes him happy. he and len sometimes draw together.
ia is like the DEFINITION of lazy. she wakes up super late and cant be assed to get out of bed in the morning unless its super important.
haku works at a cafe and goes drinking with meiko every friday night. she originally wanted to be a singer, but she couldnt and now she complains about her stupid dead end job.
neru is one of hakus regular customers. she too dreams of being a singer, and the two of them plan on becoming a two-girl group.
galaco is….a bitch. like, a HUGE bitch. the kind of bitch that smiles in your face and shakes your hand while stealing your wallet with the other. shes a bitch.
fukase is also a bitch. theyre bitches together. despite the fact that galaco is a bitch she treats him with legit kindness despite the fact that he has a severely burned face due to a house fire that he may or may not have started
yuki is possibly possessed by demons?? either that or shes just an EXTREMELY demonic child. shes always talking about how she wants to take over the world but no one believes her bc shes like 9
ryuto loves to deliberately annoy people EXCEPT for his sister gumi bc he knows shes got some sort of problem that she doesnt talk about. he wants to know what it is but feels left out bc hes just a kid.
kiyoteru is like the coolest teacher ever. he loves his students with all his heart and does NOT tolerate bullying. despite this he is totally oblivious to the fact that yuki is obviously satanic
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joliemahua · 5 years
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Bandaged Yoosung kept reminding me of Vocaloid Oliver soo…
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joliemahua · 5 years
it’s dark! | GHOST feat. OLIVER, Fukase, Kagamine Len & Utatane Piko
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joliemahua · 5 years
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Hello! Roach here, with a special announcement! At a long last, a well beloved engloid is getting an update. In fact, not to VOCALOID4 but the now in development VOCALOID5. Along with this announcement, YAMAHA was willing to allow a special announcement that within VOCALOID5 there will be more options as well, such as:    
-Live tuning: with this, you can now have a more interactive display to tune the pitch, speed, and etc. Additionally, there is an option for it to automatically play what it sounds like after being changed.   
 -Simpler design, and tutorial: To support newcomers, the system will have a tutorial of how everything works if they prefer. This can be turned off in settings.   
 -Added samples: Added into the editor will be a set of samples of vocaloids mimicking things often found in songs, like sudden shifts in tempo and etc. Nothing too extreme here. 
 To keep excitement for this new program, YAMAHA withheld more features until a sooner date. POWERFx still aren’t planning to continue VOCALOID, so they are withdrawing and leaving it to VOCATONE. VOCATONE is collaborating with YAMAHA for now. While it may seem unlikely, VOCATONE convinced YAMAHA, that it would be a worthwhile collaboration to spread VOCALOID’s influence in the western area. 
 Now about OLIVER’s voicebank, he is confirmed to have 2 banks in one. One is a power bank due to complaints about how soft his voice is. The first one is similar to his V3, to stay loyal. It’s a lot clearer as well, no worries. His normal design is simple to pay homage to dappleback. The power design included is simply something done for fun, and isn’t considered the official, though the physical will include a postcard of it. No further details will be leaked beyond this, and I hope you support it.
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joliemahua · 5 years
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Give it back!
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joliemahua · 5 years
rats… we’re the rats
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joliemahua · 5 years
First dream of 2019
I had a dream a black goat followed me everywhere. Someone then told me it only wants anything that’s red. For some reason, I knew it wanted my blood then I woke up.
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joliemahua · 5 years
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joliemahua · 5 years
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joliemahua · 5 years
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319 notes · View notes
joliemahua · 5 years
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joliemahua · 5 years
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