jollyhellhound · 11 days
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Lithuanian grass weaving
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jollyhellhound · 2 months
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jollyhellhound · 2 months
Getting to a place where I could be alone is nice. Back in Texas the people I hung out with the most. Multiple weeks would go by between us hanging out but now I'm truly alone. It's just me and it's nice. I prefer it, always have always will.
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July 30, 1929 Journals of Anais Nin 1927-1931 [volume 4]
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jollyhellhound · 3 months
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Veronica Roth // Charlotte Eriksson
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jollyhellhound · 3 months
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jollyhellhound · 4 months
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jollyhellhound · 4 months
myself from the past
i'll assume this "me"
as if you didn't exist
the past is in my head
i'll take back my love
as if you didn't exist
i side with my demons
carve away the pain
as if you didn't exist
throwing it all away
bury myself in the earth
as if i didn't exist
"untitled 2."
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jollyhellhound · 4 months
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Let it hurt, then let it heal.
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jollyhellhound · 4 months
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Foggy sunrise at the lake last Tuesday.
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jollyhellhound · 4 months
no one knows it's both the beauty of it and the curse there are days when i enjoy the opportunity to pretend everything isn't as it is be like someone, live like someone i'm not truly but other days i wish i could shout about it could make you understand force you into my shoes so it wouldn't be so easy to dismiss me graze over things that suffocate me sometimes i wish i didn't have to consider if i need to explain it, or pretend it doesn't bother me how you mock something you don't know of me
~how easily you assume we're the same
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jollyhellhound · 5 months
---Carnal Art---
"Please me so good that I'll always remember you" know that I would because what else am I to do?
I did my part but I was broken by a few that's why my heart will never be a half of two
I wish it could and one day change my current view but there I stood giving backshots to someone new
how did this start? painting strokes of red, purple, blue this carnal art painting flesh like it's all I knew
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jollyhellhound · 6 months
cherish the sensations which
remind you of your humanity -
even suffering and despair are
precious indicators of life.
i encourage you to feel,
in fact, i demand it;
do so with utmost haste, before
you become numb to the pain,
like me.
"severed nerves."
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jollyhellhound · 6 months
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jollyhellhound · 6 months
The earth rumbles its disapproval,
The clouds thick across the sky.
To the right of me,
There is darkness.
Flashes of light,
A familiar swirling of navy blues and grays.
To the left,
There is light.
The sun shining beyond the puffy wall,
Somewhere, I'm sure.
The clouds move quickly,
Pulling darkness,
Then light-
Then darkness again,
Almost quick enough to shock you.
However, it makes me laugh.
To see myself reflected in such
A natural environment
Is an odd feeling.
Perhaps flipping through emotions-
Colors, hues, violence, simplicity.
Perhaps I was made to be like the sky
In this way.
From storms to a spring breeze;
From despair,
To mercy.
Light, dark, light, dark.
I've never been a fan of
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jollyhellhound · 6 months
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jollyhellhound · 6 months
“What we do not know lies in darkness. / The way the unsayable rests at the back of the tongue. / So let us sing of it—for the earth is a dark loam / and the night sky an unfathomable darkness.”
— Danusha Laméris, Bonfire Opera: Poems; “O Darkness”
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jollyhellhound · 6 months
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