For the most part, Olly didn't get jealous on dates. He was confident in his sexuality and reasonably comfortable in his own skin. Though he had a penchant for dating terrible men, or crushing on unattainable sexy blonde straight men, he tried not to let too much get him down. At the end of the day, if things weren't meant to be, they simply wouldn't be! He liked to keep things as light and jovial as humanly possible, and all he could hope for from tonight was for Teddy to have a nice time.
He'd been nothing but understanding and wholly respectful of the fact that Teddy lacked experience as far as dating men went, and Olly knew that it wasn't an easy thing to put yourself out there the way the other man was doing right now. He admired him for that! It actually only made him all the more charming and endearing to Olly, somehow! Which was saying a lot, given that Teddy was more handsome than could be legally required, and as friendly too!
"I hope this place is okay?" Olly flushed, cheeks tinged pink as he took a seat in the restaurant that he'd chosen for the two of them. The place in question was a personal favourite of Olly and Jude's; Somewhere the two of them went that they knew guaranteed them a quiet, peaceful night where they could tuck themselves away into a happy, quiet corner, as well as a place that ensured them some of the finest food in the city.
Ever the gentleman, Teddy had pulled out Olly's chair and waited for him to be seated before sitting across from him - albeit that he'd seemed a little flustered himself when doing so, but once again he was earning himself heaps of brownie points as far as Olly was concerned!
As he dropped his gaze to take in the menu in front of him - though, there really was no need! Olly knew it back to front by now! - his phone buzzed against the table and he frowned. He hated to have his phone out during outings, especially on dates, but he liked to have it on hand in case of emergencies. Jude could get a little down in the dumps when Olly wasn't around, and he hated to see his best friend hurting. Throwing Teddy an apologetic smile, he pinched his phone from the table and spared a glance at it.
Ah. Mabel Francis. With a shake of his head and a fond smile, Olly swiped away the notification and shoved the phone squarely into his pocket this time.
"Sorry about that. That was so rude of me! Mabel - she's a patient of mine! Well, no, her cat's a patient of mine, actually. Her cat's name is Suzy, and, well, Mabel worries. A lot! She worries about every little thing, so she has my personal number for whenever she has any questions or concerns, ya know? I like to make sure I can reassure her any time that little Suzy's doing just swell!" Olly found himself rambling on, chipper as ever, his tone warm as he spoke of the woman.
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@jollyollywalker: You sure do! 😍 And mine too hehehe
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↳INSTAGRAM: @notteddyswims uploaded a photo:
Do I have Bear’s seal of approval, @jollyollywalker?
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@jollyollywalker: Jude 😲🫣 hehe
@jollyollywalker: You look sooooo handsome :)
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↳INSTAGRAM: @judepatches uploaded a photo:
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@jollyollywalker: Best girl and best boy! 🥹
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↳INSTAGRAM: @poseimon uploaded a photo:
got to hang out with the prettiest girl in the world today 💓
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@jollyollywalker: 😍😍😍
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↳INSTAGRAM: @danteleept uploaded a photo:
We’re starting a new band called ‘The Singapore Rejects’. Henry’s going to write us a song or two.
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: Okay good hehe :) Olly: And if they did get cold, I could be here to help warm them up :D
Teddy: Thanks, Olly, I appreciate that.
Teddy: I feel like I should point out I have no cold feet at all right now.
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: Ahhhh :) Olly: Okay, good. :) Olly: And just so you know? We can take things as slowly as you need. Olly: I mean... Well, I just mean that if you're nervous, that's okay! And if you get cold feet or you think you're not ready, I promise I won't be offended at all! Olly: I want you to be happy and comfortable, Teddy :)
Teddy: It’s very okay with me.
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: That's okay, Teddy! :) Olly: I'm really excited about it, so it's totally okay with me as long as it's okay with you? Olly: And yeah hehe. I would call it a date :D
Teddy: Just so you know, this would be my first date with a guy.
Teddy: If we’re calling it a date?
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: If she's pleased then I'm over the moon hehe :)
Teddy: I think she’ll be really pleased with this development, I’m not gonna lie.
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: Hehe, yeah? :D Olly: Hehe maybe I shuold get Amy flowers... You know, as a thank you for passing on my my number ;)
Teddy: Oh.
Teddy: You know what, I like cocktails. :)
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: Hehe so this might be a little bit too forward but... Olly: How would you feel about going on a date? Olly: We could just sit and chat! Get to know each other better.... Over a few cocktails and a meal :D
Teddy: It is! You’re both really sweet.
Teddy: Thanks, Olly.
Teddy: I really like you too. I like getting to talk to you, getting to know you.
Teddy: Doesn’t help that you’re also easy on the eyes.
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: Hehe I hope that's a compliment! :D Olly: I like you a lot, Teddy. Olly: I hope you don't mind me saying so! I just think you're kinda great!
Teddy: That’s true.
Teddy: It’s so easy to see why you and Amy are friends, by the way.
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: Aww you're sweet! Olly: It doesn't put me off, Teddy. :) Olly: We all start somewhere, right? I'm really lucky that I figured this stuff out from a really young age. :D Olly: It's okay for your journey to be different!
Teddy: That’s kind of a poor show on their part then.
Teddy: Um, dating men? I guess.
Teddy: I totally understand if that puts you off and leaves you… less charmed.
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: You're kind of doing everything right! :D Olly: Hehe, I guess I am? I've never really been with any guys that made me feel like I mattered! I really like talking to you too though. Olly: Oh! To dating or to... men? Olly: You're being kinda super charming already, if that helps. :D
Teddy: Oh!
Teddy: I hope that means I’m doing something right then?
Teddy: I really like talking to you. And you are an actual person?
Teddy: I’m kind of new at this? In all honesty?
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: Okay, well, it's just... most of the time on those dating apps? Guys only really swipe me when they want sex.... Olly: Which I'm totallllllllly not shaming. I love sex! hehe Olly: I guess I was just surprised you hadn't made a move yet? And that you seem to actually want to talk to me... Olly: Makes me feel like an actual person hehe
Teddy: Yeah? Go ahead.
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: Hehe you guess? Olly: Can I tell you something?
Teddy: Well, yeah, I wouldn’t have wanted anything to happen to them.
Teddy: You have?
Teddy: That’s nice to hear.
Teddy: I guess I’ve been thinking about you too?
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TEXTING: TEDDY Olly: Hehe you charmer!!!! Olly: All good. :D Thanks for asking though! You must really care :) Olly: Oh yeah? :) Olly: I've actually really been enjoying getting to know you... I've been thinking about you a lot!
Teddy: Hey, you’re not so bad yourself.
Teddy: Oh, that’s amazing. I’ll leave them be then.
Teddy: You are? I mean, I did think it might have made more sense for Amy to text you, but maybe I wanted it to me as well.
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