jomart22 · 1 year
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jomart22 · 1 year
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jomart22 · 1 year
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jomart22 · 1 year
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jomart22 · 2 years
The Benefits of Blue Light-Blocking Glasses
It is common knowledge that blue light-blocking glasses have become immensely popular these days. However, you may still need to be convinced a bit before you buy any of them as such. Perhaps you want to convince someone else that these products are not at all nerdy. In that case, you need not worry as there are several viable reasons that you could come up with. So, following are the most important reasons why you should be at least thinking about buying these glasses. 
They reduce the strain put on your eyes
If you work on a smartphone or a computer all day long it can lead to a wide range of problems such as neck issues and carpal tunnel syndrome. The fact that staring a long time at a screen can cause your eyes to be strained and this must not come as a surprise to you. One of the main reasons in this case is the blue light that comes out of these devices. This is where blue filter glasses could prove to be your best friend for sure. Using these glasses would reduce the fatigue that your eyes may otherwise experience as well as the side effects that come with it such as blurred vision and headaches.
They might be able to prevent or slow down age-related macular degeneration 
It needs to be acknowledged over here that more research needs to be done in this context. However, a few preliminary studies indicate that blue light goes through to the deepest layers of your eyes till the retina. So, you need glasses that block such light as they can mitigate the damage that would surely cause you problems later on in life. This is especially true when you buy the product from a top brand such as Essilor India.   
They help you sleep a lot better
Apart from these, they also help you sleep better. If you are exposed to excessive blue light during the evening it can affect your circadian rhythm. It does so by either completely stopping or slowing down the production of melatonin, the hormone that induces you to sleep.   
Are you still worried that you may look like a total nerd when you wear them? However, you need not worry because these days more people are using them which is why it has become a lot easier to camouflage them. So, you can easily wear them without anyone else even noticing.
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