jonasaurrr · 2 years
"I just wanted to make you laugh" and gallowglass please?
You were in Marthe’s garden, tilling a new spot to plant some herbs for potions–with her permission of course. In the months since you came to Sept Tours, Marthe grew to liking you; you spent almost all day in the garden: weeding, harvesting, watering. She kept her garden immaculate, but there were a few things that needed to be done, things that you jumped at the chance to do, and she finally let you build your own little plot for herbs.
Movement in the air alerted you to another’s presence. The breeze shifted in your favor, and you recognized Gallowglass’s scent wafting by. With a smile, you glanced up. Sure enough, the big Gael was by the trees, raking the leaves off the ground faster than any human could.
The first time Gallowglass was seen doing manual labor around the chateau, Ysabeau watched intently. She mentioned to you that he never did any of that, then cryptically said that there must be a reason he wanted to be out there. It never once crossed your mind that he wanted to be closer to you.
After making a huge pile of leaves and waiting until you glanced up at him again, Gallowglass ran and jumped, launching into the leaves and sending them scattering.
You let out a peal of laughter at the sight, then stood, dusting off your overalls, and headed over to him.
“What are you up to, you child?” you asked playfully.
Gallowglass was sitting in the pile, a huge, dopey grin on his face. “I just wanted to make you laugh,” he replied. You giggled and his smile grew. “Ah, music to my ears.”
You held your hand out to him, and he took it, letting you help him up. “Oh Eric, you don’t have to fling yourself into a pile of leaves to make me laugh.”
“Yeah, but it was the easiest way, not to mention the funnest.”
You smiled, shaking your head. With a flick of your fingers, some leaves got caught in a breeze, floating up and around him. The wind ruffled his hair and tickled his cheeks, and he let out a soft chuckle.
“I love your laugh, too,” you said. Letting the magic go, you stood as tall as you could on your tiptoes and was just barely able to reach his cheek for a kiss.
Then you turned back to the garden, heading back to work. But you missed the lovestruck look on his face as he slowly touched the cheek you just kissed.
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
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WARDROBE APPRECIATION : Diana Bishop’s black court gown in A Discovery of Witches, 2.03 (2018).
Worn by Teresa Palmer. Costume design by Sarah Arthur.
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
Being Mated/Married to Jack.
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Jack is very protective of you, especially around people/vampires he doesn't know.
He'll kill Benjamin if he ever comes near you.
Jack is a very loving, affectionate kind of person, so He'll want to hold your hand and cuddle with you a lot.
Jack will always tell you that you're beautiful, even when you're wearing sweats and yoga pants.
He'll share all of his pictures with you, especially the ones he drew of you. Those are his favorite ones.
He'll want you to watch sunsets with him. Sitting on the porch swing with his arm around you.
He'll kiss your forehead a lot, as well as your lips.
He'll trust you with his deepest, darkest secrets.
If he hurt you in any way, it would utterly devastate him. He would never forgive himself.
He's not cocky or selfish. He doesn't have anything to prove to anyone. Unlike other men.
He's a deep thinking, deep feeling person. He loves fiercely and unconditionally, especially you. You're the important person to him.
He's not old fashioned as you would expect, he's not all "women belong in the kitchen" "Cleaning the house is women's work" No, he's a man who will help out weather you want/need him to or not.
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
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The true star of the show <3
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
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#this film said Hufflepuff deserves rights too
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
Pride month reminder: Making fun of the Shatnez laws (the Jewish biblical prohibition of mixing wool and linen in the same garment) and using them as an example of why biblical homophobia is stupid is antisemitic. Many Jews still practice this and it's not a "crazy weird thing!" It's something Jews actually practice in real life and your ignorance is actively harmful when you're punching down on Jewish practice lol please fuck off
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
idc anymore i think we should be a burden to each other
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
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Matthew x Diana in A Discovery of Witches (2018-2022)
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
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Lucius Sigeric Benoit Christophe Baldwin de Clermont
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
This is the first time I’ll be participating in Sinday. I’m not sure if I already mentioned this to you before but here it goes:
As we all know, Jack is really good with his hands. He was a pickpocket as a child. His hands were nimble. He can also paint, sculpt, and carve. Good lord, he can also play whatever musical instrument that he can get his hands into. It was his god-given gift, as his father—Matthew, said.
But, of course, living for more than 400 years, he definitely used his hands in many other things. One of his many talents is making his lovers squirm in pleasure under his magical touch. There might have been a time when he can make a woman orgasm with just his hands. Not needing of any assistance of his other body parts.
So, whoever gets this man, you are lucky. There will be no need for toys. His hands would be enough to send you to pleasure heaven.
Yessss to this, darling!!! He would be so skilled in the bedroom with his hands, leaving anyone he’s with very happy and content, and pleased to the max 😏 -Karen
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
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MG Phone Wallpapers
Credit: Images from Matthew-Goode.net | Art by@mmmm---goode
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
I’ve read all kinds of posts both from writers and readers lamenting about comments on fic. Authors are upset when they don’t get any, readers don’t know what kinds of comments to leave, etc. And it finally clicked in my brain why I think a lot of people don’t bother writing comments. 
And this is what it boils down to:
Writers do not want praise.  We just want to talk about our story. 
I can’t speak for everyone obviously - but I think the majority of writers don’t care so much for the “omg you’re a brilliant writer!!” comments as much as we just want to hear your thoughts on the story. Even if it’s just your thoughts as you’re reading of “oooh x happened! I can’t believe y said this! What’s going to happen now that z has happened?!” We literally just want to talk about what we’ve written like you would with a friend about a tv show. We’re not out here demanding praise like some entitled narcissist. 
While praising our writing skills or writing style is appreciated, it doesn’t need to be said on every fic and every chapter that you read. If you regularly comment on someone’s work that’s telling enough that you like our technique. Readers shouldn’t feel pressured to have to praise a writer’s abilities every time they want to comment. 
In the grand scheme of things, talking about the fic/chapter is actually more helpful to us writers instead of spewing praise. It’s the same with artwork. As nice as it is that people tell me “wow your art is so pretty!” it’s a LOT more useful to me to get comments like “I love their expressions!” or “the lighting on this is gorgeous!” because then I know WHAT people are liking about it. If no one ever comments on my backgrounds, I now know what to improve. If most people comment on liking the expressions, I now know the strong points of my art and can use it to my advantage to make even better art in the future. 
The same goes for fic. If multiple people tell me they liked a certain part of the story I now know that things similar to that are a hit. It’s feedback I can use to improve the story and give my readers more of what they want. Without that I have no idea what they like about the fic.
Talking with a writer about their story also gives them inspiration!! Nothing gets us more in the mood to work on a fic than to have people wanting to talk about it. A lot of times just talking about one of my fics with someone will give me that push to continue working on it. Getting a comment that just says “great chapter” or “you’re a great writer” doesn’t do much to motivate us to continue that particular fic. But if you talk about the story and the characters it gives us motivation to continue working on it, may even give us ideas for future chapters. I would hope that those of you with “comment anxiety” find this approach so much easier than trying to praise the writer every time you read.
So that fic the author hasn’t updated in forever that you’re dying to read? Talk to them about the fic and the elements of the story! It will make the writer want to talk to you about it and will get their mind thinking about it, hopefully inspiring them to continue where they left off. Fics that are left in silence are more likely to be abandoned or even deleted because nothing feels worse than putting your heart into a story to have no one say anything about it. 
TLDR; Writers do not want praise, we just want to talk with our readers about the story itself, and these are the kinds of comments that inspire us to keep writing more. 
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
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BRIDGERTON (2020 ─ ) | S1E04: An Affair of Honor x S2E05: An Unthinkable Fate
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jonasaurrr · 2 years
anthony bridgerton said “i am not a man of poetry” and then turned around and delivered “you are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires. night and day i dream of you” all men do is lie
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