jonspencer · 2 years
Test only
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Here is some initial text over a paragraph or so ...  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium.
And here is a read more break
And now this part should only be visible when reading the whole post, not when on the main blog page?
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jonspencer · 8 years
One of the initial tests from the Cliftonville Camera - a camera obscura set up in our shop window on Northdown Road in Margate. You can see more of the tests on the dedicated tumblr blog cliftonvillecamera.tumblr.com.
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jonspencer · 8 years
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Over the last few days I’ve enjoyed documenting the installation of InsideOut at the Fort Hill Shelter in Margate. The installation has been designed and produced by Ratliff Landells Architects, Re:Works Studio and Cumulo Design for the Margate Festival 2016.
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jonspencer · 8 years
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Three visions of another Margate ... these images forming part of my ongoing polyptych vs capriccio series were commissioned for a show at the Lombard Street Gallery in Margate last year (having posted some of the preparatory work on here at the time, I thought I should add the finished set!).
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jonspencer · 8 years
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The refurbishment of our 1870s shop/house has reached a milestone with the completion of our main living spaces. Here are some pics I’ve taken for our wonderful architects who have made this all happen, friends & fellow Cliftonville residents Ratliff/Landells.
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jonspencer · 8 years
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I’ve been posting various bits of graphic material across social media in the last few weeks as an avid supporter of the IN campaign in our upcoming referendum. I thought I’d put them all together here, just in case anyone wants to share them any further. You should also see Wolfgang Tillman’s site, www.creativesineu.org, Stronger In (art page) and We Are Europe for more (and much better) material!
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jonspencer · 8 years
A roundabout walk to the sea
A riddle of sorts and the start of a new piece of work ...
Wicklow / Glencoe / Tiverton / Culdrein / Linwood / Elmhurst / Warley / Shirley / Radnor / Chichester / Belmont / Karenville / Chesterfield / Belgravia / Culby / Broadwood / Rosanda / Warwick / Woodford / Harford / Brentwood / Sherwood / Tralee / Paramatta / Arden / Osborne / Westwood / Sandbach
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jonspencer · 8 years
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We’ve been working on the refurbishment of an 1870s shop/house for some time now, and seemed to turn a corner on Friday so I decided to take some pictures to mark the occasion! Design by friends & fellow Cliftonville residents Ratliff/Landells Architects.
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jonspencer · 8 years
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Images from a walk along the first and second section of the Capital Ring - next leg in April. Our very gentle plan is to complete this over the course of 2016 (unlike someone else I know who seems to be doing the whole thing in 4 days?!)
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jonspencer · 8 years
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Looping the loop: A few images from a walk picking out a circular route around Arlington House (beside Dreamland) in Margate.
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jonspencer · 8 years
Getting lost between St Pancras & Leyton
(In poor imitation of Hamish Fulton)
22km in total, 17km walked, 5km on the number 41 bus in the middle.
West Green
A mapless wonder, dérive like, between St Pancras and Leyton on 8 December 2015, route traced after the event.
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jonspencer · 9 years
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Installation images from my recent exhibition at Lombard Street Gallery in Margate.
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jonspencer · 9 years
A short stop-frame showing the making of Margate Capriccio #1 - the large capriccio piece comissioned by Lombard Street Gallery as the centerpiece for my show there (runs till 27 September).
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jonspencer · 9 years
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I've recently been commissioned to produce a new piece from my Poliptych vs Capriccio series for Lombard Street Gallery in Margate as the centre piece for a show of my work. Here are three of the constituent poliptych panoramas that will contribute to the final image.
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jonspencer · 9 years
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On Saturday we installed my most recent comission, A City Capriccio, at the client's new office near Fenchurch Street in the City of London. This piece consists of 96 photographs taken from a number of original multiple image panoramas, from various locations in the square mile, arranged together to form a capriccio. Here the Bank of England and Royal Exchange sit, at once, alongside the river and beside St Paul's Cathedral. Wren's masterpiece is in turn flanked by the Monument and one of the Barbican towers. The whole pice measures some 7 meters across, by 2 high. Each image has been individually face mounted to perspex, backed to aluminum and mounted on the wall, leaving the wall behind to provide the grid. Many thanks to our client, Miller Insurance, Degree Art who secured the commission and provided assistance with the installation and to Well Hung for the excellent production.
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jonspencer · 10 years
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I've just set up a little Etsy shop to sell a selection of open edition and experimental prints - including this London Outline print.
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jonspencer · 10 years
HDIF Podcast #29 - John Peel Festive Fifty mix by How Does It Feel To Be Loved? on Mixcloud
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