joonmyeonsly · 10 years
hello. this is my ( delayed ) introduction as suho's mun. hi, my name's daniel lucas. you can call me either dan, lucas or dl. i'm always open up for a para or a script. i don't have any messengers so if you guys want to plot with suho, please do leave an ask on my inbox, or like this post. thanks!
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joonmyeonsly · 10 years
a quick 123 summary about suho's life.
He's a bit stubborn, yet his heart is covered in warmth. He knows things that a sixteen year old boy shouldn't. 
His parents are both a previous student of Hogwarts. His dad's a ravenclaw whilst his mother is a hufflepuff.
Suho's actually a sadistic person who loves to see other people's misery.
Lovers? Nah. He's an asexual person who do flirtationship.
Has two older brothers, one older sister and his the youngest.
His two older brothers are in Gryffindor, and his older sister on ravenclaw.
He got this looks of an angel but a devil's eye. ( meaning, he's actually a judgemental person. And he looks nice in the outside but actually a bitch in the inside. )
On his background he used the killing spell Avada Kedavra to a person. And that person was actually his Dad, when Joonmyeon came back home, he changed his appearance, and decided to kill his father for fun.
Disowned by the Kim family. No longer a kim, but still uses it as his last name.
He got a maine coon as a pet and he named it, Julian Seth.
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joonmyeonsly · 10 years
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joonmyeonsly · 10 years
shady tree : seolhyun & suho.
[ — It was one of those days where Suho wants to go grab a book, sit under the shady three on his school premises and just read all day long, not caring if it's already night, but there's one thing that's actually bothering him. He's a slytherin, yes, he got intimidating looks with a bash of angelic smile. But he guessed it wouldn't fool anyone at all. With a sigh, Suho took a turn to his right, his steady steps were soon put into a halt when he spot someone sitting on his seat, well not entirely his, but hey, he's a slytherin and if that's his then it's his. Without thinking twice, he went up towards the latter's direction, the person's face was covered with a magazine or a book, he couldn't point out really, and a bag underneath the neck to support the head and both hands clasped together, is this person sleeping? Wow, what are the odds, he rolled his eyes as he gave the person a shake, a rather harsh shake. ] Wake up. Wake the bloody hell up! 
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joonmyeonsly · 10 years
For those people who are interested in plotting with Suho, please do like this post and i'll leave an ask on your inbox. I can start up the starter for you, or a simple meeting would do. Thank you in advance, and happy role play for everyone.
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joonmyeonsly · 10 years
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