jopriii · 10 months
Technological Life
Thenceforth the beginning of the 21st Century, continual and rapid development of new technology has been observed. Including the changes in the ways of communication, transportation, and various discoveries to improve and make the lives of people at ease. It is indeed noticeable what digital technology has given us. Efficiency, Productivity, Knowledge, Protection, and Safety are some of which that benefits the people.
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Communication The use of social media is one of the primary mediums of communication through digital means. This includes Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), TikTok, Messenger, etc. which is commonly used for sharing news, expressing self, and entertainment. Social Media has been utilized by many due to its characteristic to spread information to a mass of audiences with just one click. In fact, business owners use social media to boost their profits by posting advertisements online that allow customers to patronize their products conveniently.
Transportation It is just common knowledge for all of us that everyday transportation is a must for us to do the things we should do in our daily lives. Going to school, work, the marketplace, transporting goods, vacation traveling, etc. are some of which we do that are dependent on transportation devices. Transportation has been transformed and continues to be improved by digital technology, making it more efficient, safe, and convenient for us.
The following are some of the digital technology that helps in the mode of transportation:
The use of GPS and Navigation
Ride-Sharing Transportaion Apps
Traffic Management
Automated Vehicles
E-Tickets and Digital Payment
Productivity and Efficiency In terms of productivity and efficiency, technology had help us to work on certain task much easier and faster. Students were able to get literature references online through various platform including Google scholar, Online Library and many more. Additionally, with the help of digital apps like canva, microsoft and picsart students were able to make more creative and formal outputs.
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On the other hand, when it comes to business industries, companies were able to produce and make more convenient products and services that will satisfy the consumers needs. An example of which is the use of Grab and Food Panda, the two are online apps wherein people could buy food online without any hassle of going to the store itself. With this people will be able to save more time.
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Knowledge Technology has fundamentally changed how information and knowledge are made available. The internet has democratized access to education and knowledge thanks to its immense abundance of information. Online learning options and educational platforms cross regional borders to offer chances for skill development and lifetime learning.
A global audience may now easily access books and research materials thanks to digital libraries and e-books. Cross-border collaboration among academics and researchers has sped up innovation and discovery. Social media platforms link professionals and experts globally by enabling information exchange and networking.
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Protection and Safety Digital technology offers devices for real-time monitoring, quick emergency response, and improved data protection, all of which greatly contribute to security and safety. Artificial intelligence and analytics-enabled advanced surveillance systems assist in identifying and preventing security risks in public areas and vital infrastructure. Quick emergency responses are made possible by mobile applications and location-based services, while access management is made more secure by biometric verification. Additionally, cybersecurity measures shield sensitive data from online dangers, assuring the protection of private data and vital infrastructure. In a connected and data-driven world, digital technology essentially enables people and businesses to proactively manage security risks and effectively address safety problems.
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