jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
why are the odd numbered issues not part of the first Duggan GotG trade?
They are going to be in their own trade.
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
Are star wars #33, #34, #35 one shots? Will they be collected in trade? Thanks.
Pretty much, and yes.
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
The Deadpool Secret Empire issues are so good!!! I cried when Preston shattered Wade's jaw and their friendship.
Wait until you read the next one...
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
So, shouldn't Maul have already killed two Jedi before the start of his mini, according to the revelations from Vader 1? Asking for a friend.
Do you think Sidious was really committed to him? I never got the impression he really thought he was going to go the distance.
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
So with the Deadpool legacy number, from what I can tell, along with the four volumes of ongoing series, you're also including Cable & Deadpool (which I think is legitimate) and Agent X (sure, absolutely). But that still leaves, I think, 8 issues unaccounted for. So, does that mean you're including the two mini-series from before the Kelly run? If so, I believe that's a mistake and inconsistent with what the Legacy number should be. They're supposed to include only ongoings, not minis.
Yeah, we did include those.
REALLY, we just based the legacy numbering off of the calculations we did for issue #250, the Deadpool death issue just before Secret Wars.  If we hit issue #250 37 issues ago, we should be on issue #287.
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
If a writer on Spider-man & Deadpool wanted to have Spider-man tell Deadpool he was Peter Parker would you have to run that by Nick Lowe or Dan Slott before it could happen.
Nick is co-editor on the book, so he would know for sure. Whether he would run it by Dan, I am not sure. I don’t THINK it would get in the way of Dan’s plans, but Nick would know better--that’s why he’s on the book with me.
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
Retumbled as a reminder.
And here is the art that @capsing did based on this fact:
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What are Deadpool's favourite song and movie?
His favorite song is “Smooth” by Santana and Rob Thomas.
His favorite movie is “The Land Before Time”.
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
“ @timepunkspg Also he's cursed by Thanatos to not be able to die, so that "soul regeneration" would be reinforced by the curse.“
Two things about that, both things I have said before.
1. Since when would Thanos have the authority to do that? If you look up Thanos’s powers on the internet...well, yes, it does says he can curse people. But it lists him cursing Deadpool as the support for this claim. I don’t buy it.
2. He rescinded his curse in Deadpool vs. Thanos.
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
Hello there sir ,huge fan of the Deadpool comic I love what you and Duggan are doing with the character and seeing how Deadpool will have a dramatic change with the conclusion to Secret Empire I'm just wondering will this change be for the better or for worse in terms of his character going forward ?
I guess depends on what you mean by “Better” or “Worse”.
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
If you're allowed to give details already, is Despicable Deadpool the title of a new series? is so, is it the continuity of the current series, or another separate series in addition to the Deadpool series?
You’ll see!
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
I only see one issue with your Deadpool healing rule. Whether a head is chopped off or a head is blown up, the body is the same thing; a complete body from the neck down. How is this body supposed to know to grow a head or not grow a head based on the condition of a part that is not attached to it?
Well, it depends on another thing which (like a healing factor) I don’t believe of in real life, but which is observable real in the Marvel Universe: the existence of a soul. It would basically mean that Deadpool’s “soul” or “essence” would attach itself to the "most valuable” complete part of his body, with the described extra value applied to the head. It’s the part with the soul that really grows back.
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
Hey Jordan, who originally pitched the idea of doing a Deadpool OGN? I really enjoy the format and love the story telling potential it provides.
I THINK that was Rob’s idea!
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
Deadpool #31 was amazing! Story was great, and I'm sending kisses to the issue's artist. Will you deliver them?
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
I guess no more Anon questions, well been reading the new X-men books and i kinda like the fact they are in central park.
It’s an interesting twist.
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
SM/DP 18 was such a satisfying conclusion to the story, this has been my favourite ever comic book run. Looking forward to see what comes next! Thanks so much :)
First up, a two part story with SM&DP swearing off jokes! Then, a two parter of them going to Murderworld! And then... we launch a new creative team!
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jordandwhiteqna · 7 years
Hi, Jordan. There's something that concerns me about the new DP mini... How is it going to be on the comedic side? Haven't read the original, but would make sense if both are more serious. Problem is I like Deadpool most for the comedy. Thank you!
It’s not going to be as funny as your average Deadpool, no...and the humor that is there is going to be VERY dark.
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