jordweaveswebs · 6 years
I just ate like six rose quartz stones and no ones in love with me yet what gives
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
don’t let anyone dehumanize you
dehumanize yourself
be the creeping eldrich horror you have always longed to be; rain furious vengeance down upon those who would unmake you
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
why my hand shaky
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
Take this with you
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
What is even the point of intentionally messing up someone’s order? Like, for instance, someone orders a skinny latte and you give them a regular, they order gluten-free bread and you give them wheat, etc. Why? Think about it:
Best case scenario: Nothing happens. If a girl who looks thin already thinks she got a soy but it’s whole milk, she’s not going to gain any weight because one latte won’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. If they just wanted gluten free because they want to try gluten free stuff, but got gluten exactly once, they will never notice. What’s the fun in that? Some dumb, twisted satisfaction at the fact that you lied to someone who trusted you?
Worst case scenario: They have a medical condition that is triggered by certain ingredients, and because your dumb ass gave it to them anyway, they’re going to react to that ingredient horribly. Maybe the skinny girl who ordered sugar free is a type 1 diabetic. Maybe the guy who asked for gluten free has celiac. Maybe they have a life-threatening allergic reaction and you kill someone, all because you get off on intentionally deceiving customers who put their trust in you.
Either way, you’re an asshole.
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
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All Saints’ Day in the Kerepesi Cemetery
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
Knock You the Fuck Out Tea
Hey fellow witches! I have an herbal tea recipe that gets me right to sleep every time I drink it. I wanted to share it because I know how us witchy folk love herbal remedies~
(all herbs used are in dry form)
✴1/2 teaspoon Passion Flower
✴1/4 teaspoon Lavender Buds/Flowers
✴1/2 teaspoon Lemon Balm
✴pinch of Valerian Root
Mix all ingredients together in a tea strainer and steep for 10 minutes.
(make sure none of these ingredients disagree with your body/meds. Saftey first)
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
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kiki & lala tarot star
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
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Little twin stars wallpapers requested by @mom-and-dolls
Plese don’t remove the caption, dd/lg or kink related blogs don’t interact plese🌸
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
Tiny, Rambly Rant
This can’t be said enough:
Eliminate mundane causes before turning to the supernatural.
And I can understand how that would seem counter-intuitive, but let me explain you a thing …
When one takes up the craft they often feel like a whole brand new world opens up to them. Everything changes, and nothing will ever be the same, and we sometimes take this new attitude and apply it to everything. Everything becomes magical and everything has an underlying magical aura.
This is something a decent craft teacher will stop with a newspaper to the nose. *smack*
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When we flip the perception, and look at everything with mundane suspicion, we are actually less likely to miss the woo. By eliminating all of the mundane causes for a thing, you also eliminate that pesky doubt you keep hearing me grumble about. You are more sure about what you’re dealing with, and can act accordingly.
For example:
I wear hematite to help with my social anxiety. They’re really energy sensitive. It is said that when they’re overwhelmed they shatter.
They are also pretty fragile and if you smack it against everything, of course, it’ll shatter.
So, when a ring breaks off my hand and I know that I’ve just been literally running into shit for the last couple of weeks. I know that it’s because gravity plays favorites, and I’ve accidentally put too much force on it.
But when a necklace that has just been sitting on my bedside table, protecting the homestead goes kaboom without being knocked around, dropped or otherwise provoked, then I know something is up.
Saturating your world with a perceived magical-ness, weakens your senses. It desensitizes you to what is out there. I recommend picking up a deliberate, goal oriented practice as opposed to a wild, come-what-may, practice. Trust me, if you’re open, the fuckery will come to you, you don’t have to go looking for it.
No, really though. Go see a doctor if you feel physically weird. Go see a mental health professional if your brain feels off. Eliminate the non-magical causes, first, and then start to investigate the supernatural.
I hope that ramble makes sense.
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
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A tiny journal-ish gif-comic from a few tweets I made last night!  I believed this kind of stuff until I was 14 or so, which is pretty old in retrospect…
There used to be more but I accidentally saved over it :/
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
Here’s the opening on Soundcloud of the NORSE MYTHOLOGY audiobook.
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
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jordweaveswebs · 7 years
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“Balance” - The light and dark halves of the year Ink on paper, ca. A4-size
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