jordyicer94-blog · 5 years
Reflection of a Music Lovers “Media Diet” Part One. Oct. 23rd & 24th.
         I decided to start off the second half of my assignment two days into my Media log half of the assignment. I felt as if it would be a good foundation to allow for a routine of accurately recording whilst be able to find the discipline it takes to actually acknowledge the content I either consume on purpose or perhaps in passing by. I decided to call this blog assignment: “Reflection of a Music Lovers Media Diet”, simply, because I fancy doing everyday life with a soundtrack to compliment most every action I proceed with my everyday life. Whether it be my favourite songs to cozy up to like the Jazzy throwback  “Brooklyn Baby” By Lana Del Rey or my favourite running song “Send it Up” by Kanye West to finish another 5k. I crave that beat or that lyric to push me on to my next part of the day.        Now, I had quite a difficult time jump-starting this media log. I am an individual that thrives on the busyness of work and social life with very little time for myself. Not to mention, I have recently moved to a whole new town with an entirely new job surrounded by a few familiar faces and a slew of new names and faces to learn. Needless to say, I was distracted and the very simple task of recording any crossover with media within my whirlwind of a day was a challenge. Thankfully I eventually prioritized and found some kind of routine and I have accomplished two days of my media log. It is October. 25th and my reflection of the past two days have been kind of a chaotic two - but hey? Like I said, I love the busyness.      After the trial and error of my first couple misfired attempts of this assignment I realized I reach to grab my phone as soon as I come too from a night of sleep. I’m not happy with this unknown reflex I have as I try to pride and present myself as someone who does well without my phone all the time - and from the past couple days of logging and reflection, I would categorize myself as a person who does completely fine without my cellphone all the time. I cannot lie though, I do love a good media catch up as soon as I wake up. For the most part, I always start off with a newsletter I receive from a national news source with the top 5 stories of the day - I look at it as my “newspaper” to jumpstart my day. I will also take a cheeky peek at Instagram and some other social media outlets if I am not in a rush to get up and start my day. The accessibility of having everything at our fingertips on our phones gives us the opportunity to catch up on everyday life right from the comfort of our homes - maybe sometimes the comfort of our own bed... but we should tread lightly in this territory as I find it can lead into a lazier precedence for the incoming day on the horizon.      Lastly, the day of October 24th for myself was a little unorthodox for myself as I had a later night on October 23rd with some friends and some drinks. I carried a little less energy than I usually do and that translated in my media intake for the day with more time dedicated to relaxation and that meant more TV, phone, and music time for myself. I have also noticed that I prefer to have some kind of background noise over complete silence. Like I said before, music is a big presence in a lot of things I do and if I have the time to discover a new album or play out an old favourite I will make sure to do so. I believe this will become quite apparent as the rest of the week rolls on and my media log fills up more and more. On to the next one... M. Jordan Rice.
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