josephiisms-blog · 9 years
[7:30:30 PM] ☾ Jaci ☽: daddy
[7:31:03 PM] jona: grandson please no
[7:31:13 PM] ☾ Jaci ☽: Aw, but he's a good daddy.
[7:31:20 PM] ☾ Jaci ☽: He gives me the cummies. :3c
[7:31:26 PM] jona: i
[7:31:28 PM] jona: what
[7:32:48 PM] ☾ Jaci ☽: he gives me the cummies
[7:32:50 PM] ☾ Jaci ☽: all of the cummies
[7:32:55 PM] ☾ Jaci ☽: he's such a good daddy
[7:32:57 PM] jona: grandson whats going on
[7:33:01 PM] jona: whats a cummie
[7:33:15 PM] jona: why is dio a daddy to you he's your .. great uncle to be accurate??
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
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Gently slides over to Dio.
❝ Hello, Daddy. ❞
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
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Look at this.. What a doll.
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
send in 💌 for my muse to ask your's to be their Valentine
jackembers :
send in “💌 reverse” for my muse’s reaction to your muse asking mine
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
send in 💌 for my muse to ask your's to be their Valentine
jackembers :
send in “💌 reverse” for my muse’s reaction to your muse asking mine
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
<| (supposed to be a triangle)
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❝I know you’re pissed because I tried to kill you.❞
A soft sigh escaped his lips as he sat up on the couch, finally getting over his insatiable thirst for blood. Even though he hadn’t had any yet- and he needed some soon- he still intended to be anything but hostile toward his  friend. Looking up at her apologetically, he gave an uneasy smile and waved his hand.
❝I’m sorry.❞
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
2, 24, 55, 59
2. What drew you to RP this character?
Honestly, the reason I started roleplaying Joseph in the first place was because of just how uncannily similar we are. In both mind and personality, we think a lot alike- we’re both very impulsive, almost unnecessarily using humor as an escape tactic.. And I guess he just. Stuck?
24. What’s your favorite AU?
My favorite AU with my Joseph so far.. Has to be the AU me and Simba ( @hxtode ) came up with. A werewolf AU where Joseph accidentally turns Jotaro into a werewolf, and they end up in really wacky (and sometimes lethal) situations. uwu
55. What do you like to do as you reply to threads? Listen to music? Have TV on? Complete silence? Dark room? etc.
My favorite thing to do when roleplaying Joseph.. It all really depends on the mood of the thread. If it’s an angsty thread, I usually listen to really sad/dark songs, turn off all of the lights, and set myself in a sad mindset. I put my all into my roleplaying. Likewise, if it’s a happy thread, sometimes I’ll listen to really really lighthearted music, wiggle around on my bed and make myself feel happy. Stuff just tends to flow that way, ya feel?
59. What/Who is a character you think you would like to roleplay? What’s currently stopping you from roleplaying them?
A character I’ve thought a lot about roleplaying is Speedwagon. Honestly, he’s such a precious cinnamon roll.. I honestly would love to play him- but what holds me back is A) I’m not entirely confident about how my portrayal would be, and B) I already have too many blogs to look after. Maybe once I get more comfortable with roleplaying some of my other muses, I may give him a try!
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
Imagine your OTP where one is the Fully Functional Adult™ and the other has been living off of coffee and fruit snacks for three days straight.
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
me as a pilot
me: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. I have an announcement to make but first you have to promise not to get mad
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
Mun-Directed Questions About Roleplaying!
If you had to change your character’s FC for one day, who would you pick?
What drew you to rping this character?
What’s something you like about how you write?
What’s something you dislike about how you write or wish you were better at?
What’s something about your character that you’d like if you had to spend time with them?
What’s something about your character that you wouldn’t like if you had to spend time with them?
What’s a negative thing about your character that you enjoy writing?
What;s a similarly you have with your character?
What’s a difference you have with your character?
What’s the hardest thing for you to write?
Do you think you’ve gotten better at writing anything or any type of thing or situation since you started writing this character (or roleplaying in general)? 
Why do you roleplay?
Do you write fiction ever other than rping?
Do you like fanfiction more or less than reading rp threads between characters?
Do you like or dislike OC/Canon character interactions in principle?
What’s your favorite thing about rping a canon character?
What’s something you dislike about rping a canon character?
What’s your favorite thing about rping an original character?
What’s something you dislike about rping an original character?
How much time do you spend roleplaying on average a week?
Do you think about your threads and your character when you aren’t roleplaying? How and for how long on average?
Do you like lots of headcanons or few?
What’s your take on AUs?
What’s your favorite AU?
What’s your least favorite AU?
What’s a ship you really like rping?
What’s a ship you would never rp? For what reason? 
What do you like about roleplaying angst?
What do you dislike about roleplaying angst?
What do you like about roleplaying fluff?
What do you dislike about roleplaying fluff?
What do you like about roleplaying ships/romance?
What do you dislike about roleplaying ships/romance?
NSFW rp — yes or no? Why?
Do you ever read other people’s NSFW rp threads? (be honest!)
Do you ever read rp threads you aren’t involved in? What type of thread does it usually have to be to interest you?
If you do read threads you aren’t in, do you usually let the other authors know, or keep it under your hat?
Has a roleplayer ever changed your view on a character? If so, how? Good or bad? For better or for worse?
Do you like to title threads or not? 
Do you like to plot or improv?
Do you like to make open starters?
Do you like to answer open starters?
Do you usually prefer chat/short replies, or long/para/novella replies?
What’s your favorite thing about rping a chat/short style thread?
What’s your least favorite thing about rping a chat/short style thread?
What’s your favorite thing about rping a long/para/novella style thread?
What’s your least favorite thing about rping a long/para/novella style thread?
Do you prefer gifs or icons when roleplaying? Or no FC at all?
Do you roleplay with people whose characters aren’t from the same dimentional universe as yours? (For example, if your character is drawn or anime, will you RP with people who use actor face claims/play-bys?) 
What’s something you like about FCs/Play-Bys?
What’s something you dislike about FCs/Play-Bys?
What’s a trope or plot you think is overdone in roleplay?
What’s a trope or plot you’ll never get sick of roleplaying?
What’s a trope or plot you love but you’ve never gotten to roleplay or never gotten to roleplay in completion? 
What do you like to do as you reply to threads? Listen to music? Have TV on? Complete silence? Dark room? etc. 
How did you learn about roleplaying? How did you get started roleplaying yourself? 
What was your first roleplay character? 
What’s your newest roleplay character?
What/Who is a character you think you would like to roleplay? What’s currently stopping you from roleplaying them?
Who’s a roleplayer (or writer) you think you have learned a lot from? 
(via virginous)
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
Reblog if your muse has a nice butt.
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
numbers: ( 1 - 226 ) link to generator: here content: miscellaneous movie quotes, does contain some adult content.
Keep reading
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
Affection Starters!
“Your hair is so soft…” 
“It’s too cold! Get back here…” 
“No, I’m not letting you go. It’s too early to get out of bed.” 
“You’re so cute when you pout like that!” 
“C’mere, you can sit in my lap until I’m done working!” 
“Surprise tickle attack!” 
“Share your jacket, I forgot mine.” 
“Just relax, I’ll wash your hair for you.” 
“I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.” 
“I didn’t mean to leave you alone for so long—come here, I missed you.” 
“Are you wearing my shirt?” 
“Ssh, you’re safe. I wont let go of you.” 
“What, does that feel good?” 
“HA! I found a weak-spot on you, didn’t I?” 
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
Send ‘a moment of weakness’
and the generated outcome will be used for a small drabble scenario or starter. { tw violence, possible noncon/dubcon implications, nsfw }
Your muse is emotionally compromised and breaking down.
My muse is emotionally compromised and breaking down.
Your muse is smashed drunk and incoherent.
My muse is completely drunk and incoherent.
Your muse is tied up (how and why is up to the mun)
My muse is all tied up (how and why is up to the mun)
Your muse is surrounded by thugs up to no good and mine happens to pass by.
My muse is surrounded by thugs up to no good and yours happens upon this.
Your muse is having a vivid nightmare and is shouting out brokenly.
My muse is having a vivid nightmare and is crying out in their sleep.
Your muse has been drugged with a aphrodisiac and is out of it, needing release.
My muse has been drugged with a aphrodisiac and is in a haze, needing release.
Your muse is being beat up by mine, something your muse did must of been the last straw.
My muse is being beat up by yours, something they did must of been the last straw.
Your muse is being kept hostage and mine has just rescued them.
My muse is kidnapped and yours has just rescued them.
Your muse has been beaten badly and is in bad shape, mine happens to find them.
My muse is been beaten badly and is in bad shape, yours finds mine in this state.
Your muse falls very ill and continues activities even if they seem on the verge of passing out.
My muse is sick and continues daily routine even though they seem on the verge of passing out.
Your muse is in a frightened or nervous state (why is up to the mun)
My muse is in a frightened or nervous state (why is up to the mun)
Your muse is being punished by mine.
My muse is being punished by yours.
Your muse is temporarily blind.
My muse is temporarily blind.
Your muse has suddenly sprained an ankle and can’t walk.
My muse has suddenly sprained an ankle and can’t walk.
Your muse has blackmail over mine.
My muse has blackmail over yours.
Your muse catches mine naked.
My muse catches yours naked.
Mun chooses.
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
Does anyone know of any long, brown haired anime characters? I need a faceclaim for my OC, but I can’t find any for him.. He’s got sort of dark skin with long brown hair and dark eyes. Any help?
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
TO ALL OF YOU WONDERFUL MUN’S THAT PLAY FEMALE MUSES: i love you. you are wonderful. the difference in attention that male muses get compared to female one’s is absolutely disgusting and intolerable. ladies deserve love. they deserve attention. ladies are fucking fascinating and are entitled to just as much regard and adoration as the male ones. SPREAD THE LOVE AROUND TODAY Y’ALL. LOVE ON A LADY MUSE.
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josephiisms-blog · 9 years
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quality flirting
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