joshdenz13-blog · 5 years
Today I finished my final assessments, found out Parks and Rec is on amazon prime video, and facetimed Mom and Dog. Does it really get any better? 2 weeks from today I'll be home after exams starting a week from tomorrow. 😥
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joshdenz13-blog · 5 years
It's been a while but I've been busy as usual finishing final assessments and studying for finals. Today is mothers day and the final day of Premier League as well as game 7 of raps v Sixers so I'll probably take it easy and grind out the last bits of my assessments Monday and Tuesday. They're due at the end of the week so now or never. 5/12
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joshdenz13-blog · 5 years
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So the trip rounded out with Brussels, Paris, and London and as expected I didn't get to posting because these were three pretty big stops as far as memories. I admittedly was also very tired and had posting here far from my mind. I've since taken the last few days of break back here in Sheffield to jump on my final assessments and have gotten a good amount done to put myself in a positive position to end the year. Three weeks of classes to go. 4/29
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joshdenz13-blog · 5 years
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Second day in Bruges has been quite good but I must admit expensive. I'm sat here now drinking my beer and eating my burger just thinking of the €25 its costing me, for this meal alone! The beauties of the city are relaxing though and I'm excited for Brussels tomorrow. I have hit the half way point of my travels and can only hope the second half can go as well as the first. 4/18
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joshdenz13-blog · 5 years
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Today we travelled to Bruges and I can confidently say this is my favorite stop so far. Beauties in Amsterdam, Berlin, and London aren't as great as they should be due to all the tourists, but Bruges doesn't have that problem. There's hints of Spanish culture everywhere between the architecture, language on menus, and personality of the people and I think that is playing a big role in my excitement here. It's warm and down to earth and I can't wait for tomorrows tour. 4/15
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joshdenz13-blog · 5 years
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Yesterday in Cologne the walking tour was terrific. Knowledgeable tour guide despite him admitting being hungover and pocketing a random bag of marijuana off the ground. These pictures are obviously from the first day in Amsterdam. Traffic made us a bit late getting here (about 5pm) but did plenty of exploring. Cold out but the sights were worth the chills. Tomorrow is a big day with the Heineken tour, cruise, and Ajax game so hoping for a good nights rest (although this hostle is a bit weird and I'm quite uncomfortable but we're trying). 4/12
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joshdenz13-blog · 5 years
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These pictures were from yesterday (as I now sit in a coffee shop the next morning) and it was beautiful weather. I didn't do anything but explore the city and I think that was a great decision because I was way too tired to figure any actual events or activities out. When I went to find a place to watch the Barca v Man U UCL match, I was walking out of a pub after deciding it wasn't the place for me and smashed the door into my face somehow. I now have a huge gash on my forehead that I seriously thought may need stitches last night, but waking up this morning I think it's okay (hopefully). I have a free walking tour today at 12:10 and am looking forward to that. 4/11
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joshdenz13-blog · 5 years
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Appreciation post for the dogs back home. A week from today I fly out to Cologne for Spring break travel. Grinding out these next few days to make sure I'm in a good position when break is over. Missing the puppies but excited for what's to come. 4/3
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joshdenz13-blog · 5 years
Keeping up with what's going on in everyday life is hard enough so posting on tumblr seems impossible. Nonetheless just some random Sheffield pictures here. The past few weeks have been ridiculously stressful balancing what I want to do with what I should and need to do. The weather getting nicer and nicer doesn't help as I admittedly become unproductive when knowing it's sunny outside. Today I will try to get a start on the second half of my second history essay and come up with a spring break itinerary for all the places I'm going. 4/1
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joshdenz13-blog · 6 years
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So it's been a while since I last posted because it's been pretty crazy here lately. Filming for my creative media marketing project was this week along with editing and the start of March Madness. So yes, March has been madness for the players and me but going well. The pictures are just two of my favorites from London and Manchester as I haven't gotten many new photos since my last post. 3/23
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joshdenz13-blog · 6 years
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Good day trip to Manchester for Champions League knockout stage leg two against Schalke. 7-0 on the night and 10-2 on aggregate where the team was irreaisrable. First ever UCL goal for Foden where he celebrated in our corner. Special night that'll be hard to forget. 3/14
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joshdenz13-blog · 6 years
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Just a few pictures from an amazing few days in Berlin, Germany. Despite mostly dreary weather, Berlin had so much to offer. From bone chilling WWII and Cold War monuments to modern architecture such as the glass dome Reichstag building, the experience was as unique as I could have imagined and can't wait to be back in the country (Cologne) during spring break. 3/11
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joshdenz13-blog · 6 years
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A tough weekend is coming to a close as I spent just about every second trying to write a history essay answering the question "Did Christianity save the Roman Empire?" The sources I have to work with are quite difficult to use as most of them are long chapters of books and outdated making me very frustrated and very stressed. I leave for Berlin on Wednesday and the essay is due just about right after I get back so I need to leave it in a spot where it at most only needs a few touch ups. I've been sick for the best part of a week now so juice has been my best friend as I try to pump the vitamins into my body. Yearning to work out, travel, and focus on my business classes are being drowned out by a history course. Annoyed but working my hardest to come home with good grades. 3/3
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joshdenz13-blog · 6 years
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Check another one off the bucket list. Most amazing night of my life, literally. Football is my number one passion in life and it's not even close. Manchester City are the team that I've supported since I fell in love with the game and have put thousands of smiles on my face over the years and did again, live. 1-0 result over West Ham United, the perfect opponent for me to see because of my unexplained love for that club as well. I took in as much as I could but luckily I get another go in a few days on March 12th for the second leg of the UCL knockout stage against Schalke. City come in with a 3-2 aggregate lead. I may have felt and acted like a 5 year old at Disney World, but what an experience. 2/28
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joshdenz13-blog · 6 years
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With the weather being gorgeous nearly every day of my just about four weeks in Sheffield, I’m starting to very seriously think about summer back home. By no means do I miss it or long to be back right now, but I certainly am excited for consistent sunny skies, bon fires, and the beach. That said, the one thing on my mind above all else is what I will be doing to gain experience in a career focused position this summer. In my opinion, a regular low paying job would be a waste of a golden opportunity that is the summer going into my junior year. I not only want, but expect to be employed full time the summer directly following four year graduation, so I can ill afford to let this one go to waste. Internships to me are key to quick employment out of college. I will continue to tirelessly try to grow my LinkedIn network and search for internships and employment opportunities. The stress is real because while I’m enjoying my time abroad and making the most of this unique experience and learning opportunity, it will soon be time for the real world and I refuse to waste a second of it. 2/25
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joshdenz13-blog · 6 years
Finally finished my video of some clips from my trip to London. Despite hardly editing anything and it being very random and all around not very well made, it took hours to make. More videos of other adventures to come. 2/22
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joshdenz13-blog · 6 years
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Looking back at my trip to London and the memories that will last forever. Back to reality now, a reality that is currently slapping me in the face repeatedly as I try to keep up with classwork. A bit stressful but cherishing every second as I try to remember this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that not everyone receives. 2/19
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