joshfowler1-blog · 11 years
Make It Short
Stu Hodges once told me my blog was too long. I listened earnestly and took his advice. Say what you want to say, but do it in a very concise way. 
Today, I pass that same advice to you. 
Enjoy your day! 
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joshfowler1-blog · 11 years
Getting Ready For Something Big
Like it or not, Christmas is upon us. Or Chanukah, Kwanza, or nothing if your an atheist. I guess if you an atheist and your out shopping this year, you're either just really trendy, crumble under peer pressure, or just coincidentally generous. No matter the case, it's a busy time of year for us all. 
I know I'm busy, that's for sure! I've worked an extra late night here and there, and my days have been all jacked up with extra stuff happening. Why? Because I'm getting ready for something big, and it's much bigger than presents or family hang time. 
You see, I work at Waters Edge Church. It's pretty much the perfect church. Ok, that was a lie, we're far from perfect! But to be honest, we know it, and that very fact drives us to depend on God. We know we can't do what we do on our own, or in our own strength. We are imperfect, broken human beings, and our imperfections only add to the chaos. But let me get back to my point. Because I work at Waters Edge, I'm feverishly getting ready for our Christmas services. We work hard to do something great at these services because we believe that the good news of Jesus, and his life saving grace is so important, that we want to create an amazing environment where people can invite their friends and family to hear about who God is, and why it matters. I, along with around 30 of my closest friends are all working to that end right now; working hard to do something great and be a part of something great. 
I know that there are many of you right now who probably think most of this post is bull crap, mostly because you think church is stupid. You're mad at God, or maybe mad at who you thought God was. Maybe you don't even believe in God and think that people who do are crazy. (Just to be clear, many people who believe in God are crazy, just like many who don't believe are also crazy...  Just sayin'.) Whether you believe or don't believe, God is big enough to handle it. He can handle your anger, your concerns, your doubt, your hangups, your past, your present, your future, your money situation, your crazy family, your out-of-control lifestyle, your bad grades, your insecurities, your questions, your hurt, your misunderstanding, your problems, your addictions, your fears, your good, your bad, your everything. God can handle it. If you're in one of those places and considering skipping out on church, why don't you come back see what's going on? See what God is up to. You may be surprised. 
I'm getting ready for something big, and maybe so are you. 
What is something big that you are getting ready for? 
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joshfowler1-blog · 11 years
Sometimes It's Best To Just Not Say Anything
Ok, that’s the post. Good advice, right? No? Well, it is sometimes. 
I used to be a big Facebook person. It’s not that I don’t like Facebook anymore, or that it isn’t cool, but there’s a ton of drama on there. Someone is always complaining or ranting about something. Inevitably once a week I see someone complain about a co-worker. Around once a month I see the “my boss sucks and is a complete jerk” post. Then we have the parental experts who boldly proclaim that any parent who doesn’t do what they do is wrong and should be jailed. Vaccines, anyone? How about venting about that conversation you had where someone completely demeaned your value as a human being either professionally or creatively, and you let the whole world know about the injustices of the (fill in your industry, passion or creative niche here) world. Yeah, I was guilty of that one not long ago.
The ability to exercise our first amendment right through a few short (or long) sentences in a post has become the ultimate intoxication, and most of us don’t even realize it. This newly found “ability” we have feeds our desire to hear and be heard, and for those of us who would never otherwise have the venue to speak and be listened to, it has created, well, a monster. It feels good to air your frustrations in public, and sometimes, even your dirty laundry. People say things that they would almost NEVER otherwise say in any where else, but Facebook all of a sudden gives people the digital “liquid courage” to just tap away on the keyboard and say anything they want. It’s the ultimate display of low self-control. “But it could affect people!” you say. “I just needed to get that off my chest” you declare… Seriously? 
Well, here’s my advice. Stop. Just stop. For real. Most people are annoyed by your rants, witty commentary, and sometimes just plain indecency. Honestly, you’re wasting tons of time putting in all that energy, even if it is for what you think is a good cause. In an effort to not be hypocritical, I should probably stop writing this post now, because that’s technically what I’m doing, but then I would have wasted all these words. Ok, so I have a solution. I’ll stop ranting about people ranting if you just consider the following words of advice: 
Before you put up that next tweet, or go off on that next post, why not try using this filter instead? Here are four questions to consider: 
1.) Am I gaining influence or losing influence if I post this? Most people never even consider the implications. 
2.) Am I leveraging my position in my (organization / community / tribe / group of friends / church / school) to do good? Some people have a powerful voice on social media. Positive influence is like money in the bank when it comes to making a difference, and really being a positive catalyst for meaningful change. That leads me to my next question:
3.) Am I making a point, or making a difference? Andy Stanley, a famous leader and speaker, once challenged me with that question. You can rarely do both, so what do you ultimately want to do?
4.) Are the benefits of saying what you are about to say worth the risk of damaging your reputation? If so, do you even care?
I’ve never seen anyone make a lasting difference by being a jerk. I think the best way to fix all the things that make you angry is just to set the example. Don’t go off on social media. It really does make you look like fascist jerk most of the time, and that’s being kind. Sometimes, it’s best to just not say anything. 
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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Working with the fabulous barb spencer photography this morning on my first commercial video shoot!
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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I was literally laughing outlook when I read these directions. Looked cool, so I bought it! #asiansoda
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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Look at this cuteness!
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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I love my living room! It makes my apartment a home...
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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Oh yeah... It's definitely time to start listening to this. Do your self a favor; own this album!
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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Finally decorated my office. Hit like if it looks good! (at WEC Hampton)
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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Ladies and Gentlemen, the lovely an amazing @susanfowler enjoying her new #iphone5. #datenight #fun (at Yogurt VI)
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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Eating lunch with the fabulous George Sands. Am I in Vegas, or Hampton VA? (Taken with Instagram at Teppanyaki Grill)
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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I know I tweet about this little girl a lot, but I really can't get enough of her. @stephencope warned me. (Taken with Instagram at The Fowler Mansion)
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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Found this little dive on the way home. BBQ out of a trailer? Yes please! (Taken with Instagram)
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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My baby started crawling today... 😢😭😂 (Taken with Instagram)
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joshfowler1-blog · 12 years
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65 emails... That's nice. (Taken with Instagram)
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