joshua-harrigan · 10 years
Phone Call || Jeri
Joshua: Hey sis. I don't know if you are going to get this, but I miss you like crazy. Mom told me everything that happened with you and know that you are in my prayers all the time. I don't know why you did it, but... I can't seem to be mad at you for it. I just love you to death, lil' sis. I hope you know that. Uhm, well.. I hope you call me back.. Alright.. Love you. Bye.
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"Jeri Harrigan. I just got here and I found out she was in the hospital"
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"Who’s your sister?"
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"I just want to talk to my sister..."
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"Oh. Well. That makes sense then that you mistake him for a younger person than you. I'm Joshua. New security guard, who might you be lovely?"
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"My cousin…Chase. He’s not really a kid-he’s actually older than me. I forget that sometimes, considering he acts like a 12 year old." 
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"Well uh... Alright then."
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"Damn, I think these showers are better than at home…” 
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
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"I swear, that kid is going to be the death of me." 
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
Well.. They want kids to have fun too, but how come you brought it up?
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Why the fuck has kidz bop ruined everything?… What the fuck is this bullshit
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"You could always have both, you know."
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"Who needs men when you have food?" 
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"Well, thank you m'am. It means a lot to me that you have high hopes. I will try not to let you down." He cleared his throat softly, "excuse me. Uhm. I only talked to my mom briefly about her, and she said that Jeri is doing alright. I would like to go see her, but that doesn't look too well on my part being new and all, huh?"
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"I have high hopes for you, because our last new guy who came here through family connections really let us down-that much I know from my absence. But is your sister alright?" 
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"All I know is that something happened to my sister. Yes, Yes I am. Joshua Harrigan at your service."
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"Damn. I was really hoping for someone to give me a recap of everthing. Wait…aren’t you Callie’s son?" 
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"I don't know.. I kind of just got here."
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"It’s good to be back. But what the hell did I miss?" 
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"Neither have I, man,"
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"Damn. I’ve never seen this place so busy…" 
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"Mom. You have to stay here. I don't know if she will want to see Elena. I don't know mom.. I can always call you and tell you how she is doing."
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"Josh, I can’t stay here… Don’t you think she’ll be glad to see Elena?" Calllie rubbed her forehead tiredly. "I wish I could have stopped her. Why did I leave my keys out? I— yeah, okay. She’ll be… she’ll be okay."
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"Mom, Mom.. Calm down.. It's okay.." He bit his lip and looked at her, "You need to stay here with Elena.. I will go see Jeri at the hospital. Everything will be okay. She's going to be okay, mom. I promise."
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"I need to call him. Jeri… Jeri’s in the hospital. She got in a car accident, with my car, mind you. Can you drive to the hospital? I need to get Elena… Jeri— Josh, what am I going to do?”
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"He's fine. What do you need? Where is she? Where is my sister?!"
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"It’s definitely a pleasant surprise, Josh. I’ve missed you so much. How’s… how’s your father? Jeri… Jeri isn’t here. And I need to ask you a favor."
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"Because I wasnted to surprise you and Jeri, mom."
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"You’re probably right about that, but… why did you? Joshua…"
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joshua-harrigan · 10 years
"Well, i'm pretty sure that if I actually talked to you, I wouldn't have been able to keep the fact that I applied here a secret."
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"Finally my other child shows up. Is this the reason you’ve been ignoring my calls?"
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