joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
This week is our presentation date. I gave developed a script in collaboration with Jackson for our team to read for the oral. Our team has decided to wear natural colours for the presentation as this shows professionalism and uniformity.  
I have also designed the presentation slides to be used on the day. This has been done on a program called Canva.
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
Finalisation of project document
As we are nearing closer and closer to the due date for our project, our team is now working collaboratively to all together all needed elements to include inside our project documentation.
I have had to go through and re word some of Eddies work as some of his wording isn't correct and some information is not correct. This has taken some time but all work is now reworded and now flows with the other written work.
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
Prototype change/design
This week we have experiences a road block in regards to the dimensions of the shipping containers. As previously designed, we had the glass river wall running long the whole length of the building. This cannot happen now as the top shining continuers are different dimensions to the bottom ones. Due to this, the design has had to be alter to have the building shape changed.
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
Budget planning & change of bar/cafe
This week, Jackson our head of project communication has started to reattach and formulate our project budget plan. We have developed some issues regarding the budget. These have included fitting out the music studios and having enough funds to construct the bar/cafe. Originally we had the music studios as two rooms fit with a recording desk in each. This has proved to be extremely costly so we have decided to change the layout to be three rooms including, a man recording desk room, instrumental room and a vocals room. This has cut down on the extra cost of the recording desks.
Our team has also had to move the construction of the bar to a phase 2 stage. This is due to the lack of funds left. This is not an integral part of the venue so this shouldn't make much of a difference.
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
Timeline difficulty to match in while peak Brisbane times
Our project timeline has been taking a longer period to complete than expected. Our team has been communicating with the tutor regarding his opinion on the period that we should plan our development around.  The construction period has been the most confusing as we do not know how long the company will take to build the venue.
Taking advice into consideration, we have decided to have the venue open on September of 2021as this is peak Brisbane local festival season. Most importantly this is the period when Brisbane Festival is happening and this would aid the patron flow for the arts venue.
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
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Logo change and Project Prototype
Our team has decided to re work our project and company logo. We wanted to do this because we feel that the company wasn't communicating the image or vision that we wanted. we are going to totally change the colours, graphics and fonts.
At this point, our team has begun to sketch and digitally design of venue and what was invasion the rooms to look like and be set out. We have chosen to design the prototype on the program Tinker Cad. WE have chosen this as we feel this is the most professional looking and performing software.
We have also had issues with making the venue original and setting it apart from others. After talking with our tutor, we have decided to structure the venue more. We are going to do this by developing a timetable of classes that will be happening at the venue weekly. Jackson has been tasked will developing this time table in collaboration with us.
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
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Research on originality, diversity and sustainability
In the time between last weeks class and this weeks class, our team begin working on developing our projects information on originality, diversity, ethics and sustainability.
We wanted to place a significant focus on maintaining sustainable practices within the development of the venue. To do this, we decided to utilise the shipping containers gifted to us by the client and also salvage and fabricate the old timber present on site. We still have to communicate with the unit coordinator to determine just how ‘useable’ the wood is. Whether it can be structural, or if it is purely for decoration.
In reference to originality, I have researched similar projects around Brisbane that show similar practices as the boathouse. An example that I found was is the Brisbane Institute of Art, which offer small selection of visual arts classes. As for venue design originality, the only other venue that I could find was X Cargo bar in fortitude Valley. This venue features the same shipping container construction as the venue.  
Our team has decided to show our teams focus on diversity by featuring locally painted art by local indigenous groups on the floor of the bar.
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
Project Inspiration
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The above images are some of the locations and previously built boathouses and boathouse themed buildings that our team has taken design inspiration from.  
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
The Boathouse Collaborative
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Our teams new project concept is “The Boathouse Collaborative”. 
The Boathouse Collaborative is a multi arts space intended to be utilised by youth to give them the opportunity to show their work in a welcoming and innovative space.  
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
Change of concept - Diversity, focus on the brief
After working through our target audience engagement brainstorm and planning process, our team found that our original idea wasn't fulfilling the vision that we as a group collaboratively wanted to push. 
Our team “why” statements all focused heavily on maintaining diversity in our professional work. This prompted us to heavily reconsider our idea and our engagement model.  
After some careful considerations on how we can make this project more diverse, in depth and how we can successfully fulfil the Northshore brief our team came up with a separate project idea.   
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
Target Audience - Stakeholders, collaboration with organisations etc.
During class workshops our team worked together to plan and decide our target audience and develop a structured Community Engagement strategy. “The Youth of Brisbane and their families” proved to be a fit demographic to place our focus and cater our work towards. 
 To develop an effective target audience approach, our team has to evaluate the demographic based on its interaction with 4 main topics. These were Issues of Interpretation, Organisations, Connected Groups and Other Opportunities. 
Some of the ideas listed on these titles were: 
Issues of Interpretation: 
Relevancy & Nessecarity 
Queensland Government, PCYC, Northshore, Digi - Youth Arts, Backbone Youth Arts, Brisbane Queer Organisations 
Connected Groups:
Families of the youth, Immediate & Extended Indigenous Communities, Geo-Demographics of the area 
Other Opportunities:  
Cross Promotional Marketing, Eat Street Community Connection, Film materials 
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
“The Cinema at Sea”
At the commencement of group formations. The owner of the initial idea took time to detail exactly what the idea was and what the vision was for the project. 
He wanted the project to involve the building of a cinema on the edge of the docks at Northshore. The cinemas was to resemble the look of a ship and play “at sea” themed films on themed nights.  
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joshuacollins-blog · 5 years
Project Idea Change & Group Formation
From this point on my journal will now be covering the planning of another  separate idea. After class delegation, 4 different idea were chosen and groups were formed based on individual interest in the said ideas. 
My group will now be covering the idea called “The Cinema At Sea”. 
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joshuacollins-blog · 6 years
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The essential skills sets needed for this projects development included, graphic designers, carpenters, landscapers, painters and much more. On a more practical note, to make this market work we will need an amazing group of diverse sellers ranging from the selling of produce to services and even entertainers.
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joshuacollins-blog · 6 years
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The Northshore Container Markets are out to set the bar for the selling and showcasing of local and location based produce. Not only will these markets cater to our fresh food lovers out there, but will offer help for anyone need maybe just that something extra whether it be counselling help or even financial aid. Its markets sod out of shipping containers, what more could you want?
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joshuacollins-blog · 6 years
Final Concept 2 - The Northshore Container Markets
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joshuacollins-blog · 6 years
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The essential skill sets and roles required in the realisation of the Omega bar project include a graphic designer, carpenters, visual artists (for graffiti), landscapers. On a more practical level when the bar is operational jobs such as, bar workers, waiters and potentially musical artists will be needed.
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