joshualegallais · 7 years
Revised work flow
Wright code to create dice (code is written in MEL the Autodesk scripting language) > Extend code with script that extrudes each face > Roll 5 dice 10 times > Count up roll data and insert it into code > Execute code in Maya to generate 3D model > Export model  to Autodesk Autocad and save as an STL > 3D print object.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
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These photos were taken at the final exhibition. The first two photos are of someone “interacting” with my 3D printed object. The last one is of my info sheet which shows my revised work flow.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
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(Yea, Got my space-bar working again!)
These are renders I made Today to show how different they can be. I did not bother rolling dice for these ones because I would have taken to long, instead I just put in random numbers. Picture this, you have been playing a game of dice with your friends but while you have been playing you each record your rolls. Then after the game you all insert your roll data into the code. Now each of you has a unique dice that indicates how lucky you were that game. I sort of works like a bar graph, so you can see the frequency at which each face was rolled.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
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joshualegallais · 7 years
My code
polyCube -sx 19 -sy 19 -sz 19;
select -r pCube1.f[361:721]; polyExtrudeFacet -constructionHistory 1 -keepFacesTogether 1 -pvx 5.960464478e-08 -pvy 0.5 -pvz 0 -divisions 1 -twist 0 -taper 1 -off 0 -thickness 0 -smoothingAngle 30 pCube1.f[361:721]; setAttr "polyExtrudeFace1.localTranslate" -type double3 0 0 0.00000; //Face 1 (insert roll data befor decimal point)
select -r pCube1.f[0:360]; polyExtrudeFacet -constructionHistory 1 -keepFacesTogether 1 -pvx 5.960464478e-08 -pvy 0.5 -pvz 0 -divisions 1 -twist 0 -taper 1 -off 0 -thickness 0 -smoothingAngle 30 pCube1.f[0:360]; setAttr "polyExtrudeFace2.localTranslate" -type double3 0 0 0.00000; //Face 2 (insert roll data befor decimal point)
select -r pCube1.f[1805:2165]; polyExtrudeFacet -constructionHistory 1 -keepFacesTogether 1 -pvx 5.960464478e-08 -pvy 0.5 -pvz 0 -divisions 1 -twist 0 -taper 1 -off 0 -thickness 0 -smoothingAngle 30 pCube1.f[1805:2165]; setAttr "polyExtrudeFace3.localTranslate" -type double3 0 0 0.00000; // Face 3 (insert roll data befor decimal point)
select -r pCube1.f[1444:1804]; polyExtrudeFacet -constructionHistory 1 -keepFacesTogether 1 -pvx 5.960464478e-08 -pvy 0.5 -pvz 0 -divisions 1 -twist 0 -taper 1 -off 0 -thickness 0 -smoothingAngle 30 pCube1.f[1444:1804]; setAttr "polyExtrudeFace4.localTranslate" -type double3 0 0 0.00000; // Face 4 (insert roll data befor decimal point)
select -r pCube1.f[722:1082]; polyExtrudeFacet -constructionHistory 1 -keepFacesTogether 1 -pvx 5.960464478e-08 -pvy 0.5 -pvz 0 -divisions 1 -twist 0 -taper 1 -off 0 -thickness 0 -smoothingAngle 30 pCube1.f[722:1082]; setAttr "polyExtrudeFace5.localTranslate" -type double3 0 0 0.00000; // Face 5 (insert roll data befor decimal point)
select-r pCube1.f[1083:1443]; polyExtrudeFacet -constructionHistory 1 -keepFacesTogether 1 -pvx 5.960464478e-08 -pvy 0.5 -pvz 0 -divisions 1 -twist 0 -taper 1 -off 0 -thickness 0 -smoothingAngle 30 pCube1.f[1083:1443]; setAttr "polyExtrudeFace6.localTranslate" -type double3 0 0 0.00000; // Face 6 (insert roll data befor decimal point)
select -r pCube1.f[541] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[542] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[522] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[540] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[560] ;
move -r 0 -0.0500000 0;
move -r 0.0500000 0 0 ;
select -tgl pCube1.f[1744] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1732] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1504] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1516] ;
move -r -0.0500000 0 0 ;
select -r pCube1.f[2093] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1985] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1877] ;
move -r 0.0500000 0 0 ;
select -r pCube1.f[60] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[300] ;
move -r 0 0 -0.0500000 ;
select -r pCube1.f[794] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[782] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1010] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1022] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[902] ;
move -r 0 0 0.0500000 ;
select -r pCube1.f[1143] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1155] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1383] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1371] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1377] ; select -tgl pCube1.f[1149] ;
move -r 0 0.0500000 0;
select -r pCube1 ; scale -r 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 ;
I did my project in Maya using the scripting language MEL. to use my code you must insert roll data to each face. for example: 0 0 0.700000. data is inserted before the zeros but after the decimal point.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
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This is my Dice created with my code and roll data which I collected myself by rolling five dice ten times.
Roll data
1) 5
2) 6
3) 14
4) 5
5) 6
6) 14
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joshualegallais · 7 years
joshuaLeGallais -r tired,hungry1.f [screems];
after a week of organising, attending inductions, mishaps and 4 hour printing time I now have my Extruded dice. As of right now I have just finished my entourage which took me 2 hours. I ran out off ideas and produced 2 funny ones just to keep me going. my inactivity on my blog recently is because CCC essay has taken priority in the last few weeks. I will upload the images next. 
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joshualegallais · 7 years
I think that the slices might create an uneven shape meaning that it might not roll properly so I may end up 3D printing it instead.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
I would use plastic instead of cardboard because I think you would need more weight in order for them to roll properly.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
Work Flow
Roll dice > Generate 3D model in Processing > Export STL from Processing > Import STL to Slicer for Fusion 360 > Convert geometry to inter-locking slices > Export plans as PDF > Laser cut PDF on plastic > Assemble cardboard slices.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
I would like to create dice that use data that I will create. I will roll five dice ten times and mark down the results. I will put this data into Processing and that will change the size of each of the faces. once I have the shapes I will run them through Slicer and get a stacked shape. I would then use the laser cutter to cut out the sheets out of plastic.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
This is a short film written by a machine learning algorithm. film director Oscar Sharp and technologist Ross Goodwin gave it the job of writing dialog and scripting prop interaction.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
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Video game developer Michael Davies has created a script in blender to randomly generate space ships. first you put in your parameters and the computer dose the rest.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
Data Sketches
Data Sketches is a collaboration of generative artists. they use data and algorithms to create visual art.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
Michael Skirpan the data artist for this project took 11 sets of real time data such as time of day, sea levels and humidity to create beautiful waves that respond to the weather.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
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Dillon Marsh has generated balls of precious metals outside mines using the amount of metal they have extracted as data for the size of the balls.
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joshualegallais · 7 years
for the second half of Coding for creative practice I want to create an object by inputting data of some sort into Processing and the running that 3D shape through Slicer to get a parametric pattern. I am yet to think of a propose for the object or the shape it will be but I think that will come with research and experimentation.
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