joshuaoni-blog · 5 years
Cocoa In the Ivory Coast.
Chocolate is formed from cocoa beans that are fermented and roasted for flavor. They are then cocoa mass and are liquified in order to be solidified, powdered, and what have you. While cocoa beans were first present in Mesoamerica around 1900 BCE the largest export for it is in the Ivory Coast. The process involves farmers to grow the beans and workers to ferment and sell them. These workers would consistently be children which has been a problem for years now. Child labor has subjected millions to working in fields and being subject to poverty. Buyers travel to villages and take the beans to storehouses to be exported. Traffickers lie promising health and education for the children instead giving them 100 + hours a week. Barley being paid enough to live knowing you’ll eat the next day earning around 50 cents or less a day while the major companies such as Hershey and Nestle make millions. With the Global Economy flourishing by forcing these children to work little to nothing has changed for years upon years. Children aged at 11 are working on fields being denied any sort of health care, education, food, etcetera. Prices spike in reference to supply and demand by the commodities market. This is generally a marketplace for selling and buying raw materials. With the Econmoy benefiting few look upon what it does to the inhabitants of West Africa. The harvesting and processing of these goods leave detrimental effects on the laborers leaving them poor and devoid of life just as factory workers were in the Industrial Revolution and just as slaves were during the Trans Atlantic slave trade.
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joshuaoni-blog · 5 years
Marx and Socialism
In the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century capatilist society is as governed by the bourgeoisie. These were the owners of the means of production who made up the 1% of the population. The remaining people were under the classification as the proletariat. They were the factory workers who barley lived sufficiently. They would work from sun up to sun down. These stressful hours made the people feel useless in the grand scheme of things as another cog in the grand factory. This class division left the proletariat poor and working for shelter, food, etcetera. This would extend to women, men, amd children. Women would even work to the brink of death from being lunprotected by the government. Capatilism is a form of government that can allow you to get rich but also, this being far easier, becoming poor. From it giving more freedom to the people it left little protection for the people and allowed for whatever to happen to them happen. This amounted in women struggling in a society that had already been hard enough to live in.
From this Karl Marx had chosen to adopt the idea of socialism. This believed in the idea of abandoning private property, class hierarchy, and providing a strong government. Taking away private property allowed equality in the eyes of those who couldn’t afford any property in the world of capatilism. It was one of the ideas Locke hadn’t considered or hadn’t cared about. Marx believed capatilism abandoned all humanity and was literally killing its subordinates and subjected people to a meaningless world where there were expendable. Unfortunately, the proletariat has never rebelled as he had fortild because the factory owners had kept them down so long that living was all they could afford to do. As far as Marx was concerned this was nothing more then another example of oppressors vs the oppressed.
Source: http://www.crf-usa.org/bill-of-rights-in-action/bria-19-2-a-karl-marx-a-failed-vision-of-history.html
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joshuaoni-blog · 5 years
Kinship Diagram
The diagram records paternal and maternal connections while disagreeing grandparents. It also displays connections to cousins as well as brothers and sisters
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joshuaoni-blog · 5 years
Gender Inequality in Wrestling
In the history of the WWE women have always played a lesser role than men. In fact, it seems that women have been made out to be symbols of sex appeal because that is what is deemed appropriate for female wrestlers instead of serious roles. Key examples of this include Chyna and Trish Stratus. Both excellent female wrestlers made generally out for sex appeal. The constant harassment which is deemed as a “joke” also doesn’t help the situation. While times are becoming better they certainly come nowhere close to equal.
Source: https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/turning-20/wwe-attitude-era-sexism
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joshuaoni-blog · 5 years
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Joshua Oneal
Globalization and Transnational Citizenship in Eritrea
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joshuaoni-blog · 6 years
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Race, Skin Color, and Class in the Dominican Republic
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joshuaoni-blog · 6 years
Metformin is a medication prescribed to those who suffer from diabetes. From this medication your insulin levels are targeted and used more effectively. They also help on losing some weight. With this medication natural selection is trumped by having a direct counter to your natural circumstances. This is because more often then not diabetes is passed genetically. From this known fact, if Metformin hadn’t existed those suffering from diabetes could be halted in regards to reproduction or could pass off unfavorable genes to their offspring. But, due to its interference with insulin levels society can adapt to the circumstances.
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joshuaoni-blog · 6 years
There are 14 people in my Biology class. 11 are women and 3 are men including myself. In this class the women spoke around nine times for around a minute each and the men spoke twice. From this data it can be said that the women spoke more often. They would use around 20 to 30 words each. When speaking the women would use their hands to gesture their points or to just get the point they are making through to the professor or fellow students. The men would sit and usually just bob their heads when speaking. The women would also be sitting straight or laying their heads on the desk while most men slouched against the chairs or laid their heads down. Also, the women would have their legs crossed and eyes on who they’re speaking too while the men would have their legs open and either make eye contact or look away. The instructor is a woman and they communicate through hand gestures and constant eye contact either the students. She would also move around the classroom to keep students attention on her and moving. She would commonly call on women more so then men but this may be due to the higher ratio of women then men as well as the more women raising their hands. The instructors gender in my opinion does influence the class. She provides a more feminine outlook on biology allowing the women a better understanding or certain topics involving them. I feel this encouragement makes them women feel more at liberty to participate and gain a better understanding of the class in general.
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joshuaoni-blog · 6 years
David Bowie Space Oddity
Dialect- “Here am I floating 'round my tin can Far above the moon”
This clearly shows his meaning in saying around the moon but displays his meaning in “round”
“Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do"
This shows the power of nature and the world. In the grand scheme of things sometimes there are things you can’t control and for those thing you are simply along for the ride
“Tell my wife I love her very much she knows”
Here we see that he wants the people to tell his wife how much he loves her to which they respond “she knows”. This shows the bond of love by man and woman to be something that depicts love to the point where she is well aware of his affection for her.
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joshuaoni-blog · 6 years
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I choose the nearest park to me for my mapping location. I did this because of the convenience and structure of the area. There were swings and slides along with rails for playing with. There was a healthy amount of vegetation surrounding the playground as well. Something I noticed that I hadn’t before was the amount of people at the park depending on the time of day. Early in the morning there are mostly adults exercising or walking their dogs. Later on in the afternoon there are kids playing. At night adults are taking night runs/walks and teens are just hanging around. I was also expecting a bit more people but there were only few there. This is most probably due to the 30 degree weather. Later at night things seem quieter and more at peace which is probably why people enjoy walking at that time.
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joshuaoni-blog · 6 years
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Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment Concept Map
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joshuaoni-blog · 6 years
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Though this fieldwork assignment I realized that much of what I buy are wants. They are objects that I don’t need but desire for one reason or more. This is because these objects make life more pleasurable and simple. Having expensive boots instead of paper or torn down shoes is instantly preferable to most people in the world. Having a PS4 is another thing that many desire for entertainment. It is these things that ease life yet also take away from what is really important. Perhaps focusing more on the smaller things leave a bigger impact on oneself.
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joshuaoni-blog · 6 years
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joshuaoni-blog · 6 years
The phenomenon that is comic book culture is embellished mostly through the organizations that are Marvel and DC comics. Common knowledge amongst those of said cultures include the knowledge of heroes rising against the villainy of evil doers. As well as that while there are times that may seem tough doing the right thing is always the correct thing to do. Beliefs are that what makes a hero are his/her ideals. The definition for what a hero is varies amongst people. Some may say Wonder Woman is a hero while others would say Batman is more of one. One kills and the other doesn’t but works outside the law. Both seen as societal no’s but also, given the situation, seen as a necessity. The attitude of this culture is one that has naught but complete admiration for fiction. Sometimes we need fiction to make sense of nonfiction. “If a teenager can juggle school life along with not having any parents and being a radioactive human mutate then maybe, just maybe I can pass my exam” is one such example. Values include morality, humility, dignity, pride, selflessness, and so much more. The diversity amongst the years of this culture teaches one person one thing and another a different thing. People ingrained in this culture are like branches off of the same tree. But from that tree can we all find nutrients and growth from one another. Excelsior!!
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joshuaoni-blog · 6 years
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Joshua O’Neal
Intro to Anthropology
Feb 2, 2019
2. The pen was first manufactured by John j. Loud in 1888 in America. Due to the times it couldn’t efficiently be used to write until a Hungarian newspaper editor by the name is Laszlo Biro would attempt to have it dry quicker. He and his brother Gyorgy presented the first working model at Budapest in 1931. They would go on to Argentina to start their own pen company. After WW II multiple companies, namely Paper Mate and Martin Pen Company, began producing commercially successful pens.
3. Pens are manufactured in industrial buildings that incorporate the correct chemicals into the pens thus perfecting Laszlo’s idea to have them produce dry ink.
4. Pens have a grand impact on my life. I use them everyday for note taking and writing in general. They are also of great use in sending letters to places far away thus compressing time and space effectively.
5. Billions of people worldwide are effected by pens. Every second of every day someone is writing a letter, message, assignment, document, etcetera with pens and so life for these people is different depending on themselves. Obtaining a pen isn’t exclusive to a certain class nowadays so while some who use them do live harsher lives than others, there are those who live luxuriously too.
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