I believe that a dog is a man’s best friend, dogs are extremely loyal to their owners and it seems that dogs and humans grow a incredible bond which is odd for a human and an animal to have this type of bond. In my family growing up the dogs were always are little alarm and they were always just trying to protect the house and mostly the family. In a small article by Adrienne Janet Farricelli she mentions why dogs are so protective and says “ These dogs know that the owner will protect them from harm and ensure their well being because a history of trust has established that fact. These dogs will trust their owner, looking up to him/her for guidance and direction” (Farricelli par. 2). Dogs have an incredible bond on their owners and that’s why having a dog when you can is strongly in my favor just because how relaxed, fun and outgoing dogs can be. 
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In the short story “On Compassion” by Barbara Lazear Ascher someone can should some compassion on a problem to give it more light. Compassion requires empathy and having empathy requires a lot of work on their part.In the story it says “I have wondered what compels this women to feed this man”(Ascher 37). What compels this women to feed this man is empathy or you could argue she is just trying to be nice. Empathy and compassion can run together and can have the same meaning behind something. Empathy is the best when someone has gone through the exact thing for them to help someone out.  With empathy and compassion having the same meaning in a sense they say in the short story “And yet, it may be that these are the conditions that finally give birth to empathy, the mother of compassion”(Ascher 37). Saying if you have one characteristic then you should be able to pick the other one up. You don’t just obtain information or characteristic’s and pick them up, you learn from people and situation that put us in tough times and times we need to be more accepting and have empathy for one another.   
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In What I Think and Feel at 25 by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the man feels that if an elder man comes and wants to share a story it is respectful to listen and that is what the boy did he “politely grunts” and wanted the elderly man know that he was listening. They were both determined on not hearing the story and telling the story, and the older man wanted some gratitude after the story from the younger boy. They started talking and the boy says “ Well, you see, sir, it seems to me that as a man gets older he grows more vulner--”(Fitzgerald). Being vulnerable can be a good thing but can work as a bad thing also having people take advantage of you. Right after the younger boy said that, the elderly man shook his hand and was about to walk of because he didn’t want to hear what the younger boy had to say because he thinks anything he says is not right because the older man is going of experiences and the older you are the more things you’ve encountered. What he talks about is if you love doing something don’t go at it by yourself you’ll end up not making it. 
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In Shooting An Elephant by George Orwell the young boy try to overcome nerve while still standing strong and doing the dirty work at the empire for the Europeans. With battle with the Buddhist and hatred among men he says “ All I knew was that I was stuck between my hatred of the empire I served and my rage against the evil-spirited little beasts who tried to make my job impossible”.(Orwell Par 6). As he overcame the situations, he still had to overcome what was always after him and that was he wasn’t going to let the people of Burmese hate him for another he did wrong. When he knew that elephant was going to kill the whole village there was only one thing on his mind and that was killing the elephant to same the people that he deeply loves. 
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In Prom InshAllah, by Haroon Moghul, he talks about the struggle of a new place and not fitting in like he is used to. He tried and tried to fit in into his new job and even newer country. He talks about it being unfair he says “ Every single student received it, except me. The only brown kid. The only Muslim kid. The new kid”(Moghul), he feels that his parents should have raised him different, he is often complaining about his parents not talking to him about sex, girls and social abilities. Throughout this passage he talks about making a name for him, he wants people to remember him for something memorable. He often would miss school for Muslim prayers, he says “ to find out what I'd missed in school. As if, as a senior, I really cared. Turned out I'd missed only everything”(Moghul). He is frustrated that he is missing everything because his religion is forcing him to miss school because he has mandatory prayers throughout the day and even week. The change was pretty hard for him, he ends up taking a girl to Prom and while he was there he said “ We stumble onto God in the blanks, the places you live in but don't belong to, if only to be taught this hell of a mercy: no one belongs here”(Moghul). 
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A article called “on Being a Cripple” talks about a women being crippled and how it’s a cleaner word than disabled or handicapped. While she made this choice to go by crippled, she didn’t know she was making a statement and a stand on what society puts on handicapped people. She is trying to so that not everyone that is handicapped should be classified as one person or a group, she was making a stand. She says in her article that “a certain amount of honesty underlies my choice”(Nancy Mairs). She by being called crippled sets amount of honesty every time she hears that word, and she puts faith into her choice about wanting to change the way people looked and what people categorized as disabled. She mentions “differently abled, developing, underdeveloped” with schools and education being where it’s at right now and college and debt, society whats you to come out of college without any money so why go? If you don’t go to college anymore in today’s world it’s going to be difficult to get a job and your classified as stupid, low life with society and the government taking your money. In “on Being a Cripple” she stood up and made a decision that changed what people thought of. 
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In Shooting Dad by Sarah Vowell, she struggles with the relationship with her father and the differences she shares with him. Their relationship is a love hate relationship with them both having love for each other but in unique ways. Having two different views on politics can cause some uncomfortable situations especially with this family. The metaphors in this story are a attention and a trigger for the novel. They share different things but they also share things that they also love together in different ways. What frustrated and made Sarah to be different is “Sarah’s sister followed her Dad’s ways” it made Sarah realize that she didn’t have to fit in and still be loved. Shooting guns was just not Sarah’s way of attention or bonding with her dad and that made it difficult for her dad to take that. 
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