josiahyb825 · 4 years
Kiss Of Reluctance Ch 2) Temperatures Rising
After The Core Four spent some more time in the hot tub, they paired off once again. And went to their respective rooms. The atmosphere between the couples was tense, but each for different reasons. 
Jughead and Betty's room 
Jughead was laying on the bed in a bathrobe, reading a book. Betty was in the bathroom. Doing what? He was not sure. He knew that she was still annoyed with the stunt that he pulled in the backyard. But considering he did not actually do anything wrong, he did not much care for her attitude. "Did you enjoy that little stunt, Juggie?" Yes, she was definitely mad. That much he could tell from her voice.
"It felt good watching the look on Archie's face." He was clearly amused.
"You know? It really looked like you wanted to kiss Veronica for a moment there." She  continued from the behind the bathroom door.
"Did it now?" Jughead was not sure what Betty was trying to pull, but he wasn't about to give her statement any merit. The only reason the teen even went through with his little scheme was because he thought Betty would know him well enough to realize he would never try to hurt her. 
"yeah it did." She pulled the bathroom door open slowly. She was standing in what appeared to be a fake black wig, dark red lipstick, and lingerie.
Now Jughead was beyond confused. "What are you doing Betty?" He turned back to continue reading his book.
She was not fazed by the question. "I was thinking. If the thought of actually kissing her crossed your mind, then you should be punished." She began to strut closer to him, moving her hips in a sensual manner.
Jughead wasn't one to not satisfy his curiosity, and he had to admit. The situation was beginning to intrigue him. "And how are you planning to do that?" He took a second to glance up and down her body, as she continued to move closer to the bed.
"Oh, don't worry. You'll find out soon enough." She finally reached the bed and shoved him down on his back, climbing over him until she was straddling his lap. The blonde leaned down until her lips were right next to his ear. "Are you ready for your punishment, Juggiekins?" 
That was enough to snap Jughead out of it. This was getting to be too much for him. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that for whatever reason, Betty was not being herself. He put his hands on the girls forearms and gently pushed her off of him. "What's going on Betty?" He climbed off the bed. Turning around to face her, the boy waited for her response. 
The blonde was completely thrown off. She did not expect Jughead to reject her advances. "What do you mean?"
"What do I mean?" He asked, incredulous. "You're not acting like yourself is what I mean."
"How am I not acting like myself?"
"huh, let's see,' he replied sarcastically. "One example is the way you're dressed," he continued counting off on his fingers. "Two, the dark lipstick, three, the over sexuality, and let's not forget. You called me Juggiekins." He was appalled with the girl's behavior, clearly. But he was also worried about her. Why would she act this way? "What was all this about?" He tried to keep his eye contact, but the girl kept glancing away from him, seemingly deep in thought. 
"I don't know?" Betty didn't really have an answer that would satisfy the teen. "I just thought you would like it if I spiced up our love life a little." She kept looking anywhere but at him.
"Why would you think that I would like, let alone want that at all?" A thought crossed his mind. "Are you not satisfied with our relationship?" He really did not want to know the answer, but he knew he could not avoid the situation.
Betty kept her head down, and didn't say anything. That was an answer in and of itself. "Oh, I see." Jughead didn't wait any longer. The Jones  walked over to the door, opening it before turning back to the blonde. "I'm going to go ask Veronica if there are any spare bedrooms that I can stay in for the weekend. If not, I'll just sleep in the living room."
Jughead's resignation flipped a switch in her mind. "Wait Jug-" She didn't get a chance to finish her statement.  The door slammed shut, cutting her off. She was about to get up and go after him, when she decided that it would probably be better for her to give him some space for the moment.
Archie and Veronica's room
A Similar conversation was going on in the next room. Archie was still pissed off with Veronica. "What the hell was that about, Ronnie?!"
"What are you talking about Archiekins?" The Raven feigned ignorance.
The Teen was not up for playing games. "I am talking about you wanting to kiss Jughead in the hot-tub. I thought you said that you had forgiven me for kissing Betty. You told me it didn't bother you."
Veronica turned to face Archie, with a look of shock on her face. "Of course it bothered me, Archie. You kissed my best friend, the girl you used to like, and who used to be in love with you not 6 months ago." She was flabbergasted. "I know I have no right to be upset, because we were broken up,  but it still hurts."
Archie did not know how to reply to that. "Look, Ronnie. I am sorry. I can't say it enough. But nothing either of us say or do is going to change the fact that it happened, and we can't change it."
Tears were starting to well up in Veronica's eyes. "Would you have ever told me?"
"What do you mean?"
She wiped some of the tears from her eyes. " If Cheryl had never blackmailed you, would you have ever told me?" Now she was the one who was upset. The question has haunted her mind, ever since he had first told her.
The boy was silent. It's not because he never would have told her. Archie did not really know what he would have done if Cheryl had not manipulated him. Truthfully, he never thought of it before.
The boys lack of answer was enough for her however. The fact that he has to think about it says a lot. Veronica tried to wipe the remaining tears from her face, but they just kept falling. "I need some space." She got up and went to the door. As soon as she opened it, Jughead's first appeared in front of her. He was clearly about to knock on the door. "What do you need Jughead?" Veronica asked, trying to hide her sadness from the boy.
The current state of the girl in front of him gave him pause. "I,I was just about to ask-" He changed his mind, and decided to voice his other question. "Are you okay, Veronica?" He tried to show her that he was actually concerned. Whatever bad blood existed between them, he still cared about the girl. And not just because she was his girlfriend's? Ex-girlfriend's? Best friend. He was not sure at the moment.
"I am fine, Jughead." She turned to hide her face from him.
He was not convinced. "Do you wanna go somewhere and talk?"
She was about to say no. She didn't want anyone seeing her in this vulnerable state. She hated when people pitied her. But when she looked up at his face, all she could see was concern. Without another thought, she agreed. And they both left the room. The door closed behind her, as they walked in silence towards the living room.
Even after they sat down on the couch, the silence continued. Jughead didn't want to pester the girl with questions. If she was anything like him, he knew she would start talking when she was ready. 
"What did you need earlier?" Veronica was thankful that he was patient with her, but she still was not ready to start bearing her heart and soul to the boy.
The question disappointed him. But he understood why she wanted to change topics, and shift over to him. It seems what she said about them having ' a lot in common,' was true. "I wanted to know if you had any spare bedrooms I could crash in?"
She paused for a moment, wondering if something happened with him and Betty. Was it her fault? Did his teasing cause it? "There are two more on the opposite side of The Lodge." She turned and pointed to the staircases behind them. "You just go up those stairs, and there is the second room on the left. And the first one on the right."
"Thank you."
"No problem. I don't mean to intrude, but did something happen between you and Betty? Was it because of what happened in the Hot Tub?"
"Yes and no." He really did not feel like getting into it. He tried to show her that it was not a big deal, but she would not let it go. She could tell he really needed someone to talk to. So he relented. "Betty thought it would be a good idea to put on a black wig, and act like a seductress." The girl's eyes widened, in response to what he told her, but he didn't seem to notice. "Yeah, I know. It sounds insane. But it's true." He let out a pitiful laugh. "She said she was gonna punish me, because of the idea that I might have actually wanted to kiss you." He started laughing a little harder.
Veronica knew he wasn't trying to hurt her feelings, by laughing at the possibility that he might have actually wanted to kiss her. But for reasons the raven could not explain, she couldn't stop herself from feeling hurt.
Jughead saw the hurt expression,and tried to remedy the situation. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have laughed." He placed his hands on her shoulder in an effort to comfort her. "I hope you know, I wasn't trying to be mean. I was just trying to point out that I was not the kind of person."
She looked at the hand that was on her shoulder. It was surprisingly warm. Then she looked up at him. "It's fine, Jughead. I know you didn't mean any harm." She looked back down, until she remembered what the boy had said about his Girlfriend. "So Betty brought back Mistress Hyde I see." She grinned at the memory of what Chuck referred to as 'Dark Betty.'
Jughead's eyebrows moved closer together. A sure sign of his confusion. "What are you talking about?"
Veronica hesitated. Betty never told him about that night with Chuck? Wait, he was in the room when Chucked mentioned it at his birthday party. Maybe with all the stuff going on, he just forgot. "You don't remember?"
The Jones shook his head.
"Chuck told everyone about how Betty dressed up in a black wig and some lingerie. It was at your party."
He laughed again. "I think I was focusing more on how I wanted to punch him in the face. To be honest, I don't really remember what he said."
A look of understanding crossed her face. "Fair enough." She waited in silence for a minute. "So did anything else happen? I can't imagine that would be enough to make you not want to be around her?"
"Yeah, she called me Juggiekins." He frowned at the memory. "It was all really weird."
Betty called him Juggiekins? Adding the ins at the end of names is her thing. Is Dark Betty supposed to be an imitation of her or something? Veronica quickly let that train of thought get derailed. It was too creepy to think about. There was a snapping sound coming from in front of her. She followed the fingers up to Jughead's face. He looked concerned. "Sorry, I must have spaced out for a second there. Continue."
There was a small moment of hesitation, while he stared at her for a little while longer, as if he was trying to read her mind. Surprisingly, the look didn't bother Veronica. What did bother her, was her own lack of discomfort. What was going on? True, they never hated or even outwardly disliked each other, but they weren't exactly close either.  There was a time when she thought they might become close friends. It was when she told him that they had a lot in common. But after that, nothing really happened between them. Except when he gave her advice on whether to try and reconnect with her Father. They both got pulled into their own drama, and never really had any time to hang out or get to know each other. Yet in moments like these, it felt like they've known each other forever.
"So anyway," he spoke up, pulling her away from her thoughts. "Betty wasn't acting like herself. So I asked her what was wrong. She couldn't answer me. So I asked her if-." He tried to explain, but he seemed to have a hard time getting it out. Veronica didn't rush him, and he appreciated her for it. "I asked her if she was not happy with our relationship."
"Oh. What did she say?"
A despondent look crossed his face,before he tried to hide it with a look of indifference. "She didn't respond to that question either. Which is an answer in and of itself."
Veronica noticed the shift in Jughead's expression, but she decided not to comment on it. "I'm sorry that happened to you Jughead" She was curious though. What about their relationship was Betty unhappy with? It never seemed like it was a problem. Betty never mentioned it in any of their many conversations they have had about their significant others. She made a mental note to ask Betty about it later. When they were alone of course. No need to stir the pot even more.
"yeah. So now, I don't know where we stand. Are we still together? Do we break up? Do we stick together and try to work it out?" Jughead kept glancing back and forth between Veronica and the stairs that led to Betty's room. "I wish I knew what the problem was. It'd make the answer a whole lot more simple." He had a feeling he already knew the reason. It's been at the back of his mind the entire time. He just did not want to accept it. Was she still in love with Archie? Is he really just some placeholder until The Jock decides he wants her? Or is it something else entirely? "Anyway," he starts again, wanting to change the subject. "Why were you crying earlier? Did Archie say something to you?"
"He was mad at me for trying to kiss you."
"He was upset because I had told him that his kiss with Betty didn't bother me, even though it did." She scoffed at the fact that Archie had even for a second thought that it wouldn't bother her. "I mean how could I not be upset by it? Betty was in love with him until about three months ago." She gave Jughead an apologetic glance. He put his hand up, dismissing it. He was not bothered by the statement. He told Betty the exact same thing earlier. "Not to mention the fact that it happened not too long after we split up." She elaborated on her concerns, as fresh tears started to gather in her eyes. "She's my best friend for crying out loud." Her countenance switched to anger as she made her last statement. To put an end to this Shakespearean nightmare, when I asked him if he would have told me, had it not been for Cheryl. You know what he said to me?" The look in Veronica's eyes was less than forgiving.
"What did he say?"
"Nothing, zilch, nada. He couldn't even answer the damn question. Which shows me that he most likely never would have told me. And that is not okay." She gave him a hard stare. "I am telling you, Jones. For possible future reference. Never. Cross. A. Lodge." She warns, putting emphasis on each word. while moving her pointer finger back and forth in front of his face.  Her eyes started filling with tears again, but she tried to remain strong. "Because if you do. You will regret it." After that her sobs got the best of her,and she couldn't hold her gaze anymore. She broke down, putting her face in her hands as she leaned slightly off the couch.
He didn't know what came over him, but he moved closer and wrapped his arms around her, and started rubbing her back, making small circles with his hand. She continued to cry for a while. Jughead actually ended up losing track of time. 
After they separated, they looked at each other for a second, before deciding that they should call it a night. Jughead moved up the stairs and went to the first spare bedroom, the one on the right. And Veronica, not wanting to be around Archie right now, went to the second spare bedroom, the one on the left. Jughead laid his head down and instantly fell asleep. Veronica, on the other hand, had too much to think about. And it was keeping her awake. Was Betty still in love with Archie? Would they be competing for him once again? Did She still want to be with him after learning that he probably never would have told her about him and Betty. Why was she so comfortable around Jughead? And why was it so easy for her to talk to him? All these thoughts made her feel like she was drowning in her own self doubts. She shut them out. And when she finally fell asleep, it was around 1 A.M.
Alright guys, and gals. That was the next chapter. I am sorry it took so long. I actually started this chapter a month or so ago, but was unable to find inspiration for the rest. I really wanted to nail the dynamic between Jughead and Veronica. Let me know how I did. As usual, constructive feedback is much appreciated. If anyone had any concerns with the Shakespeare line from Veronica. The reason I had her say that was because in my opinion her character tends to exaggerate things. For instance in season one. When she tells Betty that getting Penelope and Alice in the same room without attacking each other was easy. And that what was actually difficult, was her having to choose which party to go to. Elton John's or some other famous person. It also relates to her and Jughead's tendency to add pop culture references into their speech.
On a side note. One of the things that bothers me about Riverdale is the dialogue of Veronica. At times it can be really cringy, and unrealistic. And besides the first chapter, I am going to stray away from doing that with my version of Veronica. I will admit, I don't really like what I have seen of Veronica in the later seasons, and much prefer what she is like in the several fan-fictions that I have read. Please don't feel like I am attacking her character. She has a great amount of potential. This is just my opinion on the character as of now.
Pertaining to Updates. Once I finish editing all my current chapters of My Naruto Story: Underestimated Genius, I will try to write at least 1,000 words a day for each story I have. Hopefully, that will mean that you guys won't have to wait so long for updates anymore.
I have to say I am pretty proud of this chapter. Considering I wrote it at 2 A.M. Well Anyway. Have a good night, day, or morning, depending on when you are reading this. And I will See you all next time.
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josiahyb825 · 5 years
Time of Sadness: Chapter 1) Moment of weakness
Kevin and The core 4, excluding Jughead were sitting around a lunch table discussing the recent events of F.P confessing to the murder Of Jason Blossom.
"He didn't say anything about your Dad, Ronnie," Archie says looking at the girl in question. "So that's a good sign that he probably was not involved.
"Yeah I guess," she replied.
Betty was still having a hard time believing that it actually was F.P. who committed the murder. Something just didn't add up. "No," the blonde spoke up. "I refuse to accept this." They all turned towards her. "There has to be more. My mom told me that she saw F.P talking to Joaquin."
Kevin was appalled. "No. Betty, do not bring my boyfriend into this."
She shot him an apologetic glance, before her attention was drawn back to Veronica and Archie, who were both looking right past her.
"Oh my gosh," Archie says, watching his best friend enter the cafeteria, a sullen look on his face.
"What happened to him not coming in today?" Veronica questioned.
Jughead ignored all their glances and walked straight up to Cheryl's table. He turned towards the grieving red-head. "I'm sorry Cheryl," he says, sadness in his tone. But he cant quite bring himself to look her straight in the face. That is until she stands up and looks at him.
A look of anger crosses Cheryl's features, and she proceeds to slap him across the face. The girl grabs unto the lapels of his jacket pulling him towards her and proceeds to land blow after blow onto his chest.
Jughead lets her continue to assault him. He knows she just needs to take out her frustrations on someone. Better for it to be him, rather than an unsuspecting bystander. After awhile, he grabs both her wrist and pulls her towards him into a hug. She keeps sobbing, her body shaking violently as he whispers soft assurances into her hair. "I'ts okay. It's gonna be alright," he keeps repeating like a mantra, until she seems to calm down a little. She pulls away from him, but he does not let go just yet.
Cheryl looks up at him, tears still in her eyes. A look of understanding passes between them. Her voice is quiet when she finally speaks. "I'm sorry I stained your jacket."
He gives her a small smile. "It's okay. You needed to let it all out." They hug once more, before he lets her go. "Are you gonna be okay?"
"Eventually," she answers truthfully. "What about you. Your practically an orphan now."
"Don't worry about me. I'll figure it out." He flashed her another smile, that she returns this time, before they both walk off in separate directions.
The entire room, who had been silent observers, were sharing multiple looks of shock. None of them knew what to do next. The core 4's table were also surprised, having never expected anything like that to have ever happened between the two teens. Some sort of emotion passed over Betty's face. Remorse, sadness, understanding, or jealousy. Veronica couldn't tell. All she knew was she just saw a whole new side of the pair that she never expected to see. In a way, it's almost like Jughead and Cheryl have become more real more genuine to her. Like they actually are able to be reached now. No longer could she fit them into the boxes of rich bitch, or loner outsider that she had originally associated them with.
That's all for this story guys. Let me know how you enjoyed it, or didn’t enjoy it. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.
This story is not meant to be read as a romance, but feel free to read it that way if you wish. I just wanted to explore that connection that Cheryl and Jughead could actually have if they were given the chance to actually get to know each-other. I understand that it may seem a little out of character for Jughead to want to comfort Cheryl, but like I said, I wanted to explore the potential friendship they could have, and I always thought this moment in the show was a great place to begin that development.
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josiahyb825 · 5 years
Kiss Of Reluctance: Chapter 1) Moment Of Miscommunication
The Core Four has just arrived at the lodge cabin, up in Shadow Lake. They all got out of the car and paired off. Betty with Veronica, and Archie with Jughead.
"Wow, this is amazing V," Betty says, admiring the cabin's outside appearance.
"If you think this is impressive, wait till you see the inside," Veronica replied, grinning at her bestie. The raven Haired Princess turns towards the driver. "We'll see you at 7 P.M. on Sunday, Andre. And not a moment sooner," she reminded him, leaving no room for opposition.
The driver nodded to his boss's daughter, and turned to the red-head. "Mister Andrews, May I have a word?"
"Uh, Yeah sure what's up?" Archie turned and met the man a considerable distance from the others. He had a feeling Andre didn't want anyone to overhear their conversation.
"I just wanted to inform you that I will be sticking around. Hiram's orders," he explained when he noticed the confused look on the teen's face.
"Okay. Why are you telling me? Wouldn't it be easier for you to go unnoticed if none of us were aware of your presence."
"That's true, but you're rather impulsive. So I thought it best if at least you knew," the man answered honestly.
"Gee, thanks," Archie deadpanned.
"Come on Archiekins. We need your help with our bags," Veronica called out, getting impatient.
"Yeah, alright Ronnie! I'm coming," the red-head replied, rolling his eyes. Archie met up with the rest of the gang, grabbing the girls bags, and following behind Jughead.
"This place is certainly something, Princess," Jughead remarked with a small grin, walking into the cabin, and giving it a brief once over.
"Only the best for my friends and I," the girl responded with a proud smile. "After all we Lodges are known to go above and beyond, Jones."
"I'll say." Betty smiled at her friend. "Thanks again for inviting us on this little vacation, Veronica."
"Of course, B," Veronica replied, grinning at the blonde. "Now, the rooms are all upstairs. Archie's and I's is the first on the left, and Betty and Jughead. Yours will be the first room on the right." She gestured toward the staircase at the back of the room.
"Sounds go-" Betty was cut off by the sound of a phone ringing. They all turned to the beanie wearing teen, who was looking rather sheepish due to the interruption.
"Sorry. I'll just take this outside." He grabbed his phone from his pocket and walked out onto the porch.
"Enjoying your lovers weekend," came the voice on the other side of the line.
"Who is this?"
"It's Cheryl, you hobo," the red head replied, annoyance clear in her tone.
Jughead let out a huge sigh at the interruption. "What do you want Cheryl?"
She sounded much more cheery this time around. "I just thought I should let you know that Betty and Archie shared a kiss in my driveway over the Christmas season. And It looked pretty serious. Like with tongue serious." She smiled into her reflection, wiping some of the extra lipstick off her face. "Anyway, hope you enjoy the rest of your little getaway, ciao!" She hung up, Leaving the Jones boy in stunned silence.
The other three friends were curious, so they followed him outside. Jughead turned towards all of them, an unreadable expression on his face.
"Juggie? What's the matter?" 
"That was Cheryl," Jughead replies to his Girlfriend. She said that you and Archie kissed in front of her house over Christmas break." The boy looked at the aforementioned pair, hoping to find confusion. A sure sign that the self appointed queen of their school was just screwing with him out of spite for not being invited to join them. Instead he found identical looks of guilt and on the faces of his girlfriend and best friend. Veronica's face displayed confusion. But not of ignorance of the incident, but because she thought he already knew. A hurt look spread across his face, but it disappeared as soon as it came. He scoffed and began to walk out of the cabin.
Betty ran after him. "Jug wait, it was just a spur of the moment. It didn't mean anything," the blonde explained, trying to reason with her boyfriend.
"I am not mad that you kissed him. We were broken up." Jughead sighed in frustration. "But I had asked you if anything happened with anyone while we were apart, and you lied. Even after I told you about Toni."
Betty sighed in frustration. Can't anything ever just go smoothly for them? "I didn't tell you, cause I thought you'd overreact."
Jughead grinned at her in response. "You're right Betty. I am completely overreacting." He shook his head emphatically, as if getting rid of all his misgivings. "I mean you only kissed the boy that you were completely in love with up until about 2 months ago. That shouldn't make me upset at all," Jughead finished, shooting his girlfriend a look of total disappointment.
Now Betty was the one getting angry. "So you are mad that I kissed him!!"
"No! I am not angry because you kissed someone. I'm upset because that person was Archie," Jug reasoned. "My best friend, and I like I mentioned before, the guy you were pining for not too long ago. Do you have any idea of how that makes me feel?" The look of hurt appeared once more.
Betty's eyes were glistening with  tears. " I'm so sorry Jug. I never meant to hurt you. It was just a stupid thing that happened on impulse. I promise, it'll never happen again."She was full on crying now, the blonde’s sobs causing her whole body to shake uncontrollably.
Jughead hated seeing her cry, and it didn't matter whether she was at fault or not. So he walked back to his girlfriend, and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, resting his head on hers. Her hands came to lay upon his chest, and her body relaxed as he kept whispering soothing assurances that "it was all gonna be okay." He rubbed her back up and down. "It's fine I am not gonna let this one incident come between us."
Whatever doubt Betty had of his claims was soon crushed, as he lifted her chin with his finger, cupping her face in both hands and kissed her softly, but passionately. "So, we're good?"
He gave her a small smile in return. "Yeah, were good." The Jones boy paused for a moment. Looking deep into her eyes. "I love you Betty. I refuse to let my own insecurities get in the way of our relationship."
The girl next door smiled up at him, her eyes still glossy due to the tears she had shed. "I love you too, Juggie." She kissed him once more.
With Archie and Veronica
The other half of the group had gone up to their room, not wanting to invade on the young sweethearts.
"So Jughead hadn't known about the kiss this whole time?" Veronica asked, truly shocked that Betty had never told him. Archie had told her almost right away. Granted, he was sort of backed into a corner by Cheryl's manipulations, but still. How could Betty not tell him?
"I guess not." Archie was just as surprised as his girlfriend.
"Do you think they are going to be okay?"
"Yeah, totally." The red-head grinned at her. "Even if they break up, you know they are just gonna get back together again. They always do." He wasn't worried. Jug and Betty had already broken up at least twice in the last few months, alone. And they always seemed to be able to work it out.
Veronica thought about that for a moment. She had to say she agreed, but she also wondered what would happen if Jughead did break up with Betty, for good this time. Would he stop hanging out with the three of them, and devote all his time to the serpents? Or would he focus even more of his efforts on stopping her father's plans, now that he didn't have to worry about maintaining a relationship? Then there was Betty. Would she start to have feelings for Archie again? Did she ever actually stop in the first place? Veronica shook her head of those thoughts. No, she scolded herself internally. This was supposed to be a fun weekend away from all the crap that was happening in Riverdale. She was determined to make the best of it. Whatever tension was left between them, The Lodge was gonna put a stop to it, and Veronica had the perfect plan for how to do it.
Archie noticed that Veronica had been spacing out. "Ronnie, are you alright?" He brought her attention back to him.
"Yeah, Sorry, I was just thinking about something."
"What is it?"
She waved her hand at him dismissively. "Nothing. It's not important."
Time Skip (Night)
The Core Four were all gathered in the Lodge's huge living room, sipping on Jalapeno Margaritas. Jughead was with Betty on the couch and Archie and Veronica were sitting on the surrounding chairs. The Jones boy was questioning Veronica about her Father, and the blonde was having none of it. "Come on Jug. You said you wouldn't do this," she exclaimed, frowning at her boyfriend.
He shot her what he thought was a subtle glare, but relented nonetheless. "Fine," He huffed in frustration.
Veronica, who was watching the whole exchange, noticed the look. And she thought that this would be the perfect time for her plan. "So I'm sensing some residual tension. I'm guessing from Cheryl's random act of cruelty earlier?"The Girl leans towards the pair.
The teens in question gave her similar looks of confusion. "What? No." They both replied.
Veronica on the other hand was not going to let their denial get in the way. "Fear you not." She flashed them all a mischievous smile. "For I have the perfect antidote. Clothes off, swimsuits on."
Looks of confusion and apprehension were shared between the remaining three, but in the end, they followed along with the raven-haired mob princess anyway.
Time skip (Jacuzzi)
Betty and Jughead were already in the water on one side. Betty had her Margarita in her hand, her tongue dipping into the glass. While Archie was standing up on the other side, waiting on Veronica. After a few moments, the girl came out of the cabin, walking onto the patio with a white silk robe wrapped around her. The raven-haired princess removed the robe, and allowed Archie to guide her into the water. Both of them sitting down opposite of the other two teens.
Veronica grabbed her drink and took a sip through the straw before putting her plan into place. "So when Archie first told me about the kiss, I was upset." She glanced around the pool of water. "But I absorbed it, and now I bear no ill will toward my beau, nor my bestie," she assured, reaching her hand out to momentarily rest on Betty's shoulder, and giving a glance to the boy behind her. "But has the thought of it still haunted me sometimes? Truthfully, yes." Veronica gestured to Betty and Jughead. "And now you guys are caught up in the aftermath."
Betty's Apprehension had reached a whole new level. She had a feeling that the other girl was planning something, and didn't like where her mind was going at the thought.
On the other hand, Jughead and Archie had no idea what was going on. And were both looking on with curiosity.
"So to clear the air between us," Veronica started up again. She glanced one more at the group, the mischievous grin displayed on her face once more. "Jughead and I... should kiss." After that she took another sip of her drink, looking around to gauge the reactions of her three friends.
"What!?" Archie exasperated in shock. That definitely wasn't what he expected her to say. The red-head turned to her. "Veronica, are you nuts?"
The socialite noticed the look of disbelief. But she just shrugged it off, not really caring at the moment.
Jughead let out a small laugh and smirked at the interaction between the pair. "Now wait a minute." He stands up to face the three. "Veronica and I kissing could help too... What's the sports term Archie?" He smirked at his oldest friend. "Level the playing field," he finished with his hands on his hips.
"But you're not upset Jug?"
"No. I'm not upset." He gave his Girlfriend a look of assurance.
The Cooper girl was doubting the statement now. "Right."
"But I'm human," he reasoned. "What if something happens between us and we get into a fight? In my anger, I might use your kiss with Archie as an excuse for whatever is going on between us."
Betty seemed to actually be considering what he was saying.
"So if I were to kiss Veronica, whatever anger I might have at the potential situation would be misplaced." The Jones boy turned toward his best friend, who was still looking shocked and a little angry. "Come on Archie. It's just a stupid kiss... right?" He says, reminding the red-head of the blondes and his excuse for the incident.
Veronica was having a hard time keeping her laughter in check. It seemed Jughead was on board. Which would make this whole thing a lot easier. She stood up as well, moving to stand next to him.
The cocky smirk on Jughead's face vanished instantly.
Veronica grabbed his face. "Jughead. Don't freak out. Just trust me." She began to lean up to kiss him, but was stopped by Jughead's arms on hers pushing her back. A look of confusion crossed her features.
"Veronica, no stop." He shot her a look that shut down any attempt she would have made to go through with her scheme.
"But, I thought-"
"That I was serious?" A look of incredulousness broke out across his face. " I was kidding. I would never actually do that. I just wanted to mess with Archie a little."
"Oh," Veronica replied dumbfounded. She didn't know what else to say. To be honest, she should have expected this outcome. Jughead wasn't the kind of person to act out in spite. It was actually one of the things she admired about him. But then the other part of her, the more irrational side had started thinking of reasons why he wouldn't kiss her. Did he think she was unattractive. Her feminine wiles seem to work on every straight guy except for him. She was suddenly very self-conscious. The girl looked back up at him. Veronica never realized how tall he was. He practically towered over her, even more so than Archie. Now looking into his eyes, she noticed how blue they really were. The Girl was stuck by the realization that he was actually quite handsome. She could finally see why Toni and Betty were attracted to him. Veronica shook her head of those thoughts however. "I'm so sorry. You're right. I never should have suggested it." The girl shot him a small smile. "After all, two wrongs don't make a right." She turned away from him and sat back down next to her boyfriend, curling up into his side, and continued to sip her drink.
Jughead noticed the twin expressions of relief on his other two friend's faces. "Come on guys. Did you really think I would do that you?"
"I don't know, Jug," Archie responded with a guilty look on his face, feeling ashamed that he ever doubted his friend. "You made a pretty solid argument."
The blonde nodded in agreement. "He's right Jug." Betty also looked ashamed. "You even made me believe you were serious."
"I guess I figured that my two best friends would be able to see right through it anyway," Jughead replied, sitting back down next to his girlfriend.
After the moment faded, an awkward silence passed over the group. No one knew what to say or do next.
To be continued
That's the first chapter. Tell me how you guys liked it. It was my first time writing a romance fan-fiction, so constructive feedback is much appreciated.
Now this is going to start like the show with Bughead and Varchie as the main ships, but eventually, it'll gradually shift into A Jeronica story. I know the official name is Vughead, but I like Jeronica more. Vughead sounds similar to Bughead in my opinion.
Now I am not sure how long this story Is going to be. But if you guys keep showing me that You are interested in it, I will continue for as long as I can.
Have A great day.
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