josieolkkb285 · 2 years
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Take a journey back in time and immerse yourself in Northshore’s unique aboriginal and maritime history in a spectacular 360-degree digital historical experience ‘Grounded’. Experience vibrant historical sights, sounds and stories, situated within recycled shipping containers in The Workshop Precinct. Grounded in history and place, this vibrant activation is a must-experience destination for young destination visitors.
Skills needed by Team Members:
Motion graphic
sound engineer
Coding/UX design
communication skills
Event manager
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
Entry 13- Indicative Project Budget
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
STEP 4: Concept Key Criteria 4- Feasibility, Sustainability & Enduring Significance
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As stated previously, this concept has the potential to be refreshed and adapted, allowing for enduring significance. Additionally, there are multiple aspects of the concept including:
The small native garden outside the C-shaped shipping containers
The aboriginal mural artwork referencing the Brisbane River painted on the outside of the C-shaped shipping containers
Shade cloths referencing the visual appearance of ship sails providing shade outside the 40ft shipping containers.
The 360-degree immersive digital historical experience, highlighting the sights, sounds and stories of the Maritime and Aboriginal history.
This means that it is possible for the project to be delivered in stages if needed. Some of the aspects of my concept can be integrated in a very short term while the others are still worked upon, thus allowing the site activation to be delivered as soon as possible. I have paid careful consideration to the budget for the project to ensure that my concept is realistic. Despite having multiple elements, most of these are superficial activations which will not require expensive construction or demolition. Again, as there is limited construction required this allows my concept to be both environmentally and economically sustainable. My concept directly responds to some of the key pillars EDQ has expressed for Northshore, which are enriched experiences and expansive engagement. It is expected that my concept will easily withstand the test of time due to the flexible nature of the installations and its adaptability. Some regular upkeep will be required to maintain the gardens, however as they are all potted plants this should not take the existing gardener for the precinct much longer to take care of. Additionally, despite the costs of initial set up for the technology, there should not need to be ongoing security other than what is already in place.
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
STEP 4: Concept Key Criteria 3- Audience Engagement, Ethics and Diversity
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Image: Royalty Free Image
In the year ending September 2022, Queensland had nearly 25 million visitors. (Tourism & Events Queensland [TEQ], n.d. a). Of these 25 million visitors, 7,253,000 million people visited Brisbane (TEQ, n.d. b). There were 315,000 international visitors to Brisbane, and Brisbane had the most visitors of any other Queensland region in 2022 (TEQ, n.d. b). Therefore, international destination visitors present a highly viable market and will be the primary target audience for my concept. Additionally, in the Marketing Appendix document, EDQ have expressed that a key target audience they want to attract are young diverse destination visitors seeking immersive, memorable and instagrammable cultural experiences.
Therefore, my primary target audience are 19-25yr old young international destination visitors looking for unique things to do while in Brisbane. As Northshore is closely situated to the Brisbane Airport, my site activation within The Workshops precinct will be an ideal destination for visitors wanting to stay close to the airport yet engage with culture and history. Secondary target audiences for my concept are young national visitors from interstate and intrastate.
It is possible that this project could attract a wider audience as well, from families with young children looking for an adventurous weekday outing to residents and current stakeholders of Northshore. Accessibility is a key part of my concept, and thus my concept is disability friendly and wheelchair accessible. The immersive digital aspect of this concept will allow for the project to be refreshed multiple times, and thus the videos shown, and stories told can change over time. This will encourage re-visitation to the site and allow the project to have enduring significance.
As my concept engages with Aboriginal history, it will be vital to undertake the appropriate consultation and adhere to the proper protocols when engaging with First Nations artwork, history and intellectual property. Additionally, a smoking ceremony to welcome the first opening of ‘Grounded’ will take place to honour the site. First Nations culture will be respected and preserved in this activation as Aboriginal people from either the Turrbal or Yuggera groups will be directly consulted and be an ongoing part of the process to ensure needs are being met.
Furthermore, these key pillars will be followed in the further development of the historical Aboriginal aspects of my creative project:
Respect (welcome & acknowledgement to country, embracing diversity, representation, cultural safety)
Indigenous control/ self determination (Indigenous leadership)
Communication, consultation & consent ( identifying people in authority; prior consent)
Interpretation (cultural contexts and perspectives; adapting Indigenous content)
Cultural Integrity and Authenticity (terminologies; rights of creators and communities)
Secrecy and Confidentiality (sacred/secret; representations of deceased people etc.)
Attribution (communities; language groups; multiple contributors)
Benefit sharing (employment, copyright ownership, royalties etc.)
Continuing culture (archives; future custodians of Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property).
Recognition and protection.
Australia Council for the Arts. (2019). Protocols for using First Nations Cultural and Intellectual Property in the Arts. https://australiacouncil.gov.au/investment-and-development/protocols-and-resources/protocols-for-using-first-nations-cultural-and-intellectual-property-in-the-arts/
Tourism & Events Queensland. (n.d. a). Queensland’s Tourism Data Explorer. Tourism & Events Queensland. https://teq.queensland.com/au/en/industry/research-and-insights/tourism-data-explorer
Tourism & Events Queensland. (n.d. b). International Visitation Tourism Data Explorer. Tourism & Events Queensland. https://teq.queensland.com/au/en/industry/research-and-insights/tourism-data-explorer/international-visitation-tourism-data-explorer
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
STEP 4: Concept Key Criteria 2- Originality
Ensuring project originality is vital in ensuring that my site activation will have enduring significance and will not be a one-off experience. I researched other similar projects, both for sources of inspiration and to double check originality. This was also important so that I could see what has worked in the past, and what hasn’t. I wanted to ensure that I didn’t do a copy of an activation that already existed. Creative placemaking was a key consideration for my concept, strategically shaping the physical and social character of The Workshops precinct around arts and cultural activities to inspire and bring diverse audiences together.
When researching I focused on 3 main topics: immersive technology, upcycled shipping container activations and historical experiences.
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Image 1 & 2 from: Kojdanovski (2022). 'Shaped by the Sea'
One of my key sources of inspiration was the ‘Shaped by the Sea’ exhibit in the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney and additional digital experience ‘Deep Time’. This exhibit featured a combination of immersive digital experiences and physical Aboriginal artifacts to highlight the historical and cultural connection First Nations communities have to the sea and earth. I drew heavy inspiration from this as it was a great example of an immersive historical experience executed in an engaging way.
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Images 3 & 4 from: ESEM (2015). 'Arrivals & Departures'.
Another previous creative project that I drew inspiration from was the temporary public art exhibition ‘Arrivals & Departures’ at Barangaroo Reserve, Sydney. This was a great example of placemaking, as they highlighted the social and maritime history of the site through having audio storytelling and digital projections inside repurposed shipping containers. It was inspiring to see what could be done inside a shipping container specifically to highlight history.
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Image 5 from: Lumenarius (2023). Image 6 & 7 from: Loki (2023). Image 8 from: Quorn Silo Light Show. (n.d.)
When researching the technology I could use to execute my concept vision effectively, I found that there were multiple technologies that could achieve this goal, but mainly these were LCD video wall displays and projection mapping. Some examples of these I found included a 360-degree projection mapping room, and an interactive digital artwork inside a shipping container with projection mapping technology. Additionally, the Quorn Silo Light Show in Australia is a unique community art exhibition projected onto an old silo combined with site-specific stories. Researching these helped me explore the limitations of the technology I wanted to use.
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Images from: Site tour, my photography.
My inspiration for the native garden area outside the shipping containers, and the repurposed timbers to use as structures for shadecloths came directly from The Workshops precinct itself. Linking these visual aspects together throughout the precinct with generate a better senses of cohesion and interconnectedness within the site.
Although my concept has drawn inspiration from these past creative activations in other locations my concept is original and responds to and enhances Northshore’s distinctive features through:
Highlighting the unique Aboriginal and Maritime history of the site.
Taking into consideration the current environment of the precinct and factors such as noise, wind and the heat within the site.
Offering both a technological and creative immersive experience.
Repeating key visual design elements such as repurposed timbers, native plants etc. within my concept to enhance connectedness.
My personal creative contribution to the project will be seen through the video and technological aspects of the concept. As I am a film major, I have specific background experience in project management and production management. I therefore will be a vital part of this creative concept, as I will be able to offer a unique insight into generating engaging content creation and will be able to create video content personally.
Deep Time. (2022). Deep Time. Australian National Maritime Museum. https://lab.sea.museum/deep-time
ESEM. (2015). Arrivals & Departures: A major public artwork commissioned by Barangaroo Delivery Authority. ESEM Projects. https://www.esemprojects.com/project/arrivals-departures
Kojdanovski, M. (2022). Shaped by the Sea [Photograph]. Australian National Maritime Museum. https://www.sea.museum/whats-on/exhibitions/shaped-by-the-sea
Loki. (2023). Projection Room. Loki Box Design. https://www.lokiboxdesign.com/projection-room
Lumenarius. (2023). 360º Projection Mapping Room. Lumenarius. https://www.lumenarius.com/
Quorn Silo Light Show. (n.d.). Quorn Silo Light Show. https://quornsilolightshow.info/
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
STEP 4: Concept Key Criteria 1- Response to the Client Brief
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Image 1 from: Kerkhove (2021)
Image 2 from: Northshore Client Brief (2023)
There is currently a key opportunity at Northshore to highlight the history of the site in an immersive and creative way, something that is currently lacking from The Workshops precinct particularly. Currently within The Workshops precinct there is evidence of the industrial history of the site, as seen through the buildings in the precinct. However, there are only minor references to the Aboriginal and Nautical history of the site. As Northshore is wanting to provide immersive riverfront experiences that challenge normal conventions, I knew that my concept had to have the perfect mixture of modern technology and heritage. One of the key challenges for this specific site was to enhance interconnection and draw visitors to the precinct.
My concept sees the C-shaped shipping containers being turned into a cultural and creative hub within The Workshops precinct. The two 40-foot shipping containers will feature the immersive digital historical experience. Both the maritime history and Aboriginal history will be separated into two areas with the Maritime and Industrial history being displayed on the left side and the Aboriginal history being showcased on the right. The two smaller 20-ft shipping containers are proposed to be utilised as intimate creative workshop spaces, with suggested preference being given to highlight local artists. Additionally, the current tenants at The Workshops will be encouraged to run intimate workshops within the creative spaces, linking to the historical aspects of the site if they choose. This multilayered approach will attract the wider community to the site and enhance interconnectedness between visitors and the current tenants. Added greenery and shade will extend visitation and provide a more pleasant and attractive environment in hot weather especially.  
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
STEP 3: Selected Final Concept
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Images: Proposed Concept Sketches
After careful consideration, I arrived at my final concept. My selected concept is a 360-degree immersive historical experience, highlighting both the Aboriginal and Maritime history of Northshore. I have decided to hold this activation in the C-shaped shipping containers (two 40ft shipping containers & 2 20ft shipping containers) which are currently vacant in The Workshops precinct. That way, visitors will be attracted to the site activation however will not impede on the tenants or their clients that currently reside there. In addition to the historical technological element held within the shipping containers, I decided to integrate my other idea of the small garden outside the shipping containers. This will allow for more greenery to be within the precinct, making the overall feel more inviting to visitors. The aim of this activation will be to both recognise and highlight the history of the site, but also to attract and better connect the wider community to The Workshops, enhancing connectedness. I chose to name my concept ‘Grounded’, as the site activation will be grounded in both place and history.
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
STEP 2: SWOT Analysis for Ideas
After my preliminary brainstorming and research into inspirational concepts, I still have quite a few different concepts that I had to narrow down. To narrow these down, I used a mixture of research to confirm feasibility and SWOT Analysis.
SWOT Analysis 1: Suspended Stained Glass Art Installation
Sources of Inspiration
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Image from: Bernstein (2015)
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Image from: Sierzputowski (2016)
Engages with Aboriginal artists and will highlight the aboriginal history of the site.
An interesting interactive experience where visitors can interact with the coloured filtered light as the sun leaks through the suspended artwork.
No reference to maritime history.
No technological aspect to the idea- this was a key criteria from the brief.
Heavily reliant on the weather being sunny.
Stained glass is not an artistic medium that Aboriginal artists have traditionally worked with- don’t want to overstep and ‘whitewash’ their heritage.
 Haven’t seen any art installations similar to this one nearby.
There are art galleries and other activations which may be more immersive and inspire repeat visitation more than this idea.
As such, I did not go forth with this idea.
SWOT Analysis 2: Aboriginal Native Food Trail with QR code
Highlights the Aboriginal history of the site, specifically that near the site was the towrie (main hunting/resource area) of one of Brisbane’s largest gatherings of Aboriginal camps.
Has an interactive technology aspect to the idea.
As this idea is situated within The Workshops precinct, mass excavation to get up the bitumen so that gardens could be installed will be needed- which is not ‘light touch’, and would cost a lot of money.
This idea requires a lot of maintenance which would increase ongoing costs.
When I researched the history of the vegetation that used to be in historical Northshore (Yerrol), a lot of the vegetation that aboriginal groups used to eat were from large trees and plants which will take a long time to establish and require a lot of ongoing maintenance. As I want to be site-specific I wouldn’t want to insert ‘bush tucker’ which isn’t true to the history of the site and location.
International visitors often like to engage with aboriginal history and cultural tours.
There is currently another business operating 10mins away from Northshore called Nyanda Cultural Tours. They currently do bush food cultural tours and would be a direct competitor. Visitors may prefer the more personable experience of a guided tour, over a digital one.
SWOT Analysis 3: Painted aboriginal artwork pathway
Emphasises the Aboriginal history of the site
Creates a visual link between The Workshops shipping containers and buildings.
No technological element or digital footprint.
Once the artwork is put in place, no opportunity to be ‘refreshed’.
May not encourage repeat visitation to the site.
 There is currently a lack of interconnection between the tenants of the site, and this may enhance the connection between both tenants and visitors.
Upon further research I discovered that Northshore already has a custom Indigenous artwork installation at The Shed, which visually was very similar to my idea (see image below).  
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Image: 'Three Circles' Artwork by Birrunga Wiradyuri, currently located in The Shed at Northshore.
Due to the multiple weaknesses of this idea, as well as not hitting several the key criteria, I decided not to choose this concept.
Analysis 4: Repurposed old timbers used as a climbing support for native plant display.  
Without doing a SWOT analysis, I knew that this concept alone wouldn’t be enough to draw repeat visitors to the site and didn’t adhere to the key aspects of the brief it needed to, specifically the technology and historical aspects. Therefore, I didn’t go ahead with this concept alone.
SWOT Analysis 5: QR Code AR Experience
An immersive technological experience highlighting the history of the site.
Has a ‘light touch’ approach.
Could be refreshed throughout time.
The current Workshops precinct is not visually appealing, and thus I don’t believe the AR experience alone will be enough to draw visitation.
Visitors may not feel comfortable walking around the industrial precinct in its current state.
Visitors could be a distraction for the current tenants that are there.
The precinct is very noisy, so any sound elements to the experience may not be heard.
Could attract a wide range of people.
I don’t have any knowledge in web development, so unsure of feasibility.
After undergoing the SWOT analysis, I decided that this idea wasn’t a great fit for this location or brief.
SWOT Analysis 6: Dry Riverbed Garden (outside the C-shaped shipping containers).
Reconnects with nature.
Highlights native species, linking to indigenous history.
No technological aspect to this concept.
Unsure if this is enough to draw people to the site specifically- would they just visit other park areas in Northshore?
Cannot be refreshed.
Ongoing maintenance costs.
No reference to the nautical history of the site.
Unsure if it will help ‘increase connectiveness’ between tenants.
Price to rip up bitumen would be costly.
 Adds some much-needed greenery to The Workshops precinct which is not currently there, softening the currently quite harsh exterior.
Maritime Green is nearby and is a much larger, greener space than the Workshops precinct would have- people may just want to go there.
SWOT Analysis 7: Immersive Historical Shipping Container Activation
Sources of Inspiration
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Images from: Kojdanovski (2022)
Draws upon historical aspect of the site, showcasing both indigenous and maritime history.
Has enduring significance- Can show different exhibitions.
Technological aspect
Immersive experience through interactive QR codes
Offers stakeholders a unique opportunity to experience a part of Brisbane’s history that hasn’t been showcased widely before.
Broad appeal to stakeholders
Light touch approach
Doesn’t require any demolition or very much building renovation.
Mainly situated inside the shipping containers rather than drawing attention to the outside environment
Lack of visual connection to the Northshore riverfront.
Not an overly original idea
Aspects of the idea have been done before
May require security due to the technology being used.
Unsure if current tenants of the workshops would want to attend.
Fulfills the current need for the history of Northshore to be highlighted and represented
Not sure if it is too similar to the existing immersive art experience Northshore currently has.
Northshore has already invested a lot of $$$ into the art experience.
Unsure of the project costs- creation of material could go over budget.
Lack of confidence in my idea
Bernstein, E. (2015). Teresita Fernández: Fata Morgana [Photograph]. Madison Square Park Conservancy. https://madisonsquarepark.org/art/exhibitions/teresita-fernandez-fata-morgana/
Goodchild, S. (2022). Birrunga Gallery Artwork at The Shed. Northshore. https://northshorebrisbane.com.au/northshore-reconnects-with-country-with-a-custom-indigenous-artwork-installation-at-the-shed/
Kojdanovski, M. (2022). Shaped by the Sea [Photograph]. Australian National Maritime Museum. https://www.sea.museum/whats-on/exhibitions/shaped-by-the-sea Sierzputowski. (2016).
A Shimmering Mylar Wave Undulates Above Downtown LA. Colossal. https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2016/08/a-shimmering-mylar-wave-undulates-above-downtown-la/
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
Step 2: Preliminary Brainstorming
After the site tour, I was inspired by the new information I found out about Northshore. There are key opportunities for my project to highlight the history of the site, as well as drawing attention to the distinctive features of Northshore. At this stage, I am still unsure which exact challenge to respond to, so I did some preliminary brainstorming for both Challenge 1 and 2. An image of these brainstorms is below.
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I then undertook some research to see what makes a waterfront precinct great, and to try and find inspirational projects to further refine and inspire my ideas.
Cities that are successful in city cultural branding, particularly in post-industrial cities, offer a mixture of the site’s heritage and history combined with a new, place-specific urban culture which offers something unique (Kostopoulou, 2013). Kostopoulou (2013) further highlights that incorporating cultural and creative activities can both upgrade the image of the area and urban environment, and additionally draw additional commercial opportunities to the site. Therefore, it would be wise for me to focus on incorporating cultural and creative aspects into my concepts.  
After careful consideration, I decided to focus on Challenge 1 for my project. Challenge 1 focuses on The Workshops Precinct, and EDQ is seeking creative site activations which enhance accessibility and interconnection within the precinct. I specifically want to focus on Challenge 1B which aims to better connect the wider community to The Workshops precinct. One of the main reasons I want to focus on this Challenge is that during the site tour, Wendy mentioned this precinct is a priority area for development and activation. Additionally, I believe it will be an interesting challenge to undertake.
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
Step 1: Northshore Site Visit- Key Observations- The Workshops Precinct
Journal Entry 5
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I have listed my key observations from the site tour once again, this time from The Workshops Precinct. These include current design features and general site observations, as well as a variety of photographs and videos from the site tour for me to reflect upon.
Northshore Current Design Features- The Workshops
Fairly plain exterior paint designs on the shipping containers- white and red colours.
Recycled timber used again
Recycled skip bins used as planters for trees again
Communal area
2 open shipping containers with:
A fridge
Limited temporary seating area
Electricity ports
Some fake grass is used in places including inside the communal area
Official entrance to the workshops features:
More greenery and vegetation
Maintained gardens
Outdoor seats
A few pot plants (assumed to be from current tenants)
General site observations
There is a big lack of connection to the waterfront in this precinct, with a lack of both line of sight to the Brisbane riverfront and from a design aspect. This is another key opportunity to draw upon for my ideas.
One of the entrances into the workshops is mainly vehicular, and thus accessibility from the carpark is not good for people. The view out from this precinct looks onto the carpark and is not very visually appealing.
Again, despite the site having a vibrant aboriginal and maritime history, there is currently no reference to the aboriginal history in this area. The maritime history is only subtly recognisable. I want to keep this in mind when brainstorming my ideas. The recent industrial history of this area is very apparent, and visually quite harsh.
Similar to the Maritime Green Precinct, The Workshops Precinct is quite noisy from both the planes flying overhead and the noise from the machinery and equipment being used.
Each of the tenants within the Workshops Precinct have different business hours, so if I choose this location I will need to consider the noise from tenants when brainstorming my ideas.
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
Step 1: Northshore Site Visit- Key Observations- Maritime Green Precinct
Journal Entry 4
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During the site visit I documented my observations and took lots of photographs of the site. I have listed my key observations of the Maritime Green precinct below. First, I listed key design features I observed to gain a better understanding of the visual language that the precinct currently has.
Northshore Current Design Features- Maritime Green
Artwork on shipping containers
Both aboriginal artwork and modern artwork
Outdoor chairs with a small garden outside the Hanger
The hanger
Large undercover area surfaced with fake grass.
Large funky artwork painted on the cement ground near the waterfront
Decorative giant blue and white buoys near the riverfront
Trees planted in movable recycled skip bins
Large green park space with a mound in the centre- slightly elevated city views
Solar powered lights for night-time
Decorative fairy lights
Recycled timber used throughout
Upcycled old shipping containers
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General site observations
Despite Northshore’s vision to be known as ‘Brisbane’s Immersive Riverfront’, at the current time there appears to be a lack of connection to the waterfront. I noticed that near the Maritime Green Hanger, there was thick black metal fencing surrounding the area connecting to the riverfront, obscuring the view. I suspect this may have to do with workplace health and safety specifications for the site, however even a simple solution such as changing the colour of the fencing may assist the visual connection to the riverfront.
Although the site has a rich aboriginal and maritime history, I found that apart from a few aboriginal artwork statement pieces there weren’t many references to the history. I recognised this as a key opportunity for my ideas.
Another key thing I noticed about the site was the noise- as Northshore is within short proximity to the Brisbane Airport, we would regularly hear the airplanes fly overhead.
The view of Brisbane over the river was very relaxing- currently an underutilised space.
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
Step 1: Northshore Site Visit- Client Briefing
Journal Entry 3
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On the 8th March 2023, students had the unique opportunity to visit the Northshore site and have a guided site tour with Northshore Precinct Manger, Wendy Brewster. During the visit, we got to see the Maritime Green and The Workshops precincts firsthand. I was able to gain a greater understanding of the size and scale of the areas and also the surrounding landscape. Throughout the tour, Wendy provided key information on the site’s history, key stakeholders and future plans. Below are some important notes I took down as a part of the Q&A section of the tour.
The Northshore site has a rich history: Indigenous history, Maritime history and Industrial history.
The current main audience that is attending Northshore are the resident base, which are predominantly Caucasian high-income individuals.
For both challenges, EDQ wants to attract a younger, more diverse demographic.
Challenge No. 1- The Workshops Precinct
One of the concerns for this space is that it isn’t interconnected or inclusive.
Current tenants tend to not interact with the community or each other.
Wants accessibility to be improved.
The workshops used to be used for security & maintenance on the site.
Challenge No. 2- Olympics site activation
Can choose either The Workshops or Maritime Green precinct for activation.
Looking for ideas that will ground the legacy that will be left behind by the Olympics.
EDQ is looking to introduce a creative activation before the Olympics that assists with that recognition.
Need to be aware of existing precinct partners so that the ideas don’t compete with them.
Activations should align with the Northshore’s key pillars.
For both challenges, need to make sure that the activations have enduring value rather than just a one-off event. We also need to consider if there will be ongoing costs for our concepts.
During the visit, we got to see the Maritime Green and The Workshops precincts firsthand. I was able to gain a greater understanding of the size and scale of the areas and also the surrounding landscape.
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
Step 1: Client Research and Current Features
Journal Entry 2
The next step I took was engaging in further research regarding the client, Economic Development Queensland and identifying the key marketing strategy currently in place for the Northshore precinct. EDQ’s vision for the precinct is for Northshore to be known as ‘Brisbane’s Immersive Riverfront’ and a place that challenges normal convention, offering a sustainable sub-tropical lifestyle precinct for everyone to enjoy.
Northshore is a distinct waterfront precinct within Brisbane City. As a part of Economic Development Queensland (EDQ)’s 40 year urban renewal plan, a number of businesses, experiences and residential areas have been developed on the site to date. Aspects of Northshore’s rich history can be seen throughout the precinct and within the project sites. I decided to make a list of what Northshore currently features to identify what is missing from the sites and to further inspire project development ideas for the ‘Maritime Green’ and ‘The Workshops’ sites. At this stage, I am still unsure whether to respond to Challenge 1 or 2, so I want to have a general understanding of both sites before deciding on this. It is vital to gain an understanding of the businesses and current tenants at Northshore, as well as general features of the sites so that I can create an activation that is complementary to both the current tenants and is aligned with EDQ’s vision for Northshore.
The Northshore Riverfront Activation Precinct currently features:
‘Riverfront Event Space’- A commercial space available to hire for large events. Previously has hosted music festivals, Circus de Soleil, etc.
‘Flipside Circus’- Brisbane Circus Academy which runs circus classes and performances from the space.
‘Maritime Green’- A green space close to the Riverside which has previously hosted events such as the Brisbane Festival, boutique music performances and sporting events (3x3 basketball). Markets will soon be held in this space.
‘Eat Street’- a vibrant dining precinct within Northshore that utilises repurposed shipping containers for the food vendors. ‘Eat Street’ is the current hub of Northshore, and we have been encouraged to connect our project ideas back to the aesthetics and visual language of this area. It is weekend night-time focused.
‘The Workshops’- Community based clubs and businesses including the ‘Northshore Men’s Shed’, ‘Team Arrow’, ‘Hackers Space Brisbane’ and a music school. These are located within warehouses and repurposed shipping containers near the Maritime Green site.
‘The Shed’- An indoor and outdoor multipurpose venue and space available for hire. It is also Northshore’s current town hall space.
‘The Deck’- an addition to the recreational area which provides shade and amenities to visitors, as well as featuring an information screen. It features reclaimed timbers from the Wharves.
‘The Lawn’- Situated behind ‘The Deck’, this space is hired out for family focused events.
‘Tennis Court’- A key part of Northshore activation, drawing residents to the precinct to play sport.
‘Harbour Café (The River Room)- Café space available for hire for wedding and corporate events. Brisbane City Council have installed a recreational hub mooring facility at the front for people to drop in for a coffee or run river tours from.
Riverwalk and CityCat terminals connecting to Northshore. Bus routes running to Northshore only during Eat Street opening hours.
Northshore Brisbane. (2023a). Master Plan. Northshore Brisbane. https://northshorebrisbane.com.au/master-plan/
Northshore Brisbane. (2023b). The Vision. Northshore Brisbane. https://northshorebrisbane.com.au/the-project/the-vision/
McIntyre, S. (2023, March 6th). KKB285 Creative Enterprise Studio 2: Client Briefing [Lecture recording]. Canvas. https://canvas.qut.edu.au/courses/2016/pages/week-2-lecture-client-briefing-live-on-zoom?module_item_id=184742
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josieolkkb285 · 2 years
Step 1: Key Words from the Brief
Journal Entry 1
After reading the Northshore client brief and watching the video about the client and the Northshore site, I noted down key words that stood out from the brief. This will allow me to accurately target the specific requirements of what the client would like for the creative activations of the Northshore site.  
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1 note · View note