Entry 4
You know how when you sneeze someome is suppose to be talking about you. Well people must really hate me and talking shit about me because I've been sneezing a lot today. Its like the 10th time I sneezed.
B Y E ig
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Entry 3
Hey guess what?
Y'all know what is a fun feeling. Coming back from a wholesome and happy trip then soon realizing that your best fucking frined hates you. Friends are just great. You can always trust them to know what is right and what is wrong.
Fuck Goodbyes.
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Entry 2
So I had a dream about the Holocaust and it was really realistic. Let me start from the beginning.
So it started out with me in the car with someone and we were taking a road trip to somewhere. Planes started flying overhead and then we were pulled over by some nazi cars or whateber. Apparently Hitler was alive still and he assumed his position in Germany and started attacking the americans.
We were shipped to a white building with these other people and I seen my frineds there. Then they gave me something so I could help carry things but my thing was taken and given to someone else. The officers told me to stand by them and just watch. Well after they had these contraptions set up hey started puttping people in them and gassing them. But they did it like one at a time. There were a lot going at once though. Also there were people coming the surroundung area or making it where no one can live there. Like they were trying to hide it all.
Later the Americans came and stopped the Nazis from doing this and got all of us to safety. Now out of all my Frineds I was only worried about one. I was crying my eyes out yelling our their name. One of my frineds pointed to them and I seen they almost got gassed. When I seen them I was crying even more because I was so happy they were safe.
I dint know about y'all but I woke up from that feeling a little scared. Lile what of this does happen. What if someine who has the same mentality as Hitler assumes power in Germany and tries to do this? Its scary man.
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Entry 1
Hi. I'm just your normal High School student. I make good grades, and I stay active with the school as much as I can. I don't have really any frineds. Maybe like two but I know only one cares about me. I am also into music. That's a thing that I like but people dont like the kids in the music class anyways. I'm a loser and I'm sad. Just like every other teenager. Why am I sad? Well because I dont live up to what people expect me to be. Ha funnt right? Its sad how teenagers have to be popular and talented and smart to be accepted as a person. Well I made this page because I wanted to show everyone the inner thoughts of what a High School student thinks. Especially me.
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