jowzteyncredible · 1 year
windows into my soul.
driving down the I-10, stuck in traffic, a car away from the person in front.
i realized just how much my personality perpetuates itself in everything i do. now idk if this will resonate to a lot of people, but life is almost just like driving. you drive forward and almost never backwards. you move forward because driving backwards is pointless and incredibly dangerous. you have your side mirrors and rear mirror to make sure 1. you're well within your lane 2. you're being considerate of the cars around you 3. you don't hit the car in your blind spot when changing lanes and 4. you have a good grasp of what's happening behind you. just as how we take a quick look at the people around us, not too long though, or you're gonna crash into something, or worse, someone. we watch people not because we want to be immersed in whats happening in their lives, we watch them to be inspired, to make sure we're being kind, and maybe sometimes for entertainment. the moment we get immersed in whats happening in other people's lives, we lose track of the road ahead of us, we get lost, we crash, we burn, and we hurt people. this is why it is important to be intentional. you just cant lose sight of whats in front of you for everything thats happened in the past and everything around you.
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jowzteyncredible · 1 year
lizzy mcalpine’s pancakes for dinner is such an adorable confession song. it talks about turning the mundane into romantic, how things change with the right person, how it’s not about what you do, it’s about who you share it with. it’s about finding the simple and making it beautiful. it’s for those that can’t articulate, but feel nevertheless.
wordless love.
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jowzteyncredible · 1 year
i never thought i’d get this far.
started throwing everything away
four years ago.
four years have passed
and im still here
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
it starts with losing of toys
at your local kindergarten.
turns into your first ever dog burial
being sent to your grandma’s farm,
to someone your mom used to know,
to a distant relative,
to someone who went to your school,
to someone dearest to you.
to someone you thought you’d never have to live without.
to someone who made you feel the most.
loss -
a crazy crazy word
in a crazy
crazy world.
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
i am extremely analytical and everything needs to be explained… hate living in the unknown bitch i have to know everything or i will fall into a coma
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
fuck, tumblr makes me so fucking emotional.
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
costly distraction
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
new york - my chaos and my escape.
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
“Let me photograph you in this light in case it is the last time.”
— Adele, ”When We Were Young”
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
“The thing you are most afraid to write. Write that.”
— Nayyirah Waheed
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
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winged heart.
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
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letters to milena by franz kafka // camouflage by ron hicks // the golden notebook by doris lessing // ? // a letter to galatea kazantzaki by nikos kazantzakis
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
the fact that laughter is contagious is so beautiful to me. like oh that made you smile? that made you happy? well then, i have no choice but to be happy with you!
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
drink your coffee. read your books. it's chaos out there.
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
be your authentic self and risk rejection or compromise yourself and fail to build meaningful connections?
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
“you and your friends from the philippines got separated oceans apart before you were able to be vulnerable with them.”
“it seems like you created this emotional ocean between you and your friends here.”
“we’re doing telehealth and you’re able to consistently meet with me, while you ghosted your past therapist that you had to meet with in person”
“i think you keep everyone at arms length to protect yourself”
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jowzteyncredible · 2 years
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Ari Banias, from Anybody: Poems; “Bouquet”
[Text ID: “Today you want nothing / because wanting / comes too close to feeling.”]
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