joyce242 · 2 years
21st century skills
Effective Communication skills -I can apply this in my class by giving them an activity allowing my students to share their thoughts and expressing themselves through a written, verbal or video
Learning and innovative skills - I can apply this in my class by giving them a situation to make them think critically and implement innovation. For example, I will be asking them what do you think the positive and negative impact of using technology as a students and I will ask them to organize it using technology.
Information, media and technology skills- I can apply this in my class by giving them a task that will use their knowledge in terms of using a technology, for example I will ask them to make an advocacy video on how we can our mother earth what are the small things we can do to save our dear planet.
Life and career skills- I can apply this by questioning them what they want, what are they plans after their school life and also what are their learning values that they can take within them.
Critical thinking- I can apply this in my class critical thinking in my class by giving my students an activity that that allow them to think critically, make decision, evaluate and analyze. I will allow them to use technology in organizing their answer or make a video
Creativity -I can apply this in my class by given them an activity like poster slogan or create a video of themselves like an advocacy video
Collaboration -I can apply this in my class by giving a group activity to my students to collaborate to each other and of course the activity that I will make allowing to make all my students participate. They can use their technology to expand more their knowledge
Communication -I can apply this in my class by allowing all my students to share their insights and allow them to brainstorm to each other. I will give them an essay and ask them to post it on social media.
Discuss how technology serve as a tutor, a teaching tool and a Learning tool
Technology serve as a tutor by providing information needed by the students like for example if a student wants to learn more about their topic or wants to advance his vocabulary he/she can easily learn by searching through the internet.
Technology serve as a teaching tool by Provide enormous support to the teacher and students to deepen their understanding about the lesson and it guided the teacher to incorporate more example that can be used in learning like with the use of PowerPoint.
Technology serve as a learning tool by providing easy to access information to the students and teacher. It enables student to explore more about their desired topic or lesson and to deepen their understanding about their lesson. Technology enhances students to think more and support learning on how learn on their own.
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joyce242 · 2 years
ICT competency standards for Philippines pre-service teacher education
Rationalize the indicators
This domain say that teacher must understand the intention of national policies and be able to contribute to the discussion of education. Reform policies and participate in design implementation and division of programs intended to implement these policies.
Teacher must know about complex cognitive thoughts processes known as students learn and understand their difficulties encounter they may have the skills required to support these complex processers.
The role of teachers in this is the oversized modelling learning processes situation in which a student applied their cognitive skills and assist students in their coaching,
Teachers must be able to design ICT based on the knowledge communities and use ICT to support development of student creation skills and their continuous reflective learning
Teachers should be able to placed leadership role in training colleagues and implementing a vision of your school based on innovation continuous learning enriched by ICT
Teachers must have the ability and inclusion to experiment and continuously learn and use ICT to create professional knowledge communities
Teachers must have a positive attitude with the use of technology to students
Performance indicator: Most important for us to do
Domain 1: understanding ICT in education I think this is the most important domain because it gives us awareness of policies affecting ICT in education as a teacher it is important to know what are the positive and negative effects of technology to students.
Performance indicator: Least important for us to do
Domain 3: Pedagogy because not only technology can solve complex problems and support student’s collaborative activities.
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