The 2012 characters reacting to you crying 🐢
Gets very quiet and solemn when you start crying before gently pulling you into a hug. Holds you against his chest and puts his head ontop of you as he loosely holds you close.
Whispers it'll be alright and asks if you want to talk about it as he gently holds you. When your ready and pull away he wipes all the tears off your face before smiling softly.
He takes you somewhere quiet to talk and makes sure your alone before asking you to tell him why you started crying so he can help.
The gentlest out his brothers and one of the best listeners. He nods his head but mostly stays silent as you talk about why you started crying.
Asks if you'd like to meditate on it with him in the dojo. If meditation isn't your thing he understands and will ask you what you want to do. Will do whatever you ask no objections and is very pro self care.
Okay who does he need to punch??? Who needs a pounding? Say their name and they're d e a d.
Raph isn't much help at first because hes pissed that someone or something upset you this much. He begins pacing and spinning his sais as he takes heavy breaths in. Finally calming down he puts his weapons away and gives you a hug.
When you stop crying Raph asks you what happened and man once you start you can't stop. You tell him what was bothering you and you let the anger out now that the sadness is gone.
You guys have a screaming fest somewhere in the sewers where you trash talk what's bothering you and honestly it's very therapeutic.
When you guys get back to the lair throats a bit sore from screaming he gets some snacks and soda before he sits with you on the couch hanging out. He rubs your arm as you watch movies and tells you if they bother you again he'll handle it.
Gets very concerned. He's immediately in front of you asking if you need anything and doing his best to figure out what's wrong so he can help. Despite how smart he is hes still very emotionally aware and is completely focused on you.
He gets you tissues so you can wipe your tears away and blow your nose. Once thats done he carefully cups your face.
"You can tell me anything... please tell me what happened." You close your eyes feeling his hands before nodding and taking a deep breath.
Donnie is quiet the whole time you explain why you started crying and nods his head processing what your telling him.
After he either has a game plan to make things better or some questions. He wants to make sure he has all the information before he suggests anything. If you don't want a game plan though, that's fine. Donnie will sit and listen to you as long as you need and when your done he'll do something fun with you to take your mind off it.
May start crying as well depending on why your crying. Mikey's very empathetic and sometimes gets so surprised he just starts crying too. However if this is serious he'll suck it up and focus on you.
Will try and make you laugh so you stop crying because he hates h a t e s it when you cry. If that doesn't work or you continue to cry he switches tatics. If if did work awesome! Cuddle time and chocolate/snacks dude!
If the jokes didn't work and you need to cry it out or talk about what happened he'll take you too his room for privacy and wrap you in a blanket before sitting quietly and listening to you.
When you've calmed down a bit he'll curl up with you and listen to music or watch a show on his tphone. He's very cuddly and very concerned after a crying session so be prepared for a clingy turtle for awhile.
Asks what's wrong and begins rubbing your back as she waits for you to calm down and answer.
The best at comforting people to be honest. Her dad is a psychologist and therapist so he understands how the human brain works and from a young age has taught April to be empathetic and kind. Plus her powers just make her very good at calming people down or cheering them up.
She ends up making you tea (a habit from Splinter she picked up while living in the sewers) or something soothing to drink. She'll sit with you and help you stay calm so you can tell her what happened. Once your done April decides you need something to cheer you up.
Self care girl all the way. She'll brush your hair and make sure it's out of your face before doing a relaxing facemask with cucumber sloces over the eyes. She'll put some oil in the defuser and make it an at home spy day. By the time your done your way refreshed and feeling much better.
Like Raph he has the who do I need to fight moment??? When he realizes that's not what you need he calms down and begins to comfort you.
He'll make jokes and say how even with snot and tears dripping down your face you still look awesome. When he gets a chuckle he smiles and gets you a tissue so you can wipe your face.
Casey grabs a pillow and holding it he lets you punch it and vent about why you were crying and who or what did this too you. The entire time he's agreeing with you a 100% and dissing/trash talking the person or thing that made you so upset. Doenst matter if he has no idea what your talking about. Hes the King of trash talk and if they made you feel this way, this is what they deserve.
After you've calmed down and are done punching the pillow he gets out some snacks and suggests watching a movie or t.v show together.
As your both unwinding he reminds you how awesome you are and gives you a Casey Jones smile. He promises hell have your back 100% of the time and name the place and the person and he'll give them a good scare.
She's not used to people showing their pain or their weakness in front of her so shes not the best to comfort you but shes gonna try.
Knows it's not easy to cry in front of people ans understands you have put a lot of trust into her. Karai ends up taking you away from everyone else before privately cupping your face. Wiping away the tears she lets you have a moment to breath before calmly asking what happened.
If someone hurt you Karai will take care of it dont worry but if something bothered you and triggered you into crying she'll pause. She's not the best at listening but for you she'll lean against a wall and just hum and nod as you explain your problem.
Decides after your done crying and venting that making you look badass and fierce and taking you out for a night on the town will cheer you up. She rides you too different clubs and restaurants or shops on her motorcycle and buys you whatever you want.
She's happy your happy and has a good night just messing around and having fun. She knows how much bad days suck so she hopes that this helps make it better.
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...llore está parte... y grite de paso AAAAHHHH!!!♡♡♡
You may not have taught us everything.
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But you did teach us the most important thing.
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Be there for each other.
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[...] You are not alone!
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You have to trust your family.
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Bueno... a empezar a hacer fan arts jsjsjsj. HERMOSOOOO!!!♡♡♡😪😪😪❤❤❤👈👈👈
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I tried putting as many of my thoughts as I could but I’m probably missing some things. If I remember or notice anything else, I’ll add onto this post.
Some people found my last post to be helpful so hopefully this one can bring some more insight. These are just all my thoughts and observations and notes in one place so if these are somehow useful, then hey, glad it worked out. Also, I apologize for my bad handwriting and any grammar mistakes in advance. I got like, 4 hours of sleep last night (curse this insomnia). IDK if my terminology makes sense? Like “second line” or “bump.” But I have no idea what else to call them.
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“I’m better.” Donnie scoffs. So April gets her guns.
So refreshing to be able to start and finish an animation in 3 days. It was a blast 😭!!
Audio: Anything You Can Do - Bernadette Peters & Tom Wopat
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Sobre-La Cancelación de Rise
La verdad no creí que iba a expresarme de esto pero primero que nada quiero aclarar que la cancelación  no es algo oficial. Debido a algunas jugadas de Nick (como moviendo la serie a Nicktoons) han llevado a fuertes rumores sobre la cancelación de la serie.
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Como nuevo show se desenmarco de otras versiones para ser una nueva versión lo que nos ha dado interrelaciones interesantes y sub tramas con mucho potencial:
Como Big mamá, Lou jitsu, y el barón Draxum como villano solitario es muy bueno, también sus mutantes nuevos (aunque raros) están muy bien pensados y funcionan en el tipo de show que es.
El show tiene una animación increíble. Si tu ves la animación de Rise en especial en su último episodio de la primera temporada o solo el episodio la chaqueta morada para no irte tan lejos, puedes apreciar cuánta dedicación hay tan solo en la animación. Entonces, porque cancelar algo con tanta dedicación de los animadores?
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles o el ascenso de las tortugas ninjas; a tenido números regulares desde inicio, y si recuerdo bien su promoción al estrenar fue bastante fuerte; la revelación de Rise fue un evento en vivo e incluso invitaron a Eastman a la presentación!
A este punto esa pujanza inicial es casi inexistente.
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Nick tiene la fama de dejar atrás sus mejores proyectos pero esa es otra historia que consideraremos luego … 
El show es novedoso, el guion buscaba algo nuevo y refrescante pero conservando parte de su concepto, debido a los cambios muchos fans declararon su aversión a el show, o simplemente ignorado.
Vi a algunos diciendo que debido a este desmerecimiento (hate) el show va cayendo, pero eso me parece que es tener una visión muy superficial.
Voy a hacer la comparación con Batman, (porque por alguna razón me gusta hacer la comparación con Batman…) En el material de Batman tú vas a encontrar todo tipo de cosas y cruces que pueden serte extraños de primera, que no son más que las ideas de escritores probando cosas nuevas. Por otro lado Batman es una franquicia mucho más antigua que Tmnt, en comparación a este monstruo de cómics y televisión perteneciente a DC; Tmnt es una franquicia muy joven, y si revisas su material han tenido pocos ‘resbalones’, menos propuestas, pero casi siempre con mucha calidad y buenas ideas. Tmnt es bastante constante también, lo que ha ayudado a mantener viva la franquicia y a los fans de todas las edades muy activos y pendientes del material nuevo.
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Cuando un fandom es muy activo siempre va a un principio tener una base de rechazo a todas las propuestas nuevas, eso es normal, incluso; si la empresa lo juega bien es buena publicidad, pero con el tiempo el nuevo universo creará su base de fans solida.
Así que cuando dicen que es debido al odio continuo, lo dudo bastante. Créame, no es la serie con más atención de odiadores en Nick, no es tampoco la única serie que ha recibido hate; de hecho, si usted revisa la página de Nick encontrara que el hate a sus series es algo a lo que están acostumbrados, y que saben como tomar con calma.
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Algo más… se dice que Un hater no hace tanto daño como el que ignora. Y esto es verdad cuando hablamos de un producto que se ofrece al público.
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Si es que Rise puede ser cancelada es que probablemente ni siquiera su público objetivo (niños) está funcionando. 
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Se que aquí entra también la mercancía pero de juguetes y playmate la verdad se menos que nada, aunque si te digo esto, tienen mucho que ver cuando se trata de mantener una serie viva, y ¿quien es el público que más adquiere los juguetes sino los niños…?
Algo que usted no debe saber y es un dato interesante, es que Rise en el momento en que estrenó su primer episodio ya tenía la 2da temp grabada y completa y solo le faltaba la animación, el decaimiento de Rise (según yo) se vio incluso antes del final de su primera temporada, en lo personal me sorprendió lo rápido que anunciaron la segunda temporada ya que no hubo una gran promoción de ella, un poco como si solo sacaran lo que ya tenían, y en realidad; quizás en parte eso hacían.
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Yo pienso que el show es bueno, y novedoso, no va a ser mi favorito, y no lo es, pero hay cosas muy rescatables, así que espero que al menos si estén dando por terminado el proyecto lo dejen ir con un final digno, se lo merece. Ya hay rumores muy tímidos de que con la colaboración de Netflix halla un nuevo show o películas para llenar el vacío, sino tal vez sea mejor que descanse por un tiempo.
Por último té invito que veas Rise en sus episodios clave, si aún no lo has hecho.
El único tip que te daré es el que me ha servido a mi: Mira a Rise como algo independiente, si has visto anime bizarro del tipo en que un chico llora por su pan tostado en el suelo luego de que es pisado y luego le pide a un ente superior que lo lleven consigo, esto es justamente lo que es Rise, un anime bizarro y para reír.
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Míralo de esa manera y quizás te ayude, y te daras cuenta de lo mucho que emula esos dibujos el guion de la serie e incluso té sorprenderá con algo más. Pero si te resistes a verlo, está bien, nadie va a comprar algo que no le gusta o leer un libro solo porque la gente insiste en que el final lo vale, si no es lo tuyo, simplemente no es lo tuyo. En el futuro habrá algo que quizás te guste; por ahora, aplica lo mismo que se dijeron Peter laird y Kevin Eastman el día que su cómic oscuro y serio se volvería una caricatura con pizza y sketch’s cómicos…
Siempre tendrás sus historias antiguas para regresar…
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Cameron walden abandonado su boda para irse con el amor de su vida :v
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Hola hermosa comunidad xd
Vengo a compartirles un dibujo de Cameron walden ♡
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-now the bg chars, urg, maybe i’ll do them later fff
Freetime animatin’
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Heres some more Kiki stuff I did that Drew didn’t include in the PDF! <3
Vote for it here if you think it’s cool stuff!
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Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms - Trailer
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I FINALLY Launched my personal Art & Animation Patreon!
If you guys want to support me creating more artwork, and animated films then please, go on over and check out what kind of stuff there is to offer! <3
$1 - Gains you access to all public artwork created by me! As well as gains you my gratitude for supporting my work and livelihood!
$10- Gains you access to non public illustration work, this could be illustrations that I plan on posting publicly in FUTURE, or are saving to publish into an artbook, or sell prints of. Basically all artwork that I don’t post right away, you guys will get to see anyway! Plus peeks at animated shots when they are completed as roughs!
$20- Gains you access to frequent animation updates, usually gifs of shorts in progress. Also animatic files, rough cuts, and any kind of WIP file/animation content I can manage to complete!
$50- Gains you access to character ref sheets, developing designs, and even character artwork involving characters that are not publicly released! Tons of secret goodies for your eyes only!
$100-  Gains you total access to secret characters, illustrations, full animated WIPS, Private Livestreams and tons of other fun! Plus my eternal gratitude for enjoying my work so much <333
For those ZP fans, don’t worry, ZP will be back in future! This Patreon is moreso for my animated films and regular posting of artwork, the comic is it’s own project, so I’ll climb that hill when I reach it!
If you can’t become a patron, thats ok!
But I’d be beyond appreciative if you could pass this along, in case someone hasn’t seen it who might want to be! <3
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So a very belated birthday gift to my dear, dear friend Viv, who I’ve spent pretty much a year by now getting to know her and see her do wonderful and inspiring things- I ended up doing all your demons, I love them all, I couldn’t really just choose <33 Anyway, I think I would have been in a really bad place right now if I never met you. You gave me confidence and was a friend when no one else would be, and I can’t ever thank you enough for that. Happy belated birthday! 
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♡No saben cuánto me satisface hacer este ship♡
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Otro dibujo más jeje
Me parece único 030♡
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Otro ship más famoso...
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Un ship muy famoso...
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