jozm · 10 years
Light in the darkness
On my way back from church, I saw a man walking up and down the train with his arms up high, eyes closed, and mumbling words under his breath. At first glance, I thought he was just some crazy. However, when he came closer I heard him saying the words God, Jesus, fear, and devil. He was praying over the city shameless- and fearlessly.
Today, I witnessed God working in this city.
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jozm · 10 years
Dare to Tutu
Dare to Tutu.
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jozm · 11 years
Day 27
Dear God,
Thank you for this opportunity with this interview that you’ve given me this Monday. Although, I don’t know any details, I want to thank you for even giving me this interview. You have truly shown me that you do really care for me and provide for me. I just need to rely on you and look to you with everything.
Thank you.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
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jozm · 11 years
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jozm · 11 years
Day 24
March 12
Waiting, trusting, and hoping are intricately connected, like golden strands interwoven to form a strong chain. Trusting is the central strand, because it is the response from My children that I desire the most. Waiting and hoping embellish the central strand and strengthen the chain that connects you to Me. Waiting for Me to work, with your eyes on Me, is evidence that you really do…
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jozm · 11 years
Day 21
Dear God,
Thank you for reminding me of the complete freedom that you have given us by making sacrifices.
I know that I’m supposed to go to you with everything: my worries, happiness, etc. But, why is it so hard for me to just pray and talk to you about whatever when it comes to myself?
I feel like this blog is getting more and more difficult to keep up with because I just don’t know what to say.
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jozm · 11 years
Day 20
Dear God,
Thank you for cheering me up yesterday with the great finds at the thrift store! I’m super excited to wear them :)
Oh, and today’s weather is beautiful!!! Are the temperatures going to stay this way from now on??? I sure hope so…
Thank you for continually reminding me to just rely on and go to you when I’m thinking about my future and what I need to do. I ask that you continue to bring…
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jozm · 11 years
Day 17
Dear God,
My whole life I had this burden of having to succeed to make my parents proud and to give them the life that they deserve.
But, I realized that shouldn’t and isn’t my goal.
I just want to enjoy this life that you’ve given me with you. This is my goal and hopefully this is my parents’ goal as well. All I can do is pray this for my parents and love them as much as I can.
So, I ask that…
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jozm · 11 years
Day 15
Day 15
Dear God,
I’m becoming more and more antsy as the time to receive my results is coming closer and closer.
I realized the reason I don’t really enjoy seeing my extended family is because I feel that they undermine me. It probably is the whole Korean culture where the oldest know best and so on. And, as much as I’m Korean and all, I’ll never understand that. So, last night, I just did not feel good.
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jozm · 11 years
Day 13
Day 13
Dear God,
Today, I am reminded of what JYP talked about in his episode of Healing Camp.
He said that his goal in life was to reach complete, 100% freedom.
At first he thought he would reach that freedom once he made an abundant amount of money. So, he did. And he did it very quickly. But, it just wasn’t enough.
He looked at the people around him and realized that honor was more important. That…
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jozm · 11 years
Day 11
Day 11
Dear God,
You are too funny.. LOL. Thank you for slowing down for me.
God! The anticipation is killing meeeeeee. Results for my application should be coming out anytime now… I just ask that you would bring peace to my heart as I wait…
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
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jozm · 11 years
Devotional for February 26
Devotional for February 26
It’s so weird how you speak to me through my devotional sometimes… I’m typing it out here, so that I can easily go back to it whenever I need it.
I am leading you, step by step, through your life. Hold my hand in trusting dependence, letting Me guide you through this day. Your future looks uncertain and feels flimsy–even precarious. That is how it should be. Secret things belong to the Lord, and…
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jozm · 11 years
Day 10
Day 10
Dear God,
Honestly, these dreams are wearing me out. I understand that these are all things that you want me to deal with. But, I feel like they’re coming at me all too quickly. Can you slow down a bit for me?
It’s snowing again, today. A lot of people have been complaining that it’s snowing and that they want the warm weather back. (I, as well, enjoyed the 60 degree weather last week.) But, I’m…
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jozm · 11 years
Day 9
Day 9
Dear God,
I ask that you would reconcile my relationship with my mom. It’s actually really hard for me to reach out to my mom because we clash so much. But, I ask that you would give me the patience and perseverance to be understanding.
I always thought it was selfish for me to ask or pray for specific things. So, I would always pray that “you will be done”. But, I’ve been learning you want us to…
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jozm · 11 years
Day 8
Day 8
Dear God,
I had forgotten for a moment how good it feels to really take care of my body. I’ve been exercising pretty regularly and I’ve started trying to eat healthier. My body feels lighter and isn’t so tired as before. Thank you for delicious healthy foods! It makes me look forward to my meals everyday.
I woke up this morning with another sad and happy dream. The sad part was that my parents…
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jozm · 11 years
Day 7
Dear God, As I sit in Sunday service, you’re reminding me of a lot of things from the past, especially the things that people have said to me that hurt me. It’s actually really overwhelming and daunting to even consider dealing with. There just seems to be so much. I think one of the biggest things I hated and hate is being misunderstood. There were so many times where people would put words in my…
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jozm · 11 years
Day 5
Day 5
Dear God,
I’m getting more and more impatient, living with my parents and just waiting around. As much as I love them, there are just certain things that I can’t stand about my parents. God, I just ask for strength to be able to get over the petty things and give me more patience.
The reason I made this blog public was because I realized I have a very hard time being vulnerable. I always feel…
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