Over the past two years of my CAS endeavor in IB, I am able to state without a doubt that I have expanded my horizons due to my engagement and involvement in all of the activities I have participated in as part of Creativity, Action, or Service. In spite of the fact that some of the activities that I have engaged in for CAS I have already pursued actively before, there are numerous projects and organizations I have newly become involved with. 
Showing commitment while undertaking new challenges was definitely a principal aspect of all of my engagement within CAS. Almost all of my activities truly required me to demonstrate full presence and commitment, as, without the consistently incorporated effort, it would have been impossible to fulfill every single activity. 
Working collaboratively with others was a crucial component of all of the elements of my CAS journey. Examples of teamwork can be found in not only school activities, such as engaging in various school events (graduation, open days etc.) or Amnesty International RAszyńska, but also in those pursued outside of schools such as dance rehearsals or work in the theater. 
Engaging with issues of global importance is one the most significant for me outcomes as I have always strived to become more conscious of current matters, influencing numerous populations all over the globe. Activities such as participating in the Model United Nations (MUN) Conferences, organizing the TEDx Youth Conference, which leading topic was “Here and Now”, or becoming involved in our school’s Amnesty International Organization allowed me to expand my knowledge and broaden my viewpoint on globally relevant topics.
In regard to self-actualization, I have definitely developed new skills, discovered my potential in various areas I have not been able to explore before, as well as felt as if I have improved myself in all three branches of CAS while becoming a capable and versatile individual. Furthermore, I undoubtedly have increased my awareness of my strengths as well as areas for growth, through both long-term projects which I have engaged in all of the two years, as well as individual events and activities.
Despite all of these postiive aspects of my experience, I must admit that is was difficult to fully commit and fulfill all of my CAS requirements and keep up with the blog regularly. Especially in the second year, with all of the stress present in my daily life as well as concerned with applying for university and simultaneously fulfilling deadlines at school. 
All things regarded, I feel that my experience with CAS enriched me as a socially active human being and student. Most importantly, I have become aware of that fact that in addition to academic studies, all of the activities that I have gotten the chance to pursue outside of school, have played an equally important role in shaping me as a hard-working, well-rounded and ambitious individual :) 
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CAS PROJECT (TEDx Youth Conference Organisation) - Reflection
 Our CAS Project has successfully finished after the conference has taken place on the 29th of November. We have definitely been working hard for a couple of months to create a unique and unforgettable conference, and are not quite fulfilled and happy with what we have concluded our CAS project with.
At the beginning of our CAS Project journey, I did not necessarily think of it as a project yet more of a very interesting and engaging opportunity to create something captivating for young students in Warsaw. We combined the Creativity and Service strands of CAS in our project.  
The process of preparing the entire conference, without a doubt required from us to learn how to effectively collaborate with each other, and to manage our time effectively, not leaving major decisions to the last minute. Although every individual taking part in the project had their own role to fulfill, I feel that eventually, everyone would help each other out despite the nature of the given task.
Our goal with this project was to conduct a TEDx Youth conference after which every single audience member would walk out feeling motivated, inspired, or at least a tiny bit intrigued by what he or she heard during the speeches conducted at the event.
The learning outcomes that were associated with the event were very vast allowing us to develop a wide range of new skills and acquire knowledge on organizing this type of endeavor. Here are some of the outcomes that played a significant role in our CAS project process: 
- Undertaking a new challenge
- Working Collaboratively
- Showing perseverance and commitment
- Engagement and Skill-acquiring 
All things considered,  although during this project we have definitely faced some challenges, a bit of stress and disagreements, it eventually was all worth it for that satisfying knowledge that we were able to affect/impact, in one way or another everyone that participated in the event, while at the same time developing ourselves from a variety of perspectives. 
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“The Wizard”
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Amnesty International Meeting
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TODAY’S MEETING was about the significance of the election process, and why it is necessary for us to engage within this issue
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This week I created a poster for Amnesty International regarding DISCRIMINATION - an issue we have been actively focusing on in the recent time during the meetings.
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“The Wizard”
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The last performance of “The Wizard” ever :( This was definitely the most touching performance we have put up yet... I will undoubtedly hold amazing memories of this whole journey, being grateful for the incredible amount of knowledge and skills I have obtained along the way.  
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Amnesty International Meeting
In today’s Monday meeting of Amnesty International, we listened to a short speech presentation regarding the issue of abortion, particularly in Bangladesh, as well as carried on discussing the significance of fighting discrimination all over the globe.
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GYM Workout
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1,5h at the gym today - quite long, especially after a couple of week break from working out... Nevertheless, I am feeling very fulfilled with myself today and relived from stress, which has recently been filling up my daily intensive school life. 
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Gym Training - Workout
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Very tiring workout session at the gym, however I am very relieved as it is always a good idea to go running during all of the stress going on at school :) 
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Dance Rehearsal - Competition Video Audition
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I have been recently coming to the dance studio pretty much every day, working hard on my solo dance performance I will soon be recording and admitting for a couple of national and international competitions. It is definitely a very challenging piece, and because of that I am striving to perfect it and work as hard as possible to get the opportunity to perform it at some of the competitions :)
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Amnesty International BAKE SALE
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Today we held a bake sale raising money for Amnesty International. All the delicious cakes and pastries were available for all of the school’s students during each of the breaks. It was not only an amazing way to help society and support globally significant issues, but also a positive and encouraging treat during a tough long day at school :))
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Amnesty International Meeting
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We discussed the case of Mahadine who was featured in the Letter Writing Marathon and was released but then imprisoned once again. We understood his story and had a brief discussion on the injustice of the situation itself as well as how should organizations such as Amnesty International react and what measures should be taken in order to confront such cases.  
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“The Wizard”
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Another show at the Palladium Theater in Warsaw. I cannot believe we have been performing this play for four years already... The time flew by so quickly. 
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Dance Workshops
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Two sessions of dance workshops 3 hours each. I had an incredible time especially because it was one of my favorite choreographers and teachers here in Warsaw who conducted the workshops :)
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