jtheeshipper · 3 months
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Rae Rae and BB by Emma Kubert
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
Wednesday: *Wednesdayfies Enid*
Yoko: What the hell did you do?!!!
Wednesday: What? She consented! I’m just curious.
Enid walks out of the room, stoic face and death glare eyes. Her colorful clothes turned all black and gray. Her usual smile is gone.
Yoko: Enid? Are you alright?
Enid: Why wouldn’t I be, vamps?
Yoko: Wow. She’s kind of hot when-
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
The courting gift.
Thing: What about a diamond?
Wednesday: Don't be ridiculous Thing, Enid is worth more than any mere dia-
Thing: Oh no, i know that look.
Wednesday: Thing you are a genius.
Thing: ...This isn't going to end well.
1 Hour Later...
Wednesday: Enid, a family matter has arisen that i must attend to, I will be back by the end of the weekend.
Enid: Uh yeah sure, everything okay?
Wednesday: (Pause) Yes, it cannot wait. Don't wait up and if i shan't return, burn this school down and everyone inside.
Enid: Wow... you're such a psychopath! (Giggles)
Wednesday: Flattery will... it won't... (Sigh) Los halagos no te llevarán a ninguna parte cuando ya me has capturado, en cuerpo, mente y alma.
Enid: (Smiling widely) I Love you too!
Wednesday: (Quietly) Do not jest with your words Mi loba.
Two Days Later...
Enid is stood in the common room of Ophelia Hall, watching the news with Yoko and Divinia.
News Presenter: ...We have some upsetting breaking news, The Tower of London was broken into last night where thieves took the Koh i noor, a diamond that was set in the crown of the Queen Mother. With an estimated value of Three Hundred Million Pounds, the jewel is said to be priceless. The Metropolitan Police in conjunction with Palace officials have confirmed that currently there are no suspects, this is without doubt one of the greatest heists in history, although authorities are baffled that only one item was taken.
Enid: Wow... what kind of person would steal from a dead woman's crown. (Shaking her head) Anyway laters, Wednesday is due back at any moment!
Yoko: (Grinning) Like a puppy eagerly awaiting their owners return at the door.
Enid: (Blushing) Shut up. Anyway i'll see you later!
Enid rushes up a flight of stairs, two steps at a time, a bounce in her step. She had missed Wednesday. She had missed her so much. She pushes open the door making Wednesday flinch.
Enid: Wends!
Wednesday: (Turning around sharply, hiding something behind her back) Mi loba.
Enid: (Narrowing her eyes.) What's behind your back?
Wednesday: ...Nothing.
Enid folds her arms with a pointed glare and tilt of her head.
Wednesday sighs, knowing she can't lie to Enid, not anymore, brings the item in front of her.
Enid: Wednesday... please tell me you have a really, really good reason for having the fucking Koh-i-noor in our dorm room???
Wednesday: (Weakly) I stole it for you. I planned to give it to you this coming full Moon. To court you.
Enid: Wends... all you had to do was ask me out for a coffee or something, not commit the greatest heist in living history! (Tearily) But oh em gee, you did this? for me?
Wednesday: I would do anything for you, my fierce, fluorescent wolf.
Enid: (Preening and blushing) Oh my gosh... I'm going to have to get used to that huh?
Wednesday: (Striding forwards) As long as I breathe every breath will be spent making sure you never feel unloved ever again.
Enid: (Squeaking as Wednesday gets within several inches of Enid's face)
Enid: You...I...uh... you love me?
Thing: Oh fer fuck sake, just propose already!
45 Mins later...
Thing: These lesbians, i can't anymore. They keep making googly eyes at each other from across the room and smiling, a hand can only stand to watch so much you know?
Weems: Wait... Wednesday AND Enid???
Thing: YES!
Weems: Wednesday smiling?
Thing: YES!
Weems: (Muttering) God help us all...
(The Koh-i-noor is never found)
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
Something I would like to see in Wednesday S2 or 3, whenever really, is Enid getting pissed off and saying something vicious. In her own way, of course, but she says something vicious. And the corner of Wednesday's lip curls up slightly in amusement and she says, "spoken almost like an Addams" or "we'll make an Addams out you just yet" or something like it. And Enid is both flattered and a tiny bit disturbed lol
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
Enid: I’m so addicted to TikTok. It’s becoming a problem.
Wednesday: You’re addicted to the sound a clock makes?
Yoko: I love that song. I miss Ke$ha.
Enid: I need to make some friends my own age
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
Enid: Hey Willa! Do you play Street Fighter?
Wednesday: Yes. I would never miss the opportunity.
Enid: *gasps* You do? How about Mortal Kombat?
Wednesday: I find it preferable, if not ideal.
Enid: *excited* No way! And Killer Instinct?
Wednesday: Obviously. Do I appear to lack conviction?
Enid: King of Fighters? Darkstalkers?? Fatal Fury???
Wednesday: An aspiration. Last Thursday night. Technically, but they were resuscitated.
Enid: OMG! We are totes going to that ancient arcade tonight.
That evening Wednesday enters Jericho’s retro arcade, where she is greeted by a squealing Enid.
Enid: *excitedly waving a tube of tokens* Willa! Are you ready to get your game— uh. What’re those for?
Wedsnesday: *wearing brass knuckles and dragging a steel chain* This… does not appear to be a coliseum.
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
Happy Pride Month
Shout out to, the gays.
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
Mevie is a great ship
but Umal fulfills my need to see two powerful women who can't stand each other, come through for the other in the end.
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
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The cosmos are aligned (second art by @lizzieblopaz24)
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
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Blake Lively as Emily Nelson in A Simple Favor (2018)
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
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A SIMPLE FAVOR (2018) dir. Paul Feig
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jtheeshipper · 3 months
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jtheeshipper · 4 months
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we are SO back!!🥰
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jtheeshipper · 4 months
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Bullseye 🎯
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jtheeshipper · 4 months
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Who else is in a chokehold because of this woman? 🙋🏼‍♀️🥵
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jtheeshipper · 4 months
them <3
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