jubilatixn · 10 years
     "Wow, wow! I've been busy, busy, busy with work! The Halloween season really is a busy time of year, isn't it? I can't imagine how Christmas is going to be..."
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     "Anyway, how is everyone? I hope your Pokemon are fighting fit!"
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jubilatixn · 10 years
Ask my muse's Pokémon questions about their Trainer or human concepts and they'll give their views on the matter!
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jubilatixn · 10 years
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     "Hello there everyone! How good of you all to come and visit a local Pokemon Center! Oh-- I'm not on duty right now, but I'd be more than happy to help you with anything you need!"
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jubilatixn · 10 years
reblog if your icon is a sex god from the high heavens
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jubilatixn · 10 years
"All those long hours at the Pokemon Center are exhausting for your shoulders. I felt you needed to relax with a soothing massage."
     "Oh, well... I do suppose they are quite tiring. This is a great way to relax. I haven't had a massage like this in a long, long time! It really is nice..."
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jubilatixn · 10 years
*Rubs your shoulders*
a really long, but categorized, ask meme
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     "O-Oh! T-That feels really nice, sir... " her body relaxed a little bit, feeling calm and loosened up from the past few rough hours of work. Her voice was practically molasses at that point to match her melting posterior. "T-Thank you..."
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jubilatixn · 10 years
a really long, but categorized, ask meme
*Accidentally spills [[SPECIFY HERE]] on you*
*Slaps you*
*Kisses you on the lips*
*Bites your lip*
*Rubs your shoulders*
*Dumps ice water over your head*
*Winks at you*
*Flips hair at you*
*Throws a ball of paper towards you*
*Hands you a note, inside it says [[SPECIFY HERE]]*
*Slams the door shut behind you*
*Storms out of the room*
*Wraps my arms around you from behind*
*Kisses your neck*
*Nibbles on your earlobe*
*Tucks a strand of hair behind your ear*
*Strokes your hair*
*Caresses your cheek*
*Holds you in my arms*
"You’re cute and I’m horny. You thinking what I’m thinking?"
"I see you like cardio… wanna go back to my place and do it together?"
"I’m sorry, but I just received a call for you. From heaven? I think they’re missing an angel."
"Hold my hand? I’m afraid I’m getting lost in your eyes."
"Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants."
"Are you a pokemon? Because I’d like to peek-at-chu.”
"If I had a dollar for every beautiful girl/guy I saw tonight, I’d have one dollar. Because the only beautiful girl/guy in here is you."
"Maybe I could show you my [[SPECIFY ITEM]] collection. It’s back at my house, so we’d have to go there but…”
*Spills a drink on your shirt* “I’m so sorry! But if it’s any reassurance, I think that top would look better on my bedroom floor anyways.”
"I’m sorry, have we met before?"
"I don’t know you, but thanks."
"You’re a very nice guy/girl, you know that?"
"We only just met… but I’d really like to see you again."
"Do you think you could move your ass out of my friend’s seat?"
"It’s none of your business. We just met."
"Hey I’m [[NAME HERE]] and my crazy ex-girlfriend/boyfriend is here and I was wondering if you’d pretend to date me so I can get them off my back?”
"I’m so sorry about that! Let me buy you a new sandwich."
"Oh shit. I didn’t mean to trip you I swear, I’m sorry."
"Did you get that email I sent you last night?"
"No, I’m serious. She/he brought a flask to work.”
"I overheard the boss and I think you’re about to be put up for a promotion!"
"I know what you’ve got in that top drawer."
"I can’t believe you’re drunk at work."
"You know, most people watch porn at home."
"Your Netflix binge is using up all the broadband."
"Stop torrenting, asshole! I have a report to send off to Japan in an hour and I can’t even open Gmail!"
"If you spent half as much time on doing your job as you do on World on Warcraft, maybe you’d have a chance at a promotion too."
"You’ve been working here for 6 years and you don’t know where the break room is?"
"Didn’t you hear? [[NAME HERE]] and [[NAME HERE]] hooked up last night!”
"We lost the playoffs."
"The girls team beat the boys!"
"I heard he/she got called into the principal’s office."
"Apparently the swim team had an orgy after hours."
"I heard they were fucking in the bathroom."
"She/he’s been paying people to do their homework!"
"She/he fell running in the hallway and knocked out a few teeth."
"I can’t believe we’re graduating this year."
"Being a freshman sucks."
"I slept with a sophomore last weekend."
"She/he told me they were a junior!"
"Why are those freshmen staring at you?"
"Is there a reason everyone suddenly knows your name overnight?"
"How come everyone suddenly knows who I am?"
"Did you tell them about my [[INSERT SECRET HERE]]?!”
"I can’t believe you hooked up with my boyfriend/girlfriend."
"I definitely failed that test."
"I got an A on my essay!"
"Wow, there’s a stick wedged so far up your ass I don’t think I can even pull it out."
"I’m sorry, but my number of fucks to give has officially reached a negative number."
"Uranus called and said I’m huge and in the way.”
"I’m searching… searching… oh. Well would you look at that. I couldn’t find any fucks to give."
"What’s the difference between a dolphin and you? Dolphins have brains."
"Just because that’s mistletoe hanging above us doesn’t mean I’m going to kiss you."
"Take a picture, it’ll last longer."
"At this point you might as well ask for my autograph."
"You know I’m right! I’m always right!”
"Shut up. Just shut up!"
"I don’t need to listen to this."
"You’re lying."
"I can’t believe you’d say that. Even in an argument, that was low of you."
"I can’t look at you."
"Don’t fucking touch me."
"If you say one more word, I swear…"
"Pipe down, you’re making a scene."
"What’s wrong with you?"
"Now I know why people think you’re neurotic."
"You must be crazy."
"I’m not backing down.”
"You can’t hide the truth forever, you know."
"What’s your issue?”
"You make me so angry.”
"This has nothing to do with you.”
"And… and I love you! It’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all along."
"I don’t know how to say it. But you know what I’m trying to say, right?"
"I’ve never been good at this. I don’t do relationships. But I… I want to try with you.”
"You’re the one that I want."
"I don’t care. I don’t give a shit, don’t you get it? I don’t give a flying fuck unless it has to do with you. I love you.”
"Please don’t say that. You know you’re the only one for me. Fuck everyone else."
"I can’t stop thinking about you. Every minute of every day. I could be standing in the shower or cooking breakfast, but you’re still the only thought on my mind."
"I want to wake up next to you, everyday for the rest of my life."
"I’ve always been afraid of commitment, okay? That’s why I sleep around.”
"I’ve never wanted to give love a try until now."
"Please, don’t leave me."
"I need you more than you will ever know."
"I love you more than I could ever express in words."
*Starts singing [[SPECIFY SONG NAME]] outside your door/window*
"I didn’t fuck him/her, I swear!"
"I brought vodka and ice cream."
"You left your anal beads at my house. Wait… no, they’re just normal mardi gras beads."
"I can’t believe you went without me!"
"I love you, I love you so much and you just don’t see it. What am I supposed to do?"
"I know you’re sad and upset. Let me be your distraction! I want to be your distraction!"
"I can’t find my apartment and I couldn’t stop thinking about you."
"Let me in! I think I’m gonna throw up."
"What do you think about this outfit?"
"Bend over."
"It’s not going to get up by itself, you know."
"I thought you’d be bigger."
"Where did we leave those damned handcuffs?"
"I can’t find my vibrator."
"Just set your phone on vibrate!"
"I want to fuck you until you’re raw and shaking."
"That’s it… do a little striptease for me."
"You can watch… but you can’t touch."
"Be quiet! They’re going to hear us."
"And get this… the new toy? It glows in the dark."
"I’ve got two flavours. Cherry or fruit punch?"
"I want to be on top."
"That is one fine ass."
"You look like a screamer."
"Let me tie you up."
"What’ll our safeword be?"
"I love making you squirm."
"Not my neck! It’s summer, I can’t wear a turtleneck in the sun."
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jubilatixn · 10 years
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I drew a Bellossom for Nerdbot’s Twitterdex Pokemon Collab.
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jubilatixn · 10 years
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jubilatixn · 10 years
     Although she had heard such a thing herself, it made her eyes shine hearing someone with such a high value say it. Of course you had to be smart to be a Champion, right? She didn't quite realize how smart those people actually were sometimes. Then again, despite her traveling from Center to Center, aside from that she didn't go and do much besides errands for herself. The rest of her time was dedicated to her Pokemon. They were some tough cookies now! And although she didn't doubt their strength, she'd never be willing to take on a Champion. That was just way out of the Joy heritage!
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     "Oh, you're right!! I believe she's just like that! She was smart enough to keep herself going despite being attacked, and it takes a lot of courage and hope to do that. Plus it looks like she tried to block their teeth a few times with her thorns. I bet it hurt the Houndours' mouths pretty bad, huh?"
     The young and eccentric man stepped forward a few paces before leaning his body forward towards the plant Pokemon, smiling in hopes with lifting a the calm smile up some more. Lifting a hand and raising a finger, he gently caressed the soft head of the Pokemon, transferring affection and thought through the course of action for a few mere seconds. And not before long, he pulled his heavy body back up, erecting his body’s figure as he was standing before the nurse and in front of the Pokemon in between. 
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     ”— Ah, hah hah. Hmm … A Pokemon liking the taste of bitterness with their food has been theorized that they are rather bright and intellectual. I can see the young Roselia here exactly like so.”
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jubilatixn · 10 years
pester my muse. you have permission to flirt, be annoying, or do anything really. just bother them and drive them crazy.
bonus points for details :D
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jubilatixn · 10 years
     "Oh, now this is ridiculous! Who's ever heard of a...-- achoo!"
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     "... A Joy getting sick...?"
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jubilatixn · 10 years
     Aaahh… I’m so sorry I’ve been so busy guys. My fiance got me back into WoW and I’m currently goofing around on it. Haha. Also I haven’t been feeling my RP self lately because I’m currently sick as all get out… I can hardly keep my arms up to type.
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     I’m gonna rest until I feel better and goof around on there some more and hopefully things will be alright after some relaxation. I’ve already got a rare pet drop even my fiance couldn’t pick up! I guess it’s a sign.
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jubilatixn · 10 years
     The Joy turned around to carefully pick up the Roselia, watching out not to mess with the tiny thorns lining its arms that would unfortunately lead to the nurse pricking her finger and getting poisoned. Sad enough to say, she's had such a thing happen to her before. Working in healing Pokemon, it's natural mistakes and issues like that come about. It was one of those things that could've killed her given the chance, but ended up teaching her how to handle her own issues when she had them. She was knowledgeable about what most Pokemon were capable of.
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     "Oh! That sounds lovely!! I'm sure she'd love that very much! She likes bitter berries... I think it's cute. While she was recovering, we tried to feed her something sweet and she didn't like it very much. I think she's just too sweet as it is and that's why she doesn't like sweet berries! Heehee!"
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     ”—Well, it is by knowing that, and also hearing this which is reassuring for the lucky thing here. I am sure there are a few Berry facilities around. I feel like Roselia will find that sort of environment most applicable.”
Multiple thoughts boosted the confidence with ideas, purging and mapping out as he recalls a few within thought. A place would have to suffice from not only a pleasant landscape, but can also benefit from the terrain and weather, needing both sun and rain to continue the cycle of life. Lifting lips tugged up, smiling at the thought of what kind gesture he could give for Roselia. 
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jubilatixn · 10 years
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     Literally so done with all of you rn oml
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jubilatixn · 10 years
Setting his gaze upon the vibrantly healthy looking aroma Pokemon, the dragonic practitioner had felt sorrow and sore grief for what happened of late. Knowing how much spectacular of a performance the nurse has treated the unfortunate Grass type, Lance tilted his head forth and back, nodding in agreement. 
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”—Of course, nurse. I’ll look after this precious flower for the time which is now. I am sure there are certain gardens or nature Trainers willing to take this individual under their wing.”
     "Oh--! Oh, thank you so much, sir!"
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     You could almost hear the sigh of relief pass through her lips and linger in between her words as the Dragon Master happily took the offer. It reassured her to no end knowing the Pokemon would be safe. She was almost guilty she couldn't handle the poor dear herself. If she could, she wouldn't have even bothered possibly ended up rejected! Sometimes that sort of rejection scared her...
     "I know you'll find her a pleasant home... one she deserves away from all those mean Pokemon! Maybe then she can be happy and healthy like she's meant to be."
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jubilatixn · 10 years
//watch hes just gonna be like 'how do'
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     "Do it."
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