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The Lion Guard Fanart
Last year Disney announced a Lion King spin-off called The Lion Guard, a TV movie that will premiere in Fall 2015, with a subsequent series to debut in early 2016 focused towards pre-school target audience.
It will follow the adventures of Kion, another offspring of Simba of Nala and his friends, a cheetah, hippo, egret and honey badger. 
If you want to know more just click here
Only two images have been released so far with Kion but none with the rest of the gang.
Being a huge TLK fan I got and still am really excited about this and I though it would be a great exercise to go back to Pride Lands and create some concepts of the unveiled characters. And here they are!
Since these guys will be featured in a pre-school show I had to make them cute and appealing, with friendly shapes, big eyes, toned down contrasts and child like features, like Kion has in the promo pictures. 
Since I didn’t have any kid of that age to test this characters I had to rely on my own kid brain to do this. I’m pretty sure with a good lead artist and child test group I could improve even more this characters, but I’m really happy with the result! 
So here’s a brief presentation and though process behind this characters:
• On the center we have Kion, not much needs to be said about this one as he’s already out there in two beautiful promo pictures and seems to be playful, courageous and prone to trouble
• On the left we have Beshte, the hippo. I imagined Beshte as a energetic kid although quite heavy, which will be a good thing for the whole team but makes Beshte move slower than what we’d like too. I also made Beshte afraid of water because I feel that’s a funny fear for a hippo and something he’ll have to face sooner or later helping him grow.  Main color is brownish-pink 
• On top there’s Ono, the egret. Real life egrets do stand on hippos and other big mammals to stir up insects. I imagined Ono as a very inteliggent dude-type guy, he just wants to have fun and eat bugs but he’s prone to have ideas to help the team that will always bring trouble. Ono relies a lot of Beshte to avoid all the trouble he gets into. I tried to work with the egret hair and make it wild but with a tiny bit resembling a pony tail sticking out, I also made the feather in his legs look like shorts to get the dude-mood in. Main color is brigth orange.
Both Beshte and Ono are great friends and have Timon and Pumbaa has their idolss and want to be like them when they grow up, but the Hakuna Matata style of life will present a challenge when they’re part of the Lion Guard team. 
• Then there’s Fuli, the cheetah. No surprises here, she’s hyperactive, fast, wants to be in action all the time and is fearless even when she should be. Since she’s still a kid I decided to play with the light fur cheetahs have on their backs in a way that could depict more her personality: will, fast and unrully. Main color is light yellow
• Finally there’s Bunga, the badger, extremely shy and introverted that gets very frustrated when no one listens, and no one should see Bunga frustrated. I though of making Bunga’s gender a mystery, simply because I remember having no idea what Flower from Bambi was supposed to be until he grew up, but I don’t think that might be an issue suitable for a pre-school show, so let’s say Bunga is a girl. Once again I drew Bunga’s features in order to show her personality, using the white top part and bangs of hair that hide her eyes. Also the flat position of honey badgers also helps to show that shyness. Main color is reddish-brown
And that’s it, this is what I’ve doing for the past few days on the New Year. I hope you enjoy it. 
It sure felt great to be back to Pride Lands :) (And yes I’d so love to work in this series, any idea what studios are producing it?) 
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lion guard episode tierlist
wip. will post the screenshot of the tierlist here when done. check below the cut to see the written version, or if you just want to see where your favourite episode landed.
A TIER - favourites the kupatana celebration
B TIER - episodes i love ghost of the mountain, undercover kinyonga
C TIER - episodes i like
mama binturong, call of the drango
D TIER - "that was an episode" / neutral
E TIER - episodes i dislike
never judge a hyena but it's spots
F TIER - episodes i hate
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Janja’s mom everybody 👏👏👏👏
Course we can’t forget about the father
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Hey guys have some edgy art i made
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If u couldn't already tell, in the art Kion is killing Janja. Hes had enough of Janja harassing other animals in the pridelands. In the background you can see Cheezi and Chungu crying
I spent about 4 hours on this, (no breaks) so I would appreciate the support :P
and yes I love the lion guard and the lion king alot leave me alone 💀
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I watched The Lion King Remake on a free trial and it was all downhill from there
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he shooketh
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This dude is a feral chaotic fuzz ball disguised as Guzma and I love him for it :)
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It’s been a WHILE since my last lion king art (I was like, 14 maybe? Now I’m almost 29 😅).
I was soooo invested in the fandom then My little pony came and I dropped the TLK fandom 🤷🏽‍♀️
I’m glad this Simba turned out good, even better than my weird looking teen arts 😂
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Fuli: I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! Oh sweet sister mother of mercy, I'm Melting! Melting!
Ono: It's just the rain, Fuli.
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Makini: Hey Rafiki, how come you never got married?
Rafiki: Because I like meat too much.
Makimi: You could be married and still eat a lot of meat.
Rafiki: …
Rafiki: I didn’t know that…
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No offense, you know that you’re my best friend and i love you, but let’s face it. You’re a nightmare
- Kion to Bunga
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"Can I trust in my own heart? Or am I just one part of some big plan?"
A new drawing with Kiara! The colors in this scene are so lovely, I wanted to draw something with them :)
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Let Bunga fight a ghost.
Buzzfeed Unsolved but with Bunga.
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@lionguardreturn Asked: can u do kion from lion guard stimboard :0?
Of course I can!!!
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Hope you like it!!
Fun fact I haven't watched the lion gaurd
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All the best people are crazy~
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if you want me to be honest
the lion guard s3 has already far surpassed my expectations for what i ever thought this show would be
i’ve been hoping since it came out that TLG would show some epic journey with the guard that would explain their absence during SP… and despite having a show geared towards preschoolers, the writers pulled it off! and man, i think that in itself is amazing!
-interesting and continuous plotline -pre-tlk lore -new lion characters -more main female characters/additions to the guard -awesome voice acting -actual character development -beautiful storyboards -clean animation
tl;dr i stan the lion guard so hard and im so excited for s3
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Cant stop thinking about how Kion is the equivalent of a varsity captain who knows everyone in town and thinks his friend group is The Sh*t™️ who got spontaneously married to a girl he'd known for two months at 19
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