jujuirl · 1 year
Very nice to meet ya
My first fic so I apologize if anything is bad I’ve always wanted to try writing so feel free to give me tips !
paring: Hobie Brown x !black!fem reader
You’ve always been different than everyone, louder, brighter all that mess
Your partners in the last year have been…questionable to say the least. Then you saw him
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As you walk into the crowded pub your stunned by the crowd, the bar was relatively close to your apartment and it never looked like it could hold this many people. You were only there because you heard one of your favorite artists was playing. As you waded through the crowd
And got closer to the stage you see him as in Hobie passionately running about the stage with his bass guitar, and everything about him is well.. astonishing he glances at when you and him lock eyes, his were a beckoning brown🫠 your heart fluttered as you bopped along to the music, when the show was over you collected yourself and got ready to head out when you heard someone yell “ Oi ! You dropped something” you hate the brits so you turn around slowly to see it’s the man himself , and GOD is he tall he towers over you in the best way possible "you dropped this" he motions to the canmera in his hand you almost snatch the camera out his hands you apologize and offer to buy him a drink to which he accepts, while drinking you attempt to introduce yourself “ y/n l/n” you mumbled “wot?” He replies “my name y/n l/n” you say “ “oh, you can call me “ ‘obie, ‘obie Brown” he says in a low, smoky voice you think it’s just his accent because on the posters it says Hobie but you leave it alone because all you can focus on is him you notice yourself staring and so does he because the next thing he says is “ take a picture it’ll last longer” you turn away to hide your embarrassment
And when you turn back he’s gone in his place is a note and a brand new picture on your camera “ 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝗺𝐞 𝐗𝐗𝐗-𝐗𝐗𝐗-𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐗"
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