jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Friday 11.1.2013 A. Push press 3-3-3-3-3 Went up to 70kg, focused on getting a good push on the lifts B. Bench press 3 x 10 @ 70kg C1. Chin up 3 x 5 @ 10kg C2. Ring dip 3 x 8 @ Bw D1. Kroc row 3 x 12 @ 24kg D2. Facepull 3 x 12 D3. Weighted sit ups 3 x 10 @ 20 kg Good and fast session today. And I almost skipped practice because I wasn't feeling it. Lol.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Thursday 10.1.2013 Missed logging from few days. Sunday I did some Hapkido and on tuesday I did some kettlebell training. Anyhow. A. Power Clean 12 x 1 @ 60% @ 60 kg. B. Front squat 5-5-5-5-5 60/70/80/90/95kg 95 kg was a easy lift. Sweet. C1. Rom. deadlift3x10@60kg C2. K2E 3 x 10 Short workout today.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Friday 4.1.2013 A. Sumo dl 3-3-3-3-3 110/120/130/130F@1/110 B. Chin ups 3 x 5 @ 8kg C1. Rom. dl 3 x 10 @ 60kg C2. Ring rows 3 x 10 Grip failed on deadlifts, not cool. Deads felt kinda heavy today.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Thursday 3.1.2013 A. Push press 5-5-5-5-5 40/50/60/60/60kg Didn't go superheavy, but focused on explosiveness. B. Db bench press 3 x 8-10 Ended up doing 3 x 8 @ 30kg/hand
C1. Ring dips 3 x 8-10 C2. K2E 3 x 8-10 D.
Facepulls 3 x 12 with band Added the facepulls to strenghten shoulders Buy out. 3rds of shadow boxing.
Good stuff. Me likes.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Monday 31.12.2012
This year’s last workout.
A. Power Clean 5-5-3-3-1-1 50/50/60/60/70/70kg - worked on the full extencion
B. Front squat 4 x 6 @ 70kg
C1. Ring row 4 x 10-12 C2. Hamstring on rings 4 x 12 - included spesific hamstring exercise to strenghten posterior chain.
Wod. 2012 20, 12 on kb swings, burbees, sit ups
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Friday 23.11.2012 Back in the saddle. Mixed things up today. I didn't do Wendler 5/3/1 but rather just did some squats and presses. Squat 5 x 3 @ 100 kg Bench press 5 x 5 @ 70kg 5 rds of: 6 Front squats @ 60kg 12 push ups 18 sit ups Strenght training was heavy enough in both movements and I did the assistance more crossfittish than usual. After training I did some extra mobility work. Usually I foam roll as a part of warm up.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Sunday 11.11.2012 Squat (Week 2, Cycle 3) 3 x 85 kg 3 x 97,5 kg 3+x 110 kg Bench press (Week 2, Cycle 3) 3 x 65 kg 3 x 75 kg 3+x 82,5 kg 4rds of: 8 Front squats @ 60kg 10 power clean grip bp @ 60kg Plank hold 4 x 45s w/15 rest Today's training was a retake from yesterday. I went to the gym last night but didn't really feel it so I cut the workout short and went home to regroup. Last week I pulled off 80kgx13 and 105kg x 10. Today I managed only the reguired reps.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Thursday 8.11.2012 Deadlift (Week 2, Cycle 2) 3 x 100 kg 3 x 110 kg 11 x 125 kg Press (Week 2, Cycle 2) 3 x 40 kg 3 x 45 kg 10 x 50 kg Pull ups 5x5@12kg 3 rds of 8 x Standing db press @ 20kg 8 x weighted sit ups Nothing much to say about today's workout. I had planned to do the pull ups @ 16kg, but 12kg proved to be challenging enough warming up. And some crazy lady brought her own sound system to the gym and listened to the same friggin song on repeat.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Saturday 2.11.2012 Squat (Week 1, Cycle 3) 80 kg x 5 92.5 kg x 5 105 kg x 10 Bench press (Week 1, Cycle 3) 60kg x 5 70kg x 5 80kg x 13 And then 6 rds of 2min on/1min off boxing pad work. Buy out: 10-8-6-4-2-1 kick tempo w/ both legs. Time: 40 s. I was lucky enough to have a training partner today. Training by myself is convinient but sometimes it's really nice to train with somebody.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Tuesday 30.10.2012 Deadlift (Week 1, Cycle 2) 90 kg x 5 105 kg x 5 117,5kg x 13 Press (Week 1, Cycle 2) 35 kg x 5 42,5 kg x 5 47,5 kg x 12 Pull ups 3-3-3-3-3 16/20/24/28/20kg 28kg was a PR. Weighted sit ups 3x10@20kg Short and sweet today. Got careless on the deadlift and somehow managed to offset the bar at the first rep of the last work set. Didn't really thought that it was a big deal during training but right now I'm really feeling it in my back.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Thursday 25.10.2012
Power Clean 5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1
7 rds of 3min on/ 1min off Of shadow boxing, bag work, low kicks
90kg PR felt good. I’ve had 85kg as a 1RM (and also as a 3RM) for a long time. I suppose it was more a mental thing. Any how, jei!
Also it was fun to do just one strenght exercise. Having two main movements in one session can be a bit taxing.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Tuesday 23.10.2012
Squat (Week 3, Cycle 2) 5 x 90 kg 3 x 102,5 kg 6 x 115 kg
Bench press (Week 3, Cycle 2) 5 x 67,5kg 3 x 77,5kg 10 x 87,5 kg
5 rds of 10 Squats @ 60kg 8 Bench press @ 60 kg 6 pull ups 4 weighted sit ups @ 20kg
This marks the end of second cycle on squat and bench press. I think that I'll change assistance work for the next cycle. Maybe it's time for some heavy front squats.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Saturday 20.10.2012 Deadlift (Week 3, Cycle 1) 5 x 102,5 kg 3 x 115 kg 10 x 127,5 kg 4x5@90kg Press (Week 3, Cycle 1) 5 x 40 kg 3 x 45 kg 8 x 52,5kg 4x10@30kg Weighted sit ups 3x8@20kg As usual, didn't feel like training tonight but again, I had a good session today. Saturday evening seems to be a good time to train. I'd planned to just do one rep on the last work set on the deadlift but managed to pull ten reps. Had to regrip after nine reps, bummer. Kept the assistance work short, light and hypertrophyish.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Friday 19.10.2012 Didn't feel like lifting today, instead I floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee. 8 rds of 2min on/1min off Shadow boxing, bag work, heavy bag work and speed work.
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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@ work
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Tuesday 16.10.2012
Squat (Week 2, Cycle 2) 85 x 3 95 x 3 107,5 x 9
Bench press (Week 2, Cycle 2) 62,5 x 3 72,5 x 3 82,5 x 3
5 rds of 10 x squats @ 60 kg 20 x pushups 5 x pull ups
Buy out: 2x3min of shadow boxing. Worked on them hooks.
Man, bench press felt heavy today. And what is going on with my left hand while squatting o_O
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jukan-blog-blog · 12 years
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Thursday 11.10.2012 Went to try gymnastics today. The beginner's group was full so I went to the advanced class. Good fun =) Forgot to take a picture, damn.
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