juliaroleplays · 2 years
has roleplaying become chill again y or n
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juliaroleplays · 2 years
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If anyone is going to go out and protest the SCOTUS decision, please make sure you know your rights, especially if you get stopped by police.
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juliaroleplays · 2 years
to my fellow usamericans….in light of the supreme court overturning roe v wade, well known organizations like planned parenthood dont need your money right now - they have plenty - if you’re going to donate, donate to your local or state abortion funds
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juliaroleplays · 2 years
I kinda miss roleplaying tbh
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juliaroleplays · 2 years
Hi~ Sorry to bother you; but I'm having a problem with your pages, and I wanted to know if the error is just me or something. I've been using your "Petal Dance" Page for a while, and today I went to edit it, as I always do, and when i went to save it, tumblr gave the message: "Looks like you are trying to add some Javascript or invalid html to your page. You'll need to contact Support if you'd like to use Javascript.". I've tried everything, including starting a new page (+)
(+) I've tried everything, including starting a new page, and it keeps giving the same message when I try to save. I don't know what to do, so I decided to come to you. Anyway, thank you ^^
Hi! If you haven't seen/figured it out yet, it's absolutely not a you problem. Tumblr is cracking down on malicious users using javascript (which is used in my Petal Dance page) and it's affected users who want to use custom pages/themes.
Check out this post and this follow up post for more info.
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juliaroleplays · 2 years
In between all of the Met Gala stuff, Roe v. Wade was overturned.
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juliaroleplays · 3 years
Cappuccicons Fix
Cappuccicons’ domain was not renewed which broke the link for every theme that uses that script. I’ve waited a few days for an update, so until there is an official fix, I created this stylesheet to fix your broken icons!
How to Use:
replace this:
<script src="//pull.cappuccicons.com/cpf.js"></script>    
with this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.tumblr.com/svdghan/wUSr83npl/tempcf.css">
You won’t have to do anything else! Your icons should return without further editing.
I was hesitant to post this since suiomi did not want people downloading the icons for free or hosting them elsewhere (the individual files are still available for purchase here), so if there is an official fix later, please use that instead of this out of respect for her terms.
Let me know if you need any help!
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juliaroleplays · 3 years
Heyy, not sure if you're still active but I was wondering how you had the scroll in the boxes if there's too much text on your doll with a gun page? Or something like that! I can't seem to find any tutorials online. Thank you 💕
Not active, but still around lurking!
If you mean adding a scroll bar to each individual muse box, the way Doll With A Gun is coded, once your text exceeds the height of the box, you should get a scroll bar automatically. If you're not, please feel free to message me off anon with a link to the page you've got the code on and I'd be happy to take a peek.
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juliaroleplays · 3 years
hello! i'm using your page theme doll with a gun (i love it!!) and i was just wondering if there's a limit on how many characters i can add? thanks!
Thank you for using one of my codes! 
So technically yes, there is a limit on how many lines of code you can have for your tumblr theme/code, but unless you have a shit ton of muses or you’re adding a lot of information for each muse, you probably won’t run into this issue! 
For example, @herorps has one of my favorite FC directories and recently we found out they had over 1,300 FC’s and they hadn’t run into the issue yet. They had worked to mitigate the issue by reducing the number of lines their HTML and CSS used, but unless you have 1,000 characters you want to add to the page, you should be okay. 
If you’ve already run into this issue and can’t add any more characters, please send me another message off anon and I’d be happy to help you out! 
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juliaroleplays · 4 years
ok so this has been bothering me for like the longest time so sit down and please stop appropriating japanese culture. u may not realize ur doing it, so just take a second to listen. if any other japanese wanna add on to this post, feel free to do so. if u are not japanese, please do not try to defend ur ignorance or racism, rather listen and change ur behavior.
stop saying the word “jap” as a substitute for japanese. jap is a racial slur that was popularized in america after pearl harbor and all through the japanese internment. it’s not a shortened version of the word japanese like brits are to british. we are japanese, not japs.
acknowledge japanese imperialism. do not defend it. what the japanese did in ww2 was horrible, so make sure u know about it and use that knowledge to think critically about any japanese media u may consume.
stop japancore. japan is a country with a deep culture. my culture is not ur aesthetic.
on the same note of japancore, do not use shinto shrines as part of ur moodbaord. that is a religion still practiced to this day in japan. it’s not ur aesthetic. also realize that shintoism has been used as means to empower the emperor during japanese imperialism in ww2. they forced people into that religion and locked up those who didn’t comply. (it’s ok if u practice it ofc, just research and know what u are following)
again with moodboards, this is slightly more forgivable, but please don’t use japanese language for ur aesthetic. while i encourage anyone who wants to learn it to try and learn it, it’s not there for ur aesthetic. i can explain more on this if anyone would like, but i’ll just leave it at that for now.
do not self id as a weeb. being a weeb is incredibly harmful, as it dismisses many of the horrible things japan has done to asia. please read this post for more.
please do not support hetalia or aot. hetalia sort of glorifies japanese imperialism as well as nazism and makes it into this cutesy lil thing that makes u go “awww 🥰” at ww2. aot has anti-semitic themes within it and again glorifies japanese imperialism.
if u are going thru with a name change, do not choose a japanese name that u found online after a google search. names in japan are more than just names, there’s a whole process that involves it that is dependent on ur time of birth as well as stroke count for the written name. additionally, it further appropriates the culture when a non japanese person uses a japanese name simply bc they found it cute. this also applies to online aliases. a name from ur own culture or language is good enough.
do not fetishize us. this goes for every culture and race but just stop. we are not “babies” and we are not here for ur entertainment. we are people too.
do not say “i wish i was japanese.” don’t say that for any culture at all unless u are also prepared to face the years of oppression and racism that comes with it.
do not say we have privilege simply because japanese tend to have lighter skin to other poc. this can be said about many east asians countries as well. asia isn’t just pale skin, it comes in a multitude of shades as well as cultures from other countries. we do not have privilege because we do not benefit from the system like white people do.
i’m just done with racism going unnoticed because of ignorance. if u did/do any of these things, whatever. just realize how ur behavior has added to japanese racism and learn from it. further, please help stop anti-asian violence. i live near where an attack was done to an elder. please use these links to help asian lives.
stop aapi hate
post with resources, petitions, and donation links
news source about anti-asian crimes within recent times
twitter post about anti-asian hate crime with graphics
how to support asians
a post about comparing blm and protect asian lives and why it’s harmful to both movements
google doc with a full list of many resources on aapi
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juliaroleplays · 4 years
Tumblr media
happy valentine’s my guys, gals and non-binary pals. 
eye .. didn’t make a follow forever for the end of the year so ur getting one for valentine’s day. honestly it’s been a … while since i did a follow forever so idk what to write here ;JA;LKGJ except my eternal gratitude for the people that put up with me ? i guess ? anyway. i love u i guess. 
wh0res ( affectionate ) it’s gross that we have matching urls and i hate that we’ve been actual friends for so long despite 1.5/3 of us not roleplaying anymore. it’s actually revolting, who actually likes the friends they make on tumblr outside of tumblr? ( this is a joke of course ) 
@villainrps @civilianrps 
the gorls ( half u arent even on tunglr anymore and i love that ) you gorls in the discord chats know how much i love u guys and our little chats. you’re amazing and i’m so grateful for our friendship uwu
@thalsrph @hephaestuss @queensgcmbit @juliaroleplays @mtolympus @howlscifer
i wanna h*ld ur h*nd maybe this is like my unofficial official confession to u idk. but like, ur amazing and i think we have great banter and i would like to couple up with you tonight on this here love island 
@stanjotaro @loganwadelerman @pocmuzings @irritert @usaqitsukino @emilysblunt  
people i secretly admire ( from afar ) i like seeing you all on the dash and i think you’re particularly wonderful people who deserve so much love and appreciation 💖
@chewiewrites @blueshelp @kiowagordon @maurawrites @posthxman @blacknerdwrites @orneryrps @itsacriimegifs @tonkinwrites @deviita @raihelps @madsgifss @doyyeon @angelinuhh @capricxs @baharsahins @bleubeard @ivywrites @alunissages @reedrph @tinasresources @draconicwrites @kbunburyhelps @fablehaven @acioo @rajkumariwrites @spindleprick @mutantmeta @theeriinyes @fakehelper @ofelah @spookyhelps @beckysgomez @lovetalkrph @forevervicious 
helpful helpful helpers some helpful blogs that i always go back to when i need help or when i’m looking for something. you are all amazing and keep up the good work 
@theme-hunter @gifpacknetwork @dear-indies @pochunts @kcrph @asiarph @gifsociety @fcxdirectory @japanesefcs @turkishfcs @tasksweekly
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juliaroleplays · 4 years
Me again with a few more links for you! The ones with ** were posted on reddit by u/cherrimubi which inspired this update!
More Incidents: 
Jan. 7, 2020: Woman, 52, Shot in the Head with a Flare Gun in Oakland Chinatown**
Oct. 2020: 'One of the brightest lights in jazz piano’: Renowned Japanese jazz pianist attacked by teens in NYC subway station**
July 2020:  NYPD: 89-Year-Old Woman Slapped In Face, Set On Fire In Brooklyn**
Asian American’s Advancing Justice is giving those who have experienced harassment to tell their stories. You can read personal accounts of harassment here (general TW for triggers related to harassment and racism/xenophobia)
If you’re Asian and have experienced harassment you’re willing to share, you can submit your story here
Responses from the Asian American Community: 
The San Francisco/Oakland Chapter of Asians with Attitude started patrolling Oakland’s Chinatown to help keep the community safe**
Rapper China Mac held a “they can’t burn us all” rally after the NYPD refused the classify the burning of the 89 year old NY woman a hate crime. After the march, the incident was given hate crime status.** 
The Southeast Asia Resource Action Center has set up a COVID hub to assist the Southeast Asian Community.  Their site links to resources such as hate crime support (that I’ve linked to below), mental health resources, and health care support.  
The National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA) COVID-19 Response Toolkit has a ton of links to resources and sample messages you can post to stand up against xenophobia. There’s also a bunch of infographics and solidarity images you can post to social media
Another place you can report hate crimes for statistical purposes
Even more things you can do to help:
Support local Asian businesses. A lot of small businesses have been hurt by the pandemic, but those owned by Asian’s have been hit harder because racists believe that eating at a Chinese restaurant might give them COVID (PBS, ABC, CNN)
Do Bystander Training so you know what to do if you witness a hate crime. Hollaback! and Asians Americans Advancing Justice are hosting free bystander training courses. If you’re Asian and want to learn to fight back against harassment, they also offer workshops for responding to harassment. 
If you can’t go to bystander training, read this guide--- Show Up: Your Guide To Bystander Intervention
Quick Note: 
This addition was inspired by a post on a beauty guru/makeup subreddit where the topic was an Instagram post ELF Cosmetics made condemning the rise in hatred toward Asians. In addition to ELF posting this message on social media and bringing it to the attention of its customers, the CEO/Chairman posted a statement regarding what the company is going to do to support Asian voices. 
This is important because in the last few years, there’s been a huge rise in the number of Chinese/Lunar New Year Themed Products, probably because western companies have realized how large/profitable Asian countries are. This year, ELF has released a LNY collection, so while they are capitalizing on the Asian Market/Asian Aesthetic, they’re also addressing a serious issue instead of ignoring it and making money off a community that’s struggling right now. As far as I’m aware, ELF is the first major company (not just makeup, but company in general) to bring attention to the rise in hatred against Asians and condemn it.    
happy lunar new year ! 🧧
to celebrate, let’s talk about what’s happening with the asian american community. 
[ tw: racism, assault, murder ] 
ever since the p*ndemic began there has been a large spike in racially charged hate crimes against asian americans and pacific islanders. just in the past week there have been violent assaults, robberies and vandalisms that have only just started to gain attention online however, the mainstream media’s ongoing lack of coverage of this has garnered a large bout of criticism from the community. 
incidences such as the murder of 84-year-old vicha ratanapakdee, the assault of a 91-year old man and others in oakland’s chinatown and the facial disfiguration of a filipino man in new york are only a few among the many hate crimes that have gone unreported by mainstream media. one the only reason a lot of us are even aware of these assaults is because daniel dae kim, daniel wu and other asian american celebrities posted about it online. 
but while the aapi community at large ( at least the ones on social media ) have been aware of this, there are still many outside of our bubble who don’t know that this is happening right under our noses. we deserve to be heard on a larger scale. we deserve to be paid attention to. we deserve justice. we all can’t rely on social media and celebrities to provide us the news, the way we pay attention to asians in the west need to change. 
yoonji kim of mtv news explains it very concisely below: 
just like she says, there is a lack of asian visibility in the west and we can try to say that it’s getting better because that one kpop group charted on billboard and there’s a south asian woman in the white house but it’s all moot when a man is murdered on january 28 but the rest of us weren’t aware of it until two weeks later. 
so, what can you do to support us? 1) familiarize yourself with what’s been happening and the history of anti-asian sentiment in the west; 2) amplify our voices by posting on social media, there are a ton of infographics going around on instagram and you can reblog this post so others can see it; 3) actively include us in your anti-racist rhetoric and activism, the model minority is a myth and we deserve solidarity. 
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juliaroleplays · 4 years
re: the post I just reblogged
if you’re a k-pop stan/k-drama fan and you don’t care about hatred and violence toward Asian communities, do me a favor and let me know so I can block you
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juliaroleplays · 4 years
Some Stats & Reports
The Stop AAPI Hate reporting center has received more than 2,800 incidents of discrimination between March 19, 2020 and December 31, 2020. 126 reported incidents were toward elderly (60+) Asian Americans (view full report)
In June 2020, a joint report from the Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council, Chinese For Affirmative Action, and the Department of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University found that there had been over 800 COVID related hate incidents against Asian Americans in California in the prior 3 months (view full report) 
More Reports Can Be Found Here (source: Stop AAPI Hate Reports & Press Releases) 
A Rising Tide of Hate and Violence Against Asian Americans in New York During COVID-19: Impact, Causes, Solutions (Published by the Asian American Bar Association of New York) 
The Biden Administration Acknowledges the Rise in Hatred Toward Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders
More Reporting to Supplement the Links Posted by herorps
Anything with ** next to it denotes a paywalled article. 
General Reporting
Violence Against Asian-Americans Raises Concern in Bay Area — WSJ** (read on reddit)
NYPD Forms Asian Hate Crime Task Force — WSJ**
New York City Sees Rise in Coronavirus Hate Crimes Against Asians — WSJ**
Violence against elderly Asian Americans in the Bay Area is skyrocketing — SFGate
Oakland's Chinatown on edge after more than 20 reported robberies, Chamber of Commerce president says — SFGate (ABC7 [San Francisco/Bay Area ABC Affiliate]) 
Oakland Chinatown Hit With Over 20 Attacks Targeting Elderly, Women in 2 Weeks — Yahoo News (Original Article from Next Shark, a news source focused on the Asian American Community)
Oakland Police Warn Of Increased Chinatown Crime; Incidents Against Asian Americans Increasing — MSN (Original Article from CBS SF Bay Area)
Individual Incidents Since the Start of 2021
Feb. 10: Asian man robbed at San Leandro bank in latest racial attack — Kron4 (Bay Area News)
Feb. 9: Racist Graffiti on Wall Near School in San Francisco Is Latest Anti-Asian Attack — NBC Bay Area 
Feb. 5: Grandmother, 64, Robbed of $1,000 in Cash for Lunar New Year in San Jose — Yahoo News (Second Article — KTVU [Bay Area Fox Affiliate)]
Feb. 4: Shocking video shows 91-year-old man senselessly pushed to ground in Oakland's Chinatown — ABC7 (TRIGGER WARNING: Article has a video of the incident at the top of the page, I don’t think it autoplays)
Feb. 3: 70-year-old Oakland woman seen attacked, robbed by 2 men after returning from bank 
Jan. 31: 84-year-old killed after horrific daytime attack caught on video in San Francisco — ABC7 (Second Article — SFGate) 
Jan 5: Woman badly injured in Oakland Chinatown district assault — East Bay Times (not paywalled, but requires signing up to read articles) 
Other Individual Incidents from March-December 2020
Nov 17: SF Woman Confronts Neighbor Making Racist Rant Against Asians
Oct 22: 'You create the virus': Asian woman targeted with 'racially motivated' vandalism, letter left at San Francisco home
Oct. 9: 'Go back to China': Fremont woman goes on racist rant, targeting neighbor and 10-year-old girl
Sept. 15 and 22 (reported Oct. 5): Man charged after brutal assaults of 2 women in their 70s in SF's Tenderloin, officials say — ABC7 (TRIGGER WARNING: Graphic Photos of Facial Injury)
July 7: San Francisco tech CEO kicked out of Carmel Valley restaurant following racist rant caught on camera — ABC7
July 7: Bay Area man speaks out after woman told his family 'you can't be in this country'
June 12: A woman is captured on video harassing a Filipino American woman exercising in a park
u/poochunks on Reddit has compiled a list of attacks on Asian’s in the Bay Area, including some pre-pandemic incidents. I pulled links to incidents I remembered for this list, but you can find their list here. 
Other Incidents
Feb. 8, 2021: Historic monument in San Jose’s Japantown defaced overnight — Mercury News (not paywalled, but requires signing up to read articles) 
Jan. 8, 2021: Total violent assault': Vandal hacks down historic cherry blossom trees in San Francisco's Japantown (ABC 7) [note: thanks to crowdfunding, money has been raised to replace the damaged trees]
Other Ways to Help
Donate to Enough is Enough a grassroots initiative by Asian American business owners in New York City who came together to take action on the recent surge in nationwide hate crimes against the Asian American community. They’re using the money to donate free meals to those in need, including Asian elders, underserved Black & Latino homeless shelters and those struggling with food insecurity during the pandemic.
Report incidents of hate and racism against Asian Americans to the local police and to groups like Stop API Hate
Point Victims of Hate Crimes toward resources such as National Asian Pacific American Bar Association’s (NAPABA) Hate Crime Resources so they can find Pro Bono legal representation
Support groups such as Compassion In Oakland who organize chaperones to keep residents in Chinatown safe by helping them when they run errands or close their shops
Call out your friends and family for using phrases like “China Flu” or “Kung Flu” because it’s not funny and normalizes racism against Asians
happy lunar new year ! 🧧
to celebrate, let’s talk about what’s happening with the asian american community. 
[ tw: racism, assault, murder ] 
ever since the p*ndemic began there has been a large spike in racially charged hate crimes against asian americans and pacific islanders. just in the past week there have been violent assaults, robberies and vandalisms that have only just started to gain attention online however, the mainstream media’s ongoing lack of coverage of this has garnered a large bout of criticism from the community. 
incidences such as the murder of 84-year-old vicha ratanapakdee, the assault of a 91-year old man and others in oakland’s chinatown and the facial disfiguration of a filipino man in new york are only a few among the many hate crimes that have gone unreported by mainstream media. one the only reason a lot of us are even aware of these assaults is because daniel dae kim, daniel wu and other asian american celebrities posted about it online. 
but while the aapi community at large ( at least the ones on social media ) have been aware of this, there are still many outside of our bubble who don’t know that this is happening right under our noses. we deserve to be heard on a larger scale. we deserve to be paid attention to. we deserve justice. we all can’t rely on social media and celebrities to provide us the news, the way we pay attention to asians in the west need to change. 
yoonji kim of mtv news explains it very concisely below: 
just like she says, there is a lack of asian visibility in the west and we can try to say that it’s getting better because that one kpop group charted on billboard and there’s a south asian woman in the white house but it’s all moot when a man is murdered on january 28 but the rest of us weren’t aware of it until two weeks later. 
so, what can you do to support us? 1) familiarize yourself with what’s been happening and the history of anti-asian sentiment in the west; 2) amplify our voices by posting on social media, there are a ton of infographics going around on instagram and you can reblog this post so others can see it; 3) actively include us in your anti-racist rhetoric and activism, the model minority is a myth and we deserve solidarity. 
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juliaroleplays · 4 years
I could not be dumb and use one of my relevant saved urls :) :) :) 
but how does one url
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juliaroleplays · 4 years
but how does one url
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juliaroleplays · 4 years
For users who either run or utilize FC directories often, what are some aspects of the code/page do you like/prefer? 
Secondary lines of text for other major information (e.g. the disability on my disabled fc directory) 
Multiple links per entry? 
Greater than 100px square images?
Extra space to add birth year, ethnicity, and other info?
Feel free to reply to this post or message me to let me know. 
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