juliauniblog · 26 days
The Representation of Women in Disney Movies
The traditional outlook on a female used to be a delicate hopeless individual. However, within the 21st century this ideology has reached an enormous change. The idea of a woman being a “damsel in distress” has been eradicated and a new era had begun. A era where women have the representation they deserve. Disney was one of the first to change their outlook on women, portraying them as women who seek their prince to those who don't need one to prove their strength and ambition. Disney released the first ever children's film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937, continued by Cinderella released in 1950. A time where women were stuck at home and classified as housewives. During this time normal in these movies was to create a weak feminine lead and the stronger male who saves the day however over the last few years Disney has taken an approach which shines a light on the female character as being the one who is the main lead and doesn't need any help from a male character to prove themselves.
Snow White and the seven dwarfs (1939) Disney's first ever Princess movie, and it's quite visible. The story starts up with a young female who is the “prettiest of them all”[1]. It initially ends with a kiss from Prince who saves the day as the Princess was cursed. The movie is based on a German fairy tale written by the Brothers Grimm published in 1812, the customs and ideology are much outdated. Disney presents Snow White as less than the prince as she was tricked into taking the poison apple and the only way to save her is her Prince. Which modern day feminist would say is ridiculous and is only a way of forming patriarchy and helping it stand strong. After Disney there were many movies which represented women as the damsel in distress and overly sexualized them even though these were only children's cartoons. An example of this is Tom and Jerry, the series was originally released in 1931. However, the episode which Toodles galore first appears in was released in 1946. In this episode we are introduced to the female character of the show which is an overly sexualised glamorous female. One would say it's a pleasure for the eyes of men. Back in the day this representation of character was most common in cartoons however Disney took a slightly different approach by creating the main female characters as soft and petite contradicting the sexualised nature. However, in some instances Disney did struggle in this for example The Little Mermaid is the story of a girl which falls in love with Prince and gives away her voice to seek true love, even the movie is colourful and joyous and presented with many happy songs. In fact the true story is much darker than you would think and is just masked by these additions to make it more enjoyable. Many of Disney's movies are based on the books by the Brothers Grimm. However, the way Disney interprets them is by giving them a much sweeter and more delicate visual to please the audience. One would say it's like giving candy to a kid.
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Disney has started this change with their movie Mulan released on the 16th of October 1998 this was quite a bold move from Disney as during the 90s women were still classified as the weaker half. However, Disney's elaborate plan to change that had begun. Mulan’s character shows a young Chinese daughter fulfilling her family's “duties”. Disney interprets the demands that families have on their daughters by having Mulan bring “honour to us all” [3]. This movie particularly strikes the eye as the beginning of it is like any other Disney movie having the female lead as a hopeless character. As the movie progresses we see a completely different side to Mulan as to what we are shown in the beginning, throughout the movie we learn her true identity and in fact that she is the same as any other man and doesn't fit into the stereotypical idea of a young woman of her society “The film illustrates continued boundary crossings: the Huns invade China, Mulan crosses genders, unleash angst troops crossed from novices in training camp to heroes on the battlefield.”[3] Disney's adaptation of the story of Mulan, shines A controversial light onto the idealism of all women strengths. As the movie proves throughout its whole plot that Mulan a young girl who impersonates a man can do the same if not even more things than men put into the same position. So, within this movie Disney do try to make the female a strong lead they do still put a moment in when Mulan is banished. The movie does have a turnaround point where she saves the day on the king however, she does require the help of her male comrades. Disney took a brave approach producing Mulan the way they did as society still wasn't comfortable seeing a woman with male tropes.
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Ever since Mulan’s release Disney have been making their females slowly and slowly regained their right to be the hero of their own story most Disney princesses require a Prince to give it the “fairy tale feeling” however one of Disney's newest Princess Raya and the last dragon, is an exact opposite of that. Disney achieved the fairy tale feeling without having to put the female lead or any of the females within the story as a damsel in distress instead they display them with strength courage and perseverance. “Women are no longer shown as inferiors oppressed by patriarchal culture. The traditional gender concept is gradually being forgotten.”[4] this allows little girls growing up to believe are they all equal as the little boy. Unlike in Mulan where she needs support to reach her goal and is assisted by men Raya does it alone. Showing the development of Disney's ideology proving that women can be independent. This is extremely important when showing a movie that is clearly marketed to the younger audience as the person you are today is a form of what you learn as a child. Walt Disney once said, “movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood” And I believe Disney focuses on just that. And has always created movies that motivate the young to dream and to believe into something and it is very important that over the last few years that they have started focusing on making their females strong giving them what they always should have. Many examples of this are Rapunzel (Tangled 2011), Merida (Brave 2012), Elsa(Frozen 2013),ect. These are all female leads who have a strong personality and really create a story of their own. It Can be seen that year-by-year Disney has slightly adapted to presenting the woman in a way that puts them into a positive light. A way that many believe should have been initiated years ago.
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In conclusion, I strongly believe that Disney has created a strong impact on the way women are viewed in today's society as most children do grow up watching Disney movies and if not Disney then other cartoons which were influenced by the change Disney initiated. And thanks to Disney many more have started to dissemble the patriarchy and create equality within the movies and have stopped over sexualising the female and the idea of a damsel in distress had been eradicated. “if you can dream it, you can do it” Walt Disney.
[1] Snow White and the seven dwarfs (1937) [Streaming service]. Directed by Ben Sharpsteen, Larry Morey, Wilfred Jackson, David Hand, William Cottrell, Perce Pearce. USA: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Available from: Disney+. [Viewed: 20 April 2024].
[2] Mulan (1998) [Streaming service]. Directed by Tony Bancroft, Barry Cook. USA: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Available from: Disney+. [Viewed: 20 April 2024].
[3] Limbach, G., 2013. ’You the man, well, sorta’: Gender binaries and liminality in Mulan. Diversity in Disney films: Critical essays on race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and disability, pp.115-128.
[4] Wardah, S.K. and Kusuma, R.S., 2022, May. Semiotic Analysis of Women’s Representation in the Animated Disney Film Raya and The Last Dragon. In International Conference On Community Empowerment And Engagement (Iccee 2021) (pp. 176-186). Atlantis Press.
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juliauniblog · 3 months
The Importance of memories By Julia Sak
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When you first look at a photograph of your younger self you question it. Is that really me. You can’t remember anything from that time as when you're a baby you don't think about the importance of a picture. My family was lucky enough to own a camera so that my parents could keep the memories of when i was younger in photos. From as long as i can remember my mum would randomly call my name and tell me to look at her as she took photographs. Looking at this photo it seems like all my family does this. When you search online for a photograph of a family the only results you will get are the photos that are staged and polished. Whereas some families may have these kinds of photographs my family never had the luxury to do so. All the photos we have are candid photographs. Most of them are one take pictures with a disposable camera. Many treat photos as keepsakes, a way to look at the past. I believe that is the true beauty of photography. It allows you reminiscence on the past even the one you don’t remember.
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When i was 2 we moved to the UK. I really don’t remember anything from when i lived in Poland. However during this time when im older photos help me remember, well i think i remember but i imagine it. This is only because of stories that i had been told that relate to the picture by my mum.Candid photos really show their mesmerising beauty when it comes to family. Bellingham.R, a photographer who specialises in candid photography, once said : "It is certainly not my intention to shock, to offend, sensationalise, be political or whatever. Only to make work that is as spiritually meaningful as I can make it. Whatever the medium.”[6] I believe this statement reflects the true meaning of candid Photography especially when it comes to pictures of family. Many keep family photos private. However, Bellingham.R, chooses to share his private family life with the public. Even if many may take what’s happened in the picture in the wrong way. Photos can be interpreted in numerous ways. Only the ones who took the picture will really know the truth.
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Taking a photograph with someone is very important. Sometimes you will never know it could be the last. This image was taken by my mother, a year before my great grandmother had passed away. It was one if the only photographs i have with her at a older age, as most are from when i was a baby. Unlike the others i remember this moment. I don't need anyone to tell me what happened or to imagine. When you take pictures it's often a impulse in your head thinking oh i need to take a picture. that’s because taking pictures has been so embedded in the culture recently. That is the first thing that you do when you see something you want to keep as a memory. this is what happened with this photograph as my mum was so excited to take a picture of her grandmother and her daughter. this photograph specifically really shows you a contrast between the old generation and younger generation together. it’s really interesting as one person will not see this photo again. However, the other will still be looking at it many years after remembering the one in the photo that’s not there anymore.
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when you reach a certain age, you start, realising what is important, and what isn’t. at the age of four I remember some events but not all of them most of the ones I remember have a significant memory because of something I liked. For example my first bedroom I remembered the pink wall as I was excited to finally have my own room however, I don’t remember getting to the room or how we moved in this is something only my parents know as I was too young to remember. some images allow you for imagination however, some really give no explanation of when they were taken and why they were taken. Only if you remember the moment you can really tell what happened. some candid photos are really confusing to interpret as they give you not a lot of detail and really push you to the edges of your seat to imagine. this is how I feel about this photo as I remember little things. However I don’t remember the whole story.
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I have chosen to look at this photograph last, as it was taken around more than 10 years before I was born it features my mum and her three siblings. This photograph was taken in 1996 he really shows a different time from the clothes, the furniture, even the wallpaper and colours. before the existence of cameras, you really couldn’t tell how life was before, but since cameras have now been introduced into daily life, you can record the years before, and really see how life was before, and you don’t need to imagine. this photo was taken 28 years ago. yes, my mum has managed to keep her in pristine quality as it looks as if it was taken this year. so it really isn’t about the quality of the photograph. It’s about what happens within the photo that allows you to picture. back in the day candid photos were the only photos as disposable cameras were used by everyone so you’d only have a few takes on a camera and you wouldn’t be able to see what the photo looks like until you had it developed. photographs are really important in today’s society as without them would you really remember the moment?
Reference list: 1: Unknown. (2004) Mother and daughter.[Photograph]. 2: Unknown. (2005) Horse ride.[Photograph]. 3: Sak, E. (2012) Great Grandmother. [Photograph]. 4: Unknown. (2007) Unknown. [Photograph]. 5: Czubacka,B. (1996) Siblings. [Photograph]. 6: Bellingham, R (2019), Saatchi Gallery, Ray’s a Laugh. Accessed 6 March 2024, https://www.saatchigallery.com/artist/richard_billingham.
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juliauniblog · 4 months
Susan Sontag ‘On Photography’
“Cameras go with family life”
When you're born you don't remember anything. However as time passes you regret not remembering life events. These are the times that a photograph lets you keep the memories of life in one piece of paper forever stopped in time.From the age of 2 i vaguely remember my life. We moved to England when i was 2 and half, so growing up so far from family the moments i spent with them are important. These are the ones i cherish the most. To have pictures with my mum when im younger lets me think about the importance of photographs. Through these photos my family far away could see me grow up and share the memories of us together. so when we would visit them they would'nt feel so distant. its like they were always there, keeping all these memories in a photograph was important for my parents.it was a monument that they could look back on when their now grown up daughter was down to their knees.i remember my mum posting pictures to my great grandma every year so she could have it on display so she could see my face everyday and not miss me too much.
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juliauniblog · 4 months
Abortion - Right Or Wrong?
Abortion can be a sensitive topic for some, especially those with past experiences. Over the last few years this has become a major topic around the globe more so than ever before. But why? Religion? Morality? Ethics? Politics? There can be a number of circumstances that influence peoples’ personal opinions on the matter. These circumstances are still changing and so that is why there is uncertainty among society, whether it is right or wrong. All throughout the world, people with different upbringings have views on the subject and so it is a very controversial topic even between neighbouring countries.
Many countries have been changing their laws, however one that had a big impact was People’s reaction towards Poland’s Ban on Abortions. Abortion in Poland has been a sensitive topic since the days the first law has been changed in 1932. Until then, abortion was illegal under any circumstances, including factors that are taken into account today: threat to mother, quality of life, rape or incest. However, there are scenarios in certain countries when it is still not allowed even though it would affect the quality of life of the baby. This means that, even though there is sufficient medical proof that the baby would be born with certain disabilities or even if there is a chance of stillbirth there is still no way for the mother to get an abortion and will be rejected due to fear among doctors not to be prosecuted. The reason for this is that Poland has very strict views on abortion, just as D.Szelewa stated in Killing ‘Unborn Children’? The Catholic Church and Abortion Law in Poland Since 1989 “Legislation on abortion in Poland is among the strictest of all European countries.” [1]. However, these rules are not completely accepted by everyone, especially the public and can cause disagreements and even rallies.
Poland has its general rules matching with other European countries as it is a general standard and they are stricter than the United States. As in contradiction to Poland, the United States has a mixed view on abortion as there is a high number of people who are opposed to it as well as there are also people who support it under certain circumstances. There are two main groups that determine peoples’ views. These two groups are the liberal and conservative political parties. In short, the liberal party recognises womens’ rights to make decisions over what to do with their own bodies, including performing an abortion if they deem it necessary. On the other hand, the conservative party bases their views on a more religious and traditional point of view; and bans abortion completely as it is considered to be a sin, an act of murder. Religion however, does not only impact the conservative party’s point of view, it has also created division in the liberal party back in the 1960s, as D. Karol and C. N. Thurston showed in From Personal to Partisan: Abortion, Party, and Religion Among California State Legislators “with Catholics in both parties opposing reform” [2]. However, liberal catholics later became more open minded about the matter and admitted to having abortion legalised could actually be more favourable.
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This open-mindness allowed for reform to become possible even on the other side of the world. With an increasing number of casualties, caused by mistreated pregnant women who had no other choice but suffer from the high risk pregnancies, people started standing up to the one and only belief that abortion is completely wrong. This has caused the public to retaliate in the form of protests, one of which had the biggest impact in Europe. The biggest protest, often referred to as “Strajk Kobiet” (“Women’s Strike”) happened in January 2021 in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, but also in smaller villages like Pszczyna. This strike was the result of a 30-year-old woman who was denied an abortion after high risk problems during her pregnancy that led to her death because of the government’s negligence. This has caused women all throughout Poland to start questioning the laws, as why is the life of a woman so overlooked by everyone when it comes to pregnancy. In 2020, these protests have resulted in the government delaying bringing a near-total ban into action regarding abortion, because they were aware of the public’s ideology [3]. Later on however, the court kept their ban in place, rallying the protest to a greater extent. People from all around the country started agreeing with the protestors, to the point where 73 percent of the country opposed the court’s decision. The main reason was the recognition that in Poland having an abortion is a matter of life and death [4]. This has escalated even further since, and in November 2023 the left party of Poland decided to push for the “Liberalisation of Abortion” [5], which meant easing up the current laws and allowing termination of pregnancy for women up to the 12th week of pregnancy. This motion was supported by 80 percent of the country, after conducting a mass survey.
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After a three-year long battle, women have finally started to gain rights towards their own body and are being recognised as human beings. Even though this is still ongoing things are starting to change for the better. This whole conflict has gained attention from all around the world, allowing women to stand up for themselves and form a unity. Many factors affect people’s minds about abortion from their beliefs to the economical as well as political influences that occur from other people and that are widely spread throughout the media. In conclusion, things are looking on the better side but it is still unknown how the current events are going to turn out. However, even if the current motion turns out to be unsuccessful, the current events will light a new flame and bring new perspective even to people who are not involved, and will likely help in the long run to push the movement to a better outcome.
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[1] Szelewa, D., 2016. Killing ‘unborn children’? The catholic church and abortion law in Poland since 1989. Social & Legal Studies, 25(6), pp.741-764.
[2] Karol, D. and Thurston, C.N., 2020. From personal to partisan: Abortion, party, and religion among California state legislators. Studies in American Political Development, 34(1), pp.91-109.
[3] Walker, S., 2020. Poland delays abortion ban as nationwide protests continue. The Guardian, 3. (Accessed 04.01.2024.)
[4] Neumeyer, J., 2021. Poland’s Abortion Ban Protests Changed the Country Forever. Foreign Policy Magazine (Accessed: 07.01.2024.)
[5] Sieniawski, B., 2023. Left party pushes to ease Poland’s strict abortion laws. Euractiv (Accessed: 07.01.2024.)
[6] Kosc, W., 2023. Poland braces for abortion protests as doctors become center of storm. Politico, Omar Marques/Getty Images
[7] Davies, C., 2020. Pro-choice supporters hold biggest-ever protest against Polish government. The Guardian, 30. Kacper Pempel/Reuters
[8] Bucholc, M., 2022. Abortion law and human rights in Poland: The closing of the jurisprudential horizon. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 14(1), pp.73-99.
[9] Calkin, S. and Kaminska, M.E., 2020. Persistence and change in morality policy: The role of the Catholic Church in the politics of abortion in Ireland and Poland. Feminist Review, 124(1), pp.86-102.
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juliauniblog · 6 months
Into the unknown Dérive
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Result of my Dérive
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juliauniblog · 6 months
Group Manifesto
Horoscopes are astrological forecasts based on the positions of celestial bodies at a particular time, typically tailored to each zodiac sign. They're thought to offer insights or predictions about an individual's personality traits, relationships, and also future events.
Horoscopes can help people with motivation and give them something to look forward to. Some people will use the predictions to plan out their day and lean towards more positive thoughts and actions. Horoscopes can be very general and cover a large area, so many people find them relatable. However, people using these horoscopes as guides for their day can have a negative impact, and they might use the predictions to excuse their negative behavior and actions, giving them something else to put the blame on. And this may be why people believe in it, it gives them a sense of control, someone who believes in an external force of control will credit outside forces for both the good and the bad.
The sensation of destiny's touch often comes from stories where paths intertwine, seemingly guided by fate or coincidence. Themes of serendipity, unexpected connections, and the impact of choices can evoke that sense of destiny's touch. Crafting narratives that explore these elements can captivate readers' imaginations and create that feeling of destiny.
Is there any truth behind horoscopes? They’re often seen as more of a fun, general interpretation rather than a precise predictor of events; however there are also those who truly put their faith into these predictions; it gives them a feeling that it is a gift from a higher power. What they don't understand is that there is no control over their own fate or journey because the information has already been written on paper from writers and authors on what they believe is right for our signs.
The history of horoscopes span many millennia and cultures, dating back to ancient times. The concept of horoscopes originated from the celestial body's movements and their perceived influence on human affairs. The word "horoscope" derives from the Greek words "hora" (time) and "skopos" (observer), meaning a tool to observe time.
One of the earliest civilizations known for its astrological advancements is Mesopotamia, where the Babylonians developed the foundation of modern astrology around 2000 BC. They tracked celestial movements, believing that the positions of stars and planets could foretell events on Earth. The Babylonians created intricate astrological calendars and studied the zodiac, dividing the sky into twelve equal parts, each associated with a specific constellation. The Greeks further refined astrology, integrating it into their culture around the 4th century BC.
Influential figures like Ptolemy and Hipparchus contributed significantly to the development of astrological concepts, detailing the characteristics of each zodiac signs, Greek philosophers pondered the connection between celestial movements and human destinies, laying the groundwork for future astrological principles. The spread of astrology continued through the Roman Empire, where it merged with various belief systems. The Romans embraced astrology, incorporating it into their daily lives and using it to make critical decisions. Influential figures sought guidance from astrologers, believing that interpreting celestial omens could predict the outcomes of battles and the fates of rulers.
Horoscopes continued from these time periods and despite periods of skepticism and criticism, astrology persisted and evolved. The 19th and 20th centuries saw a revival of interest in astrology, spurred by movements emphasizing spirituality and self-discovery. Horoscopes gained popularity in newspapers and magazines, reaching a broader audience and becoming a part of popular culture. Today, horoscopes remain prevalent across various media platforms, offering personalized insights based on one's zodiac sign. While astrology's scientific validity is still debated, its enduring presence underscores humanity's enduring fascination with seeking meaning and guidance from the stars.
In the end horoscopes promise personal guidance but give relatively vague predictions. They’re based on old beliefs about stars shaping destinies, without any real proof. When horoscopes became a way to make money,(which has become extremely popular in the last few years) it spread these misleading ideas more. And truly relying on horoscopes distracts you from thinking
for yourself, simplifying life in a way that’s not true. Making you live a life that is not yours and written by someone who’s just trying to make money.
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juliauniblog · 6 months
Into the Unknown
For this walk I didn't want to overthink. keep it simple i thought, so my adventure began. This trip began on a pre planned holiday however i chose to do my Dérive here as it somewhere i have never been.
so one morning i decided to go ahead and start a journey.
Arriving in Venice is like entering a dreamland with its canals, charming bridges, and colourful buildings rising from the water. The absence of transport that I'm used to adds to the magic of its streets as you enter a new world. The buzzing of tourists around St. marks square had given me a shock of claustrophobia. And a newly found respect of my home town. The never dying buzz of people was very profound during this trip i had set upon. the golden sun that had disappeared behind the shadows of the tall narrow streets was a big change to main areas. the little alleys of Venice made me feel like i was being slowly trapped in-between the walls the further i walked. however the light glazes of sunshine that glistened on the canal gave the experience a fairy tale feeling as if i was transported into a different reality.
wandering into different locations was a experience like never before. especially for someone who has been living in small towns my whole life. The mix of cultures was amazing as the streets resembled the true beauty of Italy however the people there was of mixed culture as they were mostly tourists. one this that specifically stuck to me was a tiny little pasta shop which had collected bank notes from all of is different visitors from around the globe. seeing money from my home country made me feel like maybe i wasn't a complete stranger to this place.
Around there was many art works structural and painted. Everything felt unbelievable not planning and just wandering around was a amazing experience. and i would definitely try this again as it really allows you to focus on what's really happening around you.
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juliauniblog · 9 months
Theory of the Dérive
"Men can see nothing around them that is not their own image; everything speaks to them of themselves. Their very landscape is alive."
What stands out from this statement is rather interesting as it perceives men as self-centered. it states that they can only see whatever involves themselves. This show's that everyone really cares about themselves when you really look into what matters to them. 'everything speaks to them of themselves.' this specific part of the quote shows really how deeply men think the world revolves around them.
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