julie-hannah01 · 8 days
you have to listen to loud music . it scares the evil creatures from your head
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julie-hannah01 · 13 days
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julie-hannah01 · 13 days
actions speak louder than words but consistency speaks louder than both. choose people that always make you feel wanted.
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julie-hannah01 · 25 days
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julie-hannah01 · 25 days
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julie-hannah01 · 25 days
New Orleans ❤
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julie-hannah01 · 29 days
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julie-hannah01 · 29 days
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I love getting killed back to back after a hard day of work !!
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julie-hannah01 · 29 days
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julie-hannah01 · 29 days
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”
— Alexander Den Heijer
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julie-hannah01 · 29 days
Nothing is quite as beautiful as someone who has survived losing everything and still has a tender heart.
— Unknown
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julie-hannah01 · 29 days
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julie-hannah01 · 29 days
Try stuff. Put plants in your room even if you aren’t the best at caring for them. Attempt that dessert recipe even if it turns out ugly. Listen to that music you’ve been meaning to try for a while. The world is full of infinite sources of goodness and the best thing to do it to try and find as many as possible.
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julie-hannah01 · 29 days
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julie-hannah01 · 29 days
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julie-hannah01 · 29 days
♡ Salt ♡
Now there are different kinds of salt you can use in your craft, but that begs the question: what kind should I use? So I decided to create this post so you can refer it to, write this in your grimoire or BOS, for when you need to include salt in a spell but don’t know what kind to use. 
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Table Salt
Table salt is the least expensive of all other salt, as well as the most basic. Typically table salt is used home cleansings and purification. It can also be used for protection circles. if it is the only kind you have, it can be used to replace other salts depending on the intent. 
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Sea Salt
Sea salt is made by evaporting salt water, and thus contains minerals like potassium, iron, copper, silicon, and more. The lighter the salt, the lighter amount of minerals. Sea salt being related to the sea, is favored by those who prefer to use the sea/ocean in their magick. Sea salt is best for cleansing baths and purification. Primarily when it is emotional purification which needs to be done. 
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Himalayan Pink Salt
Himalayan pink salt is known for it’s color, a lovely soft shade of pink. It is connected to Earth, and specifically great for astral projection and spirit work. When himalyan pink salt is out, it absorbs psychic energy however when burned/heated it releases that energy. This can be great for providing a boost for a spell, or your own power in general. 
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Celtic Sea Salt
Celtic sea salt is known for being popularized in France, and has a light grey color in comparision to other salts. Due to the low amount of sodium in celtic sea salt, it considered to best for kitchen witchcraft. 
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Black Salt
Black salt as known for it’s name is black, and can be created when salt is mixed with ash or by being mixed with cocount ash. When it is mixed with coconut ash, this allowed it to be edible, and thus used for kitchen witchcraft. However, when it is not edible it is best used for protection against negativity.  
Posted: June 8, 2019
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julie-hannah01 · 29 days
you know what’s a good feeling? a real good feeling?
when sunbeams do this.
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that is all.
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