julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
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willie + hearteyes
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
When is Luke's birthday?
We know he celebrates it, but we're never given a specific date.
What we need are birthdates for Julie, the boys, Flynn, Carrie, Willie and all the others. Just think of all the Happy Birthday posts and edits!
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
Sunset Curve headcanons:
WARNING: Some of these are heartbreaking and talk a lot about the bands past. (Reggie’s parents fighting, Luke’s parents never really supporting his dream, Alex’s parents not accepting him). If any of that makes you uncomfortable, I don’t suggest reading these. There are some non-serious ones, but they’re sprinkled in between them.
1. Reggie is way more flirtatious and teasing than Luke, he just hides it better. 
2. You think Luke or Reggie would swear the most, but no, it’s definitely Alex. Alex would definitely scream something like “are you fucking kidding me? You stupid ass, worthless, annoying, piece of shit!” at an amp when it doesn’t work and both the guys are just like the surprised Pikachu meme. His potty mouth would be off the charts sometimes.
3. Reggie was really good at a certain subject in school. Like, everyone thinks he has no braincells, but then out of nowhere he recites pi from memory or something. 
4. Reggie first watched Star Wars on a night where his parents were fighting particularly loud. Something about the movie calmed him down and made him feel better. After that, it was one of his favorites.
5. Speaking of parents fighting, both Reggie and Luke would go stay at Alex’s house when things got too tense at their own homes. However, once Alex came out, his parents stopped letting them stay over. All three boys found a secret hideaway somewhere. All three of them would go there and talk, or just sit in silence, because the comfortable silence felt good after hours of angry screaming at home. Once they started practicing in Julie’s garage, it became their new hideaway.
6. The couch in the garage was originally brought in by Luke so he could sleep on it when he needed a night away from his house. However, it ended with all three of the boys crashing there multiple times. It’s definitely led to all three of them cuddling up with each other on the couch because they all felt horrible and just wanted comfort from someone who cared. They kept pillows and blankets somewhere for nights like that. 
7. Reggie has separation anxiety (probably caused by his parents wanting to divorce), which is why he’s hardly ever away from the guys, and when he is he’s around Julie’s dad. (I also like the headcanon that Reggie has ADHD.) 
8. Alex and Luke both give everyone their unconditional support because they didn’t get a lot of it at home and don’t want anyone to feel like they did. 
9. Reggie is bisexual!! (I also like the Luke is asexual headcanon.)
10. Alex’s parents probably accused him of dating one of the guys. 
11. Luke would’ve one thousand percent asked his mom for permission to release Unsaid Emily as a single. If he did, he would’ve dedicated it to her. 
12. Reggie’s parents probably got separated since their only reason to stay together died. They also probably got remarried, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Reggie has a half sibling that he doesn’t know about. Reggie would be absolutely destroyed.
13. If Reggie had a pet, it would be named after a Starwars character.
14. The boys LOVE Back To The Future.
15. Alex is very conflicted about finding his parents. He wants to because he loves them and wants to know they’re okay, but he also doesn’t want to because of how they treated him after he came out. He knows deep down that they’re either extremely sorry for the way they treated him, or they aren’t sorry at all, and he knows either option is going to break his heart.
16. The other members of the band never yell/scream at Reggie. Reggie is extremely sensitive to people raising their voice at him because of how his parents used to scream at each other constantly.
17. Luke constantly seeks out praise from people because he didn’t get a lot of it from his parents. Julie, his friends, even the strangers that listen to their music. All of their praise makes him extremely happy. 
18. The band calls each other by their full names when scolding, teasing, or pretending to be offended with one another. (I’m assuming Luke is short for Lucas and Alex is short for Alexander). It would be a lot like “LUCAS PATTERSON!” “ALEXANDER _!” “REGINALD _!” or even just “shut up, Reginald.” “Nobody asked you, Alexander.” “Lucas is being a child.” 
Also, keep in mind, none of these are officially canon as far as I know. These are just my ideas, you don’t have to agree. :)
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
the most unrealistic part of jatp is that luke and reggie didn't hug alex ONCE while he was crying for 25 years
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
Flynn: What’s it like working with the band?
Julie: Imagine working with completely civilized, responsible, and mature people.
Flynn: Okay.
Julie: Now throw that idea out the window.
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
Does anyone have any theories on how Julie's mum dies? Or how much time passed between her death and the beginning of the series.
I guess there are some hints (the lyrics to Wake Up for example) that it wasn't an accident but rather an illness or something of that sort, but nothing is ever really said.
That's something I'd really like to figure out in season two
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
Sure, there are many things to love about the cast, but I'm so happy that in every interview I've seen they only drink from reusable water bottles.
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
Willie: I like your shirt
Alex: Thanks! It was 50% off
Willie: I like it better 100% off
Alex: The store can’t just give away free clothing
Willie: That’s not what I-
Alex: That’s a terrible way to run a business!
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
I don't mean to be too hopeful but pretty much anything Kenny Ortega worked on has been incredibly popular and often gained cult status. Julie and the Phantoms has a soundtrack in the charts (at least on iTunes), the show has been trending on Netflix since its release and hashtags are blowing up. Netflix technically doesn't really have a reason not to renew the show.
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
i just really think julie is such a good and important character. like not only is she insanely talented and such a strong individual, but how the show follows her journey through grief as meant a lot to me. seeing her go from the beginning of the first episode where she’s so closed off and can’t sing a not to when she struggles at the beginning of bright to where she is in the last episode during stand tall was just. it was amazing to watch. and it really meant a lot to me as someone who is enduring grief, seeing her struggle and then come out the other side is just so relieving. i think the show really handled it well and madison is just incredible performance wise. anyway, i love julie and i think she’s such an important character to portray in media.
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
Does anyone else thing of all the songs I Got the Music gave off the most High School Musical vibes?
The song, the lyrics, the entire scene right down to most of the costume (Wildcats instead of Bobcats of course) would fit right in HSM
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
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don’t mess with julie and her phantoms
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
“your parents were never cool again after you told them you were gay”
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
If anyone want to talk about Julie and the Phantoms feel free to message me!
None of my friends watch the show and there is so much to talk about.
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
one of my favorite things about julie and the phantoms is how normal it is that alex is gay. it’s like so what?
it’s not big, it’s not an arc, it’s not a plot device. they could’ve made willie a girl, they didn’t. they could’ve acted like alex was an outsider for his sexuality, they didn’t. they could’ve made weird sexual tension between him and his bandmates, they didn’t, but instead made weird sexual tension between reggie and luke.
he’s gay and they treated it goddamn normally!! thank you!!
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julieandsunsetcurve · 4 years
In episode two Alex is the only one who doesn't question Julie's box of "girl stuff", instead he apologises for the others. And when they're about to leave he return to ask Julie about her music programme.
This made me think that perhaps Alex has a sister, maybe a little sister.
The boys talk about his parents not being ok with him being gay, but not about any other family, so it might be possible. Plus we know that it will be incredibly sad when we get to see Alex coming out and his parents not accepting him, an accepting little sister however might soften the blow.
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