julietdonahoe · 4 years
the third-person omniscient
you're up in EVERYONE'S business. somehow, you're not actually a character in this story at all, but instead an outside observer, seeing things from everyone's perspective and getting their take on the situation. who the audience chooses to side with is no concern of yours; you're merely here to present the facts as you see them. you can see the value in hearing many different sides of the same story, and have found that the truth often lies in the middle.
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julietdonahoe · 4 years
Dstancing yourself from friends and family even more now for ... some reason ?
You'd think that with everyone being on lock down with endless amounts of time to spend, you'd spend it talking to your friends and family. You'd think that. Wouldn't you. That would... make sense. And yet. You're here. Doing quizzes on Tumblr when your family is downstairs and you probably have some unread messages... probably have some friends you swore you'd call over the quarentine. You're just [consumes media. takes quizzes. eats too much or not at all.]. yeah i get it, maybe you and your family have strained relationships. you have friends. people who care about you. but you're... avoiding them. you're wallowing in your solitude and feel terrible about it. yet... you continue doing it. you've got intimacy issues. don't play the victim and oh-woe-is-me if, when quarentine is over, your friends and you have become distant. don't be a cancer about it and cry and shift the blame. take some responsibility. frienship is a two way street.
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julietdonahoe · 4 years
Your Result:
"i'm hurting and help is beyond me."
there's something going on with you mentally. you haven't told anyone because you don't want to drag them down with you. it kills you on the daily and you feel like you're falling apart, however, nobody's noticed. you feel like you should be thankful for that, but it just hurts more. you feel selfish and weak for wanting help, yet something deep and knotted beneath your diaphragm is screaming to let go of the pain and let someone else handle it for awhile.
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julietdonahoe · 4 years
The Wayfaring Stranger
You wander through the world, desperately seeking attention and intimacy, but are ultimately never fully satisfied with the sphere of human connection. You enjoy your relationships, but never truly feel as though you belong the way others seem to. You spend half your time wondering if you have enough friends and whether they like you; and the other half pondering the strange detachment from everyone you know that descends on you more often than it should. Everyone who meets you is blessed by having done so, but ultimately you must move on. In the end, your destiny lies in the natural world, the sea, the grasses and stars, and in the act of wandering itself. As a deity, you're the patron god of travel, of weather, of the sea, of ending relationships, of loneliness and of dreams.
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julietdonahoe · 4 years
i think she's the sky because she's always there in the corner of my eye or my mind and sometimes she's grey and sometimes she's brilliant blue and sometimes if i look at her she's made of a billion colours and shards of light and i realise that i love her even more than i thought before
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julietdonahoe · 4 years
Its so hard, hard to see, i want you to help me find myself again, but i forget that you're gone
If you ever regret your request that we be kept apart, maybe consider the start, back when you'd stolen my heart
You were the best thing that will ever happen to me, and now you're not happening to me anymore and i'm sorry
You coughed up your lies, and shoved them down my throat
 i couldn't take your goodbyes, i couldn't remember how not to choke
The mystics know when you'll die,
 the medics know how,
but i know you're too shy
 to ask about that now
We had some time together,
and you'll say it was good,
turns out I'm not the maid Marian
to your robin hood
Back when i was younger, younger than i am now, i imagined a palace in the sky.  It had glass ceilings and walls, and brass doors in the halls, but when you saw it, you called for
15 men walk hand in hand over the grave of the motherland, once the bombs and ships had fell, no one was left to show her the plan
I'll wait forever anytime
Can i tell you a secret?
I think i'm in love with her
Come find me when you learn about yourself
Open up your eyes
And close your ears
Follow me forward into the rain
The water will swallow your tears
When i was living with you
You had no news to share
Your problems were all solved
You had no burdens to bear
Now i have to tell you
My love, you've gone too far
My dear, you're only human
You’re not a shooting star
I used to love someone
Now she's gone away
Your own life is a mystery
You have no debts to pay
If i were to cross that bridge
Everything would change
No-one has the upper hand
The colours are all strange
Build me up
Screw me up
Throw me down
Love can't be bought, sold or stolen
It just is, and always will be
What happened to the humane race
This is the year that we're being individuals
Brush off all that residual
Pain sorrow suffering
We were all trying to be so cool
Back in high school
She cut her hair
But she stayed the same
I'm not one to pass judgment
When youre feeling old and grey
Sitting in your grave
Can you hear the wind? it's come to tear down all your buildings
It's come to ask you why on earth you left
You can have the forks and plates
And your wood and iron gates
But you'll lose your reputation in the wind
You'll have nowhere to go and nowhere to hide
The floor will tilt and you'll start to slide
You told me to never look for the bad
But i found it right here, isn't that sad
You'll have less options as the years go by
Bad people, bad places,
bad songs and bad faces,
bad goods and bad deeds,
bad wants and bad needs
The ultimate form of god is one all people can know and understand
She'll take me by the hand
Tell me where i stand
Don't hide
There are aliens in this town they say,
Yes, there are and i'm one of them
I was looking for my mother's grave
My deepest wish is to be happy
I don't need a god, i already know your name
You knew everything about me
You knew nothing about yourself
I can dance and i can sing
Give you money, buy you things
But im not the one you want babe
She standing over there
She's got flowers in her hair
You watch out of the corner of your eye
I glance in your direction,
Noticing your forced suppression
Of feelings that you just don't want to hide
We've been dancing to the lyrics
Of songs that dont last three minutes, no
We aint on time so they fill in for us
You know your momma's gonna kill us, oh
Well i cant be in love with her
Because she's not in love with me
I live for your love but you know that i cant take it
We'd be so happy if only i could fake it
So many people
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julietdonahoe · 4 years
But those people do exist.
People who, when faced with howling winds and lashing rain, stand tall and continue into the eye of the storm.
People who, when pushed to the brink of their abilities, pick themselves up and say, "one more round."
People who, when told, "no, you can't",  spit right back through a bloody nose and broken teeth, "I can. And I will.".
These people are everywhere. They are inside of you.
And I need you to find them.
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