junghoseokwife · 3 years
I'm thinking of writing a oneshot of butter BTS being Dilfs/Sugardaddies and reader just simping, cuz those foreheads-(„ಡωಡ„)
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junghoseokwife · 3 years
Merfolk in a Manhole 2
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Merman! Yoongi, Merman! Seokjin, Merman! Jungkook, Merman! Jimin, Merman! Taehyung, Human! Namjoon, Human! Hoseok Human! Reader Summary: After getting kicked out of your apartment, you moved in with your parent close to the beach. Digesting as much salty air as you had, you became restless going to the beach to relax. A rather harsh wave smashed onto the beach bringing seaweeds a buttload of fishes and a hideous fish man with big bug eyes and webbed hands or was he a beautiful, sculpted tanned merman who needed help to find his friends? Paring: OT7 x reader Wordcount: 2.7k A/N: Sorry it took so long and I have been trying to get the hang of tumblr so please bear with me editing mistakes. Thank you for all the comments on the first chapter, I am never satisfied with my work so seeing you all like it makes me excited for more.
Your legs weren’t carrying you as fast as you wanted. You wanted to be as far away as possible. The financial stability you had been pining for had just been flushed down the drain and you were just so overwhelmed. You were never the most athletic of the bunch but today you could prove yourself wrong. The only sounds you could hear was the wind whipping against your body. You furiously tried to breathe, but the air was knocked out of you with every step you took. Your vision was collapsing on itself with the lack of oxygen that was entering your lungs. Your body shook violently as you round the corner of the street a little too late slamming your foot on the red and white traffic pole. The minor injury did not slow you down at all. You kept running the harsh pavement heating up under your foot, becoming a pain to move. Your name echoed through your head, your body jolting backwards slamming into a hard surface. You winced in pain as the adrenaline left your body, finally feeling the weight of your situation and the open wound on your leg .You watched the cars zoom past, too busy to care about the pedestrians waiting to cross; this foolish crusade of yours could have ended badly. The arm that had pulled you back tightened around your wrist. Your eyes scanned the road in front of you before looking up at the owner of the hand. “Hoseok” The drive was suffocating. Hoseok had not said anything after he bandaged your wounded leg and dragged you into his car. He tossed his now damage groceries, that he had dropped to chase you, into the trunk. Your anxiety peeking through as you nibbled at your fingernail. He looked through the rear view mirror letting out a disapproving sigh. “Stop that” He motioned for you to take your finger out of your mouth which you did reluctantly. He refocused on the road leaving you to your own devices once again. You decided to look out the window, small trees and dried grass was all you could see for miles. Crossing your arms you allowed the wind to blow your hair not minding the way it whipped your face. You had concluded Hoseok wasn’t carrying you home and you could not be happier, but a little knowledge on where you were going would put your mind at ease. You didn’t want to talk to anyone at the moment, but knowing Hoseok and you weren’t on good terms made you queasy so you did the only thing you knew would melt his heart. “Hoseok?” You whispered putting on the best puppy eyes you could “No” He deadpanned not even looking at you. You scoffed; leaning back into the seat “Rude” you whispered under your breath missing the way Hoseok had to bite his lips to contain his smile.
“Wow!” Your voice was louder than you expected on the quiet beach. Hoseok had hauled your injured self out of the beach and dragged you onto the sand. You made a small snail trail that would be helpful if you got lost wondering the beach which wouldn’t be unlikely with how excited you were. You’ve never seen the ocean in your life; your parents never liked the salty air or the sound of the waves. They wanted to live in a wealthy area not ‘some fisherman’s village’ and you just never had time for recreational activities. The aquarium at work could not compare to the vast ocean and long beaches. You sat down, unable to walk anymore with your injured leg. The sand was warm under your skin, sighing contently; you looked at the water eyes reflecting the scorching sun that bounced of the ocean. Everything was serene Everything was beautiful The sand crunched under Hoseok’s weight, you didn’t pay attention to his persistent poking to busy soaking up the view that you might not see again in a while. You really should visit the beach more often. Hoseok was fed up with you ignoring him like he had done to you through the whole car ride. He spun the soda can, now full with condensation, trying to find the coldest area. He smiled devilishly as he placed it onto your skin. You quickly jolt back hissing in surprise, quickly slapping Hoseok on his arm before he had time to flee. He fell into fits of giggles when you grumbled, rubbing the your skin to heat it up. “Namjoon told me about what happened” He sobered up rather quickly opening the can and handing it to you. You swung the can into small circles, slushing around the soda in the can. You hummed as you took a sip, peeking over the can waiting for Hoseok to continue. He also seemed to be waiting for you to say something or at least to give a different reaction if the deer in headlights look on his face was anything to go by. You cracked a smile taking another sip before putting the can down. “Is that why you took me here then, to cheer me up?” “No. I wanted to see you in a swimsuit.” He leaned in a little causing his breath to tickle your face. The serious look on his face caused you to splutter a little. You made a disgusted face leaning back to put distance between both of you. Hoseok’s laughter sound like music to your ears. He returned to his former position, finally taking a sip from his own drink. Hoseok and you had developed a flirty relationship over the years; you both would either reciprocate or reject the other person advances. This type of friendship came out of nowhere but you had no problem with it. “You should move in with your parents. If you get kicked out I mean…” He rose from the ground dusting the sand off his clothes. “They’ve probably been waiting for you to go home for a while” He held out his hand for you to take pulling you off the beach. “I know” you whispered, picking the cans off the sand. “They’re just -”A sigh escaped your lips as stacked the cans ontop of each other following after your friend to the car. Your parents weren’t bad people they just weren’t ready to have children, and it showed. They always kept you at arm’s length, like you were an acquaintance. They would control your social circle deeming Hoseok not worthy to be your friend and that you should get married to Namjoon for connections to his family. “I know…” He smiled sadly “But it’s been years. They are old now. You can leave if it becomes too much.” He turned around taking the cans from you, resting them into the cup holder. You grunted deep in thought. What if he was right? Could they change? You looked back at the beach for the last time as the car started driving. You missed it already.
“Hoseok wait!!” He slowed down the car; you ignored the confusion all over his face as you popped the door open running far down the beach. You ignored the pain that surged through your body, probably reopening the wound on your leg. The sand clung to your feet like it was trying to stop you from where you were going, you stumbled a little before scooping the item in your hand. You turned around to the street giving Hoseok a thumbs up. Following the trail you made earlier in the day you clambered into the car closing the door. You held the item closer to your chest, contented.
Packing was all you seemed to be doing nowadays. Your possessions seemed endless with the need to rest cutting in ever so often. You looked at your still bandaged leg frowning a bit. The leg had gotten infected when you underestimated the severity of the injury giving you a well overdue hospital visit. Hoseok refused to make you continue packing since you needed to ‘rest according to doctor instructions’. He was correct but your rest time prolonged your packing. You had the whole week to pack up and move out which you thought was more than enough time since you had the help of Namjoon and Hoseok, but they had been at work for majority of the week, so most of the work fell on your shoulders. Despite your lack of communication, you were thankful that your parents had paid for the damage to the apartment, saving Namjoon and your wallet from the burden of a lifetime. You decided to rest, wobbling over to your bed. You looked around your almost barren room spying the item you had picked up from the beach. It collected the sunlight in your room separating them in small rays illuminating small areas off the room. You weren’t sure if what you picked up was a seashell, it was shaped like one; if you put it close to your ears you could hear the sea but it looked like an aquamarine gem. It looked so fragile you didn’t dare to take it up after you accidentally dropped it earlier in the week. You have been thinking about making it into a necklace. Warmth spread around your chest whenever you looked at the seashell, you weren’t sure if it was a memory of your time at the ocean or because of how beautiful it looked just sitting on your bedside table. You taped the final box, bending backward to stretch your back. You let out a pleased groan when the muscle loosened. You looked at the clock, just in time you thought. The boxes were already lined up at the front of your apartment waiting for the moving truck. Namjoon had texted you, sorrowful that he couldn’t be there to help you move out. He was just so endearing you couldn’t be mad at him. You sat down on one of the boxes, checking the time. “Any minute now” You grumbled staring at the phone like it would cause time to speed up. When the sound of feet approached you, you quickly got up from the box to give the movers space to do their job. But the sound of your name caused you to look away from your phone. “Mom?” Her eyes were glassed over as she took in your form. You guess that happens when you haven’t seen your only child for years. She covered her mouth choking on her tears a little before turning to your father. They really aged gracefully. The fine lines and wrinkles on their face gave them a softer appearance than what you were used to. They looked like grandparents, kind and wise. You could imagine your mom baking cookies and your dad making a fool of himself trying to help her before she kicks him out of the kitchen. ‘Imagine’ “Mom” She teared up repeating what you had called her. “I’m so sorry, my daughter” Few words had to be spoken to know what that meant. How deep it cut you? You might never know, but the tears streaming down your face had said enough for your parents. The movers quickly stacked the boxes into the truck not sparing a second glance at you and your parents tear eyed and red faces, probably to not make you uncomfortable. After finalizing the move with you the men returned to the truck transporting everything to your new residence. Your father started off in the direction of their vehicle not saying anything to both you and your mom. Her watery smile struck you in your heart, she clasped her frail hands. “Let’s go home”
“Mom!!” She placed a hand over heart still not used to the term of endearment. She wasn’t sure how she went through most of your life not liking the term. She hummed, still stirring the porridge she turned to look at you. You were clinging onto the door frame for dear life having woken up early to go to work. It would take an hour or two to reach but you didn’t mind. You ha adjusted nicely into your new home despite it being a couple days. Your parents had tried their best to make you feel welcomed, correcting their past mistakes. Asking about Hoseok and Namjoon ever so often, trying to integrate your friends into their lives.
“Have you seen my wetsuit?” Before your mother could answer, your father was at the door handing your wetsuit to you. He didn’t say anything as per usual, walking back to his chair on the front porch to overlook the sea. You folded the warm wetsuit placing it under your arm; he must’ve hanged it outside on the line for it to dry since you were too tired to do it last night.
“Thanks dad” You whispered. He grunted as a reply waving you off to get dressed.
Old age does change how someone perceives life. Your parents seemed to value a more peaceful, simple life. Unlike their younger selves who wanted money, business and connections. Now your mom went fishing with your father, she hummed songs as she planted flowers in the windowsills or baked for the children in the village a mile or so from the beach where you reside. The beach house was rather beautiful perched on a cliff, surrounded by shrubs and coconut trees, which mom always had use for. She would experiment making grater cake or coconut pudding allowing you to be the taste tester. Ideally you’d have wanted a father just as openly doting as your mother but this was fine. He took care of you in silence, behind the scenes, washing your wetsuit or suddenly not being hungry when only one portion of lobster was left. If you refused and told him to eat it he would leave the table and sit in his chair overlooking the ocean, forcing you to eat the last piece or it would go bad.
Placing all your belongings into a draw bag you pecked your mom on the cheek and your dad on the forehead before making your way to the bus stop. Your parents had insisted you use their car but your lack of driver’s license would make that impossible.
You, Hoseok and Namjoon were the only ones at work. What irked you more was the lack of work you were getting. The tenseness in the air was palpable as you munched on the snacks you found in the fridge. Namjoon looked too sick to eat picking at his food ever so often. Hoseok was trying to sleep which remain unsuccessful. The lunchroom door opening startled all of you to varying degrees. Seeing your boss march through the door you pulled your hand from the fridge taking a cup of coconut pudding with you. Namjoon was alert while Hoseok sluggishly sat up, fatigue settling in his bones.
“You’re eating more food?” You bossed cocked an eyebrow in your direction. The question sounded normal; as eating before doing your job, which mostly involved swimming wasn’t the best idea. But you understood what he was insinuating, he ‘teased’ you alot. You shoved another spoon of pudding into your mouth to avoid confrontation. Seeing he wasn’t going to get a reaction, he cleared his throat deciding to talk about the matter at hand.
He placed a flyer on the table. One you had been seeing for a while now, on every surface they could fit.
A photoshopped picture of a mermaid sat at the forefront. Around the image were words saying this was the newest attraction for the aquarium. The aquarium wasn’t running low on funds so you didn’t know the need for a stunt like this. It didn’t matter to you, the more the merrier. You could ask them how they managed to hold their breaths so long or swim so gracefully.
“You and you” He pointed to both men in the room. “I need you to train them.”
“You” He pointed to me, seemingly taking in my current condition of being unable to swim he thought carefully about the task. “Reward them if they deserve it; punish them if they deserve it.
The already quiet room fell into a deafening silence.
“They’re arriving in a week or so, so be prepared.” He pulled his phone from his coat pocket, dialing someone before making his exit. Leaving all of you to rationalize what he had said, because mermaids were only mythological.
They didn’t exist.
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junghoseokwife · 3 years
Merfolk in a Manhole 1
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Merman! Yoongi, Merman! Seokjin, Merman! Jungkook, Merman! Jimin, Merman! Taehyung, Human! Namjoon, Human! Hoseok Human! Reader
Summary: After getting kicked out of your apartment, you moved in with your parent close to the beach. Digesting as much salty air as you had, you became restless going to the beach to relax. A rather harsh wave smashed onto the beach bringing seaweeds a buttload of fishes and a hideous fish man with big bug eyes and webbed hands or was he a beautiful, sculpted tanned merman who needed help to find his friends?
Warnings: Cursewords, nudity (kinda) Suggestive thoughts from Namjoonie ;) (Please tell me if I am missing anything)
Paring: Kinda namjoon x reader (bestfriend namjoon onesided feelings) future ot7 x reader
Gif is not mine but the story is
Wordcount : 1.3k
Everything was so hot.
Your body was on fire
Your tongue tasted like sand and felt heavy in your mouth, you hiked your collar up to keep the sun from beating your neck. This line was stupid, why would someone wait so long in the sun just for ice cream. Shifting from side to side trying to dodge the rays on the skin that was peeking from under the short sleeve t-shirt and the baggy jersey shorts you had cleverly decided to wear. Yes it had kept you cool but you had to pay the price with sunburn if you weren’t careful. You groaned and threw your head back, the line wasn’t moving. Your boss was foolish to send you to buy him ice-cream, lunch break was almost done and nothing was in your empty stomach. With a huff you left the line going back to the establishment, the stingrays needed feeding and you were sure neither Hoseok nor Namjoon was going to pick up your slack; they had enough on their plates as it was already.
The trio of you and a few more were the only permanent employees. The rest were students looking for a part time job that they’d quit in a week or two and seasonal employees who only came for the summer when business was booming. This was convenient for your boss as he didn’t have to pay a lot to the employees who worked all year round.
After getting chewed out and called incompetent by your boss, you were punished to clean the orca’s tank. This man was psychotic, why did he even own orcas?!
Grumbling curses under your breath you submerged your feet underwater. Holding onto the ladder, you were surprised to see your hands shaking. Was your body that numb you couldn’t feel yourself tremble? You huffed out a laugh to calm yourself, of course you were terrified, orcas were unpredictable especially after being held in a confined area. They were social creature just like humans; they have a tight knit family with unique cultures. They should be out in the wild not cooped up for human entertainment. Hatred for the aquarium you had suppressed started to rise to the surface, a scowl rested on your face. Yes, you could quit but you were replaceable, someone who might accept the offer of less pay for your job would come around but what if they didn’t take care of the fishes properly? That thought alone is the reason you wake up every morning.
You were pulled from your thoughts when you felt a finger trying to smooth out the crease between your eyebrows. You jerked a little, straining you’re eyes you looked up to see a familiar mop of blue hair. Pulling his lips into a dimpled smile, he straightened up his posture to oversee the tank. Earlier today you thought the sun was going to melt you but Namjoon’s smile was something else. Your shoulders sagged losing all the tension it had earlier. Following his line of sight you saw the orca with one of its eyes closed, it was sleeping. You tried to suppress a small smile at how cute you thought it was.
“You ready?” His voice was deeper than it usually was sending shivers up your spine. You could feel his eyes raking over your form as you continued stepping down the ladder. Now that you thought about it, this was the first time he had seen you in a wet suit.
Having almost finished the tank, you rolled your shoulder trying to get rid of the tight knot that had appeared half way through the process. You looked over to the orca, happy that it was still asleep but when you couldn’t find Namjoon panic shook your whole body. You frantically searched the area, thinking of exiting the water when you hadn’t seen your coworker. Climbing up the ladder, you let out a blood curdling scream when you were pulled, letting go of the ladder. You shut your eyes, thrashing and twisting your body until your oxygen supply started to deplete, caught up in fear you inhaled. Your body stilled and started to sink. Had you have to die like this? You needed to delete your internet history before you go.
“Fuck! You’re awake” He breathed out. Your lungs tried to leave your body as you heaved the water you had swallowed. You lay on the floor trying to calm your heart. Namjoon ran his hand through his already disheveled hair. He never stopped apologizing when he carried you to the changing room. You could see how sad he was as he tried to make himself as small as possible. You were livid that he had spooked you like that but you knew he just wanted to have fun. To lighten the stress you had develop while cleaning. You turned your back to Namjoon silently asking him to unzip your wet suit. His eyes darted back and forth, holding onto the zipper with shaky hands his face heated up at the sight of the small amounts of skin that came into view the more the zipper went down.
“I’m really sorry” he said again trying to put his focus on anywhere but your skin that he had been staring at without discretion
A long-lived pause settled between you, doing little to ease his worries. Your sigh resonated in the room.
“You’re an asshole Joon” you turned around lightly slapping him on his chest “But.. I forgive you. It was only for shits and giggles I know but… I was really terrified.” Looking over to the side, you avoided his gaze baring your neck to him. His heart pounded against his ribcage. Despite your scolding he was focused on how your neck would look covered in his hicke-
Your attention immediately snapped to Namjoon who was looking down. Your face turned beet red. That sound. That was the sound of your wet suit. You looked to the floor confirming your suspicions.
“Namjoooon!!” You screamed curling in on yourself to preserve any decency you had left. Your face burned with shame. The said man quickly turned around, the tips of his ears were red which you would’ve found cute if you hadn’t been in such a compromising situation.
“I-I didn’t see anything!!” He blurted out trying to soothe your nerves. The blood rushed to your face with vengeance you knew he was lying.
“Leave!!” The embarrassment had caused you both to elevate your volume. You were sure Hoseok could feel your mortification from a mile away, rolling over in his bed. Namjoon almost tripped over his foot in his haste. His body clammy and stiff
It had gotten really late as you put on your clothes to ready leave work. You weren’t getting paid for overtime like hell you were going to stay to finish the tank. After locking up the establishment you moved quickly to the side walk where the street light was, under it was Namjoon. He held out his hand for you to take which you did with a little hesitation. Beginning the trek home you leaned onto him closing your eyes. You missed the way his face flushed. He was happy with the amount of trust you held in him. He slowly tightened the grip on your hand. He suddenly felt protective glaring at any stranger that has looked at you longer than he thought was appropriate.
“Namjoon... You know I love you right” You dragged your hands down your face feeling you blood boil. It was too early for this. You were still in your pajamas having rushed downstairs as soon as you smelt food burning. You refused to lash out at Namjoon, but you were seething. You both looked in despair at the damage the flame caused in your kitchen. A sound of frustration left you as you curled into the fetal position. You were totally getting kicked out of your apartment.
When you had invited into him into your home you hadn’t expected him to wake up the next morning and try to cook. He was trying to do something nice for you after what had happened yesterday but this….this was a disaster. Your body shook with a sob as you dashed out your apartment leaving Namjoon’s voice yelling for you.
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