jungkookieyaaa · 2 years
Faith In Excistence
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This is my first ff ever. Please ignore if I made any mistakes as I am very new here. I think the story is pretty dragging and boring but trust me the story will take a huge turn once it reach 3rd chapter. I will only upload something once in a week as I am very busy. Idk how I even came up with this story. I randomly edited and edited this and now I am posting this.... Anyways please like this to support me and hope you all enjoy this!!
Genre : Thriller, suspense, murder, romance, action, violence, slight smut (Please not that none of this is included in this chapter as this is the very beginning)
Pairing : Jungkook X Reader
Warning : None (This implies In this chapter only)
Please note that this ff is purely fictional, the characters have nothing to do with this ff in their real life.
Rating : For all
Chapter 1 : Job hunt finished
Y/N was a curious girl. Her parents were really wealthy and supportive of her dreams. She aspires to be a truthful Dectetive. It was her childhood dream to be one. She has the potential for this hard job. She is really smart for this job too. She is a single child for her parents. She just finished the special course for this specific job. She is now trying to get a good job with her outstanding marks. She had already took a interview in a big company.
•Y/N's house•
*Y/N woke up early as usual. Went to bathroom, did normal routine, exercised and finally baths*
She went downstairs to eat something.
Her mother had prepared delicious breakfast. She quickly sat down and ate everything. Y/N's mom was already getting late for her work. She rushed to Y/N and gave her a letter and said bye by running for her work. She didn't even got enough time to tell her what was in that letter.
Y/N read the address and was shocked. It was a letter for herself. She opened the letter with anxiety and found out that she was selected for the interview.
Y/N : OMG I can't even believe it!!!!!!!
She had a pet cat. It's name was Ouka. Even the cat got scared after hearing her scream.
Y/N quickly took her phone right away and typed about this to her mother and father. Her father went to a business trip so he was not at home. She was still in the shock and can't believe her own eyes. She literally jumped up and down in joy like a 5 year old who got chocolate bar.
Then she suddenly remembered that the letter had asked her to contact a number. She saved that phone number quickly but was unsure when to call them. Fortunately her mother called her at the same time.
Y/N's mom : Congratulations my dear daughter. I am so proud of you sweetheart!!
Y/N : Thank you mom, if it wasn't you I maybe wouldn't have even gave this interview a chance. So they have asked me to contact a number.....
Y/N's mom : OK good to hear, just call that number right now. OK??
*Call ended*
Y/N : Guess I will call them......
She gathered up some confidence and made a call to that number.
??? : Hello, this is Aufsty Agency, How may I help you?
Y/N : Well this is Y/N. I just applied for a job interview at this company. I received a letter saying that I was selected for the job.
??? : OK so I am Denise, glad to know that you received the letter. Can you tell me the code on the letter which is marked with highlighter
Y/N : Hmmmmm.......
The director 57
Denise : This number which you currently talking has whatsapp right??
Y/N : Of course.....
Denise: Thank you for calling us. Further information would be passed through whatsapp. Bye!!
Have a great day
Y/N : Well bye, You too have a great day
*The conversation ends*
Y/N quickly passed this information to her bestie, Lia
Lia was online at that time and quickly called Y/N
Lia: Hello Y/N, How are you?
Y/N : Hi, I am fine. You??
Lia : I am also good, you got that job??
Y/N : Yeah I did.....
Lia : Congratulations, see I told you, that your hard work would totally pay off...
Y/N : Thank you so much Lia.....
Lia : So I am kind of like busy right now....
I will come to your house at 5 Pm today
Y/N : OK bye
Lia : Well bye......
*They hung up their phones*
Y/N was a good artist. Whenever she was happy she would draw something incredibly with her art supplies. This usually made her a lot happy. So she was about to go upstairs, that's when she suddenly remembered that she forgot to feed her pet, Ouka. She straight went to the kitchen, poured cat food and served the food to Ouka. Patted her head and went upstairs with her phone.
She took all her art supplies. She has a lot of them. Most of these were gift from her relatives as they knew she wouldn't waste any of these and would use it properly to draw magnificent drawings.
*2 hours passed quickly*
She drew a beautiful masterpiece :
She took a photo of her drawing and moved to drawing gallery.
She went downstairs exhausted from drawing. She watered all the interior plants and the time flew really fastly. It was the time to eat lunch. She went into kitchen and served herself adequate food and started eating.
She finished the lunch and washed the plate.
Y/N's mom returned from her work.
Mom : Y/N, Look what I brought for you!!!
Y/N : What is it mom??
Mom : Close your eyes.....
Y/N : Okay......
*Y/N Closes her eyes*
Mom : Okay now open.....
*Y/N slowly open her eyes*
It was a virtual portable drawing set•9
(Authors note: Virtual portable drawing set•9 is a special drawing set. You don't need any tools, only your hand and just a digital screen. It will open up a blue sheet on the air and if you move your hands. It will identify the strokes and draw lines according your hand movements. It's really costly... And that too version 9 which is the best model out of all the others. This thing doesn't exist, I made it....)
Mom : Isn't this what you wanted for a long time?
Y/N : Yeah mom. You are extremely right. Infinite thanks Mom.
Mom : You do actually deserve to get such an amazing prize. I am really happy that you got this amazing job in first try and you are really young too.
Y/N : I couldn't have made it to this far if you cared about me so much.
Mom : If you need anything please tell me. I am ready to buy you anything you want.
Y/N : Thanks so much mom
*Mom hugs Y/N really tightly*
~Y/N really loves her mother's caring warmth hug always~
Mom : I guess we should throw a big party because you got a job.
Y/N : No mom. Not now. First let me join the job and once we confirm we can throw a party.
Mom : Okay sweetheart whatever you say....
*Y/N gives a lovely smile to her mom*
Y/N : So does dad know about this?.
Mom : IDK, I actually sent a message to him about this but he still wasn't even online just 1 hour before too. He must be really busy.
Y/N : Hmm.... He will call us once he is free so I can tell him about this.....
Mom : Yeah, let me go and freshen up myself...
Y/N : Ok mom...
*Y/N goes back to her room and mother goes to freshen up herself*
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~105 kms away~
Jungkook : Ah yes!! I won I won.... Finally!!!
Dad : Come on Jungkook, Let's eat...
Jungkook : OK I will come....
*Jungkook gets up from his gaming chair and goes downstairs*
Mom : Come sit here Jungkook
Jungkook : OK Mom...
*After 15 Minutes all of them finishes their breakfast*
Jungkook walks towards the main door and inhale sharply
Jungkook : Today's climate is very much pleasant. I love this type of weather very much
*Their front gate opens and mail man walk towards Jungkook*
Mail man : Hello Jungkook!
Jungkook : Hello uncle!!
Mail man : Here is a letter for you....
Jungkook : Oh wait it could be about my job
*Mail man hands the letter to Jungkook and Jungkook opens it in such a rush, proceeds to read the letter*
*His doe eyes started to expand so much that it looks like his eyes would pop out of his eye socket*
Mail man : Are you ok Jungkook?
Jungkook : Yes uncle it's it's... Just that I got the job....
Mail man : Wow Jungkook I am pretty much sure you have worked very hard in order to get that job. Congratulations Jungkook!!
Jungkook : Yes uncle I worked pretty hard to get my dream job. Thank you so much!
Mail man : Anyways I should go to deliver the rest of the letters and parcels to everyone. So bye see you later!
Jungkook : Ok uncle get going. Bye
*Jungkook opens the door and run towards the front hall*
Mom : You look really happy. What happened?
Jungkook : Mom and Dad you just won't believe what just happened. I got that job...
~OoOh PaRtY pArTy YeAh~
Dad : Yes I knew you would surely get that job. I am so proud of you my son....
Mom : Yes Jungkook you deserve the job coz you worked really hard for that. I am also very much proud of you too my son....
Jungkook : I should thank both of you for helping me reach where I am right now. If weren't both if you I wouldn't have reached here...
*Jungkook shows his cute bunny smile and tightly hugs both his parents happily. Meanwhile Hyun comes out of his room furious holding a phone*
Hyun : Why are you all so noisy? Let me just talk to my friend peacefully
Jungkook : I was so happy that the fact that I got my job...
Hyun : It doesn't matter me at all. Just shut up and don't make any noise
Dad : Why are you always so rude to everyone? Jungkook is always ready to do anything to keep up with both of your sibling relationship but you still doesn't care about him. You should never forget that Jungkook is your younger brother and he could help you out in some crucial times.
Mom : If you wanna talk so much just go to your room and talk why bother us when the problem has such an easy solution?
*Hyun becomes angry and walks to his room and closes the door loudly*
Dad : Omg it's already 7 : 15, I am gonna be late for work so bye. See you later!
Mom : Let me also go quickly. I will be late for work too...
Jungkook : Bye mom and dad....
* Both mom and dad leaves for work*
~The end~
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 2 coming soon!
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