junkyard-wonder · 19 days
I’m gonna say this once, and it’s probably gonna piss off a lot of people.
I HATE the term “verbalflux” why? Because it was created by a person who believed that you could fluctuate between demiverbal, semiverbal, and nonverbal. That is NOT how it works.
You’re semiverbal or you’re not. You’re nonverbal or you’re not. Your verbality can NOT fluctuate like that.
I don’t mind if people use it in the sense that their verbality itself fluctuates and they feel like a label doesn’t fit them. But if you’re using it to describe that you fluctuate between Demi/semi/nonverbal? No. Just no.
Semiverbal and nonverbal are permanent states. They are EVERYDAY. They are every second. They are your entire being. Stop saying you can fluctuate between them because you’re just confusing people and misusing our terms.
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junkyard-wonder · 1 month
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julia stimboard with art, plushies, hand stims and disability related stims 1/2/3/4/x/5/6/7/8
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junkyard-wonder · 7 months
i love you
i love you autistics with caretakers
i love you autistics who need caretakers but don’t have them
i love you autistics whose motor control is too poor to feed yourself without assistance
i love you autistics with poor facial control and poor volume regulation and poor tone management
i love you autistics with terrible interoception
i love you autistics who stim in “gross”/“weird” ways
i love you autistics with loud and disruptive stims
i love you nonverbal/nonspeaking autistics
i love you unreliably speaking autistics
i love you autistics who have verbal shutdowns
i love you unpredictable autistics
i love you autistics who society pities and infantilizes
you are not a tragedy.
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junkyard-wonder · 10 months
You. Are. worthy.
Even if you never drive. Even if you need help with basic tasks. Even if you need help with hygiene. Even if you’ll never work. Even if you’ll need help for the rest of your life. You’re. Still. Worthy.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re useless, or that you don’t deserve certain things. You’re amazing, and I see you.
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junkyard-wonder · 11 months
The way many LSN/level 1 autistic people talk about autism is really gross and weird actually
I think many of you forget that autism is an actual disorder and not a personality trait
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junkyard-wonder · 1 year
some autistics will be like "don't treat me like i'm a child"
but when i'm melting/shutting down, i prefer having someone take control, using simple words, reassuring me and calming me like you would a child.
when something is too complicated i prefer someone explaining it to me almost like you would a child, breaking down steps for me, helping me through a task bit by bit, simple words of encouragement, basic words and phrases that are easy to understand.
that's not to say i want or need that all the time. it's doesn't mean you can baby talk me or belittle me.
but when i'm overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, etc., that's what i prefer. that's what i need.
i'm not in a mindset to comprehend anything that's "too much". i'm not going to understand it. i'm not going to process it. you can try talk me out of it or help me through it like you would an 'adult' but it's not going to work.
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junkyard-wonder · 1 year
Autism is disability. Autism is disability. Autism is disability. Autism is disability
If autism doesn’t disable you, then most likely not autism. By definition, it disables or impair your day to day life. Doesn’t matter how big or little, is disabled.
Can call autism neurotype. But if say only neurotype and not disability, then you erase experiences, especially of those with medium/ high support needs and level2/level 3 ASD
Autism is disability. Always has been, always will. Stop saying isn’t one. Wrong wrong wrong when say!
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junkyard-wonder · 1 year
I think a lot of people haven’t had the experience of being treated like an animal, being called to your face that you’re an animal. Being treated like you’re nothing but an object, being seen like you’re nothing but an object.
I get stares in the store. I get people pointing, laughing, yelling at me as I walk down the street.
Even online I don’t feel safe. There’s people calling me slurs, people referring to me as an animal or object, calling me inhuman.
It hurts. I don’t think people realize how much it really does hurt to constantly be seen as something that isn’t human. That’s just nothing.
Please treat your autistic and intellectually disabled friends with kindness. Sometimes we need it.
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junkyard-wonder · 1 year
You know what.
Yes, I do need people to talk in simplified language with me. Yes I do need people to speak slowly. Yes I do need people to explain things more to me. Yes I do need people to talk to me with simple language. Yes I do need hand over hand with things. Yes I do need things explained multiple times. Yes I do need these things.
That is me. I need that. That doesn’t make me any less.
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junkyard-wonder · 1 year
People who don't have autism: you can't self diagnose yourself with autism no matter how much research you do! You have to take 3947493 tests and pay thousands of dollars before you can call yourself autistic!!
People who have autism: yeah you're autistic. We're diagnosing you.
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junkyard-wonder · 1 year
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junkyard-wonder · 1 year
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junkyard-wonder · 1 year
To Level 2’s, Level 3’s, high support needs, nonspeakers/semispeakers, and intellectually disabled autistics: what are some things you wish low support needs autistics and Level 1’s would understand? What are some autistic ‘traits’ or conditions you think should be discussed more often?
I’m giving the proverbial floor to anyone who is underrepresented in the autistic community. An open mic essentially 🎤
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junkyard-wonder · 2 years
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junkyard-wonder · 2 years
People on the internet treat autism like it's some cute, childish thing, but like, autism and the trauma that comes with it have literally lead me to severe alcoholism, anger issues and a criminal record.
This post goes out to autistic addicts and autistic people who have personality disorders and autistic people who have hurt people during meltdowns and autistic people who have been in trouble with the law and autistic people who have been diagnosed with every mental illness under the sun only to find out it was autism all along.
You are loved. Your trauma and your reactions to it do not make you a bad person.
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junkyard-wonder · 2 years
Imagine you're a wild goose that sometimes struggles to fly, especially when you're exhausted after a long day. Your wings were made to fly and normally you can use them just fine, but sometimes you feel like nothing works anymore. You can't fly, or if you try it looks strange. Sometimes you can't fly for days or weeks even.
At some point you hear that penguins can't fly either. But you misunderstood that a little, you think being a penguin only means that you're a wild goose that can't fly, so you start calling yourself a penguin - it's just that you're not a penguin.
The wings of penguins weren't made to fly from the very beginning. If a penguin tried to fly, the best they could do were to jump, flap their wings while they're in the air, and then land on their belly.
Some people try to make you aware of that misunderstanding. They tell you that penguins are completely different animals, and you're a wild goose, not a penguin. Yes, you can't fly sometimes, but that doesn't make you a penguin.
You all are with me up until now, right? A wild goose that can't fly is not a penguin, and that's very obvious, right? They both might struggle with flying, but a penguin isn't a wild goose, and a wild goose is not a penguin.
Same goes for nonverbal autism.
Don't call yourself a penguin when you're a wild goose that can't fly. Penguins have been complaining about that for years now.
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junkyard-wonder · 2 years
You are not superior to the person who is nonverbal. You are not superior to the person who needs a carer. You are not superior to the person who wears diapers. You are not superior to the person who can't manage a job or an education. You are not superior to the person who is intellectually and/or cognitively disabled. You are not superior to the people in psych wards and group homes. You are not superior to the person in the wheelchair. You are not superior to the person on disability benefits. You are not inherently superior to any of these people just by virtue of being more capable in comparison. Leave your ableism at the door or don't enter
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