junkyardogiii · 8 years
scalesvfjuno replied to your post: “Freddie...?”:
She nods and looks down. "Not at all... I'm just glad I found you..."
It was.. Strange, to say the least. Actually having her here right now. Holding a conversation with her. He’d already resigned himself to the fact that she was gone before everything happened and now..
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“.. Yeah. There’s a lot we need to talk about.”
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
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“Somehow, I believe you. Even though you seem as friendly as a group of puppies.”
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       ( ★ くコ:彡 ) ❝They say that I am the saltiest squid there is and yes, yes it’s true.❞
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
Figures she’d be dragged into this mess as well. Situations like these always took a turn for the worse when he was in the middle of it all. At the very least she wasn’t hurt in any way. At least, not from what he could tell.
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“.. Not exactly the best thing to wake up to, is it?”
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
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“.. The tin man better walk away before I scrap him for parts.”
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
❝ Look what the cat dragged in~ ❞
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“And here I was wondering when someone was going to try and push my buttons today. What do you want, I-No?”
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
     ( ★ くコ:彡 ) Well, her question went unanswered, but she could live with it. She wasn’t out to find out every bit of info on this guy. It didn’t matter his age; he was definitely older than she was. It was all she needed to know.
     ❝So you don’t like that option then, huh? Well, you have a lot of time here. So you can figure out whatever you want to do.❞ Marie gave a shrug before she went on to answer his question. ❝Me? I’m a performer at a local cafe and spa. I sing. You should go take a listen and relax when you can.❞ It seemed like he needed it from the looks of it.
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     ❝It’s not much different than what I used to do back home. Except that I’m not looked at as an idol here and I’m singing solo for the most part.❞
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“Cafes aren’t my usual place, but.. What the hell. I’ll stop by sometime.”
He was far more used to wasting himself to hell and back inside bars. Alcohol’s the best way to not be as pissed off as usual. It wasn’t exactly a healthy way of going about dealing with stress, but health issues were practically non-existent to him due to his physiology.
“Don’t know much about how things are with idols, but I’m sure it must be nice to get away from people crowding around you all the time, at least. The more popular you are, the less chances you get to really do what you want. Public image and all that.”
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
“Man don’t we got better things to worry about than whether we’re real… Cuz even if we aren’t, it sure feels real enough to matter.”
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“Assessing the situation is in my nature. I’m not going to shy away from possibilities just because I don’t like ‘em. You can play around if you want.. Wait, there’s another squid person in this place?”
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
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“I don’t know what it is about this year, but things feel like even more shit than usual. And we’re only 20 days in.”
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
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“It’s starting to get more and more obvious to me that this place isn’t exactly ‘real’. Which makes me wonder if any of us are even ‘real’, in a sense.”
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
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“From what I can tell, pretty much. This whole place is just a giant ball of absurdity. I have a hard time figuring out if everyone here is still sane or not.”
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        ❝ So, is it always like this around here? ❞ He’d only been in the Hive for a few days, but it already seemed to love chaos just as much as Neo-Gotham.
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
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❝ Really? You don’t look very responsible to me and that’s just judging by your fashion choices. ❞
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“.. If you’re seriously trying to lure me into an argument, then you can forget it. I don’t argue with children. Go play video games or something.”
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
Sol had spent an extensive amount of time researching this city as much as possible. Which was difficult, given he had nothing with him but the clothes on his back. But even so, it was better than just sitting on his ass all day and spending the rest of his life locked up in some crazy scientist’s wet dream of a city. He had learned a great deal from his findings. Some of it was useful information. Others.. Not so much. But there was one concrete piece of evidence that he could say with the utmost certainty. As he was now, escape from this city really was impossible.
And like any calm headed scientist, this revelation caused him to head straight for the bar. Because holy shit did he need a drink right now. Otherwise he was likely to have a complete meltdown from the stress and frustration. However, it seemed as though he had company up by the counter.
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“I wish I could fall flat on my ass right now. Hopefully I’d hit my head on the way down and forget this whole day ever happened.”
➟ ; @junkyardogiii
he’s found himself a comfortable spot at the bar, eyes focused solely upon the brew in his hands. he’s already downed three - well, four now - and still feels no worse for wear. even with his healing factor slowed, the alcohol doesn’t quite hit him right; besides that, he probably wouldn’t be drunk off just a few beers right yet. perks of being around for quite a few years and having the alcohol tolerance of a goddamn rhino.
(could rhinos even drink? maybe he’d ask peter, next time he saw the boy scout.)
suddenly, a slight creak sounds out and someone’s situated not three feet from him. big guy too, from the looks of things, and strong. even one such as logan couldn’t help but turn his head when he spoke; a gruff, commanding sort of tone that practically demanded the strongest they had. that brought an ever so slight grin to logan’s worn features; he always loved seeing the big guys get knocked out on their first go because they got too ballsy.
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“ night’s still plenty young, bub. y’got plenty of time to go flat on your ass from the strong stuff yet. ”
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
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“.. No. Stop it. Get the fuck off of me.”
The man’s irritated commands fell on deaf ears. A puppy was currently coddling up next to his leg. And every time he moved it, the puppy followed suit. This is the literal definition of hell on earth. Or, at least, it should be.
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
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“One more year till your life goes to shit. Have fun.”
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“19, hm? I’ll have to make this year even better.” And apply to that club. There’s no euphoria without Nemu.
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
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“It’s days like these that make being a responsible adult such a pain in the ass.”
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junkyardogiii · 8 years
       ( ★ くコ:彡 ) ❝Do I? Well, I’m 18. So where does that put you?❞ He didn’t look too old, but from his words alone he could easily be middle aged. How did he manage to look so young? Where all humans like this?
       Well, Marie never got the chance to help others, so this was a good chance for her. Plus, it wasn’t like she had much to do right now anyway.
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       ❝What, really? You sound like a video game character.❞ Honestly, who had that many things they were good at? Then again, wasn’t she an idol by day and an agent by night? It didn’t sound too far-fetched now that she thought about it. ❝Well, from all of that, it seems like something with science would be more practical. You can find work as a bounty hunter, but death isn’t really permanent here … and unless you want to do some sort of magic show, magic wouldn’t work.❞
The circumstances behind Sol’s age were.. complicated. To put it simply, the only reason he appeared to be in his early to mid twenty’s was due to the fact that he wasn’t exactly human either. Not anymore, anyway. This essentially made it so that the aging process had been slowed down considerably. Or maybe it had even stopped. Even he wasn’t entirely sure. Which of the two it was.
He may very well have been like some kind of fictional game character. His life felt like some kind of cruel game, at times. But he dealt with it as best he can. But in the end, there was always another hurdle being put in his way.
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“So the only viable option is the one I’m least excited to get back into. Figures. While we’re ont he subject, what is it that you do?”
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