junpies · 8 days
post-argument fic, reader's still mad at wriothesley, the yearning and desperation from wriothesley is heavy in this one lul, established relationship, suggestive comments
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brief biker!wriothesley thought.
disagreements don't happen often between you and wriothesley. you are both level-headed enough to maintain composure whilst talking through any issues, but in the scarce moments where it snowballs into something heated, it results in cold shoulders and uncomfortable silences born from residual anger.
wriothesley, who likes to be direct and to resolve things as they occur, lingers around you, hesitant to anger you more than he already has. he downright loathes how you walk on eggshells around him, unable to hold his gaze. in moments like these, he wants nothing more than just to pull you close and kiss you until you forgive him, bleeding apologies until you mend him with your forgiveness.
unfortunately for him, you had promised to go out for dinner with some of your mutual friends the night after your tense argument.
wriothesley's already there when you come straight from work, watching as you greet everyone with a big smile and wave, settling into the empty space next to him. all he gets is a tiny grin before your attention is swept away by furina, who sits directly in front of you.
he tries to act like it doesn't bug him when you turn to talk to clorinde, who sits on your left. tries to keep his desperation on the low when he asks for your attention, pointing to items on the menu that you'd like. tries to act like a kiss- a smile, even, isn't all he wants when he gives you the things you like from his plate.
if you don't look him in the eye for longer than five seconds, he might dissolve in his seat.
miraculously, wriothesley survives the torturous evening, and it's difficult to pretend like he isn't excited about going home and having you all to himself. he farewells everyone a little too enthusiastically, and drags you away with him before they can convince you to stay for drinks.
(though, if you wanted to, he would have complied and bitten back his complaints, but judging by the way you follow him without any reluctance, home was the right direction.)
since your shared car was dropped off for service, the only way of getting home was wriothesley's motorbike. he helps you on and you murmur a shy 'thank you' underneath your breath when he puts your helmet on for you, only getting on when you're safely secured and comfortable in your seat.
however, unlike usual when your arms would circle around his muscular torso tightly, your grip lingers awkwardly by his sides.
"doll, you need to hold on tight," he warns, starting the engine. you comply ever so slightly, ghosting your arms around him.
for wriothesley, who prioritises your safety more than anything else, it isn't good enough, so he gently pulls you forward, wrapping your arms around him himself. without another word, he drives off, catching you off guard. he hears a small yelp from behind him before your arms snake around him tightly.
wriothesley's sure he'll get a light scolding and a punch to the arm for scaring you like that, but as long as he gets to look you in the eye, he'll take whatever you throw at him.
when you're back in the safety of your home, you lightly shove your helmet at his chest and begin scolding him for scaring you like that, but all he does is wolfishly smile at you.
"i warned you, gorgeous, that's what happens when you don't listen to me."
you huff, sliding off the leather seat, clutching your bag to your side, but wriothesley doesn't let you go far, pulling you back in to stand in between his legs.
"still mad at me?" his hands find purchase at your hips. you glance into his icy eyes before looking aside. "i'm sorry, i'll say it as many times as i need to. when are you gonna find it in your heart to forgive me?"
"when you apologise a thousand times."
he whistles. "a thousand? that's a lot."
"so get started."
"do you take other means of compensation?" his hands sneak under your shirt to rest on your waist and you immediately catch his wrists before he can go any further.
"are you even trying to apologise?"
he snickers. "i'm sorry."
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© EARTHTOOZ 2024, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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junpies · 1 month
i didn't mean it.
synopsis: your boyfriend says something and makes you insecure.
characters: suna, kita x gn!reader
warnings: angst to fluff
note/s: reuploading my old haikyuu works so don't mind me!
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“rin, you should eat.” you said, placing a tray of snacks in front of him. the team’s practice dragged on and suna was drained by the time that practice was over.
suna grumbled, sitting up before narrowing his eyes on what you were wearing.
“is that my hoodie?” suna asked, you smiled a bit and nodded at him.
“yeah, why?” you plopped a chip on your tongue, savoring the salty taste as you chewed.
“well, don’t you have your own?” he asked, no hint of amusement in his tone at all, causing you to stop midchew. you nodded, swallowing the chip and biting back a frown.
“then why don’t you wear your own clothes? i’m not paying for the hoodies for you, (y/n).” you looked at him, trying to find signs that he was only saying that as a prank, but as you look at his fox-like eyes, you see no signs of him kidding.
“i’m sorry if it bothers yo-” “yes, it bothers me. i’ve been looking for my hoodies only to see you parading them around as if it were yours.” you take note of the tears building up in your eyes as you look away and nod at him.
“i’ll wash them and return it to you tomorrow morning, rin.” you said, fighting the lump that built up in your throat. you could feel suna nod at your statement as he pulled out his phone and began scrolling. you took out yours as well before sending a quick text to your friend to ask her to call you. without question, your friend did. your ringtone blasting, effectively breaking the tensed silence.
“i’m sorry, rin. (y/f/n) needs me for something. i have to go.”
“wait, (y/n).” he stopped you as you stood up and gathered your things.
“yeah?” “can i have that hoodie back?” you wanted to laugh bitterly at that, but you stopped yourself. nodding, you took off the hoodie and placed it on his table.
“be safe on your way out, (y/n).” you give him a smile and thanks before closing the door shut as you leave.
when you got home, you sought out every hoodie that belonged to suna before folding them up and placing them in a bag after ensuring that it was clean.
his words rung through your head as you finally let a few tears slip.
you opened your closet and pulled your own hoodies, once you were done. you let yourself fall asleep, not noticing the texts that suna was sending you.
the next day, you walked to your lockers and saw suna already waiting for you. once he felt your presence, he looked up from his phone and pocketed it before giving you a hug.
“sorry for being kind of an asshole yesterday, baby.” he said as you hugged back, swallowing the lump in your throat.
“oh, right. here are your hoodies, rin. i cleaned them before folding them.” you said, giving suna the bag. he gave you a conflicted look. he was about to say something before he was cut off by the morning bell.
“better go to your class, rin.” you said before pecking his cheek and walking to your class.
suna felt like there was something off about you. he shook his head at the thought. ‘if it bothers them, they will tell me.’ he thought before heading to his class.
you managed to get used to not asking your boyfriend for his hoodies, it was hard, but you managed. even though you wanted nothing more but to inhale the cologne that left his hoodie whenever you wore them. suna, on the other hand, felt like there was something wrong, especially when you stopped bugging him.
he noticed you went out shopping more with your friends. your closet intaking more and more articles of long sleeves, he thought it was a good thing before he noticed that his hoodies stopped feeling warm after a while.  
suna, who was supposed to be over the moon after his hoodies had been returned to him, felt like there was something missing whenever he pulled his hoodies over his figure.
your scent. it was your scent that was missing.
suna then noticed that after you returned his missing hoodies, you stopped asking for his ever since. he thought of anything that he could’ve done for you to stop approaching him, then his mind went back to what he said when he was in a bad mood.
suna almost beat himself up mentally for not noticing how much his words affected you, he had to make this right.
“hey, baby.” he said, opening your room’s door before plopping himself next to you on the bed, you gave him a smile and a peck on the cheek before scrolling through your phone.
suna peered at your phone to see you on a shopping application, scrolling through various clothing, his heart feeling heavy when you pressed on a hoodie design.
“hey.” he called out, you looked up from your phone, silently asking to continue his statement.
“it seems a bit cold in your room, do you want my hoodie?” he asked, you were tempted to say yes but his words once more evaded your thoughts.
“ah, no thank you.” you smiled at the offer even though you were having a battle inside your mind for being stubborn. “i have my own.” you said before reaching out to the foot of your bed where a hoodie rested, for nights where your blanket wasn’t enough.
“oh.. yeah.” suna awkwardly said, his heart dropping at the blatant rejection.
“are you sure you don’t want mine? it’s your favorite hoodie.” he attempted once more. you shook your head before you started to pull your hoodie over your figure.
“no thank you, it’s yours.” you said, before you knew it you were wrapped around in suna’s arms.
“rin… what?”
“i didn’t mean it.” he mumbled. your eyes pricked, knowing exactly what he was talking about.
“i just really had a bad day that day, i’m so sorry for saying those words to you. i miss the scent you leave on my hoodies. i want it back.” he said, tightening his hug on your body. you ran your fingers comfortingly on his back knowing how hard this must’ve been for him to let out, especially knowing that he tends to not show off any emotions.
“aw, rin.” you sighed, he grunted in response, burying his face on your chest, trying to memorize the comforting scent that he was too foolish to let go of.
“i’m sorry too.”
“you have nothing to apologize for. don’t say you’re sorry.” his voice mumbled out. you pulled his face from your chest to face you, his eyes filled with guilt as you smiled at him.
“if it makes you feel any better. i forgive you.” you smiled.
“take my hoodie.”
“i’m going to feel better if you take my hoodie and forget the stupidity i said before.” you laughed before letting him pull off your hoodie before he replaced it with his.
his scent overfilled your senses as you pulled on the collar to sniff it.
suna’s heart swelled up at the sight, before plopping himself beside you and cuddling against you.
“yes, rin?”
“let’s go to sleep.”
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it was a tense practice. the team was feeling pressured due to kita’s unwavering presence. atsumu and osamu kept yelling at each other. suna was just filming the whole thing, unbothered. no matter what kita said, his voice was overpowered over atsumu and osamu’s argument.
their manager, rui, had managed to quiet the twins down. the team finally letting out a breath that they held. kita showed her his thanks as the team went back to practice properly. the tension was still there.
you came in, having a small skip to your step. smiling as you went inside the gym with a bag of snacks to give to the team. you were a second-year manager, having been convinced by suna to join the volleyball team. you were glad you did because you have somehow managed to catch the attention of the cold-logic captain.
not noticing the tension in the room, you placed the snacks down and you went to the place beside your senior manager and talked about the events you missed while you were out.
after a practice set was done, rui walked out of the gym to retrieve the jerseys that were washed. you walked over to kita to relay some good news on your part.
“you’re late.” his cold voice started. your smile dropped a bit at his tone before apologizing.
“i’m so-”
“how are you supposed to fully take charge of the team as a manager if you can’t even make it into practices on time.” by now, everyone was listening to the exchange. atsumu was looking at you worriedly as you shook your head slightly, a smile still on your face.
“look, shin. it’s not as if i wanted to be late-”
“but you were.” he cut you off, you swallowed and nodded your head. he was right. however, it wasn’t your fault that the teacher asked you to stay back in order to relay news that you were one of the students who climbed up in the academic ranks. unable to contain your excitement to the news, you thought of buying the team some food to brighten up their day as well. being selfless was one of the traits that made kita fall for you.
“if you could just let me explain then maybe you-”
“(l/n)-san. whatever reason you have is inexcusable. you should know that as a manager you are expected to be courteous in these types of assemblies.” he stated, still with a straight face.
you are no exemption to kita’s cold logic.
“kita-san, i don’t think (l/n)-san wanted to be late.” akagi tried to help you out.
kita looked back at him with piercing eyes, the latter letting out a shiver. “however, they are still late. am i correct?” akagi hesitantly nodded, shooting you an apologetic look. you smiled in thanks for his defense.
kita turned to look back at you, “we do not need a manager who thinks that they have all the time in the world and show up late to practice.” he started, your smile dropping at his words.
“how are the third years supposed to leave when they know they are about to leave the team in the hands of an incompetent manager.”
“oi, kita.” aran warned, kita turned to face him. “you’re going too far.”
“i have not said anything that is not based on observations.” he stated, before looking at you once more.
“you are nowhere near rui's level of duty.” and with that, you blinked the tears you didn’t know you were holding. the action shocked everyone in the room as they did not expect kita to say such words to his (s/o).
“i get it, kita. you need not remind me and i apologize for dragging the team down.” you said as loud as your voice can muster. at this point, the whole team wants to desperately console you, but you surprised them both with a smile.
“i guess you are right, kita-san.” you started. “maybe this job is not meant for me, i apologize for not being like rui.” you bowed before making your way out the door, momentarily stopping to face suna. “i apologize for not meeting your team’s expectations, rinta.” and with that you left the gym.
the gym was quiet. no one wants to make a sound. no one knows how to approach what just unfolded in front of their eyes.
everyone eyed each other awkwardly, suna stood up from his place and looked at kita who was cleaning a volleyball with a blank look on his face.
“well, i’m done with practice.” suna called out, zipping his practice bag.
“practice isn’t over, we still have 2 hours!” ginjima said, looking nervously between the captain and his teammate.
“yeah, well. if i see my best friend crying due to the insensitivity of their boyfriend, i think it is my responsibility as a best friend to check up on them.” suna said, kita’s head perking up at his words.
“practice will still be practice tomorrow, but (y/n)’s wellbeing is my priority right now.” with those words, osamu stood up and packed up as well, deciding to side with suna on this.
“see ya.”
 ever since that incident, you have avoided kita like the plague. which was made easy due to your year difference.
osamu and atsumu update you on his well-being, even though you don’t ask. they know that you still care about their captain.
your phone is filled with countless unread messages from kita who asked about how you are and if you and him can talk. you did not reply to a single one, leaving him on delivered since the past few days.
it doesn’t mean that he did not try to talk to you, because he did. it was only because suna and the twins never left your side so he did not get the proper timing.
“are you really sure about this, (y/n)?” atsumu asked as you signed the resignation form of your managerial responsibilities.
“i think it would be for the best, my own boyfriend did say that i’m not competent enough to manage you.” you smiled bitterly as flashbacks from that day evaded your mind.
suna and the twins frowned at your statement, the four of you walking to the coach’s office.
“text us if you need up to pick you up, (y/n)-chan.” osamu said, ruffling your hair a bit. you scoffed at his actions.
“we’re in school, as if i’ll get lost.” you joked as you bid the three of them goodbye and knocking on the coach’s door.
“pardon me for intruding-” your words were cut off as you realized the coach was not alone and was with kita, reviewing different reports.
“ah, what brings you here, (y/n)?” the sound of your name made kita perk up, looking at you with longing despite his deadpan expression.
“i can come back at a better time, sir.” you said, the coach shook his head before gesturing to the documents on your hand.
“i came to drop off my resignation paper, i’m sorry, sir.” kita’s eyes widened at those words and he uncharacteristically dragged you out of the room with a small goodbye to the coach, your papers in kita’s hands.
“you are not leaving the team, (y/n).” kita plainly stated. you scoffed, trying to retrieve back your documents.
“i don’t think you have a right to say what i can or cannot do, kita-san.”
he looked down on the ground before sighing and looking back at you. next thing you knew he had his arms wrapped around you, you wanted to struggle. but you know you don’t want to lie to yourself and say you do not miss your boyfriend’s presence.
you sighed, arms hanging limply at your sides, itching to hug kita back.
“i’ve been a terrible boyfriend.” you almost wanted to laugh at that. you tried pulling away from his hug, but you noticed his grip tightening and his arms slightly shaking, as if you would disappear if you pulled away from his grasp.
“i’ve said some things that i am not proud of.” he started, “i broke my promise to you and hurt you with my words.”
“kita-san, it’s okay.”
“it’s not okay, love.” your heart swooned at his pet name.
“i shouldn’t have said those words, i wasn’t thinking.”
“well, kita-”
“since when did you call me kita, it’s shin to you.” he cut you off, earning a short laugh from you, before your voice turned somber.
“i know you don’t mean it, but like as you said. those came from observations. and you’re right. i do not deserve to be the manager.”
he pulled away slightly, “i cannot express how sorry i am to have made you doubt your capabilities like that.” he placed his chin on top of your head, you felt tears building up once more as you blinked them away, kita felt your slight shaking, he pulled away before placing his thumbs under your eyes.
“i’m sorry, love. hurting you was my last intention.” he said before pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, you gripped the hands that caressed your face before giving him a small smile.
“it’s fine, shinsuke.”
“please stay.”
you give him a nod as his eyes softened, a small smile on his face as he leaned down to give you a soft kiss.
“i missed you.” you smiled as you pulled away.
“as have i, my love.” kita responded.
“not to ruin your moment, but it’s time for practice.” atsumu’s voice interrupted your moment, followed by a sharp thwack on his head, courtesy of aran.
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junpies · 2 months
𝐗 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
—jjk men and their favorite x rated videos of you.. nsfw twitter [p⚝rn]
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ft. gojo, geto, toji, nanami, sukuna, choso
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Gojo making you ride him
Gojo’s obsessed with how good you taste
Gojo breeding you
Gojo fucking you from the back
Gojo taking you for a ride in his car
Your step bro Gojo got distracted while teaching you to play the piano
Gojo fucking you in an elevator
The reason Gojo invested in a self driving car
Gojo can’t stop messily breeding you full
Gojo eating you out in a new position
Fucking your son’s best friend Gojo
Gojo overstimulating you with his fingers
Gojo waking you up on the weekend
Geto spanking you on camera
Geto loves your ass
Geto giving you backshots
Geto fucking you in his car before he brings you home to your parents
Your fuck buddy Geto is careful to not cum in you
Older bf Geto fingering you
Geto taking his anger out on you
Geto making you suck him off
How older bf Geto eats you out
Geto recording him fingering you in the mirror
Dilf! Nanami’s cock is too big to fit, so you improvise
Nanami fucking you
Riding Nanami’s face
Fucking professor Nanami
Nanami eating you out
Nanami playing with his baby girl’s pussy
Nanami breeding your cunny full
Nanami making you squirt through your panties
Taking Nanami’s thick cock
Your boss Nanami filling you, his work slut up
Nanami’s big cock bulging in your belly
Toji fingering you in the store
Toji making you get a back tattoo for when he fucks you from behind
Toji’s way of stopping you from squirming
Fucking your best friend’s dad Toji
Dilf! Toji fucking you in the ass so your boyfriend doesn’t notice
Your dad’s best friend touching you
Car sex with older bf Toji
A compilation of all the videos Toji’s recorded fucking you
Toji overstimulating you with a vibrator
Toji fucking you in handcuffs
Bouncing on professor Toji’s cock
Sukuna putting a leash round your neck
Sukuna fucking you, his best friend’s sister
A walk with your boyfriend Sukuna turns into him cumming on your face
Sukuna making you watch porn and telling you to recreate it
Sukuna fucking you slow
Riding dad’s best friend Sukuna
Sukuna fucking and breeding you hard
Sukuna cumming from fucking your panties
Giving Choso a handjob
Choso licking your clit after cumming in you
Choso eating you out
Choso asking his step sis to pull down her panties for him
Giving Choso a thigh job
Choso cumming from rubbing his clothed dick on your clothed ass
Choso making both you and him cum from just a vibrator
Choso making you squirt whiles he breeds you
Choso sucking on your tits as you ride him
16K notes · View notes
junpies · 2 months
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ᡴꪫ‎ synopsis. university sucks major ass. on the bright side, you’re on break—you decide to go pay your father a visit. this 'visit' ends up to you being introduced to his best friend, toji. who’s he? maybe your panties know the answer.
wc. 7.4k
warnings. fem! reader, dad's best friend! toji, age gap (reader is over twenty), praise, cunnilingús, squìrting, implied multiple órgasms, unprotected, degradation, size difference, impact play, poor dad is kinda clueless, almost caught, overstimulation.
dbf! masterlist
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“who’s he?”
a simple question — yet the moment the words ran out your mouth, it felt as if all eyes were on you. in reality, it was though. the tall man who was quite a few staggering inches taller than your own father had such a gaze. he had hands buried into the depths of his pockets, shifting his weight as he stood still before burning a stare right into you. an intense stare, you could almost make out somewhat of an intriguing smirk. that sly smile with an everlasting scar running down the right side of his mouth.
“hey honey,” your father waves out with a brief gesture. he throws an arm around the buff man before giving him a rough pat on the back. “this is toji. met him ‘bout a year ago at one of those boat races. heh, news flash—he lost.”
“woah. no need to embarrass me, man,” toji murmurs in a raspy tone and by all means was his voice deep. laced in pure baritone, far deeper than your fathers. by a mile, to be specific. his voice has a jagged huskiness to it, insanely attractive. as he spoke, his eyes flickered towards you and he’d occasionally look away with that same chaffing sneer. “but anyway,” toji averts his eyes back towards you. his cologne was loud, you could smell it from miles away from you. he pauses for a few good seconds before uttering. “it’s nice to meet ya, sweetheart.”
you gulped, suddenly feeling small. you couldn’t pinpoint what it was about him — his demeanor, the way he carried himself, anything was. but it was something that had you a bit drawn in so to speak. “i um..”
“she’s not that much of a speaker,” your father chuckles, giving you a soft rub near your back. “poor brain’s probably all fried from those midterms. right honey?”
“you don’t say.” toji raises a brow, glancing away for a moment and a smile tugged right against his his dimples—and for a moment, he was suddenly intrigued by his best friend’s daughter.
that was the initial first reaction between the two of you. you ended up staying at your father’s house for the remaining duration of your visit.
nothing too much sparked between the two of you, of course there’d be subtle moments. real subtle moments—stupid things, like having him help you grab something from one of the top shelves.
of course he’d help, he was taller than you by many many inches. effortlessly towering over you. it’s the way he’d press up against you. it was quite hard to shut those thoughts of yours up. those lewd salacious thoughts that were forever kept into the very back of your brain, silently fantasizing about your father’s best friend.
apparently, he stayed for quite around the same time you did since he and your father would typically hang, do all sorts of men activities you never really cared about—golfing, shooting ranges, watching the most recent football games. that was the most annoying part, how they’d both obnoxiously yell at the screen whenever their favorite team was pathetically losing.
your room was directly upstairs, you heard everything. it was as if the walls were merely thin. in a way, they were. the constant repetitious hollering from the two men were so irksome. eyes merely rolled to the back of your head whilst you were trying to scroll on your phone in peace.
you never did understand why a dumb game of balls would drive men so crazy. nevertheless, you let off a tiny sigh before plopping right down in your bed. immensely, you stared off into space.
you had no idea why, but the minute your eyes linger into the white nearly peeled off drywall near the ceiling, you thought about him. toji.
stupid, maybe…
it’s been a few days and you hardly knew the guy. encounters between him were subtle and brief. he’d nod his head at you, barely acknowledging your existence and going straight back to some meaningless conversation with your father.
there was one day however, one day that had you hot all over. it was when you walked in on toji, he was using the spare shower that no one really uses, it’s reserved mostly for guests—perfect for him in this case.
you remember it like it was yesterday. since you were wide awake during this time for whatever reason, your dad sent you to go replace some towels from downstairs since he was doing laundry so you mindlessly make your way downstairs. the door was visibly cracked. sure, you probably should have knocked but who takes showers around three am?
apparently, this guy.
toji was literally just getting out the shower when you walked in. steam fogged throughout the entire space.
it was hot, stuffy and dampened with mist clinging against the rectangular mirrors. smothered with fog, you practically end up bumping right into something hard.
to be specific, that something was toji’s broad chest. maybe you were a bit delusional but you could have sworn, the moment you made contact with his bulky pecs, it moved upon impact.
“excuse you, sweetheart,” toji would scoff teasingly, his low voice was a bit more rougher since it was late at night. you were definitely speechless, barely able to process a single word from your mouth. thankfully a towel was wrapped around his slim torso—yet you started to wish maybe he didn’t have it protecting his lower half.
your eyes stuck to his chest the entire time, talk about embarrassing. immediately, your pretty dilated pupils ran down his chest, down his v-line, his perfectly structured build . . and then, his happy trail. he was well trimmed of the sort, practically. toji’s version of well trimmed was a bit hairy. regardless, it was still an attractive feature.
the more your eyes rove, the more you glance at his nearly perfectly sculptured structure. his chest was painted with a plethora of battle scars, now you were the one intrigued. you wanted to know more.
“you’re a little rude, huh,” and you abruptly snap from your thoughts. it was so brusque…
returning back to reality, out of that lewd trance you were so desperately trapped in—you blink twice, not even realizing how he was right up close to you. toji stares down at you before sneering. “it’s like three am. shouldn’t you be in bed?”
you shift your feet a bit, maintaining a little distance before trying to reply in the best nonchalant way possible. “uh no,” and then you utter awkwardly. “shouldn’t you be in bed? who randomly wakes up to take showers this late?”
“guys my age,” he jibes. “ya wouldn’t get it.”
you deadpan, fully aware it was a joke but you held everything in you to not have your eyes roll all the way back. “whatever,” and then you nearly forget what you were about to do. he watches you, you open near the lower cabinet and replace the clean towels. it grew profoundly quiet, a pin could drop. the moment you turned around, toji scoffs to himself. “did you need anything? something else?”
“ah. thank you, i’m fine, princess,” toji huffs with a sly grin. he reaches near the small wooden table to grab what seemed to be a half-used lotion bottle. however, you didn’t expect for him to completely change the topic, flipping your own words around with a blunt, “do you need something?”
“you heard me, girl.”
the banter…
he was definitely cocky, playful, literally any other synonym would fit.
you hated how he’d get you speechless everytime. you loathed how he was such an effect on you. with a brief gnaw on your bottom lip you narrow your eyes, mumbling out a, “stupid question.”
“i agree,” toji smirks. “but eh. y’er a smart girl. ‘m sure you can come up with a good comeback soon.”
he was so annoying, entirely so.
it’d be simple interactions like that between the two of you. much to your surprise though, nothing really else happened. toji would tease you a bit then pretend nothing happened, throw you a compliment or two and call it a day.
toji would often visit daily or twice a day, mainly to hang with your father. you could care less about what they did, but you were bored out of your mind from being in the house all day. you could go out, but it’s not like you had anyone to go with. everyone was either busy or … busy. besides, most of your friends were on exotic vacations or out of the country—you sighed, rubbing a hand against your stomach as you stared in the ceiling wall.
but then, the most lasciviously filthy thought made its way into your thoughts. you thickly swallowed before reaching a hand down between your legs. the air grew abnormally dry, shame…
to be completely honest, you couldn’t even remember the last time you touched yourself. this couldn’t have ever been a more perfect time. you were sure your father and his cocky best friend was out at top golf, probably.
intaking a single breath, you lean back against your pillow—slowly, you started to focus on your breathing.
parting your legs, you lightly pull down your shorts before tugging your panties to the side. you wince for a little, realizing how you were already a bit soaked. a little dampened spot right towards the front part of your underwear. you knew it had to be from pondering about toji.
speaking of, you remember that time where he helped—well, ‘attempted’ to cook dinner that one time. all you could focus on was his hands. such rough thick hands, you wondered what’d it feel like to have those same hands gingerly wrap around your throat. such thick fingers shove down your throat while he calls you such degrading names—just anything.
the more you were deep in thought, the more drenched you started to become. you went slow, being patient with yourself. you imagined it was toji’s fingers instead of yours. such big fingers thrusting in and out of you.
steadily, you start to insert a single finger in. a middle finger, it felt good, you suppressed a single moan and by this point, your imagination was running wild. you allowed your body to relax for a few moments before you slipped another finger inside. seconds later, you started to gentle move around inside your clit. your pace was sweet and precise—you let out a soft moan that rang throughout your thin walls. “toji—f-fuckkk.”
your voice was shaky, imagining toji being here right now made you throb ten times more. just propped all up behind you, thrashing his fingers against your swollen folds made you more aroused than you ever thought. your thrusts against your own entrance was small, a steady pace but irregular enough to make your knees start to buckle.
throwing your head back a little, you started to whine as each second dragged. your breath became insignificantly heavy, hitched and all. you made sure to stimulate in all the right areas, adapting to a perfect rhythm, then that’s when you’re rudely interrupted. talk about a cliche.
“hey. is it anymore detergen—”
toji pauses mid sentence, literally trying to process the scenery in front of him. he stands still and his initial reaction was slow. the first thing he does is chortle lowly. “well, shit. is this a bad time?”
you’ve never felt anymore embarrassed in your life, a sudden wave of heat rushed over your body before you quickly shielded yourself with your blanket. “oh my god,” you’d squeak out, and toji averts his eyes elsewhere for a few seconds. “i thought you all left already.”
toji hums. he takes a moment, and it’s as if he’s thinking of what to say. he was amused, seeing your flustered state and he looks back at you. “we were but it got canceled last minute since a storm’s approaching,” and you let off a soft gulp, hearing his footsteps creak against your wooden floor as he got closer. “thank god it was me who came in here ‘n not your father, right princess? now that’d be embarrassing.”
“stop calling me that,” you grumble, and you don’t even realize how soft and weak your voice was. you slowly pull your fingers out before intaking another sharp breath. he glanced at you before simpering. “haven’t you heard of knocking?”
“girl,” toji utters in a low rasp. “the door was wide open. i can’t knock on air,” and you mentally eye rolled — he was so insufferable. incredibly so, toji’s eyes roam across your old room that was a bit scattered with some boxes from when you moved out four years ago. it was a bit unkempt, your father usually used your room sometimes just to store things from the attic. toji buried his hands into his pockets before chuckling. “i heard you, ya know. moaning my name all loud like that.”
you blinked thrice, sitting up before compressing your eyebrows together. “what?”
“whaaat?” he jeers, mocking you. toji inches closer towards you until he was right beside your bedside. you gaze up at him and he had a blunt sticking out from the corner of his lips. he looked so appetizing, even while dressed down. ripped jeans and a sweatshirt. you could tell he was fit, of course he was—you saw him shirtless. he was well likely in his early thirties, dressing so laid back and casual. “between you and me, sweetheart, you can do better. ‘s cute ‘n all but that’s not how ya finger yourself. been a while, yeah?”
this guy, he was so bold. casually speaking his dirty mind, not afraid to say anything.
you don’t know why, but those last few words made you throb. you loathed how right he was, it was as if he could read you like a book. between studies and actually living a university student’s life, you barely ever get time to yourself. time to please yourself.
“whatever,” you utter. “yeah... it’s been a while.”
“poor thing,” he clicks his tongue before taking a seat on your bed. it jitters from his weight for a bit before he peers a gaze at you. “hm,” he puffs out, dragging a hand against his jeans. “i’d be happy to help though. those useless fingers of yours can only please you so much, right? heh.”
this indescribable effect he had on you, it heavily irked your nerves. “…please,” and you don’t even register what quickly came out of your mouth.
you were so pent up by this point, being interrupted. you wanted to finish, you desperately wanted to finish. your soft breaths hitched, and toji’s intimate stare lingered on you for a bit. his loud cologne started to waft across the entire room, so intoxicating. “just make me finish, please.”
“there’s those manners,” he coos in a husky tone, and he gets up closer. he was purely teasing you, you just wanted to feel his touch . . . feel something at least. he pulls the fat cover that went over you, yet at a more tantalizingly slow pace. he was a mere tease, you nearly let off a whine once you felt the tips of his warm fingers skim past your thighs. “messy girl,” he mumbles, and then he pauses to glance at you. “are you sure? jus’ wanna-”
“toji,” you mutter, and you liked hearing you roll his name so sweetly off your tongue. seeing you grow purely frustrated was utter amusement to him. the way your eyebrows would curl and furrow, irises flaring and your jaw slightly tensing. you had such readable body language by default too. “please. i want you. just touch me.”
he simpers. “pretty please.”
again, he was so infuriating. you felt yourself starting to pant, not knowing how much longer you could take as he started to softly trail a thumb against your skin. his touch was so warm, it was intense and ignited something within you.
“touch me—pretty please, toji.” you mutter out, sprawling your legs out just a bit. it was so hot, the temperature surrounding the atmosphere of the room was so humid. he glances at you before smiling.
“that’s a good girl.”
his words warmed your heart in such a lewd provocative way, you just wanted his touch.
desperately yearning for it, toji leans up close, bringing a big hand to part your legs apart and he was so slow. he takes the blunt that was propped up between his teeth, setting it aside near your nightstand. you prepare to inhale deeply, not expecting him to then bring a tender kiss towards your inner thighs. he started to create a trail—a trail that gingerly went up and up and up.
“so sensitive,” he’d purr, watching your own body melt from just the softness of his lips against your skin. you wanted him to hurry, you replayed this exact scenario over and over at least a dozen times. now that it was reality, you just knew that your body wanted him. “oh. don’t give me that look,” and he smirks, watching the pout grow against your lips. “gonna stare at me all day or are ya gonna tell me how you’d like for me to start?”
“i need you to—eat me out,” you huff out in short singular breaths. you were throbbing rapidly, each moment he stalled to speak, the more aroused you grew. his warm breath just fanning against your folds had you nearly going weak.
he snickers. “need?” he repeats, and you moan once he swiftly drags a finger down your soaked cunt. it was drenched, but it could be a bit more. toji hums to himself cockily. “you don’t need shit, girl. fix your sentence ‘n talk proper..”
“i—” you gripe, starting to grow more and more frustrated. your vexed facial expression amused him. he raises his darkened brows, awaiting for your answer and the cute pout that continued to stretch across your lips was so cute. “i— i want you to eat me out, pretty please.”
“much better,” he says in a low gruff. the moment he finally hovers his mouth over your sopping clit, toji gently strokes a thumb up and down. opening you up slowly, he creates a single slow lick to make you whimper. “i’ll make ya cum quicker than you ever could, princess.”
and you knew he probably wouldn’t lie about a simple fact like that. toji’s touch, it was sloppy.
without a doubt, he was a messy eater.
just one taste of you and he was hooked—a new addiction for him and it wasn’t gambling.
you tasted sweet, candied even. he was in so deep, occasionally the tip of his nose would prod against your entrance. you slumped back against the bed, your legs twitching in pleasure. not before long, your lips started to part and you started to gnaw on your hardened knuckles. you didn’t wanna be too loud—you just remembered your father was right downstairs.
he didn’t have the best hearing in the world, but knowing you, you could be a bit overzealous with your moans.
the noises his tongue made, sliding his tongue between your folds, sucking and nibbling. he even broke away his lips just to spit a nice wad onto your pussy. you watched the entire time, mesmerized. he was so nasty—nasty and you only wanted more. toji continued to drag a thumb against your slit, lapping up your slick arousal that was already starting to drip down his chin. it ran further down, a bit of his trimmed facial hair now soaked with your sweetness.
“how’s it feel, princess,” he’d mutter out, briefly departing his lips away. as he does—you stare as a pretty cobweb of his own spit tugs against your own entrance. glistening and all, it was so sheeny. he was right between your precious thighs, and you couldn’t help but give his ruffled dark hair a light pull. “tell me how i make you feel. talk to me nice, girl.”
“good,” you whimper, nearly choking on your own saliva. your words were so trembly, you could hardly recognize yourself. it’s been a while since you’ve been eaten out, let alone being intimate. as you continued to let off irregular breathing patterns, you swallow. “f-feels good.”
“just good?” he’d tease, bringing a long suck towards your clit. you let off a whine once he playfully nibbles near that particular spot with his teeth. his tongue scrapes against your folds time and time again. it’s indescribable—toji’s head shook back and forth as he was nose deep into your pussy. for a moment, he sounds offended.
toji gives your cunt a sweet little kiss, and he feels it start to hastily pulse from doing so.
he knew you were getting close, all from a simple cue from his tongue. speaking of toji’s tongue . . it was lengthy.
so long, it reached areas that had your eyes mindlessly rolling back.
cute little cacophonies of, “oh my g-godddd,” repeated ghosts past your lips as you started to practically drag his face against you. the texture of his tongue—so moist and slick, already wet from obvious reasons, but grew even more dampened from your sheer arousal. it was a taste his tastebuds grew to crave more of. “gonna c-cum toji. f-fuckkk.”
“you’re gonna wait for me, little girl,” he grouses, and your irises fleetingly dilate. he gifts the entrance of your cunt with another string of spit, then he rubs a few circles against it. mean vigorous circles that made your legs pathetically twitch. “you make a mess when i tell you too.”
he was so mean.
such sternness in his tone, yet it turned you on. that slight secretive rasp that hid underneath his voice. toji breaks his lips away for a moment, glaring at you before focusing near the crevices of your thighs. he teasingly slides his tongue upward, away from your most sensitive area just to watch you squirm.
“toji,” you’d whimper, feeling his tongue just roam everywhere from below. he was so skilled, you’ve never had a man be so sloppy. at least in a way that toji was. he greedily sucks near your thighs, gently sinking his canines into the plush of your thighs before going back towards your pussy. “i can’t—can’t hold..”
you were barely able to finish your sentence, and that’s when you came — it was so sudden and abrupt. gushing all out of you and your nerves had your mind spiraling. a constant crazed loop.
it felt like a wave, a tsunami crashing down and it felt so good.
your orgasm that shortly followed was so loud, you didn’t even bother trying to cover your mouth. toji chuckles, cupping his mouth around the very top part of your achey slit before lapping his tongue against your hood. your hips temporarily quavered due to his tongue, and you still maintained a rough grip on his head.
“easy on the fuckin’ hair,” he’d grunt after feeling you roughly yank on his strands bringing a kiss towards your slick entrance. you swallowed, your legs feeling practically mush before he brings a terse spank towards your clit. “cute ‘n all, but i didn’t say you could finish yet.”
“s-sorry,” you’d breathe out, still feeling the after effects of your intense high. it was so good, your eyes were all hooded and droopy. toji saw a bit of drool seeping from the corners of your mouth and hums silently.
he sighs, leaning up before getting on top of you. he hovers himself and you stare up at him. he rests both arms over you, groping near the rickety headrest before leaning up close to your face.
“are you sorry, sweetheart?” and he gets up a bit closer, green viridescent eyes glance right into you—you smelled the mint and brief tang of alcohol residing on his tongue. using another hand to grab your chin, he softly pulls your bottom lip down before derisively grinning. “aw. nothing to say? no back talk this time?”
“i… want a kiss,” you pant, feeling his warm body just inches away from colliding against yours. just a single inch and he’d be grinding on you. “kiss me.”
“oh i dunno. sounds like a demand, babygirl,” he’d sneer, and your eyes leer near his scar. it was damp a little from him just being between your thighs a moment ago. perhaps it was a bit filthy, but you wanted to taste it. taste him. “ask me the right way.”
you pout, staring right into his eyes. “i wan— can i get a kiss, pretty please. i just want a kiss.”
“course ya can,” he utters, and that’s right when he squeezes your chin. your lips were plump and glossy. toji stares at you back for a long while, studying your cute expressions before he leans right in. the kiss was passionate, it felt so wrong but felt so right. you moaned the second his lips crashed onto yours. he finds it cute, feeling your arms rub and feel around his slim waist. you were pulling him closer — a sign that you wanted more of him. toji teasingly grinds his hefty body against you, and you whimper in his mouth once you feel his thick bulge prod against your panties that were halfway on you. “mhm.” he’d groan.
while his tongue skims against yours, you part your lips a bit for him and the incoming savory taste you’d get a treat out of.
you made sure to savor it, so sweet with a bit of spice.
running your tongue against his, breaking away to lick near his chin, softly making sure to lick near his stubble—you cleaned your own mess off of him. without him asking you either, toji grunts as he watched you through his peripherals. he’d never expect his best friend to have such a nasty girl for a daughter.
“y’er fuckin’ filthy,” he mumbles, breaking away and watching both strands of spit leave and depart. your lips curv into a cute needy scowl before he heard your father suddenly call out from downstairs.
“honey? i said, was that a scream…? is everything okay?”
your eyes widen, not even knowing your father was speaking—yelling actually. toji snickers, and now he’s the one suddenly quiet. prick.
“o-oh um,” you clear your throat, sitting up and that’s when toji starts to create soft chaste kisses near the inside of your neck. you nearly moaned before turning your head to speak. “i’m—i’m fine. i thought i saw a cockroach.”
“cockroach? do you need me to come up and—”
“no!” you’d quickly reply before clearing your throat once more. you let off a sigh, feeling toji start to suck near your collarbone. “i mean, no dad. i’m okay. thanks anyways.”
“okay honey, if you say so.”
toji chortles. “fuck. you’re bad at lying. just tell y’er old man you were getting eaten out by me.”
you glare at him, immensely bringing your brows into a furrow. “no, i’m not gonna say that. are you crazy?”
you eye rolled, yet part of you felt like he wasn’t exactly lying. after all, he could probably be insane—perhaps he was.
you didn’t know, and to be frank, you didn’t really care. all you really cared about was getting pleasured—riding out orgasm after orgasm with him, and that’s exactly what you ended up doing for hours on end.
toji would find himself leaned back against your pillow, studying your hips carefully before grinning.
the moment you lightly shove him back, he clicks his tongue. “oh?” he says, and you already sprung his dick out. he was very much hard, presenting you with an upward slight curve. you licked your lips, hovering over him before giving him a few strokes. a groan slips past his lips and your thumb brushes against the various veins that ran just below his foreskin. “y’er gonna ride me? can a sweet girl like you even handle it?”
“shut up,” you’d fuss, and he just smirks at you. you wanted to wipe that smug expression from his face. he knew just how to irritate your nerves. toji watches you throw your leg over him, a simple hook around. you’re straddling him now and he brings two rough hands to attach near your hips. you lean in to kiss him again and he returns it, slowly tilting his head back and your arms wrap around him. he feels you reach down, grabbing ahold of his shaft before softly sliding the head of his dick near your slick entrance. “s-shit. you’re big.”
“i try not to disappoint,” he slyly says, sliding a thumb near your hips. his voice was so low, so pompous and arrogant. you give him a glare but he only hums out of pure amusement. “barely the tip in ‘n y’er struggling. need my help, sweetheart?”
you ignored him and he smirks, allowing you to do your thing—you bring one hand towards his chest, gently feeling near his perfectly chiseled abs. he was so toned, tracing against his tense muscles and he watches your every move. it was as if time was stood still, he chuckles at how eager you were. you weren’t like him, you weren’t patient and thorough. you were a bit more rushed and sloppy—cute, it was very much cute to him though.
a moan goes past your lips once the wet tip of his slowly starts to sink inside. it had a few droplets of pre-cum leaking down, and you slowly rocked your hips in place to get comfortable. his eyes go lower to focus more on your body, the grip he had on your waist was so rough and sensual. because toji was so thick — it took you a good six minutes, six precise minutes to reach all the way down to the base. your lips opened a bit, and you let off a soft shrilling whimper once you did a cute attempt at jerking forward.
“take it slow,” he purrs in such a rasp, you leisurely started to lurch back and forth once he was buried all the way down to the hilt. you inhale deeply and he was so hefty. balls deep, swollen balls that was hidden and engulfed beneath your inner walls. “atta girl.” he praises, watching you try to maintain a decent rhythm.
ringing went throughout your ears, you felt all hot.
toji playfully brings a hand to feel near your tummy. you were wearing some old university hoodie. it was comfortable, but much to his surprise, you didn’t have a bra underneath. he hums to himself, and you let off a moan once his hand trails ever further. further and further until his thumb brushes against your perky nipples.
“t— toji,” you’d moan, and another hand of his was tightly clinging onto the left part of your waist. you were riding him smoothly. yet since he was so big, you started to feel your thighs building up with drowsiness. your efforts were cute to him, so desperately eager to get off.
his black lashes flicker, and the way he’s all leaned back and manspread was so attractive—you felt your back start to naturally arch and it didn’t take long for toji to reach that particular spot. once you felt his tip prod against there—way past inside the orifices of your cunt, you let off a sweetened whimper. “found it,” he whispers, bringing you close towards his chest. you lean into his touch, intaking his cologne into your nose before your hand starts to wander all over his body. he liked how handsy you were, slipping a hand right underneath his shirt to feel a part of his abs. you made sure to trace directly on each line, each tender flexing muscle. all the way down onto his sharp v-line. further down, you started to feel his happy trail. your favorite.
he grunts, feeling the softness of your hands meander freely. “that’s it, sweetheart,” he gruffs in a sharp breath. an imaginary lump getting caught in his throat — he was holding both of your hips upright and by this point you were slamming right onto his thick cock. “touch me more. feel all over me baby.”
“can i—” you started, leaning in to kiss near the crook of his neck. your voice was soft, a bit trembly before your hands went up this time. feeling near his pecs before a breath gets caught in his throat. “can i feel here, toji?”
“f-fuckin’ girl,” he groans, a chill running down his spine the second he feels you gently rubbing a thumb against his nipples this time. toji was surprisingly far more sensitive despite his rough front he was putting up, it was a bit cute. after all, he did say feel all over you. toji was panting now, while you rode him continuously, he swiped a few beads of sweat from his forehead. “whatever.”
you giggle, watching him now be the one with a pouty expression this time. you plant a kiss near where his slanted scar went down his lip before he spanks your ass. “just ‘cause ‘m sensitive there doesn’t mean ‘m gonna get all whiney for you, girl,” he utters in a raspy tone. the sharp sting from the spank felt good.
you felt yourself twitch between your thighs whilst your hips moved in harmony. you do a little back bend with your hips, constantly jerking against him and he grunts with how slow yet sloppy your movements were. “keep goin’ slow like that. ‘m gonna—cum.”
his voice consistently got deeper, and the tips of his fingers gently pierced into your skin—you were vocal yourself though. moan after moan, a constant repeat. you found yourself whining out his name as if it was a lewd mantra. over and over again, to toji though, it was purely music to his ears.
he feels you start to slow down a bit though, exactly at the minute he tells you he was approaching his incoming release. toji clenched his jaw, gifting the fat of your ass with another mean spank. “f-fuck. keep fuckin’ me. make me fuckin’ cum.”
you plant kisses near his neck this time, near the very inside and you swiftly quicken your pace a little. he was stuffing you full of thick inches, full of such girth that had your tongue salivating right in your mouth. you could only imagine what it’d feel like to have his seed pouring into you. you couldn’t lie to yourself, ever since you saw toji shirtless. his bulge sticking out through his towel, you only imagined he’d be so full of cum to give. you tilt your hips backwards, and he lets off a husky groan.
that particular spot reached so deep, you felt it too. his cockhead pokes and taps repeatedly against your sweet spot and you sob out a needy, “f-fuck, ‘s right there,” you tilt forward and he’s just about reaching his peak. the longer you took, the more spanks you received.
toji was a patient man, but only for so long.
the bed frame creaked constantly, it was the only tune that played in the background. he slithers a hand down between your thighs and spanks your cunt a few times. you whimpered, already a bit sensitive but felt something else approaching. “toji— toji.”
toji groans, the build up nearly taking his breath away. with your rhythmic thrusts against him, his eyes merely roll and he has to take a minute to catch his breath. you wrap a hand around his throat—tenderly of course—then place your lips onto his once he finally finishes inside of you.
he didn’t expect for you to choke him, but he liked it.
he liked how forward you were, your thumb lightly grazed against his adam’s apple, and a deep grunt gets trapped in his throat. your cunt was practically overflowed with such dumps of his cum—you’ve never felt more filled. toji shook a little, a hand gripping your ass as you kissed him.
slowly, he started to feel himself get addicted.
he already was addicted from having a simple taste of you earlier, but he was getting infatuated. you had him whipped, and he knew this probably wouldn’t be a one time thing.
albeit, the last thing you expect is to pull away from the kiss once you feel a sudden pressure brewing up within you.
momentarily, you whine—feeling a sudden familiar wetness coat his base. nerves all throughout your body had you locked in a trance, and you pause your hips before toji tsks.
“little girl,” he mumbles with a sly smile. “did you just squirt on me?”
it was so unexpected, you pant heavily—heave after heave leaving your lips before you moan out a sweet, “y-yes.”
“don’t be shy about it. i like when it’s messy,” he sneers, his eyes tantalizingly trailing down your body once more before he lifts you up just a bit from his shaft. he observes the lewd mess, how much cum trickled past your thighs and he hums. “wanna do that again? i bet i can do it in five minutes, baby.”
to say you were being treated like a rag doll was an understatement.
toji was ruthless with you, ruthless with you in your own house. well, ex-house. you didn’t live here anymore but you used to.
he coaxed orgasm after orgasm out of you like it was nothing. making you imitate and try positions you’ve never even heard of—you were getting stretched, easily said. it’s been hours by this point, you weren’t even in your room anymore. you were in the bathroom with him.
toji had you propped up against the door, you’re taking him from behind and you’re roughly biting down on your lip.
entirely so, it was still risky.
your father was right outside near the living room doing who knows what. probably watching some sports program—yet of course, he started to grow curious of where his best pal went. initially, toji said he had to use the restroom.
like four hours ago . .
he was so mean too, spanking your ass numerous times. your ass was perked upright for him, and you’re leaning against the door. you whimpered, feeling him grip on your panties that he refused to pull off of you.
oh, he likes seeing it dangle and thwack against your skin. the pretty fabric just cutely rubbing against your thighs. his weight just barely hovers against you and he’s smacking right into you.
your cunt swallowed his hefty inches each and every time—by this point, you weren’t sure if you could even give him one more.
you lost count of how many mind blowing orgasms that you were just completely intoxicated from his dick and his dick alone.
toji’s rough bare hands grab onto both parts of your ass, spreading it before deepening his strokes just a bit. you moaned, feeling every inch store inside of your sweet cunt. he knew just where to hit you. you breathe through your mouth and your nose at the same time, heavy cute pants that started to fog up the door’s material.
“fuck, fuck me f-fuckkk,” you’d drag out, and your back naturally arches just from a teasing touch of his finger racing down your back.
your ass was held up high and your cheek was softly nudging against the cold door. another build up was approaching and you were just so in awe—you were literally thinking, where has he been all your life? “close, ‘m getting closer.”
“bet you are. drippin’ all on me ‘n it’s fuckin’ nasty,” he replies—yet you freeze once you hear footsteps approach the door. it was your father, right when you were about to cum—you feel toji’s hand wrap around your mouth. your eyes roll backwards, and then he speaks through the other end of the door.
“toji? hehe, did ya fall in there man? you’re missing the game. we’re down by four points.”
toji chuckles, hearing a tiny muffled squeak go past your lips. he was balls deep, giving you such thick vigorous inches. that’s when he leans right up close to you—a hand still propped to have your mouth shut before whispering in a raspy tone. “you gotta be quiet, sweetheart. you want y’er old man to hear you make a sloppy mess on me?”
you shake your head, making an attempt to try and suck on his fingers and be smiles. “messy baby.”
your mouth was now stuffed with nothing but his thick fingers. you moaned, coating each digit with your glistening saliva as he pounded right into you. the grip your cunt had on him made him groan. eyes roll into the depths of your cranium so far back that your vision was pure black. squelch after squelch, it was so erotic. the build up of your incoming release yet again.
it was so slow and tense, you felt your thighs ache and tremble the more you were arched all over for him. the most sluttiest arch he’s seen in a while.
“huh—oh, nah man i’m good,” toji replies with a simper. you were trying so hard to be quiet, if your father heard anything, that’d be a wrap for you.
dying out of pure embarrassment certainly wasn’t on your bucket list for sure. the way toji responded was so casual, almost as if he wasn’t just happily drilling into his best friend’s cunt in his own home. “four points? shit. defense can’t do anything right.”
“telllll me about it! i could play better with my eyes closed, damn.”
you found it so irksome how they were casually having a dumb conversation whilst you were just about to gush right onto toji’s shaft—you felt him dip his hips into you deeper though, and you let off a sweet whine.
toji leans into your ear and whispers. “you’re doing a good job, sweetheart,” and then he chuckles. removing his hand, you nearly let off the most loudest orgasm imaginable but you kept it together by biting your tongue. it was a cute squeal, and as your legs part you made such a mess.
it was probably the umpteenth time.
while you ride out your release, he’s slowing down his strokes and stares at the excess cum filling up your entrance. toji licks his lips, dragging a thumb to plug it all back in once he pulls out. he didn’t like putting things to waste. you whimper, feeling so taken aback from how stuffed full you were.
it was an awkward silence, you felt a sharp scare in your stomach once you thought your father heard everything — but thankfully so, he plopped right back down on the couch. toji lets you take a moment to calm down, and then he brings a wet kiss towards your lips. you were so sensitive, trembling within his hold—you didn’t want him to leave just now.
“atta girl,” he purrs, that same sly smile pressing against his lips as he brings a thumb towards your lip. his gaze was so hypnotizing. such pools of green eyes looked like it had a story to tell, and perhaps you wanted to know just who toji fushiguro really was.
maybe that story is ready for another day though.
thankfully you didn’t get caught.
or did you—you had to leave out the bathroom first, then toji after about a lengthy minute time difference so it wouldn’t be remotely suspicious. once the both of you were out, after about an hour of you all crammed up and watching the boring never ending basketball game, your dad ends up going to the bathroom.
while he was occupied, you leaned against toji and he wraps an arm around you. he could tell you wanted more—but his gaze was stern, telling you with his eyes to basically be a good girl and be patient.
a few seconds pass before you father bellows out a pitched, “erm. toji? is this shampoo—? what’s this white stuff over the sink? doesn’t look like shampoo.”
the both of you share the same frozen expression, impish smiles fading before you nudge toji to speak after long seconds passes.
“huh? oh, that’s uh mayonnaise. i forgot to clean up after myself.”
“aren’t you allergic to mayonnaise?”
you mentally facepalm, watching toji break into a sheepish sweat before he gruffs out a low, “i guess not that brand of mayonnaise.”
“right. riiiight,” your father mutters, and you heard sudden shifting. it was abrupt, and you felt something fall — probably a brush from the familiar after sound, you then hear your dad add a follow up question. “wait a minute,” and he glances down near the floor. “are these panties?”
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junpies · 3 months
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁*𝘾𝙆 𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏
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[ { SYPNOSIS } ] ➤ A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt. Sounds easy enough, right?
[ { NEED TO KNOW } ] ➤ This fic was originally written & published on Wattpad but due to multiple complications, I’ve decided to upload it here.
[ { CONTENT } ] ➤ Each chapter is rather lengthy & the entirety of this fiction exceeds at least 90k words and counting. There are plenty of sexual themes & smut within this story so please proceed with caution.
[ { WARNINGS } ] ➤ fem!reader, explicit nsfw scenes, alcohol, college au, toxic altercations & interactions, heavy blackmail, hints of; obsession, possessiveness, & stalking. Violence, whore activities, gen z references, & above all; 18+ themes.
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[ { PAIRINGS } ] ➤ jjk men x f!reader. gojo x f!reader. geto x f!reader. toji x f!reader. choso x f!reader. sukuna x f!reader. nanami x f!reader.
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❥ Chapters !
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This is all the current chapters I have written! :) Hope you enjoy!
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|| @kamiversee || ff status; ongoing ||
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junpies · 3 months
just something so intimate as much as it is dirty is giving kats a handjob. he’s kissing & groaning into your neck, feeling the vibrations EVERYWHERE. whispering the nastiest & loveliest things in your ear. & the way he occasionally opens his eyes & looks at you with so much intensity & love. the making out is A1 of course
erotic but passionate is my favorite genre 😩
so real sames with me that’s my fave genre tooooo
cw: minors dni, nsfw
sitting beside him on the sofa, half on him. your leg is across his lap, sitting on your bent other one, hand drifting to his neck to cheek to shoulder and lastly, your other hand is playing with him.
he thinks it’s crazy that you both are at the point that your hand is better than his. he’s had years of experience with his own hand for it to come crumbling down with you. barely satisfied when he strokes himself but you? paired with your hot breath at his ear, sucking his earlobe and whispering the dirtiest shit. your chest pressed against his arm. having you on him, warm and full of life, upgrades this once solo experience to one that can’t be beaten.
one of his hands land in the centre of your back, keeping you tight to him with no space for air to float between. the whole thing feels out of body, every tug of your snug fist on his cock feels as if his soul is getting dragged out. he’s barely coherent, on the edge of delusion, breath coming out harshly.
“you’re so fuckin’… oh shit this isn’t normal,” he blurts, lifting his head from the sofa and slowly opening his eyes like they weigh the world.
you flick your eyes from his cum soaked cock, your fingers glistening, and up into his ruby ones. it looks as if he’s already cum since you’ve been dragging this out for so long (he loves it).
your chest is heaving just from the sight of him. you shift on him slightly, deciding not to rub yourself on his thigh just yet. “what’s not normal, gorgeous?”
the moan he releases is orgasmic in your ears. it flows through your brain and releases bucket loads of hormones and endorphins and all those things that make you want to rut your hips hard on a surface. him specifically. fuck.
his eyes are clenched shut again, his jaw tensed. bursts of sweat are forming at his hairline and his biceps are straining against his black t-shirt. nobody should have ever given you power over a man this strong.
“feelin’ like this. i’m about to fuckin’ burst but i don’t wanna,” he drawls breathless, throat dry and you just want to see how he’d react so you let go.
you stop pumping his cock, to see the hard limb with a life of its own slap against his chest. you’ve said it before but you’ll say it again. katsuki is beautiful. especially so close to the edge. his joggers are only under his ass so only his cock is out, the only bit of skin minus his arms and head. both items of clothing stained from his own mess. his tip is a beaming red, glossy and making your mouth water, drawing you to wrap your lips around him. he’s got a couple thick veins that would feel good against your tongue too.
bakugou groans, irritated and pent up. is it odd to say he’s equally grateful to have a change catch his breath? but it’s the most uncomfortable experience of his life with the pulsing in his lower half.
“why’d you stop?” he twitches against his stomach.
“wanted see how you look.”
you drag your eyes from his dick to his eyes. sweaty, ready to beg and stupidly sexy.
“and?” he’s trying to breathe, licking a stripe across his lip.
“you’re unbelievable.”
bakugou blinks at you, he definitely wasn’t expecting that word. but he gets what you mean because he feels it about you too.
he cups the back of your head with his palm, pulling you to his lips in a wet and messy kiss. it’s pure tongue, lust and love, so heavy that you feel like you could orgasm just from it. your hand drifts back to his cock, squeezing tightly and your lover groans in your mouth.
“let me come and i’ll eat you out till you’re cryin’.”
you nod against his lips, your thumb rubbing against his tip.
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junpies · 3 months
bakugou x reader
notes/cw: lil something. i have a longer secret relationship fic in my drafts from a while back but that’s yet to be completed. suggestive. minors dni. sfw.
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“so you’ve sworn off heroes then yn?”
you sit perched on the arm of your friends sofa when mina gossips to you, a light smile on her face ready to poke some information out of you about your dating life. it’s a small friendly gathering and you’re doing what you do best, sticking to the people you know which is only mina.
immediately you nod your head, paying no mind to the eyes you know are burning into your back from behind you. there bakugou katsuki sits, a top hero and the guy you’ve been spending time with… after hours.
mina is referring to a date you had with a small league hero a few months back. it was okay, minus the fact he wouldn’t stop talking about himself and would never ask you any questions. you’re not interested in him anymore especially not now since the grumpy blonde pushed his way into your life.
nobody knows about your little situation with bakugou and you both would like to keep it like that. for the time being anyway.
“yep! the guys are all so arrogant and big headed. you know what i mean,” you respond, taking a swig from your drink and hoping she doesn’t see through your lie. only the first word though. male heroes really are what you said.
mina laughs, her candyfloss pink curls bouncing with the movement, “oh i know exactly what you mean! i went out with one from a few cities over and he kept pretending like i was his fan? i’ve been in this business longer than he has!”
you nod sympathetically, “yeah, i don’t think i could—,”
a snort sounds behind you and you close your eyes as if to pretend it never happened. mina hears it though and steps around you to stare at the man sitting behind you.
“why’re you laughing, grumpy?”
when you turn around bakugou’s already staring at you. his hair is styled by you since he was over at yours before you both came over here and his outfit are clothes he left over at yours that you’ve washed. if anyone here has a scent quirk, they’d definitely recognise you both smell very similar.
the face you used to find annoying but now causes a mixture of emotions to bubble inside of you, smirks. he shows his sharp teeth paired with a gleam in his eye as he wipes under his nose to dull it down.
“never say never about datin’ a hero. we aren’t all that bad,” he flicks his jewel ruby eyes between you and mina, legs wide in a spread and arms lazily across his chest.
you don’t have to reply, your glare and pinched lips at him says it all. mina doesn’t notice though, instead scrunches her nose, “i miss the days when you were scared of girls and would curse at them to leave you alone.”
bakugou doesn’t take the bait, he knows how mina works and the past doesn’t matter when he spends the nights (and some days) with a girl as pretty as you. he likes seeing you riled up at him, ready to whine at him before he has you whining in a different way later.
the large man shrugs, his gold chain catching the light along with his little hoop earrings. he looks good in his basic black t-shirt and cargos. fuck, he always looks good.
“i’ve grown up. i’m a big boy now.”
he says this to you. straight face, looking right into your eyes. you know what he means, he is definitely is big. you’ve seen it and felt it.
“yuck!” mina snaps you out of your trance, “i have no clue how women are attracted to you. i’m gonna get another drink, girl. do you want one?”
you wave mina off with a shake of your head, only talking to the man slouched in the sofa when her figure is far enough.
you twist around on the arm of the chair, the perfect position for bakugou to just shove you into his lap. you send him a biting glare and he just grins.
“you are so annoying!” you half whisper. the music is loud enough that nobody can hear you but you can never be too sure.
“you’re the one lyin’ about no more heroes. did you forget how i fucked you this mornin’?”
his eyes trace along your neck, the curve of your breasts under your top before finding your eyes again. he knows your tells, how your eyes soften when you want something or you’re remembering something you shouldn’t.
you drift over the stubble lining his jaw. he was about to shave this morning but decided not to when you murmured how sexy you found it. he then lifted you on your bathroom encounter and forgot why he was there in the first place.
“i think i remember how i fucked you. you do like a little ass tickle, don’t you dynamight?”
bakugou chuckles, deep and full of vibration. it has you wanting to laugh too, loosening your crossed arms.
“am i comin’ over later?” he sniffs, talking to you but looking at the crowd of people before him.
“i’m not watching the third saw movie on my own and we didn’t even get to finish earlier so you owe me.” you reply with a smile, not meeting his eyes either.
you’ve long learnt that productivity doesn’t exist in the evenings with bakugou and whilst he was trying to taunt you into staying in bed with him, you wanted to come to this social gathering. he won’t admit it but he’s only here because of you and hasn’t left yet for the same reason.
bakugou’s about to reply when mina comes up to you, “yn! there’s a guy i want to introduce you to! i think he works in hero investment? i dunno but he’s not a hero!”
mina drags you over to where she came from and while you listen to her speak a million miles an hour about this new guy, you turn to bakugou to give him the tiniest wave.
the hero nods, raising his beer to you and its not long before his red haired friend joins him on the sofa.
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junpies · 3 months
Gojo holding your legs bent up against your chest so his best friend could eat you out. Stopping your body from writhing at the overstimulation of Geto sucking on your clit, hot tongue lapping up your folds before curling his fingers into you.
Your mind was cloudy, eyes pooled with tears when Geto bit lightly at the throbbing bud, chin glistening with your slick when his face emerged from between your legs. “Hold her better f’ me Satoru.” He breathed, hard cock straining in his sweats as Gojo nodded with a smirk.
Your boyfriend sat you on his lap, his arms hooked under your knees to hold you against his chest. Your head falling back in loud whiny cries as Geto dove back in, sloppily making out with your pussy until you were shaking for him. Dumb babbles of his name falling past your lips as you tried to shut your legs. Gojo’s tight grip holding you still.
Gojo kissed down your neck with sweet words of praise. Nibbling softly at the delicate skin as he watched you squirt messily on his best friend’s tongue. Your eyes rolling back with the curl of your toes as you drenched the dark haired man’s face.
He was so hard. Watching Geto devour your pretty pussy was doing things to him, grinding his hardened bulge into your ass before snaking his arms around your waist. Large hands squeezing at your tits as he nodded to Geto. “Suguru’s gonna fill you up now okay baby?”
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junpies · 3 months
𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
He’s so cocky at first, smirking when you bottom down on his length. “Think you can handle it baby? Take your time if you need to kay? I know it might be too much f’ you.” He chuckles.
You raise a brow in amusement. “Oh i can handle it baby, can you?” Was what you’d first said. And that question hadn’t changed since.
His lips parted in breathy groans and heavy breathing as his hands find your waist. Lips red and swollen from biting them as his eyes looked up at you almost pleadingly. “F-fuck baby.. you’re— shit, going so f-fast. Wanna slow d-down hmm?”
You smile widely, back arching as you lean down to kiss his jaw softly. Giving a false hum in thought. “Mmm.. you can take it.” He lets out the most cry like moan, head falling back into his pillow as his hips jerk upwards. Body trembling lightly when his eyes met yours.
“Shit— please baby. You d-don’t know how fucking- haah.. how fucking tight she’s grippin’ me right now.” He was referring to the way your snug walls stroked up and down his length with every harsh bounce of your hips. “I’m gonna— o-oh fuck, gonna cum again.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at the crack in his voice. Your head tilted to the side as you coo teasingly. “Yeah? Gonna be a good boy n cum f’ me baby?”
He chuckles shakily, chest rising and falling at a rapid pace as his cock twitches inside you. “God i fucking love you— ahh, even when you’re milking my cock like you hate m-me.” His senses were heightened, ears picking up the every squelch on your sopping pussy and his cock feeling every ridge of your gummy walls.
He lost it when you began rolling your hips sensually. Your thighs sticking to his at the mere amount of slick that joined you two. Your wetness and his cum seeping between your folds and down his girth, turning your skilled movements sloppy as you rut your hips.
You brought a hand to his face, using your nail to brush his hair off of his sweaty forehead. “C’ mon.. let it all out.” You smiled sweetly, eyes holding a dark glint when his eyes turn teary. Small beads of water pooling at his lids before he’s crying out your name.
Overly sensitive cock aching as he spills yet another load into you. Pumping the thick white substance till you’re pumped full. The rest of the substance spurting back onto him at the lack of space.
You let out a moan, “Wow baby- there’s so much. Might.. might just be your biggest load yet.” You were getting tired, but you’d never let him know that. You swear you hear him whimper when you capture his lips with yours slowly beginning to rock your hips again.
“Shit— don’t think- d-don’t think i can give you any more baby. Feels like my cock’s gonna f-fall off.” He panted, trying to keep himself together when he felt you jerking him off with your smug walls again. A small tremble raking through his body each time your ass landed back down.
His hand left your waist to cover his reddening face. Unable to hide the cherry shade of his ears and neck as he whimpered yet again. Choking out a string of moans with tears staining his cheeks when you shush him gently, “‘S only one more baby, give me one more.”
You were the only one with the ability to truly break Satoru if you tried.
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junpies · 3 months
What if during a cuddling session with a movie prolly with bakugo, his gf just suddenly blurted out "babe I think we need space." Not because they're upset at each other, but because, quite the opposite, they've been attached to the hip. And it sort of concerns her that they'll get tired of each other soon because of how much time they spend together. It is healthy to have space between couples right? How would he respond to that.
“baby i think we need space.”
the whole room freezes. bakugou can’t hear the awful rom com movie you put on his tv, he doesn’t realise you’ve rolled over from the position he’s spooning you in to look him in the face and he is completely sure his heart has stopped working in his chest.
in a split second, he goes over every single thing he’s ever done that could have pissed you off. he was ten minutes late to your last date? he did forget to reply to your text a few days ago but then he saw you later that evening and you were fine. he went out with the boys last week and fell asleep at theirs after saying he’d go over to yours. he never thought any of those things were that bad? right? or maybe they were and you never said so now you wanna separate.
bakugou’s unsure or maybe very sure why, he doesn’t know so all he utters is, “why?”
then all his senses come back to him. the low volume of the television and your pretty eyes looking back at him, sad but prepared.
you’re quick to placate him, resting a hand on his bicep as you prop yourself up with your arm. “i just think we spend a lot of time together. like a lot. nearly six times a week and i don’t want us to get bored of each other or irritated.”
he soaks in every word, frowning hard at the end. then the spluttering starts, “the fuck? i’d never get bored of you? and if you were irritatin’ me i’ll just tell you.”
you smile softly, though as you reach to hold his hand he shakes you off. your smile drops and you manoeuvre your body around his as he sits up straight.
“you really want space? for how long?” he stares down at his hands, flexing then unflexing them, “will you see other people?”
you wave your hands in the air, “no, no, no! you’re still my boyfriend, i still love you. i just want some independence back, katsuki. i want this honeymoon stage to continue forever and you still want to see me in six months from now or a year.”
bakugou’s whole body is hot. not in anger but this deep sinking feeling that sits at the pit of his stomach. “but i know i still will? i thought we were good? i can try harder for you, reply to your messages, i wont be late again—,”
“katsuki. baby, you’re not listening to me,” you take a deep breath, cradling his cheek so he looks over at you. “you haven’t done anything wrong, i just think it will benefit us in the future if we see each other a little less.”
bakugou blinks at you, trying to wrap his head around your reasoning. “how much is less?”
“i don’t want to put rules on it. maybe three times a week?” you shrug, “i need to catch up with my friends and i wanted to start writing again.”
“have i been stoppin’ you from doing that?” and his voice is so low that your heart snaps.
“no! but it’s so easy with you, to just stay over day after day and wait for you to get home from work and come back here after work. you know how it is.”
there’s a few beats of silence. then a nod.
“fine. we can see each other less but remember this is your idea and don’t be callin’ beggin’ to see me when you get bored of this separation.” he grunts and he groans again when you wrap your arms around his neck in a cuddle.
“my girls excited to see me less. fuck me.”
“shut up, it’s not like that. and we aren’t separating, we aren’t married or live together.”
“soon we will be.”
you flick his nose, “katsuki, shush.”
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junpies · 4 months
thinking of frustrated reader and bakugou maybe disagreeing on some household chores, y/n has something to get ready for so, while the both of them disagree and discuss, yn starts undressing LIKE SIMPLE maybe taking off her sweatpants to put on a skirt or buttoning her shirt to put on a different one—
cw: fluffy, imagining reader in one of those plt/fashion nova sets n going to one of those brand deal events :)
your boyfriend stomps out of your shared en-suite bathroom with his classic grumpy frown, tousled hair, reading glasses and folded arms. you already know what he’s about to say, especially if his damp socks are anything to go by.
you’ve just showered, pulled on some easy comfy oversized clothes to do your hair and make up in so you don’t get anything on the fancy outfit you’re planning to wear for this event. only you were invited this time and like always, you left everything last minute.
“i know i know! i get the floor wet when i shower, i won’t do it next time!”
you’re sitting cross legged in-front of your wall length mirror, on the last stage of your hair, despite having a whole vanity across the room.
you send katsuki a sympathetic pout through the mirror as he leans on the doorway to watch you. he fills out the space completely and his fluffy jumper makes him look so adorable that it’s almost enough for you to stay home. he’s a fool for you so he only manages to roll his eyes.
“it pisses me off babe, you’re the one that wanted a walk in shower and then don’t bother to dry off there,” he starts when you begin to stand. your hair is finished, make up completed so you only need to pull out your co-ord skirt and top set from your walk in closet, “only goin’ in for a piss ‘nd i come out soaked.”
“maybe you’ve got bad aim, gorgeous,” you laugh to yourself and with no warning at all you pull off your comfy lounge top, rifling through your drawers to find the right bra for the top.
“haha,” he deadpans, eyes dropping like gravity to your bare chest. he’s a simple man, “you do it all the— do you really have to change now?”
you’re too busy looking between two almost identical strapless bras to notice his staring but when you finally look up, you notice the pretty spread of red up his neck.
“i do,” you sing. completely aware of how much you affect him. he affects you too when he does the most simple things, “what were you saying about the shower? i’m going with this one. you need to tell me if you can still see any nipple with the corset on.”
bakugou mindlessly nods because he’d do anything you ask, studying how you shuffle on the bra and strut around to hold the top you’re about to wear.
“you were saying?”
katsuki shakes his head, as if to shake the image of you topless out his mind. he bends down to yank off his socks and throw them in the dirty basket, “just stop gettin’ all the fuckin’ floor wet. i hate soggy socks.”
“yes sir,” you laugh, pulling off your lounge bottoms to stand in the tiniest thongs bakugou’s ever seen on you. the string disappears between your asscheeks and bakugou can’t even remember what you’re agreeing with.
instead he moves with his dick, walking over to you to rest his massive hands on your hips. he runs the tip of his nose over your shoulder, “you’re so beautiful. d’you need me to do somethin’?”
you’re quick peck katsuki’s cheek, “i need you to get off so i can change.”
he grumbles under his breath, reluctantly pulling away and stuffing his hands in his pockets. he doesn’t go far at all. just half a step away from you so he can watch you pull on your corset.
“that makes your tits sit nice,” he sniffs and you can practically feel him drooling over you so you push him lightly to at least sit on the bed.
“i know, that’s why i chose it,” you grin and bakugou hums in agreement, biting down on his bottom lip.
he has no reason to hide his gaze when you pull up your tiny mini skirt, barely covering your ass cheeks.
“d’you want me to come? they’d let me in.” he blurts, reaching for your arm to drag you between his legs. he pushes his glasses up his nose with a single finger and sighs blissfully at the sight of you. your hand rests on his shoulder and you don’t mind being late if you’re getting extra attention from your boyfriend.
you giggle because that’s what he makes you do, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “no because you’d just be there as my bodyguard and i’m gonna be there to network.”
“that sounds like a plan.”
“no, because people don’t wanna talk to me when you’re around looking moody.
he shrugs, “good.”
you flick his forehead, stepping away to show him your outfit. he doesn’t let go of your hand though.
“you like?” you smooth down your skirt with one hand and katsuki grunts.
“yeah, the prettiest,” he picks a bit of fluff off your top as you try to spin around.
“can’t see my ass cheeks, right? no nipples showing?” he finally lets go off your hand just to pinch your ass cheek.
you swat him away, “i’m serious!”
he smirks to himself, “no ass showin’ ‘nd no nipples. you should wear this for me for a date.” he kisses a strip of skin that shows between the corset and your skirt at your stomach, “call me for anythin’.”
you nod, kissing his forehead and saluting, “yes, sir.”
“i will! i never end up needing anything but if i do you’ll be the first to know.”
he huffs, staring down the length of your body as you walk away from him, back into your closet to grab your shoes and bag. “now while you’re out partyin’—,” “networking!” “i’m gonna be cleaning your puddles in the bathroom.”
“you’re still going on about that!”
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junpies · 11 months
i just got a brilliant idea,
ok so roommate gojo finds reader in only a shirt (his shirt btw ;)) and underwear
and then things just get absolutely dirty
i hope you like this idea just as much as i do!!!
thanks so much 🫶🏻
a/n: god i wanna kiss u on the mouth for these sometimes. this has been in the forefront of my mind for days!!! it went a little off the rails babe ngl
cw: pervy gojo, yandere-esque gojo, he's obssessed and delulu. unprotected sex, facefucking, fingering and oral (fem receiving), mating press, breeding, daddy, pet names, mean-ish roommate gojo, size kink, panty stealing, uh lemme know if i missed anything. will go back and edit!
wc: 4.5k
Lucky Day (Satoru Gojo x fem!reader)
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This apartment was so shitty, and your landlord was even worse. Your roommate was at work, so there really was no other option. The pipes on the washer bursted, spraying the outfit you had on and making sure you couldn’t wash anymore. It was a miracle that you managed to turn the water to the washing machine off, you felt like a goddamn plumber from that alone. You even accomplished ordering a new pipe, only problem being it wouldn’t arrive for three more days. 
With a heavy sigh, you peel off your soaked crop top and sling it in your hamper, sliding off your shorts and underwear as well, truly unlucky. The only mercy shining upon you at this point was being home alone as you sprint to your room naked. You can only imagine the endless teasing that you would receive if Satoru was here. 
You grumble about your misfortune under your breath, pilfering through your drawers to find a new outfit to put on. Of course, you would be so unlucky yet again. You look up to the gods with narrowed eyes, as if this was personal. Really, it’s your own fault, damn the procrastination tendency you struggled with. You just had random pairs of socks and a Christmas themed onesie. You were honestly grateful to locate a red lace thong that was venturing closer to the shoelace side of size. You tug the poor excuse for underwear up your thighs, letting them slap against your hips in frustration. You had to put something on, your roommate was a huge tease, the gorgeous motherfucker. It was highly annoying, though you imagine if you were so unnervingly beautiful you may act the same way. In any event, walking around topless was not an option. You can practically hear the sarcastic whip of his voice dripping off his tongue right now. 
“Oh-ho-ho, did I come home or did I walk into a titty bar?” 
“And you swear you don’t want me, sweetheart?” 
“Aw, how did you know I had a bad day?” 
Each line makes you shiver. He was impossible to deal with, but he kept the rent low. As much as you hate to admit it he was nice to look at too, though you were hell bent on keeping that to yourself. He knew it anyway, there was no need to inflate his already massive ego. Why would you tell him? It would just be embarrassing, especially with his naturally outgoing nature. He would rip you apart if you admitted how you may actually feel about your snarky counterpart. You were nothing special to look at anyway, it would be silly to get your hopes up. Maybe he was annoying, but parts of you enjoyed him pestering you all hours of the day and scaring any potential suitors away. 
You would definitely never hear the end of it if you didn’t cover up soon, the clock ticking closer and closer to his typical arrival time. You groan. The only solution was putting on something of his. This route would still produce plenty of jabs, but at least you could potentially explain what had happened. You dart across the hall to his room, yanking open his drawers. You’ve been in his room several times, but it’s always slightly surprising each time. He’s cleaner than you’d think, and the room is decorated very minimally. You rummage through his dresser, finally locating a black tee. You’ve seen this one on him before, and it fits him like a second layer of skin, but you’re around a foot shorter, so it should serve to cover your chest comfortably. You tug it over your head, humming in satisfaction. It falls just above your knees, more dress than shirt. You sigh once more at the outfit pairing, but you return to your room all the same. You decide to curl up with a book until your nuisance comes home, after texting to see if Shoko would let you come over to wash some clothes. 
“Honeyyyy I’m homeeeee.” Satoru sings, keys jingling as he comes through the door of the humble abode. He scrunches his nose, smelling the metallic tinge to the air, so he goes to check out the laundry room. It’s a mess of towels attempting to soak up the flood of water, every piece of fabric in the vicinity was soaked. He clicks his tongue. Luckily the water had been turned off, but Gojo wondered to himself if a maintenance man came in to rescue you, knowing you can hardly turn on the gas stove yourself. He can’t help but be a little jealous, no—overprotective. You were such a delicious little thing, and he can’t stand to see you get ogled by men less than deserving. You won’t give him the time of day, though he’s most certainly the only man deserving of ogling you. He hums at the scene, deciding he should go and ask what happened, that way he could figure out if that pervy handyman needed his eyes gouged out. 
He marches to your room and pushes the door open. “So–the pipe on the wa—” 
He froze. He’s greeted with the sight of you stretched out on top of your comforter, one long leg folded delicately over the other, until his t-shirt covered the rest of you from the knee up. It dwarfed you, made him painfully aware how much smaller you were. So tiny compared to someone so tall and strong as him. Yet you swear he’s the tease. He bites his lip, shamelessly pulling his dark lenses down his nose, crystal clear eyes peeking over the frames to memorize everything about you. You sat with your back straight against the headboard, small hands clutching a thick book.
 “Am I dreaming, or are you laying there in my shirt and nothing else?” He grinned, propping an arm up on the doorway. He doesn’t miss the way you squirm under his lazer focus. 
You feel your body heat up. You even had prep time, yet you still didn’t know exactly what to say. You swallow thickly. “I have panties on. I had nothing to put on! The pipe burst on the washer and soaked me–”
“Oh I’ll get you soaked babe–”
“Satoru!” You yelp, slamming your book closed with a loud clap. He just snorts at your embarrassment, half-lidded eyes still scanning over you to make his desire known. You can’t count the amount of times that your roomie has openly flirted with you, but it shocked you each time. 
“Y/N!” He mocked, rolling his eyes. He pushes himself off the frame and gets to the edge of your bed within a few strides. He plops down uninvited, staring at you almost as if he’s challenging you. He rests his hand on your calf, and you just stare at the point of contact with a raised brow. The man is awfully comfortable putting his hands on you, though that’s because you’ve been his since the day you moved in, in his mind. All this banter is just him being sweet and romantic. He sighs. “Let’s get real, hm? You look irresistible in my clothes, my mouth is watering over here, princess. I want ya. So stop acting like you don’t want me.” 
You watch as his tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip, his foot anxiously tapping on the ground. He’s holding back demons here, and he doesn't know how much longer he can keep himself together. It felt like the room got twenty degrees warmer, electricity brewing like you were sitting in the center of a thunderstorm. You suck in a breath of surprise, the angel and devil on your shoulder going back and forth. He was impossibly annoying, clingy and obsessive. He was like a guard dog, but if it was a guard giraffe instead with his lanky limbs and otherwise goofy nature. On the other hand, he was impossibly sexy, and you would be a dirty liar if you continued to pretend you didn’t want him to rearrange your guts in his t-shirt. 
But what’s the harm in being a tease?
“What if I don’t?” You smirk, to which he mirrors your expression. If you want to play, he can do that too. He’ll make you regret it though. That flash of adoration in your eyes told him everything he needed to know. 
“Give me a chance anyway. You’ll never fuck anyone else after this, I promise.” He says, not waiting for another catty reply from your pouty lips. He’s lunging forward, large hands grabbing your face to keep you from escaping him. Another second passes and his lips smash on yours. He’s needy, messy, and not holding himself back in this clash of teeth and lips and tongue. You were shocked by his passion, not realizing just how serious Satoru was in his pursuit of you. He kisses you like it’s the only thing he’s ever wanted, swallowing up any chance you have at getting oxygen with his saliva coated lips. You fist the cover beneath you, clutching the cotton for dear life. 
He’s consuming your senses and you wouldn’t have it any other way; you feel stupid for denying yourself of this for nearly two years now. His touch is fiery, you can feel his fingerprints burn into your skin and the only cure is more of those large palms gliding over your shoulders and chest. You relax into him, moving your mouth fluidly against his smiling one; his taste is of some sort of candy..starbursts maybe, but just the pink ones. His tongue gives you that flavor as it melds with yours, dominating it easily. He’s breathing heavy and grunting, the sound almost sweeter than the candy on his breath. They’re high pitched and whiny, he’s been picturing this scenario for a while now. You find yourself laying back, tugging him by the shirt to hover over you. The fabric wafted his vanilla sandalwood fragrance, of course he would smell and taste so delicious. It’s so befitting of such a deviantly perfect man. He doesn't hesitate to cover your frame with his, boxing your hips in under his as he straddles them. He breaks the make-out session to sit back on his knees to peel off his shirt–a white one not unlike the black one you stole. He throws it over his shoulder and you both hear it faintly fall in the distance. Then you both sigh, you squirm beneath him, hips shamelessly rolling into his semi. The corners of his lips curled into a smile. 
You looked truly angelic, as always. Your lips were plump and swollen from the way he smothered them, your tits perked up and nipples poking through the fabric of his tee. Your hair was just starting to get messy, and he had half a mind to fuck that bratty mouth of yours, holding out on him this long just to look up at him with those needy doe eyes. Now he’s really smirking, and it goes from an idea, to something he just has to see. He gets off of you, sliding out of his shoes, peeling off those annoying socks and his tight black jeans. He hisses when his throbbing erection isn’t so choked back, palming himself over his underwear. He goes to slide those off too when he catches you sitting up to remove his shirt. 
“No. Leave that on.” He growled, yanking his underwear off and throwing it with the rest of the discarded clothes. You hummed in response, the husk of his voice sending a jolt to your pussy. You knew you were growing damp, and the tiny lace wouldn’t do much to stop that from being painfully obvious. You sigh softly at the sight of him, though it almost pisses you off. Yes, of course, even his cock is utterly perfect. Somewhere in the eight inches ballpark, purple veins along his curved shaft led to a pretty pink tip glossy with his arousal. He thumbs the slit and spreads it further, beautiful blue eyes fluttering shut to enjoy the brief strokes. You whine, not sure what he wants you to do. 
Satoru has planned this day for so long, he’ll make sure you comply with his every request to fulfill this fantasy. He stands at the foot of your bed, huge hands wrapping around your ankles so he can drag you to lay completely flat on the mattress. There’s that devious smirk you know, your eyes widen slightly in wonder. He was planning something. 
“I can use that loud ass mouth, right?” He hums, getting back to his knees on the bed. But this time, instead of straddling your hips, he positions his knees on either side of your shoulders. You gulp, his full length looming large over your face. You look past his dick to his oceanic stare. 
“Yeah, yeah. Do your worst.” You manage to squeak, trying to reserve some of your pride. His eyes burn with amusement. He reaches his hand forward, putting a thumb on your chin to tilt your mouth downwards. He grins, angling your throat. 
“You shouldn’t have said that.” He clicked his tongue, swiping at your bottom lip. “Goddamn, I’m gonna ruin you.” He says, affectionately smoothing down your hair while tapping your mouth with his tip. “Open up.”
You part your lips wider, relaxing your jaw; you even stick your tongue out to provide him the perfect mental image to remember. He slides his cock into your silky throat, hot mouth swallowing him all up so good he’s fighting that ball of tension in his stomach just from the sight. He knows he’ll last, even if cums down your throat he’ll make sure he pumps you full of another round. You clearly needed to know who you belonged to. He leans his weight forward, his tip colliding with your gag reflex. You choke around him, but he doesn’t let up. His hand catches him on the headboard, and now he has the perfect angle to hammer into your wet mouth without mercy. He keeps his icy gaze angled down, he can’t miss a second of your tears pooling and sliding down your reddened cheeks. You’re so beautiful, he can’t believe you made him wait two years to claim you like this. That’s fine, he understands that his powerful presence can be a bit much. He is the Honored One after all. He was content to wait for you until you could honor him. 
He’s huge in your throat. You can feel your walls spasm around his cock, gagging and sputtering on him as he relentlessly slams into you. Your nose collides with his snowy pubes every time, saliva slicking down everything. Your cunt burns for attention, he’s driving you crazy with the way he’s looking at you, long white lashes framing the darkest lust-fueled stare you’ve ever seen. He’s using you so perfectly, you don’t mind being sore and unable to speak if it means you get to drink his load. Your hand sneaks over your thighs, sliding your thong over. You’re so drenched that the cold air makes you whimper around his gag, but you let your longest digit glide to your soaking hole. Gathering some of your slick, you slide back up to your aching bundle of nerves, easing circles over yourself. You sigh with relief, and Satoru turns to see why, grunting with dissatisfaction. His hips still, and he reaches to slap your hand away and give a punishing slap to your cunt. You jerk up in surprise, though the pressure was sickeningly sweet. 
“None of that shit. You oughta wait longer, made me wait two whole years to make you mine.” He growls, bringing his hands back to hold your face. He rocks his hips into your face again, moaning softly at how well you’ve acclimated to his rod. Your gags are so erotic, giving you and him both goosebumps. He chuckles, feeling his stomach and cock twitch. 
“Swallow it all or I’m not touching you.” He warns, spurting his seed down your throat. It’s a heavy load, spilling into your cheeks as he drags his cock out. You cover your mouth to keep any of his cum from leaking out, swallowing the hot liquid instantly. His hold on your cheeks makes it easy for him to push your mouth open, making sure you swallow every bit. He taps his tip against your lips in satisfaction, sliding back down your body to straddle your thighs this time. “That’s a good fuckin’ girl. You want me to eat your pussy?” He asks, sharp white teeth nipping at the delicate skin of your neck. 
You nod, still gasping for breath. Your blood was thumping in your ears as well as your pussy, and all you could think about was his strong tongue against yours earlier. 
“Beg me for it.” He smiles, breaking some skin below your collarbone and lapping his tongue over it. “Kept me waitin’ angelface. I think it’s the least you can do for me.” He coos, pushing his tee up all the way up your perfect thighs and over your tits. He nibbles his lower lip at the sight of your exposed body, not that it was the first time he’s seen you. Fresh out of the shower, scouring for clothes with no idea he’s watching or when your pajamas are so skanky you might as well wear nothing at all. This was special though, this was you wanting him, this was you begging for him to make you cum. 
You whine, squirming under him. He eyes the slutty panties, shaking his head. “And I thought I hid all of these…” He sighs, working the drenched fabric off. He sniffs them and whimpers, they smell just as heavenly as all the others. Your pussy glistens with your floods of slick, he can’t help but lick his lips, palming his semi into a full erection again. You hardly thought he was serious with all of his flirts. He definitely seemed like the type to just enjoy flustering someone. Plus, you didn’t quite understand what he saw in you–surely he could be with super models. But he made you cancel any date you had for the past two years and actively barked at anyone who looked at you twice, and now stealing your panties for his use… surely that was a lot of commitment if he was just teasing you right? Fucking your mouth like it was his god given right, wanting you to beg for him, he really did want you carnally. 
“Satoru,” You sigh out breathlessly, the man just out of arm’s reach. You bat your lashes and stare up at him. “Oh god, I’m sorry! I didn’t know you really wan’ed me! I didn’t mean to make you wait, baby, please–just please make me yours. I can’t take it ‘nymore, Sato..” You pant. He swears he’s vibrating, the pout in your voice just too much to handle. He needs you just as bad, but he has to make you cum for him before he ruins your cunt. He bites your thigh, determined to leave a bruise there, too. He’ll mark you up now that you’re his, no one could ever doubt or deny who you belong to. He only knows passion and all or nothing, his love is smothering and obsessive, and you’ll know everything about that. He groans, smelling your dripping juices was the final straw. His lips latch onto your painful need and you gasp out at the feeling. Your thigh burned where he had indented his teeth into it, but the pain only served to fog your brain up and soak your cunt just that much more
“Shoulda known I was serious.” He complains in between languid laps to your middle, drinking up the nectar. “I forgive you. ‘S gonna be okay now, I got us now.” He sighs dreamily, beginning a feisty assault on your core. He nibbles at your clit, sucking on it harshly and then following it with sweet and soothing licks. He can’t help but dip his svelte fingers in your tight hole, growling as you clamp around him. He knows you’re gonna be so fucking tight, and now he’s rutting his hips into your bed to stave off his desire until he pleases you to his liking. He coos as your arousal coats his plump pink lips, shaking his head as he devours you. His fingers pump and curl in all the right places. You’re sputtering and gasping, eyes clenched shut so hard colored orbs prick at your vision. You’re about to explode, every orgasm you’ve ever brought yourself or experienced before paling in comparison to the one you’re about to succumb to now. 
Your legs shake, clenching around his head. His strong hands force your legs back down, squeezing gently on your thighs. He kneads the flesh, admiring how easily you surrendered to him. “You bout to cum, sweet girl?” He teases, working into your spongy spot with his lengthy fingers. 
You nod, worried that he’d make you beg for that too.You decided to get ahead of the curve, babbling immediately. “Yes, please Satoru! Wan’ cum for you s’bad–please!” 
He chuckles, “Of course darling. Cum for me, Tell me I’m the only one who can make you feel this good.” He demands, watching your nose scrunch up and your body jerk involuntarily. He can feel the flood of your release against his fingers, and he grins. He can’t hold it back anymore, he has to have you right now. He doesn’t let you recover, folding your legs into a mating press to start, sliding his aching length through your slippery hole and into those choking walls. He groans, letting his head fall back. You were just as tight as he imagined–no, tighter! This was all for him, no one but him would ever touch you again. The way you grip him sends chills down his spine, and his obsessive craving for you turns into an insatiable need. You watch his adam's apple bob in his throat, eyeing the rest of his bare chest and abs that had their own abs. He growls, his hold on the underside animalist. “Oh my god, doll..” He groans, breathing through his nose in an effort to calm himself.
 “I’m gonna give it you so fucking good, little one. Gonna claim you in every way, give you my kids, don’t’cha want that?” He coos, hips snapping into your ass rapidly. He’s abusing your spot instantly, and he knows it. It’s partially because he knows he can’t last too long in this glorious cunt when he’s this worked up and partially because he wants to see you come undone before him, begging for him to fill you to the brim. He did say he’d claim you in every way, what could be more of his mark? His teeth prints bruising your sweet skin, or his child growing in your womb? He shivers at the idea. He never thought this way about people before you. Something about your perfect hair and your sweet smile made him horny in ways he never knew. He craves seeing you full of his cum, making you hold it and not letting you get any medicine to keep you from conceiving. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be, right? 
His cock fills you so right that you know you’d agree to anything right now. Your feet shake by your ears, you can’t take his repeated and unforgiving slams. You nod dumbly, craving his hot load in your pussy and more of his dirty fantasies. “Mhm, wan’ give you pretty babies, ‘Toru, jus’ give it all to me.” You plead, tits bouncing with his brutal fucks. 
His mouth drops open. “Agh, oh fuck..you really want me to knock you up baby? Lock me in as your baby daddy?” He questions breathily, dick jumping as you clench down. You really did like the idea it seems, as your wanton moans and soaking wave of cum clue him in to some fantasies of your own. 
You nod vigorously again. “Yes! Oh my god, yes, please, Daddy…I’ll make you one I swear!” His whines are so rewarding. The pleasure you send coursing through him causes his brows to furrow.
“You fucking got it angel. Make me a baby.” He nods, determined to follow through on your wish. His cheeks flush, his cum shooting all over your walls. It was hot and gushing, your hole clenches in an effort to hold onto it.  He’s wanted you all this time, there was no way you would escape him now. Now, you were all for him forever, and he hoped his seed took hold and grew within you. Couldn’t be so bratty if you were glowing with a child, his child. He had more than enough money, in his mind it's completely rational. He just wanted you to be reminded who you are now, who you belong to. The world needs to know it too, and he doesn’t mind to keep trying until it works. “Gonna look so pretty when you swell up for me.” He giggles, lazily blinking at you. He pushes your beautiful hair out of your face, gently holding your cheek. 
“I love you. That’s why I act this way. You’re all mine now, for good. I'll always take good care of you, my pretty mama.” He coos, his voice sweet as he leans up to kiss your parted lips, your body still coping with the waves of pleasure.Sure, all the dinners you’ve made for him and all the times you’ve folded his laundry was just you being nice, but you knew why you cared so much for your annoyingly handsome roommate. 
“I love you too. Here I was thinking this was the unluckiest day of my life.” You snort, running your hands through his white locks as he remains content to lay on top of you. He chuckles in return, but his mind is busy. He’s thinking about what theme for the nursery, names for your son or daughter, and how good you’d look needing him for everything for the next nine months. 
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junpies · 11 months
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everything that is bold + italicized is nsfw. minors are not to interact with any nsfw posts
all links are in chronological order. it is recommended you read in this order for the best experience. please read all warnings on individual fics
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not a date - you don’t mean to fuck gojo in his car
closer - gojo and his sunglass collection
attention - gojo loves attention too much
satoru, not gojo - gojo just asks for one chance
upper hand - it’s rare to have control over gojo
afternoon after - waking up next to gojo
silence - gojo asks what you like about him
clingy - cutely annoying and clingy gojo
opulence - you and gojo have your first fight
all for me - gojo fucking you in your new dress
honey - gojo learns to make pancakes for you
spoiled rotten - gojo always gets what he wants
finals week - gojo hates when you study
proud - the first time gojo hears certain words
wounded pride - gojo is just a bit jealous
baby - gojo, you, his mother, and baby pics
i wanna fuck you - gojo makes you a playlist
no heart - gojo finds out his contact name
meet ugly - the first time you meet gojo satoru
02:09 am - gojo comes to your apartment drunk
before & after - you knock on gojo’s door stressed
i know you still think about the times we had - you call, gojo always comes (5.2k words. break up + make up)
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saetoru do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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5K notes · View notes
junpies · 1 year
putting the fuck in fuck you
hayakawa aki x fem!reader smut
summary: you hate him. you hate him so much that you don't quite mind it when he starts to kiss you.
warnings: hate sex (obv), not beta'd
a/n: this was supposed to be for kinktober but it is now january so 😁 enjoy!
word count: 1526
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You aren’t quite sure what happened. Because one moment, Aki was arguing with you in your kitchen on how stupid you were and how you endangered everyone (you hadn’t), and the next you had been pushed into your counter with his lips on yours.
The kiss surprised you, why wouldn’t it? But in some deep and probably fucked-up part of you, it was welcomed. You groaned a little, and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
The kiss was deep and passionate, with him biting at your lips in what you’re sure is some sort of disdain for you.
He moaned against your lips, the noise surprising you. He pulled away, panting. “Let me fuck you. Just once. It’s all I’m asking, please.”
Your eyes widened and you looked at his face. He seemed genuine enough, with his face flushed into a pretty pink and his lips parted as if inviting you to another kiss.
“I thought you hated me?” You asked carefully.
“I do. You’re just hot enough that I think the feeling of wanting to fuck you passes that,” He said, and he nipped at your neck.
You flushed, “You’re an asshole.”
“Is that a yes?” He replied, and he placed your chin between his index and his thumb.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Fine. Better be the best fuck of my life, though.”
“I’ll make sure of it,” He said with a soft growl, and he kissed you again.
He pushed you up so that you were sitting on the counter, and his hands were gripping your thighs. “Aki,” You groaned, pulling away from him for a moment.
He tried to lean into you to continue the kiss as you stopped. He huffed a little, and then he kissed your neck. Then he bit the flesh, sucking it, and then licking over the mark he made. You squirmed a little, and you felt heat pool in your stomach, embarrassingly.
“Ah?” He asked, and one of his hands slid from your outer thigh to your inner thigh, and it skirted around your clothed heat.
You groaned, and he hummed a little. His palm placed itself directly onto your cunt, and you tried to grind your hips against him.
“Mm-mm, not yet.” He pulled you off the counter, and you wrapped your legs around his torso, and your arms hugged his neck.
He made you feel weird and like he could pull you apart if he wanted. You felt like you would let him.
“Your bedroom is this door, yeah?” He asked, and you craned your neck to look at the door he had taken you to.
“Yeah,” You replied, and you wanted to kiss him again. He was a really good kisser.
He sat on the bed, and your limbs were still entangled with him. You stepped off of him, and he pressed his head into your stomach, and then he brought your shirt up and untucked it, kissing your stomach.
You sighed gently, and you pulled his hair out of his topknot. He looked up at you, and you thought about the fact that he was so, so, so, so much prettier with his hair down.
You lowered your hands down his torso, and you unzipped his pants. You palmed at his half-hard cock, and he groaned a little.
You smiled, and you pulled his dick out of his boxers. You squatted down, balancing on your toes. You slid his pants all the way down his legs and then stood back up.
You pulled your own pants down, and he groaned looking at you. His hand went up and he slid a finger into your panties, bringing it forward and snapping it back into your skin.
You flinched a little and groaned at the small spurt of pain.
You pulled your panties down, and he ran his hand over your already wet pussy. You groaned and steadied your hands on his shoulders.
He kissed your stomach again, and he licked a small trail down it.
You took his cock into your hand and started to lower yourself onto him. As he entered you, his phone started ringing. You groaned frustratedly, and he leaned down to fish his phone out of his pants which were pooled around his feet.
He answered it, bringing his phone up to his ear. “Ah, Makima. What is it?”
You started to push him all the way inside of you, and he made a surprising and soft moan. You heard Makima’s voice through the phone, “Aki? Is everything okay?”
“Fine, Makima,” He replied as you bottomed out on him.
You wanted so badly to move, to feel his cock slam into you, but the call seemed important. You kissed his cheek, and then pulled his tie down and unbuttoned his shirt. You kissed his neck, and then bit down a little. He exhaled sharply, the noise bordering on a whimper. There was a silence in the call. They had been talking about something to do with the next day’s mission. Thankfully, Makima had said it was something that could wait until the next day because there was no way in hell you would let Aki leave after just doing this to you.
“Sounds good,” He said, and he ended the call.
You sighed, “I thought you would never hang up!”
“Weren’t you the one who was opposed to this in the first place?” He asked, and he placed his hands on your hips.
“Shut up,” You grumbled, and you started to move your hips.
He grunted a little, and his hands tightened.
“Switch,” He said with a groan, moving you so that you were on your back. His tip poked at your entrance, and you ground yourself against him.
“Fuck,” He groaned, and he ran his dick up and down on your folds.
“Aki,” You whined, continuing to rub your heat against him.
He hummed a little, “You’re very impatient.”
“You wanted to fuck me, so do it,” You said, and your hands pulled at his hair.
He huffed a little, and he started to push himself inside of you. You moaned a little, and he seemed pleased with your small reactions.
“Do I feel good?” He asked as he continued to put himself inside of you.
You wanted to tell him no, just to spite him, but the unfortunate truth was that it felt really good. “I guess,” You said breathlessly, and he raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah?” He replied and slammed the rest of his length inside of you, resulting in a small yelp from you.
“I think I warrant a little more than ‘I guess’ from the way you’re acting,” He said cockily, and you wanted to come up with some stupid quip on how he actually sucked, but you were too busy being fucked silly.
You did your best to hold back your moans, knowing how thin your apartment walls were, but Aki, apparently, didn’t care. He would groan and mutter praises and just all around be kind of noisy, but you were also sort of maybe into it.
He placed his hand on your chest and dragged it down your stomach as if just wanting to touch you in a more intimate way than he already was.
“Aki,” You sighed, and you brought your hands up into his hair, pulling him down to you.
“Another kiss?” He murmured but complied nonetheless. You were thinking about how you don’t think you would be able to go without his kisses after this.
It was like his lips were made for yours. You really shouldn’t have been thinking such sappy things right as you were about to cum.
Aki groaned a little, and he bit at your lip. It stung and you yanked at his hair slightly.
He chuckled a little and moaned, his hands finally steadied on your hips as he let himself begin to unravel.
“Aki,” You moaned, and he just nodded his head a little bit, almost as if he were predicting what you wanted to say.
“I’m gonna cum,” He whispered into your ear, and his hands tugged at your hair.
“Me too,” You crooned, arms wrapping around his neck.
He kissed your neck and then moved to a sharper bite, and you gasped a little.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking tight,” He muttered, his grip tightening on your waist.
“Pull out, pull out, pull out!” You exclaimed, and your breathing grew more labored as you came.
You felt his seed splatter all over your stomach, and you breathed out a sigh of satisfaction as you felt yourself come.
He groaned, and he kissed your neck again. “That was good. We should get back to work.”
You chuckled a little, sitting up. “You’re gonna make me clean up by myself?”
He rolled his eyes. “Are you that much of a fucking princess that you need someone to help you clean up?”
“Asshole,” You said, and you shoved him away from you.
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll help you,” He said, and he slid his hand under your chin, and he placed a surprisingly soft kiss on your lips. “Where’s your bathroom?” He asked when he pulled away.
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junpies · 1 year
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. . . inarizaki second-year trio. convince, convince.
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“um.” rintarou clears his throat, taking a deep breath.
atsumu and osamu nod in his direction as they warily glance at your mother, who looked at them with a neutral expression on her face.
“good morning, mrs. l/n.” he says, his usual composed exterior coming back to him. “today, we have prepared a powerpoint to convince you to let y/n tag along on our outing tomorrow morning.”
the presentation changes to the following slide. “why you should agree to let your child join our simple outing: a powerpoint presentation made by suna rintarou, miya atsumu and miya osamu.”
your mother smiles quite a bit, and rintarou takes this as a sign from those who heard his silent pleas the night before.
“one. it would help build social connections, specifically memories with friends.” silly pictures of the twins bickering and even ones where you’re included in the background at school are what’s displayed.
“two. it helps with stress.” the next slide has a huge picture of atsumu’s face being absolutely red from eating an extra spicy dish that you and osamu dared him to eat. “according to a few studies, the company of friends would lighten one’s mood and overall performance throughout the day.” wow, they even had it cited properly—in the format of a true professional presentation.
“three. please, mrs. l/n. i can’t handle another outing with the twins; my brain cells are dropping at an alarming rate whenever i’m around them.” he sighs playfully, shaking his head. “fortunately, your child carries most of the brain cells our friend group has.”
the twins stare at rintarou with disbelief. atsumu was about to retort something when osamu held him back. they had to act on their best behavior to win your mother’s favor, after all.
one mistimed step, and she’ll surely refuse.
“four. we’ll be sure to have them home before the sun sets.”
“five. if anything happens, we’ll have atsumu to blame.”
that caught atsumu by surprise. “huh? why me?” he practically yells at rintarou, though he manages to keep his voice down.
“because it was your idea to actually wear formal suits just to deliver this presentation,” he replies.
“hey! it adds flare, don’t it?” atsumu reasons. “ya would’ve worn somethin’ else that doesn’t look professional at all, suna!”
osamu sighs to himself. “keep it down, you shits.” he quickly covers his mouth, realizing his language in front of your mother. “i– i am sorry for my language, mrs. l/n. i swear– ‘m not always like this, swear. i’m not a bad influence on your child, promise.” he tries to reassure her.
the other two looked at you and then at your mother; they were silent.
you, on the other hand, were holding in your laughter. you honestly didn’t expect osamu to use such language in front of your not-so-impressed mother.
she pinches the bridge of her nose, a small smile on her lips. “there’s no need to apologize. i can tell that you and your friends really are persistent to have y/n join you, even going as far as wearing these presentable suits in this hot weather.” atsumu nudges rintarou with a look that says ‘see? it helped!’ “creating a powerpoint presentation and bringing a projector in our home—” rintarou had an eager glint in his eyes as he listened, “made an honest attempt in showing your best behavior in front of your friend’s mother,” osamu smiles sheepishly.
“i’m delighted to know that you are y/n’s friends. what you showed me convinced me well enough.” the three, along with you, cheer as she says this.
“you may have y/n join you three whenever or wherever you want, as long as you tell me or their father beforehand.”
rintarou nods. “thank you, mrs. l/n. fuck, we actually did it. it’s like when we did our thesis defense.”
“rintarou!” you chuckled, and the twins happily thanked your mother.
the three could definitely say they had a knack for convincing and really put in the effort on rare ocassions, especially when it came to you.
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noomon © 2023. do not copy, modify, or translate my work.
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junpies · 1 year
i'll fetch you anything you like.
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featuring. aki hayakawa x gn!reader
content. MDNI, smut, riding, begging, crying, smoking, light masochism, burning (reader puts a cigarette out on aki), mild codependency, pet names (loverboy, darling), gender neutral reader, agab not mentioned, sub!aki + dom!reader, a little angst, pining, kissing, vague love confessions.
word count. 3.2k
synopsis. aki's smoking is a nasty habit, but you're certain you can get him to quit. also, aki pines.
notes. minors don’t interact. anyways how’s this for a first post ( totally normal abt aki hayakawa )
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Aki Hayakawa is an orphan in every sense of the word.
Literally being the one most people associate him with, but—Aki comes to a realisation when he's maybe thirteen or fourteen that the word runs deeper than that. It's not as if your entire life is defined by your relationship with your parents, after all; even people who have ones that are alive become something other than offspring in their life. Husband, brother, uncle, father. But orphan sticks, no matter how many people you fill your life up with to replace the parents you lost. Aki thinks there is something in the word that rings of loneliness; he could father a hundred children, become grandfather to two hundred more, gain friends and a partner, and still he would be Aki Hayakawa, orphan.
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"That's a bad habit."
Aki's fingers don't pause in their ministrations, thumb pressing down on the jut of the lighter as it zips to life. The cherry of his menthol cigarette glows in the blue-dark of the office. The sky outside the thin window is pale with the gloaming, and he breathes a haze of gritty smoke over it, sullying the view.
You've made yourself at home on his desk, legs swinging leisurely. You must be cold in only his work-shirt and boxers that cling to your hips and thighs. You watch him passively, head cocked.
"One of my least dangerous ones," he intones, which is true enough for a man who has three years to live at most.
"Oh? What tops the list?"
Aki eyes you serenely. "I dunno if you've heard, but I work for this place called the Public Safety Division."
Your laughter breaks the delicate quiet like a flock of birds taking off from a tree. "Put it out. I hate the smell."
Aki's dark brows crinkle. "I'm not wasting a perfectly good cigarette. If it bothers you so much, eat it."
"Eat it? You freak."
"At least then someone's getting something out of it."
You hop from the desk, yawning. In the dim light that is starting to grow just a little brighter, Aki can see the beginnings of bruises on your throat and collarbone, vanishing in an ugly rainbow trail down to the hastily-down buttons of his work shirt. Your socked feet pad along the threadbare carpet on your way over to him, and Aki inhales deeply. Maybe if there's enough smoke in his lungs it will encourage him not to breathe; that way, he won't do that god-forsaken embarrassing thing he does when you get close. His heart stutters, and it makes his breath hitch audibly. The worst part is you seemed to be goddamn attuned to it—there seems to be little you like more than knowing you have an effect on him.
Aki doesn't stop you when your fingers come up to encircle his cigarette, brushing his as you pluck it gently from between his lips. He hates that even the smallest kiss of your skin against his still sends liquid lightning zipping through him, like he's that seventeen-year-old he was when he met you, the one full of spite and anger who hadn't been held since his mother died.
You pull the cigarette away, still lit; the butt glows red and angry between your delicate hold, gleams in the reflection of your eyes. When Aki meets them, he feels his mouth go dry; your pupils are large and black, engulfing iris, barely blinking as you look up at him.
"Bet I can make you quit," you say.
Aki snorts. "Better men than you have tried."
"Anything can be unlearned," you counter smoothly. "All bad habits go away with a little punishment."
Aki feels his heartbeat quicken, tries not to let the way that one word sets his blood alight show on his face. "Hm," he says noncommittally, but frustratingly, he doesn't think he's fooled you for a second.
Your serene smile curved into something sharp as easily as breathing. "Gimme your hand."
And Aki does, though he knows where this is going. You turn his hand over gently at the wrist, leaving it palm-up, fingers splayed in your grip. You hold him so gently it makes him shiver. Carefully, slowly—Aki thinks, giving him much time to pull away—you raise the burning end of the cigarette and plant it in the centre of his pale palm, a stinging kiss. Aki hisses, grits his teeth, but dutifully doesn't move even as his hand twitches involuntarily at the contact. Just as tears start to needle at his eyes, you twist the butt and pull away, leaving a shallow pool of grey ash, a black soot mark, and a stinging red welt like a patch of burning leaves.
His eyes are glued to the masterpiece you've made of his boring skin. The burn throbs unpleasantly, but something low and hot has come alive in his abdomen at the lingering kiss of pain. It satiates something inside him just smoking the thing could never hope to touch. He likes the futility of feeding himself his own death, sure—makes him feel like he has marginally more control over it, despite what the Curse Devil might have to say about it. This sort of pain is different; it goes straight for the gullet, and it makes it all the more sweet that it's you doing it.
A stupid, lonely part of Aki—orphan—wants to believe you're doing this because you care for him. Because you want him to live as long as possible. The grown, cynical man he supposes he's become thinks you must be just as fucked up as he is. It doesn't really matter either way; Aki's loved you for years, and he's astonished he's even gotten this far with you, and he'll take anything you deign to give him, pleasure or pain because it's all sort of the same to him anyway.
You unscrew a bottle of drinking water and hold it over your discarded blazer, soaking the lapel before pressing it to the burn. Aki grunts, eyebrows knitting up as a strange cocktail of relief and pain throbs slowly through his body. Your hands holds the wet fabric over his one, like a ribcage encasing a beating heart. Oh, Aki would let you hold his heart in your hands, and who cares what you decided to do with it? It's hardly his business; it belongs to you anyway.
He leans in to kiss you, gets close enough to brush his lips against yours and feel his pupils dilate before you turn your head, ducking. Aki feels his heart stutter anxiously as you turn your serene face up to him.
"Hate the taste," you say.
Aki frowns. "I barely smoked it for thirty seconds."
"It lingers."
Aki isn't stupid; this is part of the punishment. And the goddamn annoying part is that it's working. Even as you take his other hand to hold the soaking blazer against his burn and turn away, every fibre in his body wants to stop you. Turn you back around, pin you against the wall, swallow any complaints with his lips. He wants to make you melt against him, wants to melt himself under you in that way you always manage to do to him. He likes feeling like he doesn't have to think with you; just await whatever comes next, pain or pleasure, and he'll take it because it's you.
But Aki doesn't move. He's not a problem dog. He stands quietly and nurses his burn, tracking you with his eyes as you re-dress yourself, his shirt tucked into your slacks, tie wound through the collar, work boots laced up to the ankle.
"I gotta run home and shower," you say, tugging your blazer on. "I'll see you back here in, like, an hour."
Aki nods. "Okay."
The grin you flash him is little more than poisonous; it makes it heart skip a beat. "How's your burn?"
He swallows around a dry throat, holding your stare with a touch of timidity. "What burn?"
Delight shivers over your expression like wind ruffling a field of grass, and you stride the length of the cramped office and kiss him. Aki grunts, rendered thoughtless the moment your mouth touches his, your hands in his collar and his hair; his hands go slack, blazer fluttering to the ground, and the welt on his palm stings horribly when his hands come up to latch around your shoulders and neck. He pulls you closer, a little frantic, and he has barely a moment to reflect on how worrying it is that he's this desperate for your touch after being denied only once, but before he can think to dwell on it you're parting your lips and he's tugged your body flush against his own. He's so close he could drown in you. For a moment, he wants to.
Far too soon, you pull away. You're delighted. "Good," you murmur, and he hates how his heart leaps into his throat. "You're so good, Aki."
His face is on fire. "I'm not a dog," he manages.
"Sure you are," you say matter-of-factly. "And I'm Pavlov. I'll break that nasty habit of yours if it's the last thing I do. Give you something else to focus on. Okay?"
Aki licks his dry lips. "You can try," he says hoarsely, hoping it doesn't sound as much like an invitation as he thinks it does. The impish smile you give him implies he's shit out of luck.
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Aki is in hell.
He knows this, because every time the two of you have hooked up since your little conversation in his office, he hasn't been allowed to kiss you if you detect even a whiff of smoke on his breath. It's killing him a little, to be honest. Fucking without kissing just feels wrong. It makes him forget it's you, sometimes, his vision of you sliding out of focus 'till you could be just anyone. And Aki doesn't fuck just anyone. He fucks people he loves.
He loves you. But he can't have you. And he can't even kiss you so he can pretend he has you, if only for a minute. It's just fucking, a tumble of sweating limbs and gasps and grunts, of a thrilling cocktail of pleasure and pain and almost-confessions bitten back at the last second, hidden in the crook of your neck.
Your shitty wooden headboard creaks into the shitty thin bedroom wall, and Aki spends a moment in lucidity to send a silent apology to your neighbours. One arm braces against the wood, flexing with every fast jerk of his hips, and you're under him, eyes clenched shut and meeting his thrusts in a way that has Aki wondering why anyone could think being on top had to mean being in control. He's oiled to your machine, matching the rhythm of your hips and trying not to drown as your back arches up from the sweat-damp sheets, stomach curving into his, one arm holding fast around his neck.
You feel so good he could cry. Not that that would be an irregular occurrence, or anything—he'd practically sobbed the first time you fucked, and back then you'd been all fluttering concern, stopping even though he tried to sputter please, Christ, don't stop, I'll die if you stop, please. He supposes you're kind, in your own way. You'd stroked away his tears and kissed his damp face.
"Aki," you groan, bringing him forcefully back to the present; his dark bangs dangle in his eyes as he looks down at you, mouth agape and head cloudy. "Wh-what's got you so wound up?"
As if you don't know. Aki grits his teeth.
Your hand makes patterns on the damp nape of his neck as his rolling hips slow, as he breathes deep to try and regain a semblance of his dignity. "Loverboooy," you croon up at him, your free hand gripping at the junction between his hip and thigh. Aki grimaces; he hates that nickname. "Talk to me."
Aki glares at you. "You know—I want—you know. St-stop it."
He whimpers somewhere high in his throat as your body tightens around him, free hand coming up to scrub down his face. "D-don't!"
"Sorry, sorry," you laugh. "I'm sorry. Why don't you tell me what you want? Maybe I'm feeling nice."
It feels like a trap, like luring his feelings into the light just to snap a bear trap over them. But Aki wants, he yearns so deeply and desperately that he's just about willing to risk it. "Want to kiss you."
Your eyes gleam. "Do you?" you ask, as if this is news to you.
His arms shake. "Please."
God, he's pathetic. He's so used to being in control, to tailoring every facet of his life meticulously, grooming and tidying and cleaning. He knows the exact amount of calories he should eat per day. He puts his shoes on a rack so he never tracks mud onto the tatami mats. His shower utensils are organised in the order he uses them—shampoo, conditioner, face-wash, scented gel. He likes being in control. He thinks, anyway. You make him reevaluate. You make him reevaluate an awful lot.
You toss your head back against the pillows; you have the audacity to laugh. "Saw you smoking earlier," you tell him, and Aki's stomach goes cold. "Mm... full pack, too. A new one? When'd you buy that."
"Th-that was hours ago." And it's true; when Aki learns you're coming over, he puts his cigarettes in a locked draw and puts the key somewhere difficult to reach. "It won't still taste. I've eaten. I brushed my teeth."
That's just good manners.
"It's the principle of the thing, loverboy," you say, and your hand comes up to his chest and rolls him over. Aki gapes, whining at the loss of contact only to choke on his own voice as you sling a leg over his hips and slide him back into you. Your nails scrape red railroads down the pale skin of his sternum at the stretch, and Aki watches, mesmerised as you start to move, the flex of the muscles in your thighs, the vein bulging in your throat as you toss your head back. He wants to be all over you, a hand on your neck feeling your pulse go berserk for him, his teeth in your skin as proof he was there, nose buried in your hair, dirty and rough and the exact opposite of the way he usually wants you. That is—soft and kind, romantic, slow and heady as syrup.
He wants kisses that taste like tears, whispered confessions into bedsheets. He wants, painfully, the constant assurance he can never ask for. I love you. I love you. Oh, Aki, I love you.
"Kiss me," he gasps instead, writhing against the bedsheets, head thrown back at the brutal pace you set him. He's so close, teeth gritting and muscles locking up but without a kiss it feels cold and incomplete. "Please, please, kiss me, please—"
"You're a brat, Aki," you hiss, and Aki's heart twitches in his chest; he can hear his pulse in his skull. "You ignore the one rule I gave you, and you still think you get to ask for what you want?"
"It's a bullshit rule," he snaps. "I—I can't just, hah, I can't j-just turn it, off, oh, fuck—"
"You okay?" you ask in a fleeting moment of mercy. Aki's eyebrows knit up. "Am I—is it too much?"
Aki shakes his head. "I'm okay," he mumbles pitifully. "I'm close."
"I know, darling," you murmur. "It's okay. I'm gonna give you what you want. And you're gonna give me what I want. Deal?"
"I—I..." Aki chews the inside of his cheek till copper floods his mouth. "I'll try? I'll try, I swear."
You still for a moment. "You mean that?"
Aki nods frantically. "Yes, I—if that's what you want, anything, anything you want, please..."
The beam that breaks out on your face is a million watts. "Aki," you breathe, and finally you lean forward 'till your chest brushes his. Aki can't breathe, transfixed by every swoop of your eyelash and chap in your lip as you lean close. When you speak, you're so close that your lips brush his, and he has to keep every muscle taut to stop himself leaning forward and closing the gap. "Aki, I want you to live a long, happy life. You get that, right? Why I'm doing this?"
He feels his stomach flip, can barely comprehend the words through his dazed mind. His glazed eyes follow you, thunderstruck. "What—what d'you mean?"
"I care about you," you murmur. "I want you to live as long as possible. Want you to stick around with me."
With you? It's a wonder his heart doesn't explode. For a fleeting moment, there exists a future beyond the Gun Fiend, beyond Denji and Power and Nyako, one where he can love you freely. Tears needle at his eyes. It all seems so impossible.
Aki forgets himself, surges up to capture your mouth, but you turn at the last second, planting a kiss to his cheek before focusing on his jaw, his ear, capturing the lobe between your teeth and sucking gently as your hips resume their rhythm. You're faster now, gasping for breath, Aki's hands sliding over the skin of your hips and torso for a lifeline. You tongue at the cords in his neck, the shell of his ear and the sensitive divot just underneath till he's squirming.
Your hands are everywhere—scraping nails across his twitching abdomen, running up the valley between his pecs, tweaking a nipple and pulling. And Aki groans and gasps, every hint of pain from your lovely hands sending him rocketing closer towards the edge. Tears bead at his lashline.
"'M close," he gasps again.
"That's okay, loverboy," you say sweetly, words buzzing against the skin of his throat, and Aki shudders, arching impossibly closer to you. He can feel every nerve in his body sawed open and set alight, impossibly sensitive, boiling with love, and as he comes he buries his face into the crook of your neck with a hoarse cry. Two lone tears streak down his flushed cheeks.
You're not far behind, and Aki wouldn't dream of pulling out, so he squirms and gasps and whines with the prickling of overstimulation as you chase your own high. "Sorry—fuck—you okay?"
"I'm, I'm good," Aki whines. He cracks one steely blue eye open. It stands out against his red skin; he's so flushed as to look sunburnt.
"'M almost, fuck, almost there. Hang on for me?"
Aki raises shaking hands to grip your hips in answer. You laugh between pants, baring down at him.
"That's my boy."
You don't kiss him when you finish, but it's alright. You flop down beside him, taking in deep lungfuls of air, nuzzling your lips to the salt-sweat cooling on his chest. Usually, round about now, Aki would roll to reach his bedside cabinet where his open pack of cigs lay in wait. The lighter is right beside him, open and tempting. He can almost hear the flick of it, the zip of the flame bursting to life, the sizzle of the cherry scorching beneath that controlled flame. The grit of smoke in his mouth and down his throat, emptying his lungs of fresh air.
The pack goes untouched. Aki winds an arm around your shoulders and holds you close, your cheek against his thudding heart.
You don’t kiss him, but it’s alright.
Aki’s not a problem dog.
He's going to earn it.
if you enjoyed this, request something.
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junpies · 1 year
STAY STILL. .ᵃᵏⁱ ʰᵃʸᵃᵏᵃʷᵃ
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(.。*☆) --synopsis mean!aki despises you, so he decides to shut you up for once
(.。*☆) --warning fem! reader, mean! aki, kinda dub-con? pressing a lit cigarette on someone's skin, smoke play?, pain kink, hate sex, tough sex, choking, overstim, aki gets hella pissed...
(.。*☆) --authors note NOT PROOF READ yall need to give my CSM drabbles some more love.. man fuck gojo.. yall hyping up his drabbles too much... aki needs love too tf??? :(((( imma be honest this shit is ass
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—(“𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊, 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆.” Aki sneered, flicking the ash off of his cigarette before taking a long drag. his long and coordinated thrusts became erratic, unpredictable almost. his cock dug deep into you, your gummy walls squeezing tight around him; milking him perfectly as the base of your ass slammed against his stomach.
a harsh slap came down on the meat of your ass, you hissed in pain, your grip on the kitchen counter; tightening. the room was filled with the sound of wet slapping and shrill moans that seemed to almost echo. surely your neighbors were pissed off.
aki’s cock seemed to fit you perfectly. the way his cock filled you up, rubbing up against your ribbed walls that you can’t get enough of. his tip rammed against the entrance of your cervix as your defeaning moans began to silence. your mouth hung open as pathetic whimpers came out— unable to form a full moan.
“God, you’re so fucking annoying,” aki’s cock thrusted into you deep, making you emit a hearty wail, “if I could just have you like this twenty-four- seven, then maybe, you wouldn’t be so frustrating.” his bucking hips slow down to an agonizingly slow pace as his palm strikes the skin of your ass again, forcing a yelp passed your lips. his rough hands grab a chunk of your ass to grip onto as his slow thrusts managed to hit every nerve in your bullied pussy.
“akiii…” you whine, trying to push your ass against his stomach to gain for friction, “pleasee…go faster.” your slurred words were laced with desperation as his cock slide in and out of you at a terribly slow pace.
his palms dug into the meat of your waist—bouncing you on his aching cock. aki watched as your tight walls swallowed his length, over and over again, relishing the sight. his teeth dug into his bottom lip as he attempts to hold back a string of groans.
“shut up already, slut.” aki scoffed, taking a puff of his cigarette, tapping the ash off onto your ass, and burning you in the process. you hiss from the pain, the hot ash digging into your skin.
your head turns to the side, attempting to look at Aki through your peripheral vision, "be more careful, will you? I don't need your cancer stick to fucking burn me." you sneer, staring daggers at the man behind you, who only looked at you in amusement.
"oh really?"
a grin stretched across aki's pink lips, a mischievous one. his slow strokes began picking up speed again, ramming into you at an insatiable pace. aki took another drag from his cigarette, letting the ash burn down to his fingertips before flicking the rest of the ash onto your ass.
you jerk your body as a reaction to the hot embers, making aki's member slip out of your wet hole, the cold of the winter air brushing against your exposed genitals.
you crane your head to the side again, "Aki I'm fucking serious, you do that shit again--" your voice was cut off as aki's hands wrapped around your throat, positioning his cock at your seeping hole, rubbing his angry tip against your arousal. his stomach molded into the arch of your spine, pressing up completely against you as his nails continue to dip into your nape.
"Stay still." he seethed, stuffing his cock back into your needy cunt, feeding deep and fast strokes to your aching core, "You might just get burned again."
his grip on your throat tightens, as he lights another cigarette, his second one tonight. unlike the first one, he doesn't let it burn down to his fingertips, he takes a long drag before turning your head to the side. Using his free hand--keeping his other hand on your throat-- he parts your lips, placing his lips against yours, blowing in the secondhand smoke.
you sputter into a coughing fit, "what," you say in between your heaving," the fuck aki?" he cuts you off with a deep kiss, his teeth biting into your bottom lip as he attempts to keep up with sloppy thrusts leaving you a moaning mess, the knot in your stomach tightening.
the taste of smoke is fresh as he explores your mouth, and your tongues completely developed with each other. this wasn't a meaningful kiss filled with love but a kiss filled with hatred and possessiveness. aki pulls back, sweat sticking to his forehead: breathless. a hateful yet fulfilling kiss.
"Youre. Mine." he groans, ramming into your insides as he takes another hit, letting the ass burn down to the tip of his fingers again, pushing the hot red embers into your skin. you screech, outstretching your fingers as a dark burn mark forms on the backside of your ass.
he presses the cigarette into the meat of your ass again, singeing the skin beneath it. your scream is a mixture of pleasure and pain, your tight hole clamping around him. the pain, just felt so good. the only thing you could do was moan at the burned embers as they dug into your skin.
"fuck," you whimper, barely able to get any words out from his tight grip on your neck, "you." you spat as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. you could barely muster any type of reaction; you were practically speechless.
aki laughed, "I am." his hips, rolled against your tight cunt. his pace slowing down to long and deep strokes that sent you over the edge.
you hate the way your body reacts to him, you hate the way that you'll be on your knees any time he asks. you especially hate the way that he always makes you cream on his cock, without fail.
your pussy gushed around his cock, your arousal dripping down your legs, leaving a thick ring of cream behind on his cock. a barrage of whimpers and screams leave your mouth as your body shakes from your intense orgasm, your grip on the kitchen counter deteriorating completely. your knees buckle from exhaustion as aki picks up your numb legs, flipping so you're now finally facing him.
aki's normal up kept black hair was disheveled, wet with sweat and other bodily fluids from a few minutes before all this. the rising winter sun peaked from through the blinds behind him, illuminating his figure,
fuck, you hate how good he always looks.
aki places you on the counter, his cock still embedded in your womb. his rough hands move to your thighs in an attempt to keep you from falling over. without warning, he rocks his hips into you, kissing the far corner of your cervix.
you whimper from the overstimulation as your eyes focus on his thick cock sliding in and out of you with ease. you couldn't help but throw your head back from the pleasure being too much for you.
aki's heavy breathes grew ragged and short as his cock continued to position in and out of your sloppy cunt. his cock twitched inside of your gummy walls before painting your inside white with his cum. you about came again yourself as his cum filled you up to the brim.
he shudders, pulling out his now limp cock as his cum seeped out of your red hole. you lay there, breathless, as your chest rises and falls rapidly, desperate to catch your breath. you are completely and utterly, fucked out. so you lay there on the counter, watching the man in front of you with hatred.
aki pulls up his clad black boxers from his knees, zipping up his dark blue jeans. he turns to you, his chest heaving from exhaustion, his baby blue eyes starting daggers at you—but for one moment, you see a hint of adoration in them.
“so…how do you feel about shower sex?”
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