jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
fourridersandaking replied to your post: [text: scarlett] super quick question, if i were...
[text: jurik] well then, i’m back in the country, you fancy a drink?
[text: warrior woman]: i can on ly pay fo r myself, is that oka?
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
[text: scarlett] super quick question, if i were to ask you out for a beer or two now i'm back in the country, your answer would be ?
The cyborgian man had been dozing when his phone buzzed loudly against his hand, the sensation of the action rattling up his arm, feeling like a shock.  It had woken him up abruptly--but to be fair, he wasn’t supposed to be napping at the bus stop....  Groggily, fumbling with his phone, he plucked the thing out of his pocket and stared down at the text.  Needless to say, his aggravation was quickly replaced with curiosity and delight to see the sender.
He was careful as he typed out a response, a rather coherent one (which was rare for him, given he normally didn’t (seem to) care about how sloppy his writing was).
[text: warrior woman]: i wou ld take you up on that of f er in the beat of a heart!
He understood English by his language processor just enough to get idioms delightfully wrong. 
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
Yori needs more cyborg friends, truth.
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
“Italian Polka”(Итальянская Полька), composed by Sergei Rachmaninoff, arranged and played by Vyacheslav Gryaznov
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
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The Clementinum Library in Prague
via reddit
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
my kink is when everyone shuts the fuck up
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
“Unworthy of what?”  He keeps hold of Jurik’s fingers, reaches for his other hand while he’s at it, no hesitation because really, they’re not the weirdest things he’s seen by a fucking mile.  They hardly even make the list.  He briefly wonders if Jurik will be as accepting if he finds out what Coco can do.  Wonders if he’ll just shrug it off and deal with it or if he’ll run for the hills like so many have done before him.  
“You shouldn’t y’know.  You have worth, a lot of fucking worth.  Who gives a shit if you don’t have the hands you were born with, anyone who talks smack can go fuck themselves.  You’re still you, you’re still funny and smart and really fucking amazing.  Metal hands just mean you can punch dickheads that little bit harder.”  A grin from the witch as he tightens his hold on the digits in his hands.
“Unworthy of... happiness,” he confesses with quiet words, as if saying it aloud was painful.  He’d felt this way for the past few years, and it wasn’t something that was going to disperse within a few minutes, hours, days, or even weeks...  His green eyes are still downcast when the next words came from Coco, a soft laugh, disparaging against himself.  His hands tighten at the words, a careful squeeze to the fingers around his.
Though his eyes are downcast, there is one obvious thing happening as a slight shudder shakes his shoulders and his jaw can be seen clenching.  He was... crying.  Of course he was crying.  He crouches down suddenly, pressing Coco’s hands to his forehead as his crying becomes more apparent, complete with quiet sobs.  Aside from Ludek, there weren’t many people who defended Jurik’s humanity, despite his body bearing at least 40% synthetic parts.  He hated showing his weakness--he would rather let it fester and deal with it alone.  No one deserved to see such a broken man--broken physically, emotionally, and somewhat mentally.
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
❤ war's having a bad day please just let her hug him and hide her face for a min or two in his neck please and thanks
The man seems taken aback, if only momentarily, to have that woman whom his eyes had always found beautiful–it was half-jarring for the sudden movement. But it’s gentle and soft, full of not lust or anything that could be misconstrued. Her very aura feels sad. His brows furrow as he tries to get a glance, to ascertain the issue. But he tries not to move much, instead opting to wrap not one but both of his arms around her, to place them softly against her. He may not know the problem, but that she trusted him enough to expose a vulnerability in her otherwise invincible armor–he understands it’s trust.
A sense of protection washes over him as he tries to tighten his embrace around her, giving a faint muttering of “It will be okay, I promise…” to try and soothe her. He had been alone, without real companionship and trust for so long that… this was strange, but something he needed and welcomed.
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
My muse is feeling touch-starved.
Send one of the following touches for my muse’s reaction. Bonus points for a description/context of some kind to make it easier for your partner to respond!
❤ - gentle or loving touch (romantic or platonic!), such as face caressing, holding your muse, rubbing their back, petting their hair, hugging them tightly, etc
ღ - kisses of any kind (romantic or platonic) such as cheek kisses, hair kisses, mouth kisses, kiss to the hand/fingertips or eyelids, etc. feel free to specify a body part!
☕ - reassuring touch, such as holding their hand, gripping their shoulder, guiding them by the arm or by a hand on the small of their back, etc
❥ - rough, violent, or dominant touch, such as gripping the back of their neck, holding them down, shoving them into a wall, digging their nails into them, grabbing their jaw, etc
❣ - add this to any of the above to make it sexual. 
¿ - write your own touches!
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
[text: ever heard of predictive?] see you soon dude (: 
Scuffed sneakers located because he’s not in the mood to play dress up today.  Ripped jeans and a too big black cardigan that he stole from Haronis and he looks nothing at all like his usual styled perfection.  Phone and wallet stuffed into his pockets he locks the door and hops down the stairs, eager to get out and eat. 
And hopefully cheer Jurik up.  Guy needs to smile more, laugh more if Coco’s completely honest, which, he is most of the time.  
It’s not far and Coco scans the few people lingering around in search of the cyborg when he gets there.
He walks not too far, glances up at street signs to get his bearings, and sets out on a rather uneventful trip.  He gives side-eyes to the mannequins in a storefront, scowling at the decadence and luxury that some people could afford.  Certainly, Coco could afford decadence in his wardrobe, but the tutor earned it.  The people in that store, behind the mannequins... they hadn’t earned a single koruna on their own.  It was always somebody else’s money.  A scoff, a sneer, synthetic hands shoved into pockets, and he continues on his way.
A turn at a corner or two, and he’s arrived--a small group of people, probably a party or a family, take up valuable space on the sidewalk.  He spots a blonde-haired person who... looks like Coco, but, honestly, he can’t tell.  Looks more drab than usual, too dark.  Instead of being an outgoing person like he isn’t, he instead plucks out his phone and types out a quick ‘u here????’ to Coco, not trying to stare at the person he suspects could be, but is too nervous to approach.
He... didn’t want to break up the party that separated them, if it was Coco.  They’d all stare and judge and mock in their own ways.  He backed away from them, trying to make himself smaller and invisible against the restaurant’s wall.
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
Can someone buy one of these hoodies for Jurik to update his look and tell the world about his attitude?  Thanks.
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
BOLD = ALWAYS / OFTEN ; italic = sometimes.
TAGGED BY: coughs @wereallbarredfromheaven thanks for good content to STEEEEAL TAGGING:  //
1. smoking: the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug. 2. binge drinking: the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time. 3. drug abuse: the habitual taking of illegal drugs. 4. nail biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension. 5. lip biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension. 6. night owl: a person who is habitually active or wakeful at night. 7. early bird: a person who rises, arrives, or acts before the usual or expected time. 8. negative attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with criticism & pessimism. 9. positive attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with optimism & confidence. 10. swearing: the use of offensive language. 11. superstitious: an irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome. 12. inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom. 13. scratching your neck: a common body language sign of uncertainty. 14. foot and finger tapping: a common body language sign of stress/impatience. 15. nose touch: a subtle body language sign of deceit. 16. flipping hair: a common body language sign of craving attention. 17. twirling hair: a common body language sign of flirtation. 18. cracking knuckles: a common body language sign of readiness. 19. hands behind back: a common body language sign of confidence. 20. finger pointing: a common body language sign of authority. 21. hands on hips: a common body language sign of readiness. 22. hands in pockets: a common body language sign of mistrust/reluctance. 23. frequent touch: a common body language sign of warmth/familiarity. 24. throat - clearing: a common body language sign of rejection/doubt. 25. jaw - clenching: a common body language sign of hostility. 26. eye - rolling: a common body language sign of irritation. 27. head - tilt: a common body language sign of interest. 28. whistling: to emit high - pitched sound by forcing breakthrough a small hole between one’s lips or teeth; usually to a tune. 29. humming: make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee, usually to a tune. 30. perfectionism: refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. 31. photographic memory: the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail. 32. paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self - importance, typically worked into an organized system. 33. exaggeration: a statement that represents something as a better or worse than it really is. 34. intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive. 35. quick - witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think to respond quickly & effectively. 36. interrupting: breaking the continuity of a conversation with one’s own statements. 37. doodling: to scribble or make rough drawings, absentmindedly. 38. irritable: having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed. 39. gambling: to play games of chance for money; bet. 40. travel - sick: suffering from nausea caused by the motion of a moving vehicle, boat, or aircraft. 41. sensitive: having or displaying a quick & delicate appreciation of others’ feelings. 42. melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. 43. chewing gum: the exercise of chewing flavoured gum which is not intended for swallowing. 44. fidgeting: to make small movements, especially of the hands & feet, through nervousness or impatience. 45. skeptical: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations. 46. neat - freak: compulsively obsessed with cleanliness. 47. gossiping: divulging personal information about others. 48. prim: feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct. 49. abbreviating: giving others nicknames/shortening names / giving pet names. 50. having a catchphrase: having a sentence or phrase typically associated with a specific person.
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
Jurik + Religion and Faith
Yori’s family never relied on the powers of a higher being to lift them out of their dire straits, nor did they pray before meals, nor did they really ever talk about religion with each other.  This contributed to Yori’s lack of faith, as it is.  While the man can appreciate a beautifully crafted church or a statue made in homage to a saint or religious figure, he doesn’t particularly care for religion.
Consider, also, the day of the incident that left him all beat up and broken.  He technically died that day, though he’ll never know it.  He never knew who his mysterious benefactor was, but he was granted legs and life not by the intervention of some god in his mind, but by luck and chance.  He could have just as easily died and stayed dead, no divine plan sought him out to fix him.  Harvesters, however, did.
He doesn’t spit on or belittle people who have faith or follow a religion--it’s their prerogative, none of his business.  He believes more in folklore and mythology than the major religions of the world--but even to that end, it’s more of a joke to him--just a way to explain the unexplained to more primitive people.  Given his limbs and augmentations, he refuses to believe there is a god guiding him--everything he has now was gained through his own hard work and dedication (or the niceness of strangers--which he’s weary of, curious if he’s just a step in their path to get to heaven, to appease a god they’ve never seen).
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
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Statue pointing the way to the castle - Charles Bridge at dusk, Prague
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
“Maybe that’s just it?  I grew up, hmm, sheltered?  We didn’t have much at all, the bare essentials.  We were taught to not rely on material things?”  A gesture to himself, to his expensive clothes.  “I rebelled when I left, but I work for it, I never once relied on anyone once I could pay my own way.”  His shoulders lift in a shrug, a sigh follows.  Perhaps Coco is just bitter that they have it so easy and he works two jobs to afford the shitty roof over his head.
The shift in language brings a tilt to his head.  He has no idea what it means but it doesn’t sound like an insult?  Jurik seems happy, and his tone has stayed the same so it can’t be anything bad right?  He decides he doesn’t much care and leaves the shitty apartment when the others gestures for him to.  “I teach maths darling, you sure you want to listen to that?”  Coco locks the door and pockets the keys before turning to link his arm in Jurik’s with an easy smile, seemingly not bothered in the slightest when it’s hard under the sleeve.  “I do!  It’s one of my favourites.  Ahh, you know how to spoil me.”
“We can be poor together, honey,” he grants the situation a final laugh.  “Well, you can be the breadwinner--that’s how they call it, ano?  And I will be your loving wife.”  All in jest, of course, because if the young man knew anything, it was that comedy could help a bad situation seem well, not-as-bad.  A few chuckles and laughs helped even the mood out, too.  It made no sense to eat while angry--nothing good ever came of it.  Eat while you’re happy and the experience will be all the better for it!  At least, that was his humble belief.
Coco’s arm tucks under his and he pats the hand carefully--just enough to demonstrate that his can feel it.  “Maths... Well, I did my best to understand it--and I had to to build this arm.”  He moves the self-built limb slightly.  “I couldn’t be an engineer, no, but... I at least made something functional.  Now, elegant?  Perhaps there is more maths I could undertake to teach me that.”  A slight shrug, soft smile that’s nearly a grin.
“Golden Bell is really your favorite?  No, no, that can’t be... it’s my favorite.  We both can’t like the same place, that’s not how a relationship works!”  Cue another laugh, lively.  “You can’t make it easy on me!  Or am I the one who’s not supposed to make it easy?”
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jurik-archive-blog · 7 years
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Prague | Peter Gutierrez
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