just-a-forest-crow 2 days
i feel like most things that are real, when believed to be true for long enough take on a shroud of metaphor, and on the other side, most things that are metaphorical, if cherished or believed to be true for long enough take on a form of realness
everything tangible and intangible is intricately linked in this world
mind becomes body, body becomes mind
it's all intertwined
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just-a-forest-crow 11 months
gimme a corruption arc where the "corruption" is actually just the character embracing who they truly are for the first time.
a werewolf. who they are is a werewolf.
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just-a-forest-crow 1 year
i heat up one (1) string cheese stick in the microwave for 33 seconds at 3:33am, to eat it twirled in one endless string with fork and spoon, like spaghetti.
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just-a-forest-crow 1 year
thoughts aren't allowed in this household, just the sillies
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just-a-forest-crow 1 year
Tumblr media
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just-a-forest-crow 1 year
once every few months i am reminded of the time i went feral over cookie dough. sprinting through the woods with a ball of it in my hands, barking at my pursuant. being picked up by the mixing bowl snarling and biting.
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just-a-forest-crow 2 years
i want to violently rot
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just-a-forest-crow 2 years
oh godn mgy stomache
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just-a-forest-crow 4 years
Who even are you if you鈥檙e not chewing bubblegum so sweet you can feel the sugar crunch between your teeth and sipping water from a small bowl at midnight?
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