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Alpha Legion by Abinuman
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Love the Praetor, a solid example of careful posing working with the bits producing a natural, flowing pose
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this is not the 41st millennium
welcome to M.31
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this is not the 41st millennium
welcome to M.31
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Finished my contemptor!  Shown here with the Plasma Cannon and the conversion beamer, though if I can find someone doing a FW order I can piggy back on I’d like to get some volkites and another fist too.
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Salamander, er, uh, I mean Alpha Legion Pyroclasts.  Finally got a squad done to be my “Rewards of Treason” unit. These guys were a pain in the as to build.
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Nothing too exciting today, new arms for the contemptor
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Plasma Support Squad is ready!  I’m sure they will have a giant “kill me first” banner over their heads, and boy is it a lot of points to field, but in the end I think it’ll be a fun unit.
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Was a wee bit busy last weekend, tryin’ to make sure that I keep my promise to myself.  Gotta go in for wisdom tooth removal later this week, so this weekend’s models got pushed to right now, under the assumption I’ll be useless for a couple days after that.  Got me a support squad of Melta Gunners and a Dual-Kheres babby contemptor.
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Despite the gaping holes in my gum, I have been productive this week! Got these destroyers (please buff) that I want to use (please buff them) because they have cool fluff (please buff them) and models (PLEASE BUFF THEM)
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Volkite Charger Squad, complete and in the books.
Down to 6 rapiers + crew, 20 headhunters, 20 seekers, and 30 vets, so I’m gonna be painting alot of power armor for the conceivable future.  Very likely to buy some more tanks before all’s said and done, but at least I can paint those quicker than power armor.
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Finished my other Rapier team this weekend, and finally got a start on my seeker squads.  Squad 1 finished way too late at night, but eh, who needs to be awake for work anyway? Not when there’s legions to be painted!
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Long weekend of work, but here it is.  Got a cardboard box with a Falchion and a Fellblade kit on Thursday, both done by Sunday.  The Fellblade Chassis trio is now ready to roll!
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It’s an exiting day, Ladies and Gentlemen and Pornbots! I have finally finished my entire heresy army that I own! Current Army totals are-
HQ- Praetor in Power Armor, Praetor in Cataphractii armor, Praetor in Tartaros armor, Vigilator x2, Skorr counts-as, Exodus counts-as, 3 saboteurs, 2 librarians in power armor, Primus in cataphractii x2 1 librarian in cataphractii, 1 moritat, 1 master of signals, terminator command squad x5
Elites- Veteran tactical squad x 10 x 3, Terminator squad x 10 x 3, contemptor dread, contemptor mortis, rapier team x 3 x 2, apothecary x2, destroyers x 10, stolen pyroclasts x10
Troops- Tactical Squad x 20 x 3, support squad x 10 x 3, recon squad x 10 x 2
Dedicated Transport- Rhino x 5
Fast attack- seeker squad x 10 x 2, headhunter squad x 10 x 2
Heavy support- heavy support squad x 10 x 3, Sicaran x 2, land raider proteus, spartan, deredeo dread, fire raptor
Lords of War- glaive, fellblade, falchion
Allies- Knight atropos, Knight Styrix, Knight Maegera, Knight Warden, Knight Paladin, Knight Errant, Knight Gallant, Knight Crusader.
So where do we go now? simple, I’m not DONE done, just… caught up.  I will now be doing my best to make sure that I never again buy way more models then I have the patience to work on at once. For the future, I want tanks, lots and lots of tanks.  Ultimately, I want to be able to run an effective armored breakthrough and armored spearhead list, which is gonna require more land raiders, spartans, preadators, whirlwinds, and sicarans.  I would also like to be able to do angels wrath, meaning assault troops, jetbikes, and more flyers are a must. lastly, zone mortalis seems cool, and I would want boarding troops and more dreads to go with that.  No more infantry for me for a while though, tanks are sooo much easier to work with.
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Eat armored spearhead, loyalists!
With my other proteus LR, this makes 4 land raiders and a spartan for big AV14funtimes
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Command squad and party bus, and one more sicaran makes 6
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This is Alpharius, we are in position. 
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