just-a-sunshine · 11 days
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just-a-sunshine · 11 days
Adelard Dekker, the avatar of concrete, strikes again.
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just-a-sunshine · 14 days
The idea that Regulus can’t swim is hilarious to me, because you’re telling me his rich fucking parents couldn’t get SOMEONE to teach him how to swim??
Or the alternative to this, they did get someone, Reggie was just a stubborn little shit. Either way, it’s weirdly funny to me.
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just-a-sunshine · 14 days
Marlene: who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Sirius and Remus's conversation?
Peter: me. I'm in the laundry basket
James: I'm in the washing machine
Regulus: I'm in the closet
Pandora: we accept you, reg 💕
Regulus: no I'm literally in the closet
Dorcas: LOVE IS LOVE 🏳️‍🌈
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just-a-sunshine · 14 days
sirius “i have to leave” black & regulus “you promised you’d stay” black
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just-a-sunshine · 24 days
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just-a-sunshine · 24 days
We don't really need more people from the TMA universe in TMAGP, it doesn't really make sens- JONATHAN SIMSSSSSSSS . PUT MICHAEL SHELLEY IN TMAGP. AND MY LIFE. IS YOURS.
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just-a-sunshine · 25 days
So a month or so back I dyed my hair black and now my roots are growing in and it's becoming splotchy in some places. So I will reach my final form: Gerard Keay!
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just-a-sunshine · 28 days
Do you think Jon and Martin are side-eying Jonah SUPER hard in those computers rn like "how come you get to name-drop yourself in a statement and all we get to do is send shitty emails"
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just-a-sunshine · 1 month
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just-a-sunshine · 1 month
Hiiiii gerrymichael with clothing swapped? Or with braided hair? Either/both would be cute!
I loveee gerrymichael sharing clothes
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Michael's legs look too short but it's fine it's foreshortening I'm not gonna overthink it
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just-a-sunshine · 1 month
friendly reminder that cuddling can be romantic and it can be sexual but is can also me neither and that's ok
If you disagree with me then you are not allowed to cuddle with your pets anymore you monster
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just-a-sunshine · 1 month
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Gerry Keay the man you were <3
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just-a-sunshine · 1 month
I need to not listen to the Magnus Archives when I'm tipsy, I'm listening to Michael's statement and crying.
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just-a-sunshine · 1 month
Hard cut to Klaus talking to the girl on the bicycle
Klaus: “Did we save the world or screw it up again?”
Bicycle God: “You were never the problem”
She holds up an action figure of Reginald and crushes it in her bare hands. Marigold lights emerge from it. Golden light envelops everything
Hard cut to Klaus waking up in bed. He is wearing pajamas covered in marigolds.Street noise can be heard from outside.
(From offscreen) “You okay, Hon?”
Klaus looks over and Dave is cooking breakfast in their flat
Klaus: “Yeah, just had a weird dream.”
Looks out the window and sees an empty lot where the Hargreeves mansion should be.
Klaus: “Wasn’t there a building there?”
(Naïve Melody by the Talking Heads begins to play over a montage)
Diego and Lila Are wrangling their kids into the camper van. One of the kids gives Lila a picture of her family in a field of bunch of orange flowers (marigolds)
Luther is stripping and the obsessed lady in the crowd is Sloan. He has a marigold in his mouth. He takes it out and gives it to her.
Viktor is playing the violin with Harlon. Sissy is setting the table. She sets a bouquet of marigold into a center vase.
Allison is gardening while Clare and Ray play in the yard. She is planting Marigolds.
Five is teaching at some university. An older woman comes in. “Dolores” he says as she kisses him.
Jennifer serves Ben at the dinner. Closeup on her pouring coffee. He has a Durango flower tattoo that says “Jennifer” and she had a marigold tattoo that says “Ben”
Cut back to Klaus staring out the Window
Dave: No, been an empty lot as long as I can remember
Klaus, smiles: Yeah, I don’t know why I thought that
Camera Zooms out from the window as music continues
Reginald, voiceover: And that is how our unlikely heroes manage to create one timeline where everything was fine.
BTS footage plays with the final credits 
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just-a-sunshine · 1 month
It would have hurt so much if the pronouns changed in that sentence, like if Michael and the distortion were fighting against each other's to told their story
"he cared for her, I trusted her, and she fed him to me"
Thinking about MAG 101 again, specifically the line “He cared for her, he trusted her, and she fed him to me.” Like !!!! The fact that this story is being narrated simultaneously by the monster and the person being consumed by the monster, the fact that you can hear Michael Shelley in that line, and you can hear the Distortion, but neither of them can tell their own story because what they’re describing changed them so fundamentally that they don’t exist anymore in the same way they did at the beginning of it. Am I making any sense?
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just-a-sunshine · 1 month
Convinced that the only reason Gerry told Jon to call him that was because he couldn’t handle him mispronouncing “Gerard” any longer
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