Anonymous anti-lifter vigilante: I’m calling the cops on you right now :-) Me:
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….well then.
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I snagged travel sized body spray, lotion and bath gel yesterday from B&BW and gave it to one of my students today and she’s so happy that I’m crying.
I swear, parents who neglect children are the fucking worst. I helped her brush her teeth yesterday and she was just so thankful that it hurt. No child should be deprived basic hygiene.
I lift a lot of stuff that doesn’t end up on this blog- food, school supplies for my students, art supplies for my students, hygiene items for school.
I’ve found that lifting for those in need and can’t advocate for themselves makes me the happiest.
Like, I got glitter glue pens the other day and my students are over the moon and I just feel so . . So . . I don’t even know.
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i woke up to a text from my friend inviting me to the mall. what happens next has capitalists and loss prevention SHAKING THEIR HEADS!
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The “Small Alco-haul” Haul
🍷Dessert Wine $75 🍷Grey Goose $30
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Holy Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior oh my fuck
Everything was going smoothly until the third hour of lifting I started becoming tired, I was in a store with only one blind spot… Two Latino ladies saw me conceal. The look of pure horror was on my face Then the older one just did a thumbs up sign
Oh Jesus. Haul pictures coming when I get home
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Hey everyone I know I haven't been super active on this blog lmao I've been busy with school and my new job (which is going pretty well so far!) but I want to start lifting again pretty soon so idk you might get another haul soon
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Hon3 B1rd3tt3.
I want to go play in Hon3y B1rd3tt3 because I’m so horrified and fucked off with how the company treats their staff and all but encourages male customers to sexually harass them, and the only seem to give a fuck about is the bottom line, but their underwear is just seriously gross and tacky. Like, I’m looking at this stuff and thinking, “I don’t even know why you’d wear that stuff if someone gave it to you– it looks uncomfortable and awkward and really sleazy.” (And I would be EMBARRASSED to donate that shit to charity. Because poor people deserve nice, comfy undies, just like anyone else.) I’m also seriously concerned at how many women have willingly purchased this crap, too. Like, I get that a lot of dudes are clueless about undergarments for women, and are often pathetic enough to throw shitloads of cash down when a pretty girl is nice to them, but women falling for it? LADIES, YOU HAVE BEEN CONNED. By a shitty, hideous company that bodyshames, makes your sisters work in awful conditions and doesn’t pay them properly, and minimises violence against them. Also, I am so sick of hearing women defend HB because they personally feel empowered by owning a pair of crotchless knickers that they could buy in a regular shopping mall and not a sex shop. If your empowerment comes at the expense of innocents’ suffering, you fucking suck. 
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I mean I’m happy I finally got my hands on a Naked palette because a friend of mine was dying to have one so I ended up gifting it to her, but I really think the lifting community needs to slow tf down on the Urban Decay and Too Faces lifting hauls. Companies notice these things. You coming home with a haul of 20+ palettes isn’t going unnoticed. Companies are stepping their game up and you’re making it a dangerous place for your fellow lifters. 
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Total: $7402.00
Collected from: Jcrew, American Eagle, Victoria Secret, Macy’s, Bloomingdales, Bed Bath Beyond, Sephora, Loft, Talbots, Nordstrom, Pier 1 Imports, Ulta, Abercrombie & Fitch, Express, Dick’s, Yankee Candle, Brookstone, Bath & Body Works, Polo, Saks, Arie, Best Buy, JCPenny, Famous Footwear, Sunglass Hut, Old Navy.
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I’ve only ever lifted panties from JCP I don’t have enough faith in myself to go for anything bigger tbh
I read that it's not recommended to lift from sephor as in jcpennys. I was wondering why. It's the only one remotely close to me and was wondering if you also had tips for them
Okay so from what I’ve read, JCP has insane LP, cameras are ALWAYS monitored, and they will fucking chase you, arrest you, and charge you. The Sephora inside my local JCP has cameras up the ass. I mean there is literally not one square inch of space where you are not being recorded. My tip is to not even fuck with a Sephora inside a JCP. They’re small and closely monitored and just… not a good thing. Out of common sense, my only actual tip might be to bring a basket with a few decoy clothing items into the Sephora, put your makeup on top, then act like you forgot a few more clothing items and leave the Sephora and put some more decoys on top, then conceal in the fitting room. But idfk if you’re even allowed to leave the Sephora with makeup or if you have to pay on the spot. JCP freaks me the fuck out, tbh.
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person in class: christmas is nice. you get stuff you want but you don't have to pay for it
me, inwardly: oh honey
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Recently, whenever I lift something I also try to lift something to donate (something really nice like nice VS/PINK stuff) and it feels so good dropping that stuff off with the tags still on them knowing someone will get to feel really good/special wearing something brand new and higher end
That’s fantastic!! Good for you! I always go through and donate clothes after lifting too! During the holidays I’m going to try to donate some things brand new. I honestly didn’t really think to do that at this time of year. You’re a sweetheart
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The Macy’s near me has bathroom towers, so look out for them
Do you know any stores that have towers near the bathroom entrance bc i wanted to detag clothes in the dressing rooms and when i'm done concealing everything in the room take the tags in the bathroom and throw them in the trash wrapped up in paper towels or whatever bc i don't wanna use a cup for every store or try to hide them in other clothing/in the dressing room which is risky af pls let me know if you have any info
I think target may have the bathroom sensors. I live in a fairly low theft area so i dont see those too often.A couple mom n pop stores have em around me which depresses me honestly but
Anyone got answers for this anon
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Lifter protection spell
Like to charge & Reblog to cast the spell of protection to your followers! 💛💰💛💰💛💰💛💰💛
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Seriously. Lifting is really fun and I’ll admit that I got caught up in the rush of stealing and the envy of the haul posts I saw on here, but lifting every day is dangerous and you’ll get so cocky that you do dumb shit and get caught like I did.
daily reminder: I usually tell this to myself a lot bc I’m a baby lifter and it really gives me an adrenaline rush so I love lifting BUT, you don’t have to lift every single day. It’s not a competition. Go at your own pace. And stay safe bbys
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Lift yourself a bottle of ibuprofen! It’s so so so good for hangovers.
To lift before college
Ceramic coffee mug Cute water bottle Portable phone charger Biking shorts to wear under skirts to avoid chub rub Backups for everyday makeup routine One high end nude lipstick, one high end red lipstick Cute pajamas to wear in the common room Nude heels Heeled boots Skinny jeans Oversized sweaters Black leggings Patterned cotton pants Thigh high tights Lots of falsies and lash glue Plastic forks/paper plates Command strips/sticky tack High end wallets (several) High end purse (at least two) Cute back pack Full length maxi skirts Statement jewelry Delicate jewelry Peplum tops Enough VS underwear for 4 weeks Nude bra, black bra, strapless/convertible bra, fancy/sexy bra Discrete vibrator (waterproof) Lube Condoms Coffee filters Coffee beans Alarm clock
(Will add more as I think of it)
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