just-checking-in · 2 years
Going through old photos is so sad. I used to take so many photos of you and I don’t think you ever noticed. I love that I have these little memories now. Just you being you, doing the things you love. Maybe one day I’ll show you.
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just-checking-in · 2 years
I didn’t sleep well, but I’m not going to tell you that. I woke up at 3am convinced you were out with somebody. I don’t know what made me think that, I just had a gut feeling there was somebody else. It’s okay though. I hope it all works out. I guess we’ll see.
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just-checking-in · 2 years
I’m picking up attack on titan where I believe we left off. That is before I fell asleep looking at every perfect detail on your face. Debating on whether or not I should make it obvious this account even exists to you, but I don’t think now is the time. I’m sad, bug. I wish I was watching this in your arms. It shouldn’t be this way. I can’t help but have this horrible feeling you’re going to act on your emotions. Text her, hook up with someone, etc. I just hope that’s not the case. That’s not who you are. You are mine, and you would never do that, right?
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just-checking-in · 2 years
I think I’m going to start posting what I would text you, if you allowed me to. Random thoughts, how my days go, and everything that reminds me of you. I miss you already.
Come back to me.
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