Muse list!
Hello! If you have been followed by this blog it will be for at least one of the following muses!
[Please note that some of these blogs have been previously moved from other accounts and are still under construction!]
@the-last-laugh - Joker [DC]
@grace-of-gotham - Grace Williams [DC] (OC)
@docthompkins - Leslie Thompkins [DC]
@just-hopper - Jim Hopper [Stranger Things]
@the-demons-son -Damian Wayne [DC]
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//hey folks! Im moving this blog to a sideblog in the hopes it helps me increase activity! @just-hopper come find me over there and we can continue threads or start some new ones!
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Gosh this is so sweet thank you.
Ive gone back to work recently so activity is pretty low but I'm looking forward to seeing what our muses get up to!
send 💕 or ( ‘HEART’ ) for me to randomly  pick one of my mutuals and write at least two things about why i love seeing them on my dash, writing with them, talking to them, etc.
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This turn is for @just-hopper​
We just followed each other a while ago and I was so happy to see a Hopper around. You are such a lovely person and our Joyce and Hopper interaction is so cute :3 I can’t wait to see you more on my dash because you are the best <3
love you
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Okay but not me thinking about how Hop can’t imagine choosing to never see his own kids again, not after Sara not after Russia. So he sends Lonnie letters about the kids. Not to be kind or to keep him in the loop. But to remind him of what he’s missing out on.
Different snippets of letters through the years:
- Jonathan’s been accepted into NYU - took us a while to get there, but we got there in the end. He’s happy. We’re happy. Hopefully one day with his blessing I’ll be allowed to send you some of his photos. In the meantime, here’s one photo I managed to steal. I hope you look at it and realise you know nothing about him…
- Will’s graduated high school. He’s got a bunch of friends that protect him with their lives. He’s got a sense of humour, doesn’t get it from you, that’s for sure. Did you know your MY son is funny? You’ll never get to hear his laughs, I get to hear them every single day…
- Joyce has been raising my girl like her own forever now. It’s funny because even though El’s not hers, she’s so much like Joyce. Fierce, wild, kind of forces me to try and be a better person… Everyone needs a Joyce in their life. Someone who loves unconditionally. I see so much of her in El, it’s a pretty shit reminder that we were never together earlier. But that’s okay. Because now I have two sons, my girl has brothers who protect her. A mom that loves her. You missed out, Lon…
- I don’t know if you heard, maybe you saw it in the papers. Jonathan and Nancy got married - a shotgun wedding. One of the proudest moments of my life. Will is stupidly good at art and that man is going to be selling expensive paint on canvas to very rich, swanky people. I hope he rips them off. He and Mike live in some equally as swanky apartment in NYC they only call on me if they need me to fix something but I’m more of a breaker and their mother is more of a fixer so I guess I just go around to familiarise myself with their faces and pretend like I don’t miss them both eating all my food and taking up all the space at home. It never gets easier when one decides to tackle the big bad world without me. El is a homebody and always seems to have a reason to come back to Hawkins to see her mom and I like that - one day, when I’m old and grey I hope they’re all around me all the time. Did you hear that Joyce and I are grandparents now? Yeah, I still had a few years left in me before I was ready for that step but Jonathan and Nancy could barely keep it covered at the wedding. She’s a girl. Sara. Must have done something right with these kids for Jonathan to bless me with another Sara…
All of the letters signed off with; oh yeah, and fuck you, Lonnie.
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Joyce: Jim is too tall for me to kiss him. What should I do?
Murray: Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles down in pain, kiss him.
Alexei: Tackle him!
Enzo: Kick him in the shins.
Hopper: No to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!
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Do you even understand how BADLY I just wanna be crushed against David's chest?
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Stranger Things 4x02 | Vecna’s Curse
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jim hopper’s nose crinkle smile 😭😭😭 i would die for him
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“Being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t scared. Being brave means you are scared, really scared, badly scared, and you do the right thing anyway.”
— Neil Gaiman
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Would you be my honest and loyal slave. Mind you no slave tribute cos BDSM are noble and king to all sex worker know as certified professional Goddess
Ma'am this is an rp blog...
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He and Joyce are looking at each other. I love you.
STRANGER THINGS | The Battle of Starcourt (3.08)
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i’ll shut up about them when they stop being so good together dammit
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STRANGER THINGS: Hopper + Joyce + soft
2x09 / 4x07
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Sara, there’s a heartbeat that never really died
a Hopper-Byers Family, Jopper grandparent drabble thingy
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He’s holding a blanket, it’s small and yellow and dotted with stars. At some point, he brings it to his face, using it as a makeshift pillow while he’s tucked up on a chair that’s too stiff and too small. He lets sleep take him away for a moment, even if he’s had too many coffees and enough chocolate bars to make his daughter look at him sideways as he eats bar number eight. 
It’s long, strenuous work waiting for a baby to come into the world. He’s only experienced it once, but that time he was holding Diane’s hand and this time he’s waiting on the other side of the door with two out of three of his kids occupying each of his shoulders.  
Somewhere in the middle of resting his eyes, he’s being shaken awake by El; “Mom’s coming,” she whispers in Hop’s ear. Will is still snoring on the other side of him and his dribble has dampened his shirt. Hop rolls his eyes and tries to shrug his son off his shoulder but he gives up, waiting for Joyce to make her way to where her family sits waiting somewhat impatiently. 
The weakened smile she gives to him and an eager El tells him that there’s no budging from the baby. He’s aware that he’s been using the blanket all dotted with stars as a pillow and instead of it being all wrapped up and ready to go for the newest addition to the family, it’s probably a little more overused than he had hoped for. 
The blanket in the setting of the hospital is a little jarring to him. It’s nostalgic in good ways and in bad too. It may have been fourteen years since Sara passed but even when he closes his eyes, he can still smell her in the blanket. Even in the feel he can almost remember the weight of her as he carried her home, all cozy in the material. He looks at it now, laying in his lap, in the setting of the hospital. As if he’s fourteen years ago from now. 
Joyce stands in front of them all, Will still on his shoulder asleep as if he’s not awaiting the arrival of his new niece or nephew, El’s shaking her legs next to him nervously with a smile that hasn’t shifted in the ten hours they’ve been waiting. The other kids have come and gone in those hours, Steve and Robin on a rotating shift - Robin’s shift had started not even forty minutes ago and yet she was the first to fall into slumber. Lucas had been left behind by Max who said she was hungry and didn’t want to eat vending machine food - Dustin, who was more than happy to indulge in a vending machine banquet. Mike still sits the closest to the hospital room, never leaving his post. 
“Well, the baby is definitely stubborn,” Joyce says, grabbing Hop’s face with both her hands. She plants a kiss on his forehead and smiles tiredly. “Nancy is a trooper, as we all knew she would be. Jonathan… well,” she says with a sigh. “He’s not coping as well.” 
Hop gives a little chuckle, shaking his head with his hands smoothing over the baby blanket. “It ain’t easy,” he replies quietly. “If it were, the men would do it.” 
“How much longer?” El asks, unable to contain her excitement. “One hour? Two? Three?”
“When the baby’s ready,” Joyce answers. “I wish there was a time limit on these kinds of things.” 
El’s not happy with the answer, leaning back on her seat, she rests her head on her father’s shoulder again. “So much time…” she grumbles. 
Before the conversation can continue, Hop can see Mike’s arms in the air waving. “I think you’re wanted,” he says, nodding his head in the room’s direction. 
Joyce quickly spins, picking up the pace as she walks back. “Hopefully we’ll see you guys soon!” 
Hop never thought he’d be here. Hell, he didn’t think he’d even make it to this age. He had been reminded over and over again that it was a miracle he’d made it out of Vietnam so every year after that was some sort of luck of the draw. Living off God’s borrowed time. 
Somehow he finds himself holding a bundle of baby that’s wrapped up in the same blanket his Sara was wrapped up in. The same one she was warm in when she was only hours old, the same one he’d wrapped her in a million times over when she was little and the same one she dragged around the ground with her when she learnt to walk - the same one that was a source of comfort when she went through treatment. 
Right now all he can do is stare at the little bundle in his arms. He was nervous when he was handed over the reins - “You can hold her, Pop,” Nancy said in a voice that she had summoned all remaining strength in her to use. “I need a shower and I don’t think Jonathan’s going to be back anytime soon, I don’t think they’re done congratulating him…” 
“As if he’d done all the hard work, huh?” Hop had replied. 
Joyce was sourcing food to feed the new mother and Karen was in the bathroom helping her out. 
And so he was left with the baby. 
He takes a seat next to the bed, it had been a long time since he’d held a baby. The last one being his own. They always talk about a mother’s instinct but there must be some sort of instinct in a father because Hop hadn’t felt such peace in a long time. Like riding a bike. A baby in his arms. 
She’s got long lashes, curly brown hair like her mom - a nose like her dad. Hop looks down at his inherited granddaughter and wonders what exactly he had done in his life to be allowed to experience these things. The things he never thought he’d have or have again. Kids, a wife, now stepping into the unknown that is grandparenting. He’s not a religious man but he makes a note to himself to pray tonight - as thanks to the big guy upstairs that gave him a second chance. 
He hadn’t known Jonathan when he was born, but he imagines that he felt something like this. Like he’d been on this earth before, that the calm that he radiates now has started even back then. Hop holds a baby that’s surrounded in peace and a peace he feels now that she’s surrounding him. He wonders if Jonathan and Will were both like this. A pink bundle of rosy cheeks and a sense of knowing. It contrasts with his own experience. Sara. Who came out with her lungs getting put to use as soon as she entered this side. Who was absorbing every single bit of the world around her by being awake and kicking even in her first hours. As if she was trying to experience everything, all the time. As if she knew she was on God’s borrowed time. There was no peace in her, instead she was always on a journey.
He brings the baby close to his chest, places a soft kiss on her soft hair and smiles against her. He needs to soak it all up because he already knows he’s in trouble with El - “Why are you allowed to go in and see her and I’m not?!” his daughter had argued. He’ll probably never be allowed to hold the baby if he’s going to constantly be in a competition with her aunt. 
He closes his eyes and holds onto the most precious thing he’s had in his arms for the longest time. He rocks back and forth and gets lost somewhere between the memories of Sara and the feelings of now. It’s not until Jonathan walks in with Nancy and Joyce that he realises he’s not lost in the little yellow, star dotted world he’d created. 
“You two look comfortable there,” Joyce says with a smile. She doesn’t disturb the baby in his hands but instead takes a seat on the arm of their chair, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. “Looks like she never wants to leave her Pop’s arms…” 
Nancy walks slowly and steadily and Jonathan is a constant mess of worry that follows behind her. Hop observes as Jonathan helps her onto the bed and Nancy’s frustrated as she struggles to not do things on her own. Hop knows they have a long road ahead of them, new parenthood is the hardest thing to navigate. 
Hop keeps rocking and looking at the newborn. Lashes, tiny pink lips, small fingernails and tiny toes. “Gotta say you two,” he says with a chuckle. “Didn’t think you would make something so perfect…” 
Joyce just nods, placing her finger in the baby’s tiny hand. “I have to agree, she looks a lot like her mom…” 
Nancy sits on the bed and Jonathan sits on the edge next to her, as if waiting for her to spontaneously combust. “Do you want to tell them, or me?” she asks. 
Jonathan answers with a; “You do it.” 
Hop can barely tear his eyes from the baby until Nancy starts. “We’ve got a name for her and we want your blessing, Chief.” 
Hop jerks his head, knitting his eyebrows. “Mine?” 
“Yeah,” Jonathan says. “We just want to make sure it’s okay with you…” 
Hop nods. “Yeah, of course - shoot.” 
“We want to name her Sara Joyce Byers. After Sara. Your Sara,” Nancy says with a proud smile and a reassuring look from Jonathan. 
He can feel all their smiles landing on him. Waiting with bated breath. He can feel the warmth of the baby in his arms, the weight of her. The smell of her. Sara… 
He doesn’t know what to say, or which of the feelings that are pulsing through him he wants to feel first. There’s pride. Pride and honour in knowing his son wants to name his own daughter after the greatest achievement of Hop’s life. It’s the sadness and the injustice - for knowing his Sara will not meet the next. It’s the love that he has for his family that will never, ever forget the other part of him that he lost. 
There’s tears running and they’re falling onto the yellow blanket with dotted stars. 
Hop can’t help it, there’s a sob that shakes him and his hand finds his face, wiping his eyes quickly. Joyce’s arm holds him close and he can feel her smile against his cheek. Jonathan’s next, hugging him tightly with Sara in between them. 
“You just mean so much to us, Hop,” Jonathan explains. “What better way to show you than naming our daughter after Sara? You know…” he says quietly. “So she can keep living on…” 
Hop doesn’t say anything. He just nods and sniffs and wipes his eyes on the back of his hand. “Better than calling her Jim, I guess.” 
Jonathan laughs. “So that’s a yes, we have your blessing?”
Hop smiles down at Sara in his arms. “Sara Joyce Byers…after the loves of my life. And now another love of my life…”
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“Learn from your mistakes, grow from them.”
Hopper is our mental dad for the whole fandom
Happy Father’s Day !
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