[Lets the towel fall to his feet, shutting his eyes and sighing out in pleasure as his husband caresses the skin that had been waiting for his touch all day.]
Mmmmm--[Slowly turns around and slings his arms around Allen's shoulders, his cheeks already deeply warm.] Of course I am. All I've wanted was to come home to you. It's like that everyday.
[Props his forehead against Allen's, one of his hands sliding down lovingly against his partner's chest. He revels in the other man's touch--and then leans in closer to close the gap between their lips, parting his own to will a feverish kiss.]
He Caught Me
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[Feels his entire body kindle with warmth from Allen's touch, a sensation familiar and welcomed by him. The only thing he had for this man was love, after all.]
Could you? [Curls his fingers around Allen's hand in a soft grasp, locking them there above his flesh.] Why don't you then? There's nothing stopping you, you know. Nothing stopping either of us tonight.
[Tucks the fingers of his other hand underneath the towel and gently loosens it.]
He Caught Me
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He Caught Me
[Sitting up in bed, propped up by a pillow. A cup of coffee in one hand, casually hovering around his lips, and a fashion magazine in the other, held open in front of his face, blocking all view.]
[Hears the bathroom door open, wet, sloshing steps making their way down the hallway. Lowers the magazine from his view, peering out the open door and into the hallway. Within a few moments, Neil walks past the doorway, dripping wet. Allen smirks in response, sets down his cup of coffee on a coaster resting on his nightstand. Tosses his magazine somewhere random on the bed, swings his legs over the side of the bed, and walks towards the doorway, in hot pursuit of the man who was just there seconds ago.]
[Strolls out into the hallway, and quietly follows behind Neil, socked feet masking the sound of his footsteps.] … ♪
[Decides he is tired of waiting. Brings his arms around his waist, one hand resting on Neil’s abdomen, the other gently resting above a bulge rising from the white cotton. He then brings his chin to rest on Neil’s shoulder once he stops moving, clearly shocked from the sudden intimate touch.] 
Did you think you would get away from me, looking like this?
[Had started daydreaming about how to spend the rest of the evening, combing through different options in his head--maybe lounge around on the catch, play the guitar for Allen, or--]
[Feels his husband's body heat caressing him, paralyzed in place. He accidentally drops the towel he was using to dry off his damp blonde hair. It falls perfectly before his feet.]
Wh-- [Cheeks heat up when he feels just where Allen's hand was stroking.] N-No. Who said that I was trying to get away from you...
[Gently caps his hands over Allen's, the leftover warmth from the shower exuding from them.]
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((Recycling this blog. Please unfollow it!))
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((Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. ♥ Means a lot! I'll miss this place but like I said before, keep in touch.
And also, I'm going to be recycling this blog so please unfollow it, as well as Cam's, Kevin's, and Elli's. Thanks again for everything!))
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[Deadpans:] I've never seen Yuri have interest in anything other than clothes. And herb soup. Period.
[Keeps that brow cocked, suspiciously watching as his friend backs away. He doesn't think twice about stepping right up to her - and supplying a good flick on the forehead.]
Stuuuuupid! You're never gonna know unless you try! Take it from me: someone who had to learn in a shitty way because it was almost too late. I wouldn't even say that I'm gay. I fell in love with Allen because I just did, even though I'd never been into guys before. And that's all just because he opened up to me and let me try, even though it was a gamble for him! [Continues standing right before her, almost hovering pressingly as if he were waiting to see some sort of admittance on Iroha's features.]
[Folds both arms across his chest.] Now, answer me this. Would you rather try and give Yuri a chance to fall for you, even if it ends in acceptance or heartbreak? Or, would you rather never reach out and continue wondering how she feels for the rest of your life?
Iroha's Wingman || [Iroha&Neil]
"Heheh… I, uh, think I will be holding out for quite some time. I mean… she and I only get to talk so often and I’ve been gone for a long time now and… and I don’t exactly have a ‘gaydar’ so I’m not sure if she even likes girls…" Her brow furrows for a moment, "Or anyone for that matter. Have you ever seen Yuri have interest in anyone? Oh goddess what if she’s asexual?" 
Iroha began freezing up and walks back a pace or seven, “I don’t know if I could live that kind of heart break Neil!” 
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[Has continued staring at Iroha with a curiously cocked brow - that is, until she yanks on his arm, making him easily stumble forward and follow her out of the door.]
[Regains himself as soon as they're no longer inside. Grumbles, smoothing out his shirt as if he was actually irked.]
Geez, you don't quit do you? Not when it comes to Yuri. You're as eager as ever, huh? [Starts walking ahead of her, but not before passing her a small smirk.] Too bad she doesn't know just how excited you get when her name gets brought up. How much longer are you gonna hold out for anyhow?
Iroha's Wingman || [Iroha&Neil]
[Lets his gaze wander off to the side where the door is.] Mmmm— nope, can’t say that I have seen her. Then again, I haven’t bothered to go visit her myself. [Glances back to Iroha.] Wanna go and check her place out?
"So maybe she’s still here." Iroha had a hopeful smile and she walked towards the still open door, "Yes we should definitely go check!" 
She grabbed Neil’s arm and half pulled, half dragged him out the door. She pauses whenever they’re out and gives him an apologetic smile for just yanking him out the door. 
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ooc 1
((I apologize for this post being more on the personal side, but I figured that I had to get it off my chest. School's been keeping me busier than any past semester that I've ever had. As much as I'd like to reply at night when I finish my studies, I can barely keep my eyes open most of the time. And I won't fabricate the truth at all: I spend a fair amount of time being out with my friends to the point where I've been neglecting replies. 
But I really miss writing with my babies. ;u; I've just found it exceptionally difficult to get into the routine of roleplaying and stay in it. I've been fluctuating a lot and I'm really sorry about that! I've realized that I've made quite a few posts where I ask to roleplay, and yet, I'm the one who doesn't follow up. orz
But that being said, I really do want to get back into the full swing of things! If you're feeling up to it, maybe leave me a comment to roleplay with one of my characters? :') Or send a character over if you'd like! Neil, Cam, Kevin, and Elli are all open for business. Just lemme know. ♥))
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Hola Neilio, how's it going?
[Sets a jar of bait into a carrying case. A fishing rod is slung over his shoulder where it casually hangs. He turns around upon Angela’s voice, a piece of toast dangling from his mouth.]
[Takes a bite of the bread and pulls it out.] Well, well, look who it is. [Smirks.] ‘Sup, Ang. Been a while since I’ve seen you around. What are you doing out here?
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Ooc 1 - Important
((Hey you guys, I realize that I have been pretty m.i.a because of school and whatnot. I apologize gravely for any inconveniences that it may have been causing. But that's actually not what I wanted to talk about. I just wanted to address some of the miscommunications that have been reported to me regarding some out of character interactions in the group. 
Firstly, I'd just really like to take the time to remind everyone to please keep personal issues with one another off of the dashboard and out of the tinychat. There are no exceptions to this! If you find that you've reached a hurdle with yourself and a writing partner, contact them privately and try to work things out in a cordial manner. Sometimes, that doesn't work out for everyone, and that's fine! If you're struggling, contact one, some, or all of the mods so that we may help you and mediate any issues you're experiencing. Don't forget that we're a resource and we're here to help each and every one of you, no matter the problem!
Secondly, this is also just another reminder that we're a friendly community. No one appreciates being talked about in our community's tinychat when the other person is not present. As I've mentioned above, talk to people directly if you're having troubles, or contact a mod. It's against our rules to do it any differently, and I can't stress that enough! Even in my absence, I've heard about these instances taking place. Word spreads out fast and it's not the kind of word that we like to spread. This is everybody's writing community and that's more important than you think. Take care of the Masterlist and it will take care of you!
Please keep our dashboard and tinychat warm and welcoming. It's something that everybody has to do to make it work. And please contact the mods privately if you have any questions or concerns. I know this wasn't exactly the kind of post that everybody would want to read, but I just can't stress how important it is. Thanks for reading it and minding our rules!))
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[Stares at the appetizer menu sternly when she points it out. It almost seems like he's dissatisfied with the choices - but really, he's just wondering why he's never tried them before.]
Alright. Lemme get an order of that fried zucchini, then. I think it'd go well with the meal combination we got. [Nods as if to reassure this, moving his attention to the wines.]
[Quirks a brow.] Rose what? I've never heard of someone call wine romantic before. I guess it makes sense. Actually, I think he'd like that one a lot. Mind if I sample it before I buy?
Well, [She leans in and points at the appetizer section on the menu] Our fried zucchini, and I’m not saying this just because I work here, is phenomenal. We also have the eggplant bruschetta now that the farmers are shipping fall veggies, and stuffed jalapenos. 
[She puts her two hands together and purses her lips] As far as wine, we just brought in some lovely Chenin Blanc from France if you two are a fan of whites. We also have, lemme see if I get this right, [she takes a deep breath.] Rose Gewürztraminer. It’s a nice light, red wine with a very aromatic taste. Very romantic.~♥
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mollygoodgolly replied to your post: 
thetaleofphillip replied to your post: 
EXCELLENT. Lemme know on who and I'll send him over, or you can send someone to him. uwu 
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((does anyone wanna roleplay with Neil? ;u; I've been neglecting my baby))
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